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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. better grab them quick before the idiot starts to take it down again

    Dear Wargame-kun,

    I'm not sure, if you still follow MFG, but in MFG, we came to the conclusion that the Ecole faker should NOT get any attention anymore. Maybe we should do the same thing at MFFA as well.

    I'm mean, like seriously. That guy will only laugh at us, so let us just ignore him as if he is the thin air that he is.

  2. MFFA's semi-official Shit Thread - Where shit becomes shittier

    Boring...here is a better attempt:

    MFFA's semi-official Shit Thread - SETTLE IT IN SHIT!

  3. I dont think it will be edited to give him his proper appearance. In fact it would be an entirely new char, and Chiyuri did good job with his sprites (at last he did mostly annasui but no news since last year, sadly).


    EDIT : and i'm impatient to see your trish patch ^^, actually her sound file hasnt been updated i think, only some of her moves.

    Ah, good. Thanks.

  4. The Maestro Amarimono showed up once again.

    Now waiting for the unavoidable sprite patch to go him his actual appearance.

    I wonder who comes next...Okuyasu? Jolyne? I also wonder when he's going to update his older character to have the new JoJoASB stuff...

    EDIT: I see that Trish seems to have gained some kind of update as well...please tell me that the SND file hasn't been updated in the update. Otherwise, I would have to start over my voice patch for her (which is STILL unfinished, since her intro speechs are still untouched because of lack of a translation)... ;-;

  5. Trinitronity... please stop. I should be the one giving feedback on the roster' first impression.

    Although, he's a bit right (keyword being "bit"), the FCs looks more like Sonic than original chars.

    BUT! There's no such thing as a main character in MUGEN, and the game has "Sonic" in its name because its the name of the series.

    See? I can give better arguments than you do, Trinitronity. And also, Neo, you haven't made TOO much bad decisions so it's okay... It's not like you decided to make a game named "Sonic" without having Sonic in it, or at least some characters of the series: At least you put Sonic and some of his most-knew friends and less-knew enemies. And having some (5, exactly) FCs isn't that important, it even give the possibility to try new chars.

    Besides, Neo replied to me on Kirby the Dream Battle (the forum, I mean), and he was way nicer than what you showed with your screen-cap. Hence why I don't like what you're saying on his project, It's HIS project (keyword: "his").

    Oh hi Mister WhiteKnight.

    And you cannot stop me from giving feedback.

  6. A MUGENHunter style cream? My dream has come true. Now if only someone would make Vector.

    I just hope he will NOT get abs like most of MUGENHunter's other Sonic characters.

    It looked SOOOO out of place in the case of Tails, and I'm glad someone released an SFF patch, that removes Tails' abs and gives him a more normal appearance.

    Anyway, checked out that character, and aside from the low-quality voice samples (which, I assume, are there simply because of the lack of Cream voice samples in newer games), it's once again a high-quality character of the Sonic franchise, and on par with MUGENHunter's Sonic characters.

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