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Posts posted by AxSeeker

  1. Actually I'm cutting a lot of normal attacks out to get this done faster. Instead of the 18 standard punches and kicks, there will probably only be like half of that, maybe. Some normal attacks will be like specials. I'm also cutting frames to. I'm really trying to simplyfy this because there are just too many power rangers to do and you can't really give them all super heavy detail while expecting to finish the whole group.


    In fact, i narrowed everything down to those choices in the images up there. The series itself has like 100+ power rangers, I just chose a few popular ones I liked best and at most I might only really do 1-2 more after this, so not the entire line up in there.


    Not to mention villains will be required to give our warriors some opponents. My work isn't the best but at least it will be a power ranger in mugen for those who have been waiting years for some SFAII sized versions.

  2. Hehe, yeah! It's hard to top the classics like these. Truly all of this is for the fans of the show ;)





    Here is the walk animation, and we're that much closer to getting him done. Jump and crouch are coming up next.


    In the future I would like to do L.Zedd, as a rival for the Green Ranger. I also had some other ideas I liked. Some of these aren't classic so please forgive me for this lol




  3. Some characters have infinites because they perform them in their original games such as StarFox 64 and I based some characters more on their original games rather than 6 button traditional fighters.


    Some updates were fixes for missing frames, clone issues, pallete problems, extra frames, attack reation fixes, etc. I'm sure there are still issues in there but everthing should be a little better and more compatible with characters that use throws and grab attacks.


    As for permission, all character readme's and authors are intact; however this is a compilaion game so no permission is required just to bundle up a bunch of stuff that is allready made available prior to this arrangement. Compilatiosn are nothing more than a collection of mugen. All I did was bundle it up and made the download easier. Those creations are not mine and were shared with the public freely.


    Keep in mind also....It's no different from what mugenfreeforall does in that it offers you links and bundles of characters together for download from variosu different authors and done so without consent or forknowledge of such actions. If there is a website to do this, then it's this one right here at MFFA.


    As for Link (Zelda) issue, I like my Link the best out of all the edits out there (no offense). My new version is my favorite and I think it really carries the spirit of Link from the Legend of Zelda. Also he has way more moves, hard A.I., and a bigger sword XD


    The new Dk being done, which also uses my sprite edits + Warner's original edit, and MvC2 Son Son, will be likely prefered over my old one because it will have what mine has except it will have extra new stuff on top of that. I'm encouraging it because it will offer more to.


    I don't encourage kingcarz version because the colors are kinda flat and don't blend all that well with the rest of the roster visually, even though it plays really well and has good attacks + a good number of them. ErmacOne and Micromers version is probably one I should encourage, it's very original and fun, though I just prefer an adult Link over a young Link; So I went with my latest version.


    Just to clarify, this is not exactly a smash bros game, everything is mixed or completely different. Some characters are 4 button, others 6, some are shooters, while others are fighters. I edited some characters to function like how they did in their original games rather than super smash bros style or whatever. It's a compilation to so no hitsparks match or anything like that. If anything the release from me is actually just the screenpack by itself as well as a few new stages; including 3 new characters.


    Again the characters are just bundled liek this together just to give them a home to a fullgame, just for fun, in mugen since there hasn't really been a smash project done yet for mugen other than a few online ones that didn't get completed or go anywhere.

  4. I only used X as a base for characters that are mainly shooters by origin so tht they could play the same as shooters. The A.I. is better tough, the game has to be challenging. The font is custom made just for the game, it's a little big and only uppercase letters work. You can change them yourself in system.def.


    This game is uilt on winmugen because mugen 1.0 and mugen 1.1 do not work on my current PC that i am using. Sorry. This is the best I can do. I may update this game in the future if I ever get a new PC.

  5. Cool and hey feel free to make a video to while your at it.


    I'm considering maybe expanding the roster to like with Little Mac (custom version), Dig-Dug MvC sprite style, Abe Odessy (mvC sprite style), Marco (metal Slug), Ness (MvC sprite style, Peach, Banjo & Kazooie N64 (MvC sprite Style), Olimar, Ganondorf, and R.O.B.

