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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Well, a Rhythm Heaven character was planned to be playable in Smash 4, and Chorus Kid seems to be the most popular choice.

    Also, gotta love how this roster also adds new clones, but I can also see flaws on this prediction:

    *Krystal is ret-conned thanks to Starfox Zero, and Smash cannot make someone playable who doesn't even exist

    *Snake and Bomberman belong to Konami, and they will only be half-way of a possiblity if the situation regarding Konami stops being to toxic, which wont be so soon

    *Banjo-Kazooie is a Microsoft character, and while Phil Spencer was okay with them being in Smash 4, it's unknown if he will be okay with them being in Smash 5

    *Ridley is too big

    *Lana is not canon and technically a creation by Koei-Tecmo, so Lana is actually on the same area like Geno

    *It's missing Sakurai's Original Character Donut Steal called Dark Pit

    *Captain Toad cannot jump due to his backpack, and regular Toad is already Peach's Neutral Special

    *Sakurai hates Waluigi

    *no character representing what could be future franchises (placeholder spots for them would have been enough)

  2. Okay, here is the thing.

    The way you try to do things would require to update your character non-stop with new triggers for new character names and author names, cluttering up your code on the process.

    However, there exist a very useful and attractive alternative: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/optional-animation-standards-138791.0.html

    That way, instead of checking for the character name or author name of the opponent, your character instead checks if the opponent has the anim numbers required for the basketball transformation.

    In order to avoid as many errors as possible, you should choose an obscure number that is not listed on this topic yet, then just tell others on this thread about your new animation standard, so it can be noted down so everyone else can make his/her characters compatible with your animation standard for Tomoka's basketball transformation.

    It's also pretty easy to do, thankfully.

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