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Nep Heart

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Everything posted by Nep Heart

  1. Pretty sure when the AI starts to blatantly cheat as in the case of how some of KONG's AI outright doing humanly impossible stuff like ignoring damage and hitstun at higher levels, the AI is objectively not well-made at that point regardless if they have difficulty settings or not.
  2. It's not that I think blocking a lot makes the AI harder. If anything, I think blocking a lot makes the AI a lot more exploitable instead since they're more susceptible to chip damage and unblockables. It's why I made it so that Miyako's AI had a balance in how much she would block to avoid those pitfalls. Anyway, finally got that accursed guts bug (mostly) fixed, that was a 2 week ordeal I had to struggle with. Now with that said, other updates were done, too, for slightly better external balance and better overall internal balance. All characters: - Revised Counter Hit; damage bonus and damage scaling mitigation reduced down to 10%, but now 250 power is also rewarded on hit to compensate. - Fixed Guts system bug that caused characters to have their life reduced by 50% on every first hit instead of reducing damage by 50% when reaching the minimum threshold. - Standardized Burst blast FX. - Standardized juggle expiration FX. - Standardize Guard Crush FX. - Many heavy normals, specials and supers now cause a slightly more noticable rumble on hit to give them better impact. Touhou Project characters: - Fixed Brave Guard bug that would sometimes cause it not to recognize directional input being released. SNK characters: - EX Specials have their command remapped to "a" command to keep it consistent with other Series Abilities. Hyper Drive Mode command has also been changed to accommodate. - Hyper Drive Mode no longer grants extra air dash and mid-air jump; replaced with Guard Crush damage being increased instead. Kadokawa characters: - Fixed error in Reflection Gaurd guard cost timing. Reflection Guard can also now be done outside of guardstun at a gradual power cost. - Remapped commands for Reflection Guard to "a" and Blast to "D+a" to keep it consistent with other Series Abilities. - Power Blast now increases Guard Crush damage. Melty Blood characters: - Fixed Shielding flaw that made it fail to recognize unorthodox projectile state controllers. Homura Akemi: - Increased damage scaling for numerous moves. Hotaru Futaba: - Fixed angle for Nagai-Furi Muki. - Tenshou-Ranki is now air unblockable. - A number of normals have their damage reduced. - j.2z now causes hard knockdown on grounded targets. Nayuki Minase: - Reduced damage for all normals except for all light attacks, dash attack and throws. - Super Nayu-Chan Kick, Surface-to-Air Freezer and Memories With Snow Bunnies have reduced damage. - Surface-to-Air Freezer can combo into itself now and frozen target falls faster to allow for better juggle timing. Damage scaling compensated. - Special Collection's clocks have a hitbox on their way down and cause hard knockdown. Also, clocks have a wider spread when they land now. Mai Kawasumi: - Fixed error in Closing Ground version y having improper positioning when followed up. Miyako Arima: - Corrected error in bouncing rocks still in movetype = A even after their hitbox expired. - Fixed super armor glitch. - Fixed some tripping animation quirks. - Sen-Shippo partially charged version has decreased damage, but full charged has increased damage. Damage scaling also increased. - EX version of Shin-Kyaku's duration reduced in half. - Most normals have their damage reduced. - Damage scaling slightly increased for all standing normals. - Ground and air throws have increased damage. - Critical damage bonus increased from 15% to 20%. - Tweaked AI.
  3. https://streamable.com/e4clf It's this kind of stuff that makes me want to consider making my own take on Rumi in the future.
  4. Nobody: You can't do 60% meterless Me: https://streamable.com/e9ayr
  5. https://streamable.com/0yud5 I recently have been trying out Wonderful World, it's pretty neat.
