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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Tried out Goho-Li's theme. Man, I really love how you took the original song and made it SF4-styled. Will try out the Character Select theme later on. But first: updating my PCEA stuff now that the weather system is updated.


    And since I will work on Tyson Houbot as well, what stage could he possibly get? Suggestions?

  2. Then suddenly, TrinitroMan and YokuMan burst into Magio's and Argento's room.

    pi5Wlrr.pngI'm so sorry, but this is an emergency!

    bX7E6Ba.pngWe need to return to the Distortion World. Iblis has returned and it's possible that it can escape from the Distortion World and then attack the other dimensions.

    ???: I see that you guys discovered Iblis' return. I guess I might as well just reveal myself.

    And then, out of the shadows came out a hedgehog. But unlike Dusk, this hedgehog was white, had longer spines and glowing circles on his hand palms.

    pi5Wlrr.pngWait, I know you. You're Silver The Hedgehog!

    gGqnUbw.pngI never thought I would end up being that popular.

    bX7E6Ba.pngPerfect timing, Mr. Silver. Your past expieriences with Iblis should give us the edge.

    u4EsOao.pngIf you want to help us, that is.

    gGqnUbw.pngYou guys seem to be heroes, so I'll help you out. I can definitely confirm that Iblis could easily escape the Distortion World when it gets help.

    p49qVEg.pngOkay, let me check...uh-oh...

    pi5Wlrr.pngWhat happened?

    bX7E6Ba.pngMedusa's remaining commander, God of Death "Thanatos", is inside the Distortion. And knowing Medusa, she plans to use Iblis in order to bring chaos to the human world. We need to work up a plan as fast as possible!

    Will the heroes destroy Iblis in time? How did Silver end up in the room? And where are the other badguys like the Foxhound renegades and Vezon? Find out next time!

  3. pi5Wlrr.pngWait, it was not just a Distortion, but the Distortion World?! Damn, that means I did not see things.

    bX7E6Ba.pngWhat did you saw?

    pi5Wlrr.pngI saw some kind of firey creature with wings swooping in the distance. I thought that was just my imagination at first, so I didn't say anything. But now I know that what I saw was real.

    bX7E6Ba.pngDistortion World? And it had a fire creature? Damn, we need to go back to the Distortion World as soon as possible!

    u4EsOao.pngIf my database is not lying, then Iblis has returned! And knowing how unstable the Distortion World is, it could easily escape its dimension and attack other dimensions next!

    OOC: I'm so sorry, but I saw the opportunity and took it.

  4. LG1wLF4.pngYes, autographs. From every of you four. *prepares a physical copy of RWBY Grimm Eclipse for Nintendo NX*

    OOC: MegaMan characters are from the distant future, so surely, RWBY Grimm Eclipse could get a physical Nintendo NX release in at least some universe.

  5. u4EsOao.pngGreetings, Anna. My name is YokuMan, named after the disappearing and reappearing blocks, the Yoku Blocks. And those are my comrades, TrinitroMan, YoyoMan, TankMan, RainbowMan, GlueMan, JetMan, CometWoman, NailMan and HammerMan. Together we are-hey, TrinitroMan, where are you looking?!

    LG1wLF4.pngHoly molly, Ruby Rose is here. And Blake. And Weiss. Now RWBY is united again! YES!

    u4EsOao.png*sigh* Okay, where did we left? Oh right. Together we are the Robot Master team "The Unlimited Force", helping and researching whenever possible. We even have a big database, just so we can be almost always prepared. So according to the database, you have special healing powers, am I correct, Anna? That would be a perfect timing, since a black hedgehog without red stripes needs help right now.

    bX7E6Ba.pngSeriously, knowing that two different black hedgehogs exist really requires me to update the database to properly document all differences. Please excuse me. *proceeds to update the database*

    pi5Wlrr.png*notices Anna* Oh, hi Anna. Sorry, I got carried away. But yeah, it's really nice to meet more of Magio's friends in person.

  6. 1 hour ago, darkblade0v said:

    ooc, haven't been on in a bit, so going to rush stuff to catch up.


    The necromancer looked around to find the human wasn't a human at all it was a hedgehog of some sort. Just as he had figured this out, the hedge hog began to disappear.

    "Hmm, where's he going, and why is it I sense an odd aura around him? As he was pondering this, the landscape was wrappidly crumbling inward.

    Damn! this demention is collapseing. Quickly making some mentle calculations, the necro warrior waited until the tentacle was on top of him, about to capture him, lept out of the way at the last minute, and flew threw a hole in reality as the demention finally vanished out of existence, a scream issuing from the tentacle controller's host.

    When the necromancer warrior appeared out of the portal, he looked around to find himself in the same castle as the others.

    "What is this place?" Why of all places did the hole in reality land me here? And one more thing... where's my minions? Sure they're easy to restore... just kill a guard and make a minion from the corpse of my choosing, but still... Where?


    OOC: I'm sorry, but your roleplay is destroying the flow of our roleplay.

    Please try to integrate your roleplay to our story arc. For more instructions, ask Agni Blackheart.

  7. 56 minutes ago, Doomguy said:

    Ah, but you forget my PO'd Chuck card cannot be defeated by such means!

    Except I can easily declare your Chuck card, so you cannot use it anymore.

    And this type of status effect cannot be prevented.

    So if my deck is full of Bills and Prohibitions, you gays are not allowed to make a single move!


  8. On 8.2.2016 at 3:37 AM, Doomguy said:

    Your move.


    On 8.2.2016 at 4:10 AM, Daniel9999999 said:


    Pfft, noobs. You guys could have easily countered the 55 bills and all 5 pieces of Exodia with this:


    The kicker: That one is an official card.

  9. bX7E6Ba.png*boots up* Oh...a flying ship? And a flying castle? I guess the castle is yours, Magio, right?

    LG1wLF4.png*boots up* Oh goodie, this could be a splendid place to plan out our next steps.

    The other Robot Masters boot up as well and also react on the ship and the castle in their own way.

  10. OOC: Okay, who is this guy? I don't remember him from Metal Gear Solid 1. Liquid Snake's group always consisted out of Sniper Wolf, Psycho Mantis, Vulcan Raven, Octopus Decoy, Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake himself.

    I had no intention to bring back Octopus Decoy, because he hardly does anything in the original Metal Gear Solid 1, but the other 5 I planned to make them return.

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