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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Okay, here's a big load of quesions:


    Who made this gritty rendition of K' and where can I find him?



    Who made this custom Marionette sprite, and are there more custom Marionette sprites? I was thinking about making her playable for MUGEN.

    And last, but not least:


    Can I please, PLEASE, finally have more informations regarding that Lucario? I really hate it if I neither get a yes nor a no and instead simply get ignored. That's not fun. That's not fun at all.

  2. u4EsOao.pngHmm...let's see. Jet and Comet are shrunked, so a Super Mushroom should fix that. Good thing I can use portals. *creates a portal above JetMan and CometWoman and spawns a Super Mushroom from it*

    Hlh4tF2.png*grows back to normal and feels refreshed* Thanks, man. Now I don't feel like a small fry anymore.

    muXgg2o.png*grows back to normal and feels refreshed* Ah, now that's better!

    u4EsOao.pngTankMan and Rainbow are frozen, so the ice needs to be melted.

    LG1wLF4.pngLeave it to me! *proceeds to melt the ice with nitroglycerin*

    T1ZCAgD.pngHey hey, be careful with that.

    4VW7xNM.pngI know TrinitroMan well enough to know that he knows what he's doing.

    u4EsOao.pngAnd to round this up... *creates a portal and spawns out multiple E-Tanks* ...anyone want to have a drink?

    The remaining Unlimited Force members: E-TANKS! JUST WHAT WE NEEDED!

    The Unlimited Force then proceeded to drink the E-Tanks, which fully regenerated their energy.

  3. p49qVEg.pngOkay, here goes. *creates a portal to shoot out projectiles from it*

    pi5Wlrr.pngNow it's time to have a blast! NITRO STREAM! *shoots out a nitroglycerin laser out of his arm cannons*

    N8qxJqv.pngSorry, but your attempts at invading wont cut it. YOYO BOOMERANG! *throws out small yoyos with blades as boomerangs*

    Sl9Jfqa.pngTarget aquired! IRON LIZARD! *shoots out Iron Lizards from Metal Slug, which seek the introders*

    rGU120H.pngI forecast a heavy rain. A heavy rain made out of arrows! LIGHT ARROW! *shoots out arrows made out of solar energy*

    A1ONHUS.pngIntruders are not the kind of people I want to stick with. GLUE SHOT! *shoots out balls of glue to slow down the intruders*

    DbNTxZJ.pngAlright, I'm gonna send you flyin'. *rushes at ZTAR with open wings*

    muXgg2o.pngHey, I wanted to beat up the star guy.

    zEkO9fx.pngEh, whatever. I guess I have to Comet Dash into someone else instead. *rushes at Neo like a shooting star in order to ram her*

    x6VmsHC.pngTime for me to nail this job! NAIL CANNON! *shoots out nails like a machine gun*

    FAN7gL6.png...IT'S HAMMER TIME! *throws out large hammers at the intruders*

  4. LG1wLF4.pngOh look, it's Deathstroke, also known as "the lamer Deadpool".


    pi5Wlrr.pngNo, YokuMan! Deadpool is the original and Deathstroke is the bootleg. Get it right already! And besides, who in the right mind calls himself Deathstroke? That name is stupid.

  5. The Unlimited Force as well as Silver and Blaze also have found Alice and Lapis.

    gGqnUbw.pngSo that's how a "Crystal Gem" looks like. The lack of pupils kinda freak me out, though.

    u4EsOao.pngDon't worry, Mr. Silver. According to my research, this is "Lapis Lazuli", a gem with the power to manipulate water and create barriers...or rather I think that's the case. My research is still not complete.

    pi5Wlrr.pngAt least she became friends with Alice. That's a good sign, right?

    u4EsOao.pngI guess so. Anyway, allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm YokuMan, leader of the Unlimited Force, a robot master team with the goal to help peace and prevent catastrophies. And those are my comrades TrinitroMan, YoyoMan, TankMan, RainbowMan, GlueMan, JetMan, CometWoman, NailMan and HammerMan. And this are...wait, what happened, Silver?

    gGqnUbw.pngUgh...I can sense something...something is not right.


    gGqnUbw.pngI can sense an invasion. No, Lapis is not the cause. It's something else. And that guy with the skull mask also seems suspicious to me.

    bX7E6Ba.pngArgento? I'm pretty sure Magio has him under control. But now that you say that, I now also noticed that I feel like being watched.

    u4EsOao.pngLadies and gentlemen, we need to prepare ourselves, for we are not save in this castle anymore.

  6. 20 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:


    yes, we should back away slowly, now what was all this chit-chat about Iblis possibly returning? I and Silver destroyed Solaris way back don't you know?



