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Everything posted by tohnoshiki

  1. holy shit, that's EXACTLY like spanish, la luna (moon in spanish) el sol, gato y gata (same exact...weird) and that last rule pertains true even in spanish
  2. I never played RE4, I do pay attention to things however, and Portuguese isn't much different from Spanish, so masculine and feminine are defined by O's and A's right? (on the words that are gender based right?)
  3. yup, indeed...thought it was horribly made and CHEAP AS ALL OUT BALLS....but other than that it served as a great foreshadow
  4. oh u mean akaitsuki, she's old and made by shiroto...this is even before actress again was even hinted at
  5. no problem malldita http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png
  6. in the original MBAA she shared the same sprites as arcueid, so that is correct. until Current that is, where she wears her princess uniform and is a completely different char
  7. Archetype was in both, mbaa was out for a while now..., and i know ur making Powerd dude
  8. sadly, mistaken it's got a scorpion, the queen leech, proto tryant and some others
  9. objection? bitch pennant stare
  10. oh, wait....whaddya mean what kind? lol the air guard end frame disappears...and idk how to fix it wait....my bad no he stays in the last frame and i can't continue to air combo Nvm, I fixed it....i got all his basic attacks done...backwards hop....im gonna work on his throw...i don't want the command to be forward and heavy but....maybe i should do somethin else....
  11. i have a bad feeling about that 1 too
  12. what the flames or air guard?
  13. i know they are, i cream my pants from the mere awesomeness...but don't tell cici. also i'm having soem troubles on air guard
  14. i remember that, lol that's how i got most of the lost files fixed...im also gonna back up liek every time i add something....also i need some sounds...and those sexy flames of yours
  15. awesome jawesome, keep up the good work, also send me soem flame effects
  16. also.....off the no bullshit...Most ofmy work got deleted im back to where i was stuck at yesterday (the whole air jump thing) all that work is gone
  17. i been wanted but now that i have UMvC3 it peaked my interest for this even more
  18. im talking about the other sections...but...nvm
  19. besides, if i did make a CvS2 styled Jin or used those sprites...ppl would think im making a clone so...yeah....im still deciding on who my next char should be
  20. yes that is correct folks I am making Jin Kazama from Tekken, I'm using his Tekken mobile sprites...which aren't that bad actually...he should be finished before february 10th...that's kinda my "time frame" for him...if he isn't done by then im fixing something major...so far i got his walking, jumping, turning, crouching, light punch, taunt, win, and intro done
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