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Everything posted by Zemilia

  1. Does that mean none? Cause I'm seeing no rank on him yet. :P I wonder if there's a rank for sharer as well (Asking, cause it looks like This guy here is doing a pretty good job at sharing stuff almost nonstop).
  2. Just hope you don't have Tom Cruise in your closet. :P Anyway, so far I found one problem. If you keep on using Drop it/Bodies (as in, continually spamming the move), the music overlaps, drowning out some sound effects. Mind if I suggest making the music keep playing if someone were to spam Drop it/Bodies? ^^' There is something about the slash effect as well, in terms that: I feel it's a bit too big too be a regular slash effect. Intentional, or not? Speaking of intentional, does the hitboxes follow the source? Cause.. these kind of "rub" me the wrong way: In terms of both size, and how much they cover up the attack sprite. That's all from me.
  3. What the hell is wrong with that? I'm sure he's trying to get the forum busy. (Though I kind of miss Demonkai for doing that right now, but not much) Stage looks interesting.. though looks like it's in a "720" res Mugen. Though, I might be wrong.
  4. That's what I want to know. All I see is "Mugen Free For All; Where Sharing is Caring, Warehousing at its Best". There's no "World Heroes 2" in there. It might be the site you got the pic from (Noticed it's from Tumblr), but that's all we can get from a hint. :P
  5. So, a Skeleton literally popped out as another one of Ryon's creations. .3. This I may try out.
  6. I c wat u did there. Anyway, where should I request a drawing from you? (And I meant Tsukasa/what his new name is.)
  7. Round Table ft. Nino - New World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeeuQP8ie_U
  8. Might as well give it a try: "Use your head, or I will! I need a new bowling ball..." "My methods may seem harsh in contrast to my true intentions."
  9. Guess it's my turn to give Sanshiro a some feedback, since I feel like they need some addressing: -So.. why use pink (both blue and red) hitboxes, rather than the regular red ones? -Speaking of hitboxes, this doesn't feel right: Looks a little too big. -"Block-sparks" mis-alignment after a couple of button presses: -Speaking of Blocking, D, D, C is an unblockable by default. It is blockable, but it has to be "setted-up" for that to happen. Intentional? -Also speaking of blocking: This is Chip Damage from his Lvl. 3 Super, btw. -Just like the "Block-spark", Hitspark mis-alignments after a few button presses: -Air guard has the same sprite as a standing guard. -Hitbox disappears after I hit Sanshiro in the air with a regular normal: Don't know if intentional or not, but it doesn't feel right to me. -What's the point of giving him a double jump if there's no animation for it.. nor if he even has anything that looks like a double jump? Why not a single jump instead? -Both Z and C chain in itself.. multiple times (up to the point where I feel like it's a potential infinite). -Even though both striker moves (D, D, B and D, D, C) cost a meter, they feel like an infinite if you keep on spamming them (did it in training mode). That's all from me.
  10. If you're talking about how small Simone is, that's because for whatever reason his/her/it (idk at this point) localchord is "427" by default, when it's supposed to be 320 , 240. Aside from that... Pretty strange concept altogether. I can get the whole idea of where this is going, but Idk it just feels... awkward. THough for gameplay, I felt like that "beat down" super of his/hers/its felt like it went on for a bit too long. That, and I think the move with the laugh track (don't remember what) when blocked has the track still going on for a long while. Still finding more about him/her/it, but don't know if I can continue on without feeling weirded out altogether. :/ (Also, for some reason the clothes sort of reminded me of A-shi. Don't know why) Edit: Just took a look inside the sff. Found some.. suggestive panels of him/her/it (used during a "gang" super, I think)... I'm curious now. :P
  11. One of the Sin and Punishment games. (Either the original N64, or the sequel that came out for the wii) Hope anyone can get this:
  12. Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aeETEoNfOg Using this song as a temp use of relaxation, for now.
  13. I want to say it's a NES bootleg game thingy, but then I saw the "spoiler". ...If I answer "Mugen" and it's wrong, I'm going to break something. Anyway, another one:
  14. He got it right. It's just misspelled. (It's obviously Sonic R, anyway) My turn (And this may be easy to guess):
  15. Wait, is this just for Mugen Team Mexico only? Or for everyone else? I just got done recording some combos for a Combo Comp. thingy at guild. I may think about sending some of the combos I've recorded.. Along with some older stuff. Unless I have to record some new stuff for this "contest".
  16. Jamie Christopherson - The War still rages Within https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEkoBEtYCAU
  17. ..Huuh, what an amusing name. Anyway, welcome to MFFA. Hope you enjoy your stay over here. However, if you want any more replacement scouters, There's a lot in the backroomI mean there's no scouters here.
  18. And a bonus screenshot: Edit: Something I forgot to put, since this one needs a mention:
  19. Eh, I'll bite. 1632.. Not as much as how you guys are, but then again, this is on a 7 letter name alone. And I don't even know her surname yet.. if she even had one. :P
  20. ...Is it me, or is DemonKai really on a roll with topic making in here? Anyway, I'll list some films (since I don't have a lot to watch multiple times): .Inception .Donnie Darko .Batman: Dark Knight Returns Pt. 1 & 2 .Justice League: Doom .Toy Story 1, 2, & 3 .Ultraman Mebius & Ultra Brothers .Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate .Kamen Rider: The First .The Raid: Redemption That's all from me.
  21. Been waiting for this one for a while: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnIdcQvHwuI
  22. @TAW Obscure Gundam game that I'm not aware of? Unless it's not a gundam.. but some Mecha game that I'm not even aware of. :P Anyway, here's another one from me:
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