    (while the gang's on that, he notices an eye peeking from outside the castle, the eye seems to have stretched itself all the way from another location) huh? oh hey there little eye guy, who are you? (looks at it) ....guys guys! look at this eye!

    u4EsOao.pngWe assume someone created holes in time in order to bring back long-defeated villians. That also includes Medusa's commanders, who brought back Medusa from the dead, as well as most of the Foxhound renegades.

    4VW7xNM.pngThe Foxhound renegades are especially dangerous. Their only goal is to create a world full of war, just to give soldiers a purpose all the time. It's an ancient project with the codename "Outer Heaven". Back then, their plans were stopped by Foxhound's soldier of fortune, Solid Snake. And I don't want to hear any jokes about his name now!

    bX7E6Ba.pngSo basically, Iblis was fetched from a timeline when it was still alive, and then brought back to our present time. Bringing back villians from the past is the least of our worries, since such time-manipulating powers can be easily abused to create time paradoxes and eventually the destruction of time itself.

    u4EsOao.pngNow that worst-case scenario is...very bad, to say the least, so we need to find the head honcho as soon as possible, but we also need to take care of the brought-back treats. And then there's also some robot guy called Vezon, who I still don't really understand right now.

    bX7E6Ba.pngAnd then, there's also Maribel Haern, a good-hearted girl with destructive powers. And sadly, there are hints that she might eventually turn into her future self: Yukari Yakumo, master in boundary manipulating, portal creating and an all-around troll who does bad things just for fun. Of course, our job is to prevent that future from happening.

  7. Silver sees Alice running off and notices the mirror she is wielding.

    gGqnUbw.pngYo...is it just me, or is this girl really wielding that speaking mirror you guys are talking about.

    bX7E6Ba.pngShe does. I also did a little research about those "crystal gems" Wizrock was talking about. Appearantly, they are...ahem, "color-coded". That means that every color of those gems represent a special ability. My research is still quite unfinished, though.

    LG1wLF4.pngWhatever it may be, I really hope it doesn't screw us up.

    PFMhrL1.pngHey, nail puns are MY territory!

    pi5Wlrr.pngWait, since when is "screwing us over" a nail pu-oh, now I get it! Haha, I made a funny.

    9qylvbJ.pngGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *charges at TrinitroMan and proceeds to poke him with nails*

    pi5Wlrr.pngOh my god, somebody please help me!

    P4yIXrv.pngWell...uhm...I guess we should just back away slowly...

    pi5Wlrr.pngNOOOOOOOOOO, please don't leave me hanging, guys!

  8. gGqnUbw.pngNot yet. But the Unlimited Force has an idea.

    bX7E6Ba.pngExactly. Not only is Iblis back, but also Medusa and Liquid Snake, both of who were supossed to be dead.

    u4EsOao.pngSo I assume that someone created time rifts through multiple dimensions to bring back previously dead villians. Sadly, we have no idea who possesses so much power, but I do know that whoever does this is up to no good.

    OOC: I assume Blaze is not the one from Sonic'06 (AKA dead Blaze), but from Sonic Rush (alternate dimension Blaze). Otherwise, there would be plotholes up the ass. Also Iblis was supossed to be defeated once, and then suddenly brought back, so Silver has no reason to think Sonic is the Iblis Trigger again. I mean, he surely doesn't do the same mistake twice, right?

  9. gGqnUbw.pngWait...what? I...better check out if anything is wrong with the emeralds I brought.

    Silver then proceeded to examine the two colored jewels he brought, just to be sure they don't happen to be humanoid rocks. YokuMan recognized the two jewels immidiatelly.

    bX7E6Ba.pngWait, you have two Chaos Emeralds?

    gGqnUbw.pngYeah. One of them is for me, and the second one is for the second participant.

    u4EsOao.pngOh, now I get it. If two Chaos Controls collide, a portal can be created to travel around in time and space. However, I have no idea if Dusk is compatible with Chaos Emeralds, and I have no idea if this method can work even if you don't have two hedgehogs right now.

    OOC: My ramblings about two colliding Chaos Controls and time portals is based on Sonic'06. That, Silver and Iblis are the only things from Sonic'06 I intend to use, so no Mephiles for you.

  10. gGqnUbw.png*quickly dodges Haruna's punches after falling down* Okay, some of your friends have real temper problems, though.

    u4EsOao.pngMiss. Haruna, please stop, he's an ally of us.

    bX7E6Ba.pngMr. Dusk, please calm Miss Haruna down somehow. Or anyone else please calm Miss Haruna down. I don't even care at this point who calms her down, but I know that I wont.

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