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Everything posted by tohnoshiki

  1. yup....exactly. my hopes are still in for tekken x SF
  2. last year i was the only emo http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//TrollFace.png
  3. thats strange...but then again you could rape with anyone in this game...it's actually fair unlike SOME games *points to tenkaichi 1 and 2* im sorry but...fucking Super 17 and Kid Buu in Tenkaichi and all the main cast males in Tk2
  4. ikr? the bad engrish makes it hard to play this game cause im luaghin too damn hard...i STILL luagh at that shit
  5. lol, me with more fei long lessons
  6. lol he was my 2nd fav char from this, the first being zero
  7. jeez, he MIGHT be able to hurt krillin? oh wiat i forgot some very important information....last time i checked...going by america...HE HAS NO FUCKING POWERS! he used his mugetsu and lost them....so....he's not even a substitute soul reaper anymore! also, i thought Jotaro could only unfreeze himself...in the anime he never stopped time...only unpaused it. and Dio's Za Warudo doesn't stretch across an entire contintent...only 2-3 meters....which is about 6-10 feet....which isn't much of a distance....goku never has to be close to hurt you....so he most likely wouldn't be in this area so...kamehameha to the face....
  8. oooh...nice. is this single player only?
  9. Get outta my way! lol the english is horrible in this game, but the fighting is very very nice and fluid....i suggest anyone who likes arcade fighters and/or snk to pick this up
  10. the only thing i disliked was zero's theme, because it's his theme from megaman zero....which I hated
  11. I like the tenkaichi series better, mainly because of the immense amounts of space for me to rape you in!. plus i disliked the 2.5d games...but Budokai 3 was beast...especially playing as Uub!
  12. u have current code all patched up right? we could try playing....or playing AC. but maybe i shouldn't have said NO chance of beating me cause...you do lol.
  13. this is a bigger troll than when they gave us Megaman in UMvC3 (zero's megaman outfit and franks megaman outfit)
  14. did u find them pre ripped or do u have to rip them yourself? cause i kinda wanted to make a George for Mugen
  15. whoa.....dude....fuck....lol I want a picture! I like your hair I don't like him, but I don't hate him...the kid's what 17 still? and the most hated song of his was pre-recorded at 14...all they did was add a beat to it so....yeah and his music is aimed at girls and little girls so....men are kinda geared to hate it lol
  16. IMHO this is even less of a resident evil game but im still buying it
  17. if u pick crescent moon, no she's the same as act cadenza im still gonna own you dude....me and bruce are almost 50 50 it's like a 60 40 right now....but we haven't tried Current Code yet lol
  18. these aren't THAT bad, especially for when you first started. 1 and 2 are decent 3 is...ehhh
  19. grabs are always going to do more damage, like Omega Rugal's super (yea OP but think about it, it's a damn grab!)
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