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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Again, why the fuck is he called Tails?

    If he is no different than regular Tails, than just fucking call him Tails.

    I mean, come on, what's so hard about removing one single word from the display name?

  2. A roster only consisting out of Final Fantasy 7 characters, huh?

    I'm sorry, but I have to find out, if you are actually this guy: http://mugenguild.com/forum/profile/artistropeadope-82107

    EDIT1: Actually, I really think that you are indeed Artistropeadope, since you also have a Bahamut Sin (I still have to check, if your Bahamut Sin is a spriteswap, because that would be a confirmation).

    EDIT2: While I'm reading the Bahamut Sin page, I get more and more of a feeling that your Bahamut Sin is indeed the sprite swap created by Artistropeadope.

    EDIT3: Guess what I have found in the DEF file of Bahamut Sin:

    name ="HD_BahamutSIN"
    displayname ="Bahamut Sin"
    versiondate =30,1,2008
    mugenversion =04,14,2002

    This confirms that you ARE Artistropeadope. I just hope that you at least learned from your ban at MFG.

  3. Okay, tried it out, and it almost works.

    However, the opponent doesn't drop anything, if the opponent is hit by a helper (such as a helper coded as a projectile). I'm sure there's also a trigger for fixing that, but that's not that big of an issue like the next thing.

    Since these are items, I also want them to be collected by those, who have got a special animation (since such animations are already used for special intros against certain character types and such). However, how can I make it like that, so the player with the special animation can collect the item without being sent into a custom hit state with a hitdef.

    There are two types of items: One item would do nothing in regular MUGEN and is only there for eyecandy (but would give you points for the score in a possible fullgame), but the more rare item would increment the amount of bombs you have, if you have less than 2 bombs (yup, it's for a Touhou character), so that's why I'm specifically asking.

    I haven't fully tested out the random part, but I at least know that the variable has to switch between the values 0 and 1 through randoms constantly, in order to make it work properly (State -2 with clever triggers should do the trick).



    trigger = movehit with p2 postype





    Random, with clever workarounds, possibly in conjunction with Varset


    Judging from the fact that you made several stuff for Mugen before that this should be enough to give you what you need.

    Wait, you're right.

    If I add that Item Drop Coding into State -2 and make the trigger the movehit, then the opponent will always drop something when being hit.

    And since there are only two item types anyway, I could define the Stateno in the Item Drop Coding through Stateno = 6310+var(something).

    About the random part, I can just take a look at the POKéMON I have coded for the PCEA fullgame, since they have plenty of them.

    I'll try that out tommorow.

  5. I want to make it like that, so that whenever the opponent gets hit, the opponent drops items, which are defined by the player, who is hitting the opponent. I also want to make it like that, so the opponent mostly drops one sort of item, but sometimes also drop a different item, which is more rare.

    I would really like it, if someone could point me at the right direction. Thanks in advance!

  6. This is, what Smash really needs:

    *Roy (he was intended for Brawl, just like Mewtwo, so if Mewtwo can come back)

    *Waluigi (sadly, Sakurai is a Waluigi hater)

    *Krystal (she isn't even a real Star Fox character, why even bothering?)

    *Ridley (he is NOT too big)

    *Geno from Super Ma-ahahahahaha he will NEVER be in Smash, so shut up, you stupid Geno fanfucks!

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