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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. rRGJpBu.png

    Lefeaon released today, as well as Glaceon and Umbreon updated.

    Once again, get all my MUGEN stuff here: http://1drv.ms/1FlL1Zq


    Also, this marks the end of my first wave of POKéMON for Project Catch'em All.

    Will I come back? Of course, but I will now wait first until the system update is finished.

    In the meanwhile, I will continue to work on the NES Street Fighter 4 remake with Cliff Li (and his stage), Chun-Fo Moon's stage, the screenpack and Tyson Houbot (and his stage).


    Also, here are my planned POKéMON for my next wave:

    *Togetic (an old WIP of mine)








    Yup, 8 POKéMON again, although I still haven't decided on the last 4. Any suggestions?

  2. On 30.12.2015 at 6:32 PM, Txpot said:

    Glaceon Feedback:

    1. Glaceon ends its attack before all icicles of "Ice Shard" have hit the opponent, leaving the opponent with one non-ice-type icicle hitting it. (Test this out by using my Snorlax, setting its palette to one that enables abilities, and use Ice Shard. Only the final hit won't be resisted by Snorlax's Thick Fat ability.)

    2. "Blizzard" has Fire as its attack type, not Ice. When under hail, it deals 55 hits worth of 2 damage; As usual, you should at least lower the amount of hits by half and double the damage so that resistances to Ice and the victim's defences won't be close to useless.

    3. The effects of "Ice Body" and "Blizzard" will persist even without the correct weather if the opponent changes the weather or uses their own Hail before Hail runs out. This means that Blizzard will always hit for full-screen, and Glaceon will always recover life until it uses Hail again.

    1. Fixed

    2. Fixed the attack type. However, I sadly had to keep the powered up version by 55hits worth of 2 damages, since the next division that gives a full number as a result would decrease the amount of hits to 22 hits worth of 5 damage, and that would be way too few hits for a fullscreen blizzard...

    3. I think I fixed it now by correcting some of the triggers.


    Okay, Glaceon and Umbreon updated, but more importantly, Leafeon is finally released, marking the end of my first wave of POKéMON.

    Will I come back? Of course, but I will now wait first until the system update is finished.

    In the meanwhile, I will continue to work on the NES Street Fighter 4 remake with Cliff Li (and his stage), Chun-Fo Moon's stage, the screenpack and Tyson Houbot (and his stage).


    Also, here are my planned POKéMON for my next wave:

    *Togetic (an old WIP of mine)








    Yup, 8 POKéMON again, although I still haven't decided on the last 4. Any suggestions?

  3. 9 hours ago, Daniel9999999 said:

    twenty nine fucking posts? Are you joking me? is this how childish the mugen community becomes?

    No. The MUGEN Community can become even more childish. You just need to invite Chris-chan for that.

    ...on a second note, please do not invite Chris-chan. I'm tired of Sonichu already.

  4. On 9.1.2016 at 4:36 PM, sтαя∂υsт cяυsα∂εя said:

    I didnt move them, just a simple trick of overlaying some parts at certain time frames to hide parts of the portrait.

    This is how the portraits look like without any layers hiding parts of it

    Hehe...I hope you realize that with the release of this screenpack, you will become a pioneer in MUGEN screenpack making.

  5. Meanwhile, in the skies

    CmqxW2S.png*firing missiles* Yo, I think the armor is exposed soon.

    a05soep.png*shooting mini-comets* You're right, something is begin to shine beneath it.

    QC6pA15.pngIs it just me, or did we really become rusty?

    rsZg8pR.pngNo, they are speedy robots and have the clever plan at shooting anything but our heads.

    X020QJU.pngNah, I think it's because we are fighting 3-on-2. I'll fix that. *shoots a homing fireball*

    Y214MIo.png*shoots one last missile* Yes, the armor is gone now. Now we can concentrate both our attacks to do the fi-

    Suddenly, one of JetMan's wings gets hit by the Hewdra's fireball.


    QC6pA15.pngIs he dead yet?

    rsZg8pR.pngNo, but at least he wont be able to help this blue one.

    X020QJU.pngPerfect, no we can really go haywire!

    zEkO9fx.pngNot so fast, I still have got one last trump card!

    a05soep.pngHow do you guys like these?

