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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. LkjqbZJ.pngHey, we have no time for jokes. Screw-ups in the timespace continuum are serious business and are capable of wiping out whole dimensions.

    LkjqbZJ.pngSo our long-term goal is to find and stop the main culprit, and afterwards, we bring everyone to the original timeline.

  2. LkjqbZJ.pngI highly doubt that's how descendant names work. I def know that she has got some kind of amnesia. Thankfully, Megatropolis has got advanced enough technology, so we managed to create special "hospitals", where one can get the memory back thanks to some "machines".

  3. Yeah, but still:

    Don't bump your thread.

    If you don't get enough feedback, then it's probably because not enough people download your fullgame.

    If you want more people to download it, then you have to make it more interesting for them.

    And usually, people don't like stuff like "original character do not steal", especially not after the Dark Pit incident.

  4. Some voice with echo: are you sure...

    *suddenly, YokuMan emerges from a portal*

    LkjqbZJ.png...if this really is Sakuya? *uses scanners*

    LkjqbZJ.pngWeird, the scanners don't even recognize that person. I have no idea, who that is, but this person surely is NOT Sakuya.

    Not enterily sure, if I was intruding or not. If I was intruding, then I apologize.

  5. Hey Boss, reset the forum counts again  :yaoming:

    Oh no, you wont. *holds chloroform in front of Ryoucchi-chan's mouth and nose*

    Sweet dreams and a happy forgetting. :3

  6. ...Unless he's foreshadowing the inclusion of Bump the Hedgewhoreg, who has bigger tits than all those Eggman's robots :=D:

    I'm sorry, but I cannot laugh at that joke.

    Not with a character like Neo_Fire_Sonic being in the roster and with Sonic NOT being the main hero although it's called Sonic Speed Fighters, not -Z- Speed Fighters.

  7. 6ZYkwTZ.pngMan, now that has been confirmed and with our databases updated, there are still some questions left.

    LkjqbZJ.pngYeah, like how Yume ended up in the past. Man, I'm really getting the feeling that all this time traveling is just a part of something completely bigger.

    LkjqbZJ.pngSomething that my computer cells still have to comprehend. I definitely have to calculate the damage on the spacetime continuum first, though.

  8. This isn't Qi-Yue China's. His one uses an alternate schoolgirl-like costume.

    Must be a sprite patch then.

    Or it is made by the same guy, who already made 3D Volnutt and 3D Galactus.

    If it is the later, then you are far past fucked, because that guy doesn't want to share his stuff with anybody, who is NOT in his forum.

    Seriously, that makes me want to join his forums, just so I can repost his stuff at MFFA.

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