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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Dfq4Vej.png

    "I'm pretty sure I witnessed you ringing his doorbell and flawlessly punching him in the face. How exactly is that a projectile again?"

    *Hikari has gotten so eager to jump in to the RP that she completely forgot to introduce herself properly*

    I was not talking about DorkFlare...I was talking about my fight against Omega Zero.

    I would make a counter-argument and point out to you why you're a terrible RPer, but I'm talking to someone that questions why he gets banned when he explicitly gets told EXACTLY why he got banned.

    And what does THAT have to do with anything?

    Of course, nothing. You just want to shit on me, like always.

  2. You forced hit and automatically assumed your attack destroyed your opponent in one hit.

    And quite frankly you're not worth playing fair against and I'm pretty damn sure I'm not the only one that agrees.

    I did not destroy an opponent. I just destroyed a projectile of an opponent.

    There is a big difference. Too bad that you don't understand that.

  3. Are you still convinced that CvS Artist is CvS The Abstract? They're two different people.


    CvS Artist is Super Dragon Blade aka Chuchoryu's clone.

    Wait, Chuchoryu's clone? No, there must be a mistake in your informations.

    CvS Artist and Chuchoryu are NOT the same person.

  4. DarkFlare being an ass, like always

    No, you get the fuck out.

    You cannot even fight me properly, that's how much you're a coward.

    I'm officially done with you. I don't want you to even comment on my RPing any longer.

    And no, I did NOT do a OHKO. Man, I never knew that you had bad reading comprehension as well.

  5. I wasn't godmodding?

    But then again, you were only trying to find a reason to shit on me.

    Anyway, where did I left again? Oh right:


    Uh oh...

    ...okay let's see. It is a sphere of gravity. I had that only twice before.

    In the first time, I had no idea, what to do.

    In the second time, I was smarter and I have found out that there is a hole, which is basically the effect of the sphere being made out of gravity.

    That hole is also known as the Zero Gravity Hole, and every sphere made of gravity has that just because of the nature of gravity.

    Now it's "now or never"! *TrinitroMan lunges forward*

    *TrinitroMan only barely makes his way through the hole*


    *then, the sphere explodes into little rain drops of nitroglycerin*


    *as it can be seen, TrinitroMan managed to survive the explosion thanks to his sturdy metal*

    Man, that was a close call. But I really could stop that attack. Thankfully.

    My job here is done now. *blows the smoke of his finger away as if his finger was a gun and then teleports back to Hastur's headquarters*


    End of the Chapter "TrinitroMan vs Omega Zero"

  6. Well done. Very impressive indeed. However, I'm not beaten that easily. *a huge figure burst from the ground*


    I had to revert to my old form, sacrificing that husk in order to survive. However, I can still do this. DARK ELF GRAVITON FORCE!!! *a huge sphere of gravity is launched towards Trinitro.*

    You're the second person to push me this far, so I'll cut you a deal: If you can stop this attack, I'll consider you worthy of following. If not, you might be sitting in a deep crater unable to move for a while.

    Uh oh...

    ...okay let's see. It is a sphere of gravity. I had that only twice before.

    In the first time, I had no idea, what to do.

    In the second time, I was smarter and I have found out that there is a hole, which is basically the effect of the sphere being made out of gravity.

    That hole is also known as the Zero Gravity Hole, and every sphere made of gravity has that just because of the nature of gravity.

    Now it's "now or never"! *TrinitroMan lunges forward*

    *TrinitroMan only barely makes his way through the hole*


    *then, the sphere explodes into little rain drops of nitroglycerin*


    *as it can be seen, TrinitroMan managed to survive the explosion thanks to his sturdy metal*

    Man, that was a close call. But I really could stop that attack. Thankfully.

    My job here is done now. *blows the smoke of his finger away as if his finger was a gun and then teleports back to Hastur's headquarters*


    End of the Chapter "TrinitroMan vs Omega Zero"

  7. *the pillar disappears*


    Orbit Shield. I'll admit, that was close.


    Shield Sweep *the shield runs on a linear path towards Trinitro*

    Wowzers. NITRO BLAST!

    *the shield gets destroyed*

    Man...and to think of it that there is an infinite supply of these shields.

    I better using something more shieldpiercing or something that cannot be shielded.


    *TrinitroMan shoots out multiple bubbles made of Nitroglycerin, creating a powerful minefield, and some of them gets glued on all around Omega Zero's body*


    *TrinitroMan shoots out multiple bombs with claws, and all of them stick to Omega Zero*


    *TrinitroMan shoots out multiple tentactled bombs, and all of them stick to Omega Zero*

    And now, for something spectacular! EXPLOSION SIGN - TRINITRO BLAST FORCE

    *TrinitroMan channels nitroclycerin through all the bubbles and bombs, until a massive explosion happens, and only the ashes of Omega Zero are left*

    TrinitroMan 20, Omega 0. Badum Tss!

  8. *Looks at chest.* If you think this will be that easy, you are mistaken. HEAL!! *the wound closes*

    Now it's my turn


    Reppuugeki! *chains into another attack*


    Tenresujin! *uses Trinitro's head to ascend into the air*


    Rakusaiga! *approaches Trinitro with a falling blade*

    (Megaman zero 3 he does have a healing ability, it's annoying as fuck, but it had a time limit between uses)

    Ugh...not bad. But I do know that even healing abilities of that magnitude have a limit.

    I just need to use my strongest attacks, that always hit my target.

    How lucky I am, because that's the gimmick of nitroglycerin.


    *TrinitroMan hits both fist on the ground, and many pillars of nitroglycerin appear, and Omega Zero is completely engulfed in one of the pillars*

    That should weaken him enough, yo.

  9. 250px-Omega_Zero.png

    You think I'm the copy weakling you fought before? Laughable. All of the reploids' skills Zero may have acquired were mine to begin with. But be my guest. Perhaps you won't be a disappointment.

    But how long will you last?

    Hmm...I guess long enough to come out victorious of the upcoming fight.

    CONCENTRATED NITRO BURST! *TrinitroMan shoots out an aimed laser of nitroglycerin at Omega Zero, creating a hole in Omega Zero's chest*

  10. OH the reason behind that.



    nicole is for a full GH game im making.


    and im using 1.1, with 1.1 fonts

    Wait, does the font uses some alpha settings, that is impossible to do with MUGEN 1.0? Because that would be the only explanation, because everything else looks like it can be done with MUGEN 1.0 very easily. Just saying.

  11. Hello, I'm TrinitroMan.

    Believe me or not, but I'm actually part of an organisation as well. The so-called Unlimited Force.

    In a nutshell, the Unlimited Force is a lot like the Mechanical Maniacs, another organisation.

    Aside from the main members, we also got other members.

    These Adbots were actually presents from the organisation called "MUGEN Fighters Guild", though.

  12. Trini, don't do that again... Seriously...

    B-b-but everyone did that in the shit thread before.

    You know what that is? Discrimination!

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