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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Then, YokuMan appears behind Time, as if he was following the other people all the time silently.

    LkjqbZJ.pngThis, my friend, is nothing compared to what Yukari has in store.

    LkjqbZJ.pngSpeaking of Yukari: I think I already know what Yukari is going to do with the gatekeeper of the Scarlet Devil Mansion...

  2. 6ZYkwTZ.pngHrmm...that's no good.


    6ZYkwTZ.pngAppearantly, quite a few danger spots are near Maribel. If she dies to soon, then the space&time continuum could go haywire...

    6ZYkwTZ.png...I...I have to go back to Kalos City again! *TrinitroMan then teleports back to Kalos City and proceeds to follow the signals*

  3. Oh, look, I'm not even allowed to WATCH the forum posts at a guest anymore. I still try to explain what happened, although I cannot give you exact words anymore.

    JudgeSpear bought a new recording device and showcased that in a longrun of World 3 from Super Mario Fusion Revival.

    After some said that it is great, I then came with following complain:

    "Excuse me, but the video and the sound are off-sync".

    Then, JudgeSpear said that this is not important.

    I then said: "I'm sorry, but it is important for me. It is so irritating for me that I have to watch the video without sound, because the off-sync actually gets gradually worse the longer I watch it."

    I went to sleep after that, and in the next day, I have found out that I'm permabanned, claiming that I'm always trying to get the last word.

    I was not trying to get the last word, and how can they permaban me if I only had a one-week-long ban before?

    Seriously, a one month ban like in MFG would have been already enough.

  4. Okay, now I'm pissed off.

    Remember how it is said that MMV (MUGEN MultiVerse) is a place, where giving feedback is really hard because of the yesman policy in that forum?

    Welp, today I have found out that I also cannot leave feedback in Fusion Gameworks without getting trouble.

    In other words: JudgeSpear permabanned me from this forum because I gave honest feedback about his new (and shitty) recording device. And I would have been fucking GLAD about it, if only I could convince one certain person to join an additional forum, where I am joined in...

  5. *meanwhile, in a castle far away*

    Unknown guy: "Hrrm...I don't like it, how those self-proclaimed heroes try to foil the great plans."

    A voice: "Maybe I could be of assistance..."

    Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair and angelic wings came out of the shadows. Her smile would make a normal person very uncanny.

    3zoQCPd.gifDon't worry, me and my sister will do you good~

    Unknown guy: "Hrrngh...okay, but don't cause too much ruckus. I don't want too much attention."

    3zoQCPd.gifSorry, but I cannot guarantee you something that boring. *flies away*

    Unknown guy: "Ugh,,,why did I had to hire psychopathic killers?"

  6. Thanks everyone for your input on the subject. If I understand it well, we can all agree that :


    1) a separate role-play section would be desired;


    2) all current story-lines need to reach their end first;


    3) all future story-lines will have their own thread in the separate RP section?


    Is that about right, guys 'n' gals?

    Eh...I guess it could work.

    I just hope that, in case saga crosses happen again, threads with sagas that cross can be merged into one thread, just like how my original Shit Thread has been katamari'd with the "Spit it out in the gutter" thread.

  7. Hmm...since the Dimensional Master Saga seems to have been completely merged with the Shrine Maiden Saga (forming what I like to call the "Gensokyo Paradox of Time and Space" Saga), and since that saga is linking with LightFlare's saga (the one with Kyo and Shingo, NOT the one with Ryu/LightFlare) one last time, I guess that the Gensokyo Paradox Saga should reach its end first.

  8. LkjqbZJ.pngHmm...did you saw something strange there? Because after my team left Kalos City and checked the cameras of the battle tournament in The Underground, we noticed something strange.

    LkjqbZJ.pngAfter a karate guy named LightFlare won the tournament, we saw him meet with multiple persons.

    LkjqbZJ.pngCody, Potemkin and Heavy D! were nothing out of common, but then, we saw something we could never believe.

    LkjqbZJ.pngOne guy called Zero is back, accompanied by a Gensokyan magician called Marisa Kirasame. Zero is extremely important, because he was a major member of a originally fallen organization called NESTS,  which dealed a lot with clones, and he was believed to be dead.

    LkjqbZJ.pngAt first, we thought nothing about it, but then, the time paradoxes happened. These time paradoxes and the return of NESTS members cannot be coincidende. Then again, I always thought that coincidences are complete humbug.

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