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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. I didn't did forced hits right now, though. Now you're just desperately trying to shit on me.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngHey, Yoyo. Watch out!

    dmohMl7.pngPfft, then I will use my blades instead. They are equally sharp. YOYO BLADE!

    *YoyoMan continously throws his sharp blades at the airbourn faries, while TrinitroMan keeps on spraying nitroglycerin on the faries*

  2. First of all... Darkflare, I don't understand why you have to be so hostile towards everyone, but I'm sorry on my behalf.

    Second, the reason of out constant fights is because we're lacking a set of rules here. Plus, we have to nominate a GM (and Co-GMs, if necessary) so everything can be less complicated.


    And third... I'm not up for posting now, so you guys can go ahead and follow the story without me for a while.

    Actually, Winmugen already PMed and asked me, what rules this thread should have.

    I could post you the convo, if I get permission from Winmugen.

  3. The wave strikes a few fairies which spectacularly explode.

    "AIEEEEEEEEEE. It's attacking back! Quick, shoot more of them!"

    The remaining fairies continue to shoot more danmaku at them.


    The nitroglycerin hits one of the fairies which lights up on fire before exploding spectacularly.

    "AIEEEEEEEEE. That weird stuff is taking us out! Shoot that one so he can stop using that weird thing!"

    The remaining fairies began to focus their danmaku on TrinitroMan completely ignoring the other robot masters.

    dmohMl7.pngBig mistake. REPUKKEN! *YoyoMan unleashes bursts of wind waves, which can cut through metal*

  4. Then leave since it bothers you so much. Even though your precious robot masters should be able to handle a few generic nameless stupid fairies.

    I would have handled them very easy, if it wouldn't be you, who is using the fairies, but oh well.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngThey keep coming! *TrinitroMan conitnues spraying nitroglycerin at the faries*

    6ZYkwTZ.pngPlease let me know, when they became fried enough.

  5. Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize you enjoyed DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

    The generic fairies begin to give chase to the robot masters as they continue to fire more danmaku at them regardless of the border. They're fairies, they're stupid.

    "Shoot at the pretty colors!"

    I'm not doing nothing. I'm just waiting for the moment to join in. And could you please STOP RUINING MY RP ALREADY?! I'm not breaking any rules!


    Just then, a group of unimportant generic fairies begin to fly near the robot masters.

    "Hey, what are those things?"

    "I don't know, but they have pretty colors!"

    The fairies then proceeded to shoot danmaku at them


    6ZYkwTZ.pngFARIES! *creates border out of nitroglycerin*

    LkjqbZJ.pngIt's not safe there anymore. We should better go check for a different place to observe.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngGot it!

  7. dmohMl7.pngSo...what's going on right now?

    6ZYkwTZ.pngThere seems to be talk about multiple dimensions. This also means that it is unknown, from which dimension this Maribel comes from.

    LkjqbZJ.pngAnd thus, it's also unknown, which Yukari she will become in the future. This is troublesome.

  8. Suddenly, YokuMan entered Sasuke's mind.


    Don't be afraid, Sasuke Uchiha, we are actually trying to avoid trouble. The reason why I cannot talk to you directly is because we really don't want to accidently makes matters worse, because appearantly, there seems to be a fight going on already (refering to Reimu vs. Lily and Hikari vs. Yuuka).

    BTW, I know your name, because we robots like to be organized and thus save informations in big databases, which every other robot can access.

  9. dmohMl7.pngThat purple-haired Reimu-lookalike doesn't seem to be very friendly to Maribel...

    6ZYkwTZ.pngYou know, what's weird? I totally have the feeling I have seen her already before, but I cannot remember from where.

    LkjqbZJ.pngMaybe I could try to gain contact through telepating...at least that would be easy for me.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngI say go for it.

    LkjqbZJ.pngOkay, starting the telepathy process right now.

  10. *from far away, the Unlimited Force is watching the situation going on at the group*

    dmohMl7.pngAm I drunk, or am I really seeing 3 Reimus?

    6ZYkwTZ.pngNone of the both, the blond shrine maiden is Raina, but there is something weird about the purple-colored shrine maiden.

    photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417She's not in any of the databases at all!

    LkjqbZJ.pngWHAT?! That's impossible!

    6ZYkwTZ.pngOr maybe she isn't naturally created...

    LkjqbZJ.pngSo you want to say that she is a clone?

    6ZYkwTZ.pngMaybe...it defintely does NOT look like NESTS is behind that, though, if that's really a clone.

    dmohMl7.pngSo what exactly are the anomalies?

    6ZYkwTZ.pngThe most important anomaly is Maribel Hearn being in Gensokyo way too early.

    dmohMl7.pngToo early? What do you mean?

    LkjqbZJ.pngShe is the Yukari of the past, for crying out loud.

    dmohMl7.pngSay WHAT?!

    LkjqbZJ.pngWhy yes. I really don't want any time paradoxes to happen.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngBelieve me, nobody wants.

    dmohMl7.pngThe portal anomalies are because of Hikari, right?

    LkjqbZJ.pngNot only. I can sense Yukari's aura for some reasons.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngDon't tell me that Yukari is hiding somewhere!

    LkjqbZJ.pngActually, the aura seems to come from that purple-haired shrine maiden.

    6ZYkwTZ.pngA gap youkai created by Yukari, perhaps?

    LkjqbZJ.pngThat's a very likely possiblity.

    dmohMl7.pngShall we interfere?

    LkjqbZJ.pngNO! At least, not right now! It seems there's going to be a fight and I don't want the situation to become worse!

    6ZYkwTZ.pngMakes sense.

    *the Unlimited Force decided to continue with observing the situation*

  11. that he havent reply doesnt means hes ignoring them.

    have you thinked hes busy IRL? (thing he already mentioned).

    Hmm...that would make sense.

    I just hope he will not forget to actually respond to the response at MFG.

  12. *meanwhile, at the Unlimited Force HQ*


    dmohMl7.pngWhat's the problemo, Trinitro?

    6ZYkwTZ.pngIt's happening again.

    LkjqbZJ.pngUh oh, I think I know what he means.

    dmohMl7.pngWait, don't tell me that-

    6ZYkwTZ.pngOh yes. I have detected both time AND boundary anomalies. And I have detected both of them at good ol' Gensokyo.

    LkjqbZJ.pngRight, guys. You know, what that means!

    megaphilx-old-robotmastersprites.pngIT'S TIME TO ROCK AND ROLL AGAIN!

    *the Unlimited Force then proceeds to teleport to Gensokyo, not knowing what dangers might await them*

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