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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. OOC: Not Sniper Ocelot, but Sniper Wolf. You know, the female sniper from the first Metal Gear Solid that Solid Snake had to fight against.

    Also, I think you should follows us, because the Distortion is collapsing and everyone else, including us, had escaped already.

  2. LG1wLF4.pngWell then, let's get going before we end up buried under the rubble.

    u4EsOao.pngAnd after getting out, we need to solve the problem with Dusk, get rid of Medusa's remaining forces and then find a way to deal with Liquid Snake and his comrades. Knowing that Foxhound is big on science, Liquid might be aware of a prototype that could cause such time rifts.

    And without waiting any further, the Unlimited Force followed their friends on the way out. Meanwhile, the sniper, which the Unlimited Force could identify as "Sniper Wolf" was picked up by a helicopter, which proceeded to fly inside another portal in order to escape the crumbling distortion. What will happen with Dusk now? And how is it going with Deadpool and his friends?

  3. bX7E6Ba.pngWait a second, you weren't hit by any of my bullets.

    8ar9neR.pngLet me check. *picks up a bloody bullet from the ground* Oh no...this is bad news. We got another villian resurrected due to time rifts.

    4VW7xNM.pngWait, let me see, sir! *checks out bullet* Oh crud, I remember this bullet immidiatelly! Gentlement, we are now being assaulted by Sniper Wolf!

    pi5Wlrr.pngWait, Sniper Wolf? As in, one of the Foxhound renegates? Damn, by that logic, we would have to deal with both Medusa AND Liquid Snake!

    bX7E6Ba.pngOkay, we have no means to battle a sniper right now, so EVERYBODY RUN!!! AND DON'T CHOOSE DUSK'S ROUTE!

    Will the heroes survive Sniper Wolf's onslaught? Are Medusa and Liquid Snake possibly teaming up? Is even a new Metal Gear in the works? And who is actually the one in control of this time rift madness?

  4. u4EsOao.pngWell, that's unexpected. I better create illusionary clones of myself. *creates illusionary clones* Good thing they all behave differently but still have the same AI like me. *teleports in the middle of the group full of clones* That way, nobody knows who the real YokuMan is, yet both the real deal and the clones can deal hefty damage. And now...

    p49qVEg.png...have some of this!

    All YokuMan duplicates as well as the real one now shoot a big spray of projectiles at Dusk, whose big mistake was to clear his distance between himself and Malin/Yang, thus being a completely open target.

  5. P4yIXrv.png*quickly takes Wizrock away from Dusk* Not so fast, cha-hnng, I can't believe that you are a literal rock. And quite heavy for your size! But seriously, Wizrock. Dusk is brainwashed and whoever his temporary master is wants to lure us into a trap.

    u4EsOao.pngRegarding the de-brainwashing part, I think we know someone who can do just that, but I need to run through our database first in order to be sure. *proceeds to browse through the database*

    LG1wLF4.pngI wonder...shall we do the first move or wait for Dusk's move so we can counter-attack?

  6. Meanwhile, in Pandora's trap

    N8qxJqv.pngDarn, we're taking too much time.

    PFMhrL1.pngNever thought a pixelated mess could give us so much trouble.

    RAj8kpF.pngWHO DO YOU CALL A MESS?! *rushes towards NailMan*


    9qylvbJ.pngDarn. C'mon, you lazies. Let us finally do something that gives us the advantage for once.

    urfx8xx.pngWHO THE HECK DO YOU CALL LAZY?! *prepares to swing the head hammer*

    9qylvbJ.pngOh, you gotta be kidding me!

    Just when HammerMan was about to slam NailMan, NailMan got hit by Pandora's tackle. However, Pandora ended up right under HammerMan's hammer, and in the blink of an eye, the only thing left of Pandora is what looks like as if someone destroyed a blocky vase.
    With Pandora's defeat, the trap then vanished, with the Unlimited Force members ending up on the place, where Hewdra was defeated.

    u4EsOao.pngAnd another job well done, guys. But are you okay, NailMan?

    HrlMGDR.pngYeah, I'm fine. Was only a tackle, after all. Getting hit by the flames would have causes more trouble due to having contact with fire for a longer time than a quick hit from a tackle...

    8ar9neR.pngWell then, now to find the source of all the trouble.

    Unknown voice: If you mean the one who has sent Hewdra, Pandora and Thanatos, then you have already found the culprit.

    Suddenly, right in front of the Unlimited Force appeared a purple-skinned woman with robes reaking out of darkness and snakes growing out of her head as if they're hair.

    cV7CjoP.pngI do have to admit. I'm surprised that you puny human-created robots managed two of my three commanders.

    u4EsOao.pngWell, just what I thought, if Hewdra and Pandora are revived, then Thanatos and Medusa are revived as well. Now only to find out how.

    tOe0O9E.pngNot even I am fully familiar with the method, but it has something to do with "Time Rifts". But I can confirm that my commanders revived me this time around.

    u4EsOao.pngWell, at least Hades is to dead to be revived at this point.

    tOe0O9E.pngEven I'm glad that he's dead. He was getting on my nerves.

    OOC: No, I will not bring back Hades from the death. Deal with it.

    o6onG2J.pngToo bad I cannot just let you robots alive. Enjoy Distortion!

    Suddenly, YokuMan and the rest were teleported into the Distortion. Thankfully, they teleport to their friends just in time!


    LG1wLF4.pngHehe, thanks. But sadly, Medusa was revived as well. Oh, and Thanatos is back, but unlike Medusa, we haven't met Thanatos yet.

    OOC: I will reveal Thanatos eventually, so please wait.

    P4yIXrv.pngUhm...guys, look at that hedgehog dude.

    Just in time, the Unlimited Force noticed Dusk, who tried to lure the group into a place. And they noticed that something was suspicious in Dusk's eyes. As if they are not his own.
    TrinitroMan then proceeds to shoot a warning blast at the yellow-eyed Dusk.

    pi5Wlrr.pngStop right here, Dusker! I have no idea where you are trying to lure us into, but I'm sure the place you want to lure us into is some kind of trap!

    bX7E6Ba.pngMagio, Argento, Deadpool, and everyone else who are our allies, watch out for Dusk! I get the feeling he's being brainwashed by some evil.

    Will Magio and his friends as well as the Unlimited Force manage to solve the mystery case of the yellow-eyed Dusk? What is it with the Time Rifts that Medusa was talking about? And why did the President grab Raiden's crotch? Stay tuned!

  7. The pregnancy ones are super disturbing.

    Thank god the creator of "Minions" confirmed that the titular Minions are all male, thus making the scenario of a pregnant Minion impossible due to having no way to reproduce themselves without cell-splitting.

  8. That's not how it works.

    Only one guest character per franchise. Hence why we have Sonic and Bayonetta instead of two Sonic characters.

    But seriously, the one SNK character with the highest chances of becoming a Smasher is Terry Bogard, since that is a SNK game as retro and memorable as Street Fighter.

    Marco from Metal Slug could possibly work as well, although I'm not sure how many attacks of his cannot be used for his moveset due to "no realistic guns allowed" (Bayonetta's guns are not realistic).

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