    Suddenly, CometWoman shoots out two small satalite drones firing of electricity and rocks of extreme coldness (even colder than the Antarctis), which were orbiting in a way to assist CometWoman both in defence and in shooting power.

    QC6pA15.pngWHAT?! Orbitars?

    rsZg8pR.pngRobots have that, too?!

    X020QJU.pngThat's nothing but a deja vu, let's just concentrate our fire!

    The Hewdra heads were then launching a real stream of fire of all kinds, but CometWoman simply dodged that in the blink of an eye.

    QC6pA15.pngWait, that robot was there a second ago.

    rsZg8pR.pngAnd to think that robot was holding back before. We should have expected that!

    X020QJU.pngOrbitars incoming!

    The Hewdra heads get desperate and start shooting both at CometWoman and the satalites at even faster intervals.

    However, everytime a satalite gets destroyed, CometWoman creates a new one shortly after.

    zEkO9fx.png*gets grazed by a fireball* Damn, I think something barely hit my shoulder. Better should handle that situation from a different angle.

    CometWoman then proceeds to fly under the Hewdra and then spots the weakpoint.

    zEkO9fx.pngGotcha! And now it's time for you...

    a05soep.png...to fall! Meteorain!

    Suddenly, CometWoman began to shoot out a big spray of small meteors from both her arm cannon and the satalites, which increased in size the further the traveled.

    Thankfully, CometWoman aimed just about right, sinve the stream manage to shoot a hole through the Hewdra's chest!

    zEkO9fx.pngHaha, jackpot!


    rsZg8pR.pngWe may...be defeated, but...at least...it was...honourable...

    X020QJU.pngHourable? More like...embarissing...

    rsZg8pR.pngTo think...we would argue...even at...our last breath...

    And with that, the Hewdra finally fall, being taken care of for good. But what about JetMan?

    Hlh4tF2.png*on the ground* One of my wings don't work, but I can still fight.

    Then, JetMan spots some Primids, which are now joined up by Monoeyes.

    DbNTxZJ.pngOkay, that means Magio and co are not far away either. Better help out then.

    Then, JetMan scanned a group of Primids and Monoeyes rushing towards him, just to be sure that the group only consists of Primids and Monoeyes.

    Afterwards, JetMan fires a rocket at the group, which explodes on contact.

    Meanwhile, the remaining Unlimited Force member almost reached what seemed to be the fighting scene, when suddenly, YokuMan noticed something odd.

    8ar9neR.pngWait! Everybody wait!

    pi5Wlrr.pngWhat's the matter?

    bX7E6Ba.pngTake a close look at the battle scene.

    I7nXesJ.pngWait a second, nothing is casting shadow there?

    pi5Wlrr.pngWait, could it mean...

    bX7E6Ba.pngYes, that's right. It's an illusionary trap!

    8ar9neR.pngAnd we have only noticed it too late!

    With a fingersnip, YokuMan revealed the true identity of their location, which looked like an unfinished enviroment in a videogame.

    bX7E6Ba.pngThat design...

    u4EsOao.pngYep, we ended up inside one of Pandora's illusionary traps.

    pi5Wlrr.pngFirst Hewdra, now Pandora? What comes next, Thanatos?!

    bX7E6Ba.pngAt least I can safely say that CometWoman and JetMan are outside the illusion, which is also true for Magio and his friends and also the enemies they fight.

    I7nXesJ.pngSo...what now?

    bX7E6Ba.pngIn theory, it's as easy as ABC.

    u4EsOao.pngWe just need to find Pandora and defeat her. Then we can get out.

    pi5Wlrr.pngLet me guess: Finding her will be much harder than actually fighting her, right?

    bX7E6Ba.pngYou guessed, and unlike anyone with supernatural powers, we cannot just talk to somebody not in the room unless both parties have a speaker.

    Will the Unlimited Force find Pandora?

    Answer: yes, but this will be saved for my next post, which is either tommorow or one day later (partly depends on Agni's posting).


    OOC: I actually have a plan for at least the Kid Icarus villians and some additional ones, which I will talk out with Agni.


  6. Meanwhile, on the same streets, two barely visible dots were flying above the scene. As it turns out, the Unlimited Force sended out two of their robot masters to scout out for the definitive location of the Distortions, but found something different instead.

    CmqxW2S.png*talking into a speaker while flying* Hey guys, I think I found Magio and his other half. And there's also a brown-haired girl with them.

    bX7E6Ba.png*responding* A brown-haired girl? That's probably Renko. Is Maribel with her?

