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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Tabuu is the final boss of Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary mode. He has an attack that can K.O. you instantly if you don't know how to dodge. Here, have an image:


    Oh...THAT Tabuu.

    I thought that Neo_Fire_Sonic meant a fighting game, that was called "Tabuu".

    But yeah, you're right. Bosses should be a fair challenge, and not cheap like how Neo_Fire_Sonic does.

  2. Uhh, just cause I'm slightly curious, where did you get this information? I checked the thread itself, and there's no sign of an update; not even mentioned in the OP (Opening post). And just in case I have to double check, I re-downloaded Agumon and check his Readme for some kind of update log. Not in there too.

    Whoops, looks like I have misread his post.

    It actually will be updated in a week.

    You guys still can post feedback, though.

    Especially you, MugoUrth. Is the character making the looks "justice"? <_<

  3. old fighting games? k won't use


    look at tabuu





    besides like i said,

    Again, you're using an old game (Super Street Fighter 2) as an example. And it's actually Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo that introduced Akuma.

    And what the fuck is Tabuu?

    Man, I'm getting the feeling that you are only refering to bosses as unfair, because you cannot play fighting games properly.

  4. Lol, bosses with a fair challenge, that doesn't exist.


    I noticed that in any fighting game with final bosses. And besides did you actually play SSF2, if your saying that stuff without experience, then there's no argument.


    And using old fighting games as an example is bullshit as well.

  5. I actually liked SMBZ before, but that's before it started to go downhill with...whatever episode introduced that Koopa, who could turn the heroes into stone.

    But now, we're getting off-topic.

    Seriously, SSF2 is full of potential, but it sadly get worsened by Neo_Fire_Sonic's...let's say not so good decisions.

    First off: Sonic is not the main hero. Instead, it's some OC. If it is a Sonic game with Sonic in its name, then the hero HAS to be Sonic. That's an unwritten rule that even the fangame creator have to follow, or else, the name would be misleading beyond all hell.

    Second off: There are too many OCs. One is fine, but five is way to much. Especially if four of them are just lazy Sonic edits. I mean, come on. The Sonic franchise has many memorable non-Hedgehog characters to offer. Especially the Sonic comics by Archie.

    Third off: The bosses. A game can be hard, but fair. But Neo_Fire_Sonic wants to make his bosses typical cheap characters, which MUGEN already has like, I dunno, 1000 times already? Seriously, bosses should be a FAIR challenge, and they should NOT rely on cheap methods like unblockable full-screen attacks, which cannot be stopped at all. If something is unavoidable AND unblockable, then the start-up has to be long enough, so human players can cancel the opponent's attack by simply attacking the opponent.

  6. All right. What should we start with first? Perhaps the scythe? *pulls out the parts of the scythe, revealing a barrel of a gun, a hidden short sword and multiple ammo clips.*

    .......let's do this one

    photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417I'm back. And man, was it weird,

    I first had a fight against Omega Zero, then suddenly, everything went black.

    Then I thought that I went to DarkFlare and punched him in the face, but then he suddenly ripped off my head, I waked up, and I was relived that it was just a weird dream and actually never happened.

    Anyway, looks like your friends are making progress with whatever they're building for you.

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