  6. ASVXoD3.png

    This is a custom open full game made for mugen and is also a compilation. This game features new characters, stages, and a screenpack, This is not exactly a smash brothers port but it is a custom made non-profit fanart game. Some characters play like smash characters but others are more based on their original games. This game contains work from other fanart creators for mugen and all characters belong to their respective companies such as Nintendo, Sega, Namco, etc. This release contains some character updates. To see more releases like this visit our website @ http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net

    Have fun and enjoy! ;)





    On 10/6/2014 at 10:01 PM, Katakura-kun said:

    so u want your silly  characters is hard to beat even thou they are fucking terrible on the damn codes u cant fix lol thats BS excuse i ever seen man

    I've seen several videos allready of people defeating this character. It's not impossible, try it.

    You'll love the challenge!


    I enjoyed their videos because I saw them all struggle to win against my Goku. XD




  8. LOL


    Guys chill, it's not that serious, remember these are games, things for children to play with. A slight balance issue isn't the end of the world and it isn't worth causing an uproar. If you hate it, say it and leave it at that. If you like it, then say it and leave it at that. But no need to fight over little stuff like this.




    I really enjoyed the video (not joking), I noticed the infinites weren't always a problem and the fights actually lasted a good length. I do see the cheapness at times though but I do marvel at them every now and then because it reminds me of a pokemon episode or battle where this kind of thing actually does take place, where you have 1 hit kills or same moves repeatedly used to defeat an opponent's endurance.


    It would be best though that these issues were corrected as everyone has said and I hope they do get corrected someday by someone willing to help me one of these days.


    BTW when your pokemon is disabled, that means he's flinching! LOL


    Also Thunder has low accuracy, so it can miss sometimes.


    Thank you for making a video about this game, wether good or bad in opinion, it's great to see your stuff.







    Speaking of that, I've seen releases without bugs or infinites, perfect conversions even, getting ZERO replies and views. So even though I suck, I still have a smile on my face and a personal sense of accomplishment. XD

  9. Just a quick thing to say before someone here (save for a few, since they already tried it) actually decides to play the game (though this is mostly on the technical aspect): The sounds are somehow all (well not all of them) in a "sound\ .mp3" format, even though it's supposed to be a "sound/ .mp3", otherwise it wouldn't worked. And before you said either way is fine, I actually booted up the full game the first time around and loaded up a stage; which at first thought it had no music. Then I checked out the stage defs just in case, noticed they're all in that format, changed it up, and well: sound works.

    Also, why is the vid config in the cfg file in 800x600, even though the standard is 640x480? (And asked, cause got an error message about that the first time I tried to boot it up. Had to change it to 640x480)

    Oh and I forgot to mention.. it crashes whenever I exit a mode too (but at some times).

    I didnt know that about the resolution. Good to know. Ill try and keep that in mind for future projects.

    I will say that i did try, fullgames arent done in one day afterall. Its true as well in that i am not that good of a creator but im happy anyway in what i did because in the end i Have fun playing The game and ultimately that's my reward.

    i appreciate everyones honesty, thank you for playing my game.

  10. If they enjoy then that's fine, if they don't, then that's fine to.


    If it's just a novalty joy, then hey I'm happy they enjoy it for 2 minutes. I couldn't ask for more than that.




    I heard it crashes, for me it doesn't crash but it is a possibility in winmugen.


    If anyone wants to convert this for 1.1 that would be awesome. I wanted it made for that but mugen 1.0 and 1.1 don't run on the old computer I am currently using. So many of my computers have crashed so i can only build for winmugen at the moment.


    Also anyone is welcome to fix the infinite issue to and clean up the .sff and other stuff like that iuf anyone is interested to.

  11. I thought it was pretty cool. I've not seen a Pokemon battle like this before. Not to dis type wild or anything but I haven't seen a pokemon battle against a giant floating wail in mugen before LOL These aren't humanoid fighters but animal have an epic battle, almost every kind to.


    I know every move is an infinite but aren't you guys excited about a Pokemon battle taking place like this. The arena, the trainers, the music, the pokemon that have advantage over some and are weak against others.


