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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. i don't ignore feedback the thing is

    "da fancharz r so bad" is not feedback

    Sometimes, whenever you're in the heat of a battle, you might see things negatively.

    Sure, the MFG was never known to serve feedback on a silver plate, but why should they?

    Anyway, I will be more than glad to explain you, what exactly is wrong with the fancharacters seen in your fullgames: They look way too much like their base.

  2. You're a meme


    whenever you see something really stupid


    you say "trinitronity"

    Shut up! Both of you! I already had enough that people made fun of me at MFG, now it's happening here AS WELL?!

    Oh, and especially you should shut the fuck up, Neo. You're an awful person, and you should accept that!

  3. ewwwwwww


    nah not really. He should of been in 4. It's stupid that he wasn't

    Totally. Instead, we got Dark Armpit.

    And I'm not angry that Dark Pit is playable. I'm more angry that he isn't that much different from regular Pit, although they could have differentiated him even more with the same amount of effort (as in absolutely no effort at all).

  4. If you think he makes cheap bosses.

    You're obviously not skilled.


    Nah, I just said that because Neo said that.

    I didn't downloaded the game at all because aside from a not so good roster, it's just yet another Sonic fullgame, nothing special... :^)

    If the roster would have been better, then I would have downloaded the game, because I have so many Sonic games right now, that I will only download additional Sonic games, if the first impression is good enough or if the feedback of the people I trust is promising.

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