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Everything posted by tohnoshiki

  1. can you make some for Dragon Claw? Spiderman, Hulk, Sinestro, Ironman (though his default is kinda iron-manish) Wolvy, and Akuma
  2. a NEW new patch? cause so far netplay even when it somehow DID work was slower than 30 fps
  3. PFFFT, yeah apparently he grew up got a beard and got some BALLS
  4. no not collection, the gaming section and megaman x8, sonic riders, and sadx
  5. silent hill is just horror now lol
  6. no, I didn't like RE5, my friend had it for 360, played it and didn't buy it. but this im buying most definitely...and imma use that new guy too! and the co-op BETTER be amazing *troll face*
  7. we do have pirated links on here.....might take those down
  8. 9/10 some of my fav chars from snk games
  9. i wasn't joking, even if the laws don't pass ry can go to jail.....MU was shut down without sopa and pipa being passed
  10. if i don't like it, im deleting it...if for some reason i keep it im not sharing it, because i don't want anyone to have it...i'll refrain from posting pictures of it tho
  11. because you thought it was gonna be all awful...but it's really just shit
  12. most likely i say we should kinda be stealthy about these links now...or stop posting for a bit...because what if mffa gets shut down and ry goes to jail? ry pays for this site
  13. obviously the author doesn't like what he did with the character and had to make it private so not everyone would have acess to it...since it's hard to remove things from the internet
  14. Laharl cares not for the emotions of others, but for the emotions of himself
  15. no he isn't, that's the most popular char, Capcom DOES NOT have a mascot at all, it used to be megaman. ryu became there most popular and they decided "fuck it no mascot" but Captain Commando should be their mascot again
  16. FINALLY, a good resident evil game...using the mutant thingies that DEFINITELY are not zombies! Im gonna get this game...for PS3 of course but questiones, who has seen the classic jill ocmeback besides me?
  17. damn as much as i like senna...idk if i'll dl this
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