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Posts posted by AxSeeker

  1. Cool.


    I was gonna release him sooner but I decided to take a break half way through the process.


    I might add a fly mode down the line and maybe add a visible jetpack? I would like more moves and hypers but I'm out of ideas. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this version. ;)





      This is a custom remix of Fox McCloud. This character is highly influenced by Star Fox 64 and he is made to fight similar to that of his Arwing from Star Fox 64. MCCloud can fire lasers and charge it to. He can boost as an attack and do a U turn for thruster damage. Fox can fire a tracking smart bomb and he can barrel roll at point blank distance.

    Fox has 2 hypers, one a multiple Torpedo attack and the other move a standard hyper beam borrowed from one of his boss fights in SF64. Specials are performed by pushing forward and back with the blaster button or in reverse by pressing backwards and then forwards with the blaster.

  3. I did see it! I was on youtube just searching on other Dk releases and I saw many videos coming up with this Dk all ready coming up. Mostly videos to poke fun at the poor coding and sprites but videos nonetheless of the hottest Dk today LOL




    Anyway, thanks for making the video.


    Yes! Spread the news! Let the mugen world know that there is a big monkey on the loose XD






    BTW really funny seeing Cell go up against a Saiyan.

  4. If there's something I don't like about this DK that was already mentioned, it's the AI.

    It's corner rape-tastic. Unless it was supposed to be like that.


    I didn't intend it to be like that but the A.I. in the template was put in charge of that and I am actually well pleased about how it turned out. This is exactly how I always wanted Dk to behave in a fight. I wanted a huge crazy monkey with ridiculous speed and ferocity that he would make the opponent quiver in fear, something liek a real monkey attack you sometimes see in those videos.


    I'm having a blast watching Dk fight XD

  5. DK came out pretty solid!  Damn tough AI too!  I think he's safely locked up a spot on my roster.  O_O




    When I was playing against his A.I. I couldn't stop laughing to! :D


    With all the monkey sounds it was just hilarious to see a monkey going crazy and beating up 2 opponents at once at the same time  XD




    Yes this is a head swap of Son Son's gorilla thing. It was the best base I could find and the head came from one of Warner's sprites.


    He is a custom fighter to capture just a few of the best moves of DK from hsi appearances. That swinging kick thing is from DK64 while his roll is from dkc and other stuff is loosley based on smash bros. I feel he has enough of the right attacks with the exception of missing his hypers.


    Also I compared the monkey sounds from dkc and the stock monkey noises on the net and some are the same and identical. Also Dk doesn't havbe many sounds in dkc. I would of used super smash bros DK but his sounds aren't very similar to dkc and I really prefer his voice from dkc.


    I think he should sound like dkc more than anything because that was just a powerful impression on me fo him to be a monkey's monkey.


    Also I meant to disable the taunt but I forgot. I think taunts are useless.


    Thank you for the feedback though, there si a guy who is improving the character as we speak in this thread. Hopefully eh can fix the other problems I am unable to do.


    I also think he's hilarious. Monkeys are just funny for some reason :P


    Also the .def says Nintendo because I personably beleive that the mugen creator has no right to take credit for a character that belongs to Nintendo. Unless he created Dk out of his imagination I refuse to beleive that the mugen enthusiast has a right to be credited.

  6. Well, I've done some testing with him.


    Some things.


    1: The tie disappears during the taunt.

    2: Said taunt seems a bit too fast.

    3: I'm not a fan of the current monkey noises. They might be more suited to a Diddy Kong, but not DK. I will point to noises by DK from Super Smash Brothers Melee.

    4: He has no attacks while crouching, and only one in the air. The lack of crouching attacks can make things problematic if DK gets stuck in a corner.

    5: Speaking of corners, DK's long range can quickly force you into one. He's no slouch at attacking, either, so you might want to tone down his offense (maybe make DK's moves push him back more?)

    6: He could use more attacks as a whole. In particular, he seems to be lacking supers and hypers. Maybe add in DK's Final Smash from Brawl, and/or an attack similar to Donkey Kong for the NES.

    Thanks for the feedback, I think this will be useful for the guy over here working on the update. Sorry i can't remember his name.


    As for Fox,


    His final design is a little different but the same bases.



    Fox has arm sleeves now and his moves are based on his Arwing abilities. At close range he Barrel Rolls and at any distance away he fires two laser guns instead at once and he can charge it and fire a stronger and bigger shot. He has a dash boost jetpack attack. His Bomb special with have tracking instead of his charged laser shot attack. Fox has an additional new attack borrowed from one of his enemies in StarFox 64, where a mechanical bird drops a bomb which errupts like a gyser on impact. Fox will just drop a bomb while in the hair after a jump.


    In addition, Fox will be able to hold his jump to go higher by holding the jump botton like in his in game Tank in Starfox 64.




    For hypers I plan on A hyper beam deal, a standard hyper in almost every mugen character and it will be based on one of Fox's enemies in StarFox 64, Gorgon.




    Check out a yputube vid sometime to see it in action ;)


    Another hyper will be a Submarine attack version of Starfox 64's submarine battle where a locked on targets get shot at, at once, with tracking torpedo missles. For Fox he'll just shoot like 4-6 at once at the same target and obviously they won't be torpedos but missles that look similar to torpedos.