    Maybe I am biased because I had a hand in it but I gotta say that i never had this much fun with pokemon before, with all due respect to other pokemon mugen creators.


    I only regret that I didn't build this on mugen 1.1 zooming. It would have been more crazier.

  12. Well here you go.



    I logged in right now hoping you would post this video. You uploaded this video about an hour ago and I could not stop laughing. LOL


    But to answer one of your questions, Goku has Vegeta's theme for 2 reasons. 1, it sounds better than the original frieza saga one that Goku had and, 2, the theme was used not just for Vegeta. Gohan used it along with Vegeta and Goku as they were all stopping Perfect Cell.


    Check it out





    I was trying to recreate the wave like in that scene to.



    My goal for this release was to do 2 things, 1, I wanted to make a hard Goku, and 2, make it epic. Ridiculous attacks, over the top specials and attacks, waves, etc.


    Seeing your review has brought great joy to me. I really feel great in that I accomplished these things according to your review. This is exactly what I was trying to do. I wanted the world to fight a real Super Saiyan, the only other one that I saw doing this better was supermystery with more accurate damage and stuff liek that.




    BTW I should have mentioned this in the release earlier but it's best to use this character in a long stage to really enjoy the other side of the super attack.

  13. @trinity,


    I wanted to make it a super move originally but Goku just doesn't have that many attacks. Every other Goku struggles with this same issue and so a lot of filler comboes are added are added to compensate for this. I recall that I spent weeks tryign to figure out what specials he could do and how they should be done?


    I really wanted something unique from the other mugen incarnations of Goku because it wouldn't have been worth making another clone for mugen.


    At the very least you can still dodge, and block the attack with gaming skill ;)


    Though yeah I gotta admit it is cheap LOL But I think something as strong as a super saiyan can get away with being a little cheap. Afterall they supposedly can destroy planets in the anime or even travel faster than light, etc.




    I look forward to your review :p


    But thanks anyway, I do enjoy your videos and your detail analysis. I do intend to use your recordings to fix up my stuff in the future.




    You know I hate fights that I can win so easily in mugen. When I beat a character like Loganir's Thor or Wonderwoman, I can't help but appreciate and enjoy my victory more than any other circumstance, especially after you keep losing for so long, it just makes that win that much more special.


    Don't you get a thrill from really using strategy and your gaming skills to win a fight? I know I do! Try and beat Sandman or Magneto by Kong and you'll get that gamer's High for sure when you do. LOL

  14. Goku - Beta 2 - Release





    I tried to finish this but I was unable to. Though he has a lot more progress now and a few fixes. There are some bugs now though which I am unable to fix right now. The character is a little more cleaner and faster now with improved A.I. The character is no longer palette compatible at the moment. He has a new portrait and an updated palette.

    This version has all specials and 1 hyper/super.






    Well it's finally here, my little side project that was originally just a quick mini game thing that started over at Elecbyte. Special thanks to the fellas out there who gave me ideas for this project. This is an open full game so feel free to create and add your own Pokemon. To find out how, follow the original thread for tutorial help. This game includes new stages, music, screenpack, and 23 characters. If you like this project and wanna see more then check out our projects at,








  16. Okay so everyone knows this starter right?




    This is torchic, looks great, cute, fun idea, then it evolves,




    Combusken, okay now he's sweet the legs are working out well, a lot of possibilities and he looks very cool, and then he evolves.....











    Okay Blaziken is just awful. Why does he look like a digimon!!!




    And what's up with his head now? What does he have long hair now? He needed to look more like a hippy?!


    And what's with his legs? They look like 60s-70s bell bottoms pants




    Hey Blaziken, "Do THE HUSTLE!!!"





    .... Nevermind....



    Next is Miltank




    You know at first it turned me off but after awhile it kinda grew on me and I heard it was always a tough battle to fight. I think maybe the real problem behind this character is it's color scheme? Maybe if it were something else fans wouldn't have been so offended at this?


    This single pokemon spawned a lot of memes on the internet, much like mudkip and pikachu memes. Here is the most popular of the same sentiments towards this character.




    Maybe the anime version was the worst? I dunno.


    Okay well that's it for now. Next I'll be discussing fighter types!

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