  6. - A lot of her attacks are pretty negative even on hit. This has an impact on the consistency of her combos as well. Here's the breakdown... standing medium = -7 standing strong = -8 crouching light = -10 crouching medium = -7 Tackle (a version) = -18 Tackle (b version) = -23 Tackle (c version) = -18 - Damage values for normals seem a little disproportionate in certain variations. Examples being that aerial light and aerial crouch do substantially more damage than aerial medium and heavy/crouching medium. - Certain supers do fairly low damage; Windy, Firey and Earthy come into mind. - None of her specials and supers do guard damage. - Complete absence of damage scaling. - Swordy allows for easy resets into standing light into Swordy again, rinse and repeat. - Can't chain light normals into heavy normals. - Sakura's launcher cannot be jump canceled, which disallows for follow-ups with its large endlag. - Shield has too much endlag, it sometimes makes her susceptible to being punished even on hit. - She's pretty lacking in specials and, frankly, has a little but too many supers that barely covers various purposes, sometimes overlapping in utility. - Supers have no super pause, which makes comboing into them a lot harder.
  7. Thanks. I actually am aware of Mio and Nayuki's AI since Holn has approached me a few months ago on them, although Mai seems to be very recent. Seeing as I have been doing AI myself since the last month, I may check them out and possibly use them as a base for my own attempt at their AI (I do have a few issues with Holn's AI, mainly the habit of blocking a lot more than necessary).
  8. Some important updates were made just about now. I am aware that there is a recently discovered bug with the guts system on the first hit, but that one's got me stumped in all honestly and I may need to consult a more experienced coder to help me out with it. All characters: - Fixed bug that caused characters to fail in retaining momentum while jumping after a dash. Peulla Magi characters - Increased endlag from a successful Magi Shield. Sayaka Miki: - Numerous graphical and sound fixes/improvements. - Fixed error in which Grandioso persisted after hitting a helper. Homura Akemi: - Numerous graphical and sound fixes/improvements. - Guard damage reduced for Artillery Strike (although still very high as intended). - Added a precaution to Rebellion's custom state. Miyako Arima: - Removed infinite caused by custom state errors. - Fixed button-held charge time for 5.z and both x and y versions of Sen-Shippo. - Fixed errors for a few Ex Specials failing to deduct power on use. - Tweaked AI.
  9. Miyako is here to prove the power of Bajiquan to the MUGEN world! This is also my very first character with an actual custom AI, so, you won't have a watch mode pushover for once. With that done, this will be the last character I will be releasing for a while as I'll be mostly just do updates/possible AI patches in the meantime. Get her here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DiiCSJjrHUoppZ82Uu?e=TTwBpf Updates: All characters: - Minimum damage scaling decreased to 10% for normals and specials, although all supers have their mininum damage scaling raised to 40%. - Significantly decreased power gain on hit and on block across the board. - Fixed Burst knockback by removing the small gap that allowed for OTGs. - Fixed a detection error for Gold Burst. - Standardized pre-wallbounce velocities and launcher recovery times. - Introduced Gold Mode (however, only Miyako has it atm). Puella Magi characters: - Revised Magia Overflow. - Passive meter gain disabled while performing supers. - Magia Shield causes hard knockdown on both grounded and standing targets. Touhou Project characters: - Removed power requirement for Spell Card Mode. Spell Mode also now has passive power gain. - Slight revision for Brave Guard. SNK characters: - Rolls and air dodges cross more distance. Kadokawa characters: - Blast now restores 200 life on hit and 50 life on block. - Reflection Guard cost reduced to 250 to compensate for lowered meter gain. - Passive meter gain disabled while performing supers. Eternal Fighter Zero characters: - Instant Charge now recovers a minor amount of life and power. - Reduced healing from Recoil Guard, but now occurs every time it's successful as opposed to every 5 successes. - Fixed Recoil Guard velocity bug. - Fixed bug that sometimes made Instant Charge unblockable. Sayaka Miki: - Fixed visual error in Prestissimo. - The x version of Squartatore is now semi-safe on block, y version is now air unblockable and z version now goes farther in zoomed stages. - Made it so that