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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. It's most likely private because I remember V-Nix having it. I just can remember if it was before or after his HDD crashed.

    That's a screenshot from Ryoucchi, though.

    I know I would usually have to PM Ryoucchi for that character, but I hate the PM system of MFFA too much.

  2. Gengetsu dodged the attacks effortlessly.

    3zoQCPd.gifIs that all you got? Your attempts at defeating me are soooo futile. *activates spellcard* Eldritch Abomination: [Devouring Spark]

    Mugetsu shoos out a giant colorful laser beam, which would turn everything it hits into dust. TrinitroMan only barely dodged the attack.

    6ZYkwTZ.png(Ugh, she surely became more powerful than I taught) Hey, whoever hired you must have an exact plan or something.

    3zoQCPd.gifWhy thank you. My boss tried to make sure to prepare everything, so Igniz can have an easier time~

    6ZYkwTZ.pngWait, Igniz? As in, the leader of NESTS?

    3zoQCPd.gifMan, are you dense or something. That's exactly, why you cannot defeat me. Because you're a worthless idi...

    3zoQCPd.gifWait, don't tell me I screwed up because of how much I was concentrating on killing you bunch of jokers.


    TrinitroMan does a powerful, nitroglycerin-induced hook, while Gengetsu was offguard, giving her severe burn damages in the face.

    6ZYkwTZ.png(Damn, that's no good, if Igniz really ended up being a part of that time-space-continuum-screw-ups...and LightFlare & his friends could end up being in trouble extremely soon.)

    Gengetsu gets up again Her face is a very bad condition, and she seems to be pissed off now.

    3zoQCPd.gifNoooo, what the hell have you done to my face?! Don't you realize that it was hard to restore my look back to default after I was wrecked before?!

    3zoQCPd.gifOkay, that's it. Playtime is over. Now I will show you, how gruesome life really can be!!!

    Gengetsu activates another spellcard, but wait. Something was wrong this time.

    3zoQCPd.gifComplete Darkness: [TWILIGHT SPARK]

    6ZYkwTZ.pngWait, isn't that Mima's spellca- oh no!

    First, the whole place became completely dark. Then suddenly, a big white laser beam came out of nowhere, which nobody anticipated.

  3. TrinitroMan then heared the shocking words from Lisa.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngCrap, if whatever you're saying is actually the truth...then things might not end well...

    scQH5Kl.pngThat should be the least of your worries right now!

    Mugetsu then suddenly vanished...or did she?

    6ZYkwTZ.pngUh-oh...I know exactly, what to do now.

    TrinitroMan then activates his TrinitroSensesTM. After some observing,he then finally saw an outline of Mugetsu, who was about to perform a kick.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngToo slow. *grabs Mugetsu leg and then slams her on the ground, sending her flying in the air*

    scQH5Kl.pngIt's not over yet!

    Mugetsu then shot lots of danmaku, which turned in pillars when hitting the ground. TrinitroMan proceeded to dodge the danmaku.

    scQH5Kl.pngPrepare yourself! *activates spellcard* Dream Sign: [Dimensional Cutter]

    Suddenly, floating golden knifes, spears and chains appeared, which were flying in high speed at the group. Whenever, they would hit something, they would explode.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngOkay, it's now or never! *starts up attack application* Blast Sign: [Nitro Machine Gun Barrage DX+]

    TrinitroMan shoots out a crapload of nitroglycerin, which erradicates the sharp objects and eventually hit Mugetsu.

    scQH5Kl.pngWhat the...KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

    Being hit by the explosions, Mugetsu is send flying and is slammed against the wall, just for her too fall down on the ground again.


    3zoQCPd.gifNah, it's just because you're weak.

    scQH5Kl.pngIf you can do better, then prove it.

    3zoQCPd.gifDon't worry, just leave it to me. But don't be surprised, if I return completely dirtied by blood~

    scQH5Kl.pngYeah, whatever.

    Mugetsu then disappeared for real.

    3zoQCPd.gifNow that I have more freedom, I can finally do, what gives me the biggest amount of joy: KILLING ALL OF YOU FOOLS! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Gengetsu then proceed to shoot danmaku everyone. The danmaku shot by her would create holes and go through living forms just as if they were butter.

  4. 6ZYkwTZ.pngOh shit. This isn't a dimensional distortion.

    photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417It's a void.

    6ZYkwTZ.png*thinking*(But wait, what would Rachel's sister want from a void? Nobody can controll it...unless someone she is searching IS there...)

    6ZYkwTZ.png*thinking*(Wait, Magio is a dimensional investiga...oh no!)

    photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417*thinking*(He is INSIDE the void. And that means that if he wont be able to solve the problem, this universe would be doomed)

    6ZYkwTZ.pngYokuMan, here is TrinitroMan. We currently are in need of a second void specialist, so please come. And while you're at it, bring Time along as well. Over.

  5. *snip*

    6ZYkwTZ.pngDistortions in the city? Oh no. This HAS to do something with the time paradoxes! So...uh...were anyone from the Azure supossed to be in this timeline? I don't think so...


    A voice: Too bad that wont help you~

    Then, with a crash, two girls appeared in front of TrinitroMan, Maribel, Shinki and Lisa. Both of them were blonde. One of them has angelic wings, and the other one is dressed like a maid. These were the sisters Gengetsu and Mugetsu.

    a9WITPV.pngI am Mugetsu.

    NZO2UvS.pngAnd I am Gengetsu.

    a9WITPV.pngWe have the mission to kill Maribel and everyone, who tries to stand in our way.

    NZO2UvS.pngAnd we cannot allow any witnesses either~

    a9WITPV.pngIt is just our mission and nothing personal, so I apologize in advance!

    NZO2UvS.pngAnd I don't...tehehe...by the way, welcome to die!

    Mugetsu and Gengetsu then proceed to shoot a big amount of danmaku at everyone.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngOh shit! NITRO BLAST!

    TrinitroMan then shoots nitroglycerin at the danmaku and dodges the danmaku as well, just for Gengetsu and Mugetsu to shoot even MORE Danmaku.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngShoot, it's no use to fight them alone. Everyone capable of kicking ass should now put any differences aside at least for this situation, if you guys want to survive that. These sisters are so dangerous, Kars is a joke in comparison.

    Kars is the main antagonist from "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Battle Tendency" and was known for being completely unkillable, so Joseph Joestar had to send Kars into space.


    But don't worry, Gengetsu and Mugetsu are NOT immortal. Just extremely uber-powerful.

  6. 6ZYkwTZ.pngWowzers! NITRO BLAST!

    TrinitroMan quickly counters Lisa's attack with another load of nitroglycerin.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngMan, I have no idea, who you exactly are and why the hell you would want a dimensional invastigator like Magio Toadstool, but judging from your actions, your intentions must be while.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngAlso, since you are a sister of a vampire, it means you're a vampire as well. And that's good. Since you're not human...

    photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417...then I don't have to worry about breaking rules when I'm going to beat you up big time!

    megaphilx-trinitromandata.jpgNITRO STREAM!

    TrinitroMan then proceeds to spray a thin, but extremely fast beam of nitroglycerin at Lisa.

  7. Suddenly, some screamed "NITRO BLAST" and sprayed nitroglycerin at the stuff thrown at Maribel. IT WAS TRINITROMAN!

    6ZYkwTZ.pngMan, looks like my suspicition was right. Maribel IS in trouble.

    TrinitroMan then sees the gril, who threw that stuff.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngOh look, it's another clone? I definitely know that you are NOT Len or White Len! So tell me who you are and what the hell you want!

    TrinitroMan then prepares himself for what could possibly become a very blasty battle.

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