  7. This is an edit of giganX3's Fox and it is a paste job.


    Also I all ready finished about 1/3 of Fox McCloud's sprites already. I can't stop it now but thanks anyway for the heads up.


    I think I'll still do Mario because Warner's style looks good to me and i prefer it over the other ones.

  8. From what i said earlier on Mario, that will go on hold as i've gotten to work all ready on Fox McCloud!




    So far the stance is complete and I have the rest all ready to go. He'll be faster to sprite to but the coding is gonna take a little longer. I hope it'll take around the same time total as it took for DK so be ready for the next Nintendo release.  :awesome


    This is the mario update btw on his alternate design wip. Again I'm gonna swipe from Warner lol




    After this I think I'll be done with Nintendo for a while.

  9. ill fix it this weekend. because it should be done. i hope this doesnt go to mfg because it will be flammed for its incompleteness. which is sad because it is good!. this will actually be my first edit of a char! ill clean up the coding,AI,required sprite positioning, sounds & rename the files within the character. Don't worry guys...this will be alot better. And thank u Ax for even taking DK this far in mugen. :)

    Thanks friend! I appreciate this. I don't know how to code all that well and I really couldn't continue anymore with whatever because I just lost interest yesturday.


    Also, Let MFG say whatever (there's an upside to it) , as long as it keeps bumping the thread and sending more memebers over I don't care what they say. :=D:




    I know, right! Why the hell does it take XX years to do a 2D DK character for mugen?!




    I authored it as Nintendo because I personally feel that no creator is deserving of credit unless he completely makes up the character himself.


    @everybody else,


    Thanks guys, I've been struggling to find a good design & base for DK for a year now and I finally got lucky. This wip took me about 3-4 days to start and finish XD


    I might do a Mario next with aperson98 or 89, something like that? He's a great coder I hear!

  10. Dk- Released




    I didn't feel like coding the specials but they're there so anyone out there be my guest  lol I would like for Dk to get a balloon fly mode down the line where he can drop TNT barrels though that's all I would like. He's rich in monkey sounds and only flings coconuts at you. Try him out with a DK stage by Blizzard Buffalo on his website or here in our downloads!

    Enjoy!  ;)

  11. You are a very good creator, thx for all your great work !

    Thanks, I try, and I will finish this and make it better as time goes on. I'ma work on the beta next year, right now I think i need a vacation LOL

  12. thanks.


    Well for Christmas I just had to share my stuff, however, I also share my incomplete works for various reasons as well.


    One of those reasons being that if I hang onto an alpha or beta and on my way outside I suddenly get shot to death or get hit by a bus will result in me never being able to complete my work. I reasoned within myself that it be better to have something out there rather than nothing at all for such a possible scenario.


    Doing this has also preserved my work from a similar scenario which has happend to me recently; my PC oveheated and stopped working so all of my wips became unaccessible to me. However by releasing betas or alphas, myself or someone else can at least continue my work on another machine without having to start it from scratch. Many of my wips were backed up this way and it's saved me many times.


    I like warehouses to because someone out of the bunch has my characters backed up for me in case of an emergency. It's great that all I have to do is post a character request to get my work back.


    Many don't support my decision and in many ways it has defamed me among the elite though I don't really care about my user name getting such useless approval. I don't make these things just for them, I make it for everybody. It really makes no difference, eventually the final version will be uploaded for all to enjoy, so an alpha or a beta having a release between that time won't matter much anyway.

  13. Indeed the sprites look fangastic.


    But shouldn't an Alpha have more than just the basic standing attacks? Looks more like a rush to get it out fast than anything else in order to get more feedback.


    Since it is Ax we're talking about, my expectations are limited to say the least. Like Genesis, I too shall wait for a final version but even then I doubt I'll keep him in my roster unless he surpasses the or has the same amount of fun factor of Balthazar's Goku Z2/SSJ Goku Z2.

    Alpha means missing stuff, usually basics.


    Beta means basics all done, but lacking final stuff, maybe specials, extra stuff, etc.


    then anything completed completely is just a final release.


    With this Goku I'ma try and do it different for sure, there is all ready a MvC Goku so I'ma do different moves, make new hit sparks, etc. Just so it's different enough to want to download alternatively.

  14. GOKU - ALPHA

    Posted Image



     An early release preview of a character's progress. This version only has basic standing attacks. So it does not have crouching or jumping attacks. Many commands have been disabled but the character should be playable though there may be some bits missing if I missed something somewhere? Some or many sprites are incomplete or need more editing, but it's basically there for an update in the future later on for its beta release.

  15. Iron Man - Released

    Posted Image


    This wip is still incomplete, he's very similar to Captain America's release. The sprite work isn't finished but he's playable. This character is made up of several different iron man characters. Not everything in this wip was made by me, much of it was made by others. This is a compilation of some of their work.

    In this wip I was looking to only add to the original iron man rather than drastically change him. Why fix what isn't broken, right? :roll: He has his old stuff and some new stuff you might have seen before. Enjoy ;)

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