    CmqxW2S.png*talking into a speaker* Doesn't look like it. They are being attacked by Primids, although it looks like the Primids have no chance anyway.

    zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker while flying* Uhm...I don't like to be the one to give out bad news, but...there is a big blue three-headed flying dragon heading to the scene.

    bX7E6Ba.png*responding* The color of the heads?

    zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker* What?! Uhm...one blue, one purple, one red.

    u4EsOao.png*respoding* Well then, what you see is Hewdra, one of the commanders of the Underworld Army.

    zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker* Well...damn, I think they spotted me now, since their flying is now aimed more at me and Jet.

    u4EsOao.png*responding* Good good. Then you two can take care of them before they can cause Magio and friends some trouble

    zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker* Oh great...

    bX7E6Ba.png*responding* I'm glad that you like my idea.

    zEkO9fx.png*talking into a speaker* ...that was sarcasm...
    QC6pA15.pngHaha, great! Two snacks for the price of one!

    rsZg8pR.png...they are robots, and metal is not very tasty.

    X020QJU.pngThen we should crush and destroy them for ruining our surprise attack!

    QC6pA15.pngB-b-but I'm hungry...

    rsZg8pR.pngHey, we had plenty to eat before, how could you still be hungry?

    X020QJU.pngHe's probably only thinking with his stomach...

    QC6pA15.pngI mean, how could you know that metal is not tasty?

    rsZg8pR.pngDo you know that thing called "logic"?

    X020QJU.pngYo, let's crush those robots already!

    QC6pA15.pngNo, eat them!

    rsZg8pR.pngNo, burn them!

    X020QJU.pngNo, crush them!

    The three heads continued to argue about how to destroy the robots.

    CmqxW2S.pngUhm...now what?

    zEkO9fx.pngTheir bickering is never going to end. Let us just attack already.


    The three heads proceeded to attack the robots, each on with its own type fire. Will JetMan and CometWoman prevail? And what has the Underworld Army to do with the Subspace Army?

  7. Spoiler

    My characters so far:



    *TrinitroMan (previously known as NitroMan)


    Meanwhile, in the Unlimited Force HQ:

    bX7E6Ba.pngGentlemen, I think I have bad news right now.

    4VW7xNM.pngDid some reploid prototypes go maverick again?

    bX7E6Ba.png...actually, yes. But that's not our problem right now.

    LG1wLF4.pngOhohoho, that means serious business!

    p49qVEg.pngToday, I was receiving bizarre energy waves, so I had analized them throughly and made a shocking discovery:

    u4EsOao.pngThe Subspace Army has returned!

    ufuug8S.pngWHAT?! That's impossible!

    bX7E6Ba.pngNot really. Tabuu might be dead, but any survived member of the Subspace Army could easily rebuild it again and just find a new leader.

    u4EsOao.pngDuon and Galleom are guaranteed to return. Maybe they are even upgraded this time around.

    0i89CPI.pngSo...what are the next instructions, sir?

    bX7E6Ba.pngRemember Magio?

    pi5Wlrr.pngYou mean that white Ultima Knight from the Maribel incident? Sure thing!

    u4EsOao.pngWell...he's in for some Subspace trouble.

    p49qVEg.pngI'm also reading big energy waves from the Distortions' general direction, so I think that Primids would not be the only thing he will encounter.

    LG1wLF4.pngOkay guys, you know what that means!

    xeGjQKt.jpg*in unison* UNLIMITED FORCE! MEGA UNITE!

    In the blink of an eye, the Unlimited Force mega-teleport away near the latest location of the Distortions, since they cannot teleport directly into the Distortions. Will they reach Magio in time? And where is Maribel at?

    OOC: Agni, I hope you don't mind that I'm sending my team as reinforcement. They will also appear just in time (just when you will encounter the Primids).

  8. No, because that's not a big enough plot twist for Night M. Shyamalan.

    Instead, Shia LaBeouf gets killed by Chuck Norris, who ends up being an alien from Mars who is also controlling the Illuminati.

    Now THAT is one hell of a plot twist!

  9. It's like Jaws, but with sharks!


    Directed by Zack Snyder & Night M. Shyamalan, Produced by Michael Bay, Starring Harrison Ford and Shia LaBeouf

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