speed buff occurs outside of Allegro mode and relies solely on Allegro points instead. - j.2y has more hit velocity, allowing for more consistent follow-ups on hit and block. - Increased horizontal reach of launcher. Hieda no Akyuu: - Both x and y versions of Renbuken are speed up. - Miare Setsugetsuka has increased hitbox size and slightly higher damage. - All versions of Miare Missile have paintbrushes spread increased, giving them effectively larger space coverage. Homura Akemi - Artillery Strike damage slightly reduced and incurs increased damage scaling, but has increased number of hits to help it and AT-4 overcome guts more easily to compensate. - Fixed a few misaligned hitsparks. - Mark XIX Desert Eagle's version x, both ground and air, as well as her C4 counter are no longer affected by most anti-projectiles. - Fixed bug in Rebellion that made it put helpers in custom state. - Fixed FN Minimi float bug. - Fixed bug in all versions of L16 that caused it to be unblockable if it hits on frame 1. - AT-4 has increased damage scaling. - Rebellion is less affected by damage scaling. - Bullets from 6.z have slightly reduced frame advantage. - Time Stop Special now renders all of Homura's attacks unblockable in its duration. Hotaru Futaba: - Dash and back hop speeds slightly increased. - All versions of Ren-Gekki-Shuu sans EX version have less start-up time, increased velocity and capable of plowing through single hit projectiles. Also has more pushback on block, making it harder to punish. - Shajou-Tai has less end lag on whiff and is completely invulnerable to throws throughout, but reduced ivulnerability against standard strikes and projectiles to compensate. - Dash attack has increased travel distance. Mio Kouzuki: - Fixed bug in j.2z (Short Range) in which Mio would regain control mid-descent. - Slight speed increase in all Short Range mode normals. - Slight guardstun decrease on a few Long Range normals. - Now has a standing overhead normal in Short Range mode. - All versions of Shikigami Tamer adjusted; The x version has less endlag, but does less damage and has less frame advantage to compensate. The y version is safer and has increased damage. The Reinforced version does more damage, travels slightly faster and has substantially higher guardstun. - All versions of Onmyouji have faster descent upon reaching peak height and decreased landing lag. - Little Match Girl versions x and y have decreased guardstun. Doppel Nanase: - Fixed hit velocities on all variations of Maiden Typhoon. - Fixed Maiden Volcannon's off-screen properties for zoomed stages. - Parry now has suction effect when successful. Parry renamed to Deflect. - All versions of Maiden Fire are now air unblockable and have slightly larger hitboxes. - Maiden Capture x has reduced start-up and Maiden Capture y has reduced cooldown. Nayuki Minase: - Fixed protection inconsistencies with Keropi Shield. - Fixed Minase Spring Cleaning's knockback inconsistencies. - Snow Bunnies orbit Nayuki faster, can no longer be affected by reflectors and render Nayuki immune to projectiles while they're active. - When summoned by Nayuki, Keropi's new trajectory tracks opponent's last position now. - Somersault Spike y version is now air unblockable. Mai Kawasumi: - Single Stroke no longer pauses juggle timer. Damage increased to compensate. - Slightly higher frame advantage with all versions of Scatter. - Closing Ground version y's non-held version sets Mai farther from her starting position. Archive: For my collections thread, visit here (which also details mechanics for an extra bonus): http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/nep-heart-depository-186018.0.html
  10. Last Miyako showcase video before I release her next week.
  11. Part 2 of NICK54222's challenge.
  12. Gold Modes were basically boss modes of a character in Guilty Gear and the same logic applies to Miyako's Gold Mode and pretty much any character I plan to update with this special mode. So, yes, it would be even if it is only restricted to an optional palette.
  13. https://streamable.com/mfw3f It's sorta obvious at this point that I draw a lot from ArcSys games for my own stuff, so, Gold Mode is going to be a thing for everyone sooner or later. However, it'll be a slow progression as I update everyone with their own Gold Mode, so, for now, only Miyako's getting it.
  14. The MU is starting to look better.
  15. I think I've exceeded my own expectations.
  16. Now up against my own AI this time.
  17. Another demonstration of Miyako's AI. Next time I plan to showcase it, I will be taking it on myself.
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