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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Last I checked, Rice gave you a warning for overreacting. You don't want to get another one, right?

    Actually, I got a warning point for a different reason. Unless you mean RicePigeon's attempt at calming me down. The problem is: I was calm, until DarkFlare decided to be hostile towards me for no reasons.

  2. Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

    "Really now? You seem rather eager to prove that point. You should be careful what you wish for."

    Yes, that's exactly the reason and certainly not because it would be in character for Meimu to respond like that.

    Hey, I don't break any rules right now, so if you have a problem with me, then let's settle this OUTSIDE the RP thread.

  3. Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

    "You sure? You don't believe these clowns, do you? They seem too incompetenet to solve any kind of incident especially one that would affect the universe."

    LkjqbZJ.pngHey, we are competent indeed. Just pit someone of us against a badguy, if you want proof.

    No matter what you say, you really just want to shit on me, just because you hate me for no reasons.

  4. 6ZYkwTZ.pngWe actually are on your side. You may not know us, but we are the Unlimited Force. We originally only solved incidents in Megatropolis, but not too long ago, we also solve incidents at other places, if said incidents are dangerous for the whole friggin universe.

  5. Well, packing a punch is not a bad thing at all. The only important thing is that the character can pack a punch while still being balanced and not cheap.

    Very often, if a character has got extreme amount of power, said character then also has a lot less health than your usual character. Such characters are called "Glass Cannons", because they lose much of their defense in order to gain a large amount of offense.

  6. HAHAHAHAHA!! you pit a mere flesh creature against a Decepticon?!!! BIG MISTAKE!!! He's meant to battle larger robots not soft puny fleshlings!! Thrust was intended to be a sub boss character for my robot game. Thanks for pointing out the small problems though but he really should be fighting larger robots like Autobots. I'll address the problems pointed out but please Please!! no battles with humans. they will just loose!! oh yeah thanks for the sounds Galvatron.

    ...are you fucking SERIOUS?!

  7. Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

    "Surprisingly enough I can actually believe Yukari's shenanigans getting out of-"

    Meimu takes note of the new guest behind Hikari


    "Ok, this whole alteration of our timestream is getting ridiculous. Actually, can you shoot the robots first? They're getting on my nerves."

    6ZYkwTZ.pngWhat is your problem with us? We try to stop time paradoxes, too.

    But seriously, why do you always have to shit on me?! I'm not breaking any fucking rules, god damn it!

  8. the next victim of the big Ecole Takedown.

    I assume that only happened, because this Rin used Melty Blood gameplay.

    If she would have used different gameplay, then she would have been save from the Ecole Takedown, because the Fate series don't belong to Ecole.


    EDIT: Whoops, haven't noticed sonomon's and Ryoucchi's post. Nevermind my post then.

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