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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. bX7E6Ba.pngUgh...the Neo Corperation surely did a number on us. If only I had removed ALL of the bombs!

    pi5Wlrr.pngIt's not your fault that you couldn't track down all bombs. I actually think that there was no way you could. I found scraps of them, and those bombs are highly advanced. Too highly advanced, if you ask me.

    P4yIXrv.pngWait a second, I think I recognize that imprint. It's some kind of greek letter that looks like a mix between E and Z...c-could that mean?

    bX7E6Ba.pngUgh...looks like the Neo Corperation got all of their technical advancements from none other than Sigma. If that's the case, then those bombs will be child play in comparison to what we have to deal with in the future.

  2. pi5Wlrr.pngHey! How could YokuMan know that he removed all bombs? Nobody is perfect, not even robots!

    bX7E6Ba.pngShush, we have no time for arguing. Peko needs to be healed, and she needs to be healed fast. Mr. Magio, please call Anna as fast as possible, for we have an emergency.

  3. Finally, the Robot Masters (except RainbowMan) recovered from the EMP, only to notice two things:

    First, some explosives were still accidently left or placed while YokuMan was paralyzed, and second, RainbowMan was infused with EMP Energy.

    bX7E6Ba.png*notices explosions* Wait, explosions? I thought I removed all explosives. *notices RainbowMan* Oh crud. *grabs an EMP vacuum from a portal and injects it a hole on RainbowMan's backhead* You will not cause any more havoc. Not on my watch!

    rbHa5Z6.png*fully recovered from the EMP* Ugh...thanks, TrinitroMan.

    u4EsOao.pngBTW, thanks for your assistance, Mecha Dragon.

    mevHQg1.pngSkreeeeee~ *is happy to help*

  4. As RainbowMan got hit by the Gaster Blaster's beam of light, the powerful energy was absorbed by the EMP inside RainbowMan. The the absorbed energy converted into EMP as well, RainbowMan's power has grown into fierceful levels, and RainbowMan also became more maniacal and sadistic.


  5. While E.T. was distracting ZTAR, RainbowMan pulled out an object too familiar to TrinitroMan.

    pi5Wlrr.png*paralyzed* ...oh...no...

    TrinitroMan had a good reason to be in terror, because what RainbowMan pulled out was a "Spellcard", a card filled with high-level energy that allows the user to cast powerful spells.

    In the hands of someone like EMP-powered RainbowMan, spellcards can be upgraded to deadly proportions.

    DwfOqg0.pngSpellcard activated!

    N8qxJqv.png*paralyzed* ...damn...that...can...screw...us...over...

    DwfOqg0.pngRainbow Sign: [EMP Starstorm]

    YokuMan then proceeded to shoot an EMP-powered light arrow in the sky. Said light arrow quickly turned into a stormy cloud, and in the blink of an eye, it was raining shooting stars and meteors all over the place.

    OOC: I do all of that jazz in order to show how dangerous EMP-powered RainbowMan can be. And the kicker: Maribel can easily top that under certain circumstances.

  6. DwfOqg0.pngHyper Mode: [EM Disruptor Cannon]

    RainbowMan then proceeds to shoot out a devastating beam version of Magneto's infamous EM Disrupter, a confirmation for the fact that RainbowMan did indeed enter EMP Mode, a dangerous, deadly and sadistic mode that is best described as a combination between Samus' Phazon-infused Hyper Mode and the Saitsu no Hadou.

  7. mevHQg1.pngSKREEEEEEEEE! *shoots out a barrage of flames at ZTAR*

    While E.T. and the Mecha Dragon were fighting against ZTAR, the Unlimited Force, due to being paralyzed by the EMP, could nothing but watch. However, something odd is happening.

    pi5Wlrr.png*paralized by the EMP* Ugh...can't...move...

    N8qxJqv.png*paralized by the EMP* Trin...just...look...

    Suddenly, RainbowMan slowly rised and manage to stand on his feet. But something was different with RainbowMan this time around. As if the EMP changed him.



  8. p49qVEg.pngWowzers! *creates portal to make the EMP go through the portal*


    YokuMan was struggling to be not affected by the EMP, while the other Unlimited Force members are still affected by the EMP.


    Then, YokuMan created another portal, out of which came an enourmous mechanical lizard called the Mecha Dragon.


    p49qVEg.pngGo forth, my friend. May your sturdy armor guide you. It's definitely EMP-resistant, though.

    And then, YokuMan succumbed to the EMP as well. Will the Mecha Dragon suceed?

  9. u4EsOao.pngSorry, but you came 5 years too late. I have evidence that this castle is taken over by Dr. Wily already.

    rbHa5Z6.pngAre you bullshitting us, YokuMan?

    bX7E6Ba.pngNo. We may not work for Dr. Wily anymore, but I still have access to Wily technology.

    u4EsOao.pngSurrender, ZTAR, or feel the wrath of one of Dr. Wily's Castle Guardians.

    Z8fDPVU.pngHaha, I love that plan already!

    0i89CPI.pngBut what about the bombs inside the castle, sir?

    u4EsOao.pngOh...them? That was easy. I simply tracked them down with my radar and teleported them out of this castle.

    bX7E6Ba.pngZTAR, your plan failed before it even started. Surrender while we are still in a good mood.

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