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Everything posted by tohnoshiki

  1. oh shaddup you! you got a wife and a mod position and now i REALLY want it back....i've seen unlocked topics that I try to lock but remember i can't. I also wanna edit the damn MB thread but again I can;t...
  2. his super armor is never fair....EVER....his bitch ass will rape me in 2 hits
  3. im totally going to find out where you live....and rape you
  4. ....cici did i ever mention how much I looooooooooove you?
  5. indeed they would actually...
  6. shoulda said edit instead of headswap cause you're implying it's the same character
  7. he's not a fucking headswap...he actually is an alpha because he wanted people to see what he was doing with blackmask because up until now it was only pics....mainly cause he just started working on the char
  8. aww don't be a nice girl, be a bad and mean girl...i enjoy it...in a non creepy (Jeepers Creepers) kinda way
  9. some chars, even with damage turned down...can link all moves together.....yeah i mean like a tatsumaki into raging demon
  10. it says any region just like on UMvC3 so....im guessing that means we could play
  11. yeah i can hit the random button... lemme just go online and check for ya
  12. i don't know any european players sowwi....but i THINK you can
  13. the beatifulness of this stage (beatrice in meta i think) brings tears to my eyes....and penis (fg reference)
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