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Posts posted by AxSeeker

  1. Tut tut tut. All that Gen IV hate.


    You can't have your own opinions on the Internet! What if people disagree with you?!

    I like all generations of pokemon but I have to mention that in at least each one, there is a dud or two that sucks. Keep in mind that I mentioned other gens to!

    And I still have to get to some others as well.


    I'm always excited about new pokemon in new games and the anime. Needless to say that it's better that way in that it will reach a broader audience if there are more options to be had. So basicially Fans can have more choices to choose from when we get a new gen.

  2. Interesting, I'll have to look into them. Arbok and Ekans, yeah I was suprized when I read that on bulpedia. Mind Blown.


    Okay, now for the next installment. The evolutions that should have never been added.







    Conpared to the original tangela




    Now as you can see the original was very simple and interesting though the new one is hardly that much different and if anything it looks bad now as if they were trying too hard to improve over the original. It just has additional wines on it wih a small re-arrangement that adds nothing really new or improved. This on e should have just been left alone.







    Does everyoen remember Electabuzz? That cool looking tough guy with a decent design?




    Well they butchered him to.Introducing Electrvire




    Now with his new body the old electabuzz intimidating and fierce arms and hands are now less threatening and make him now an overall less memorable pokemon.


    The face is the worst though because electabuzz went from a wild fighting monster to a poorly designed sasquach. His old cat features are completely gone and he lost his electric pattern wich should havbe been passed on without a problem.


    This one shoudl have never of been made at all. Iyt's a real shame.



    Next is magmars evolution into this thing.




    Magmortar is like a wannabe Jinx for some reason? Magmar was so cool in his design and was a popular one in the series because of his fasicanating design. Particularly his head. Although a lot is going on in his design, he was stqable some how. Magmortar though looks like a pokemon who was born with down syndrome. Take a look at his sprite.




    Does he have buck teeth now? I mean what is that!?!?! That's just silly. It also resembles an asian caricature of a racial stereotype. This is as bad as Jinx. Not just for the race thing but because it's just ugly and poor.


    Finally we look at Lickylick? Evolved from the classi lickytongue




    This one isn't that bad atually it's just that it's tongue is shorter!?!?!


    But then this would be some kind of downgrade to lickitongues specialty then now wouldn't it?


    I guess the new evolution would have the advantages of snorlax so I'm kinda on the ball on this one.





    Another one that was done was Rhyperior




    This isn't too bad either but the color scheme just seems really too drastic. The tail is a plus however, I would have liked a Pokemon of its own original origin to sport a tail like that instead of Rhydon's evolution. The arms are also a turnoff in tthat it jut doesn't seem right. Arms like that belong better to another pokemon. A more simplistic one not unlike Metagross




    It wworks well on Metagross for some reason? But Rhyperior looks like he is trying to cosplay a mech of some kind?




    Anyway that's it for that. Later I'll be ranting about a cow and a chicken LOL So tune in later. See ya!

  3. What about checking Bulbapedia to see where these 'down right ridiculous' Pokémon are based off from? You'd be surprised what you can find out.


    Pokémon haven't always been based on nature and animals. What about that 1st generation magnet, that involves into three magnets? Or that Virtual Reality man-made Pokémon?


    (OK I'm done posting here lol)

    Well I can't say all but the majority of them that were nature and animal based are among the most popular and best. Magneton and magnemite might be cool but porygon,, NO WAY!


    Though thanks for your input. My opinion isn't always right so it's good to hear another side's perspective though.



    I've read some origins and trivia on there, it's very interesting to say the least. If I pick up on something worth ranting about then I'll definitly post it here.




    Next I'll be posting about Pokemon that received unnesscary evolutions.

  4. Anyone curious enough, would have just PM'd you. I think that's the only point trying to be made here. It wasn't worth a full topic, because it ended up attracting "shitposting" behaviors in members.

    It's better contained in one thread rather than in my releases. Pm is fine but public threads clear everything up and quick for everybody to see. Maybe I'll link that thread to my sig? That way no one will bring it up again or ask either if they missed it.

  5. If it was a mistake to post whatever I did earlier then don't worry about it. It won't happen anymore. Though I posted this for a reason so others would know that I decided to come back given the circumstances now.


    The thread was made merely to answer any questions anyone might have had about me who might be wondering why I am back again.


    I could have just posted my new games but then the questions would come up anyway and I would be forced to answer them in those threads. At least this way the locked topic answers everything now for me.



    I'm just moving on now and only focusing on mugen, my little distraction.


    Also to answer GarchompMatt, I'm using a computer that does not belong to me but that I have access to from other family. My computers are down.






    Also leave that thread locked about my update. I like to just forget everything and continue doing mugen only. Now lets not discuss this anymore. It's over now.


    Lets all just go back to having fun.

  6. I've got more!


    And just for the record I wish I could take a lot of these out. I wish that maybe someday I can make a pokemon game patch of some kind that would leave nothing but the best looking pokemon for encounters and battles.









    Someone asked me to make this monstrosity once I think? Needless to say it's generally just terrible. I like the idea behind it in that it tricks pokemon by its appearance....but....unfortunately this is the problem. It has a very weak design with a really ugly characterization behind it.


    Has anyone every heard of a conjoined twin dead fetus? Well I don't dare to show you the real thing but they made a south park parody of it in one old episode.





    It's really distastful. I feel bad for people who have conditions liek this but without a doubt this is displeasing.




    Anyway my point being is that mawile looks like that. Only one Pokemon pulls it off well and that's Wabbafett. Though I honestly would rather prefer him without it all together.




    Even on the show Wobbufett rarely showed it either. It's as if the animators knew that the tail with eyes looked silly.




    Another pokemon that was ruined with this idea is girafarig




    For some reason the back portion looked like pantyhose to me so I guess this character was ruined in more than one way. The colors aren't too great either.


    It had a lot of potential but once it turns around it will turn you off. The tail end looks like a chomper from mario bros...






    Though it could be a nod from gamefreak to nintendo  or whatever?



    Anyway I hope in future generations that things like this could first go through some kind of survey first before they become official because a lot of these are butt ugly!

  7. Okay so I know I'm not alone in this Pokemon thing since there are a lot of posts for pokemon mugen content so this is a thread for just ranting about Pokemon stuff. I might be the only one posting here but you're all welcome to join in and give your 2-cents.


    I'm gonna start off by ranting about the latest pokemon that are just down right ridiculous!



    First off there is this new pokemon called "Klefki", and yeah you guessed it by its name that it's just a key chain with keys....





    Seriously wtf!?!?!


    It doesn't even look right either for those of us with dirty imaginations...   :S


    Honestly this is one of the dumbest designs and ideas ever. I remember a joke on the net on pokemon and there was a parody about 7 gen pokemon and it was just a chair with eyes and a mouth and the joke was that generation seven and onward were going to be this ridiculous in just making anything into a pokemon, including household items.


    What was fun about the older generations is that a lot of thought went into the pocket monsters and many of them were right out based on nature and animals, 2 things that everyone likes, with a mix of serious, cool, and occasionally cute; making it appealing to everyone and anyone.


    But these are just right out silly. It doesn't even look intimidating! (or cute, it's just soulless)


    I wish the "run away" option in pokemon would be in this case "walk away laughing"









    This next one is called "Garbodor", the garbage pokemon.





    This one has been getting a lot of heat on the net about it being a stupid idea and one of the worst ones.


    I'm reminded of generation 1's Muk and Grimer





    I think the reason these 2 worked out well was because it still looked monstrous like "The Blob" from classic horror films.


    I personally think that Garbodor can work but I think that the thing that is really bugging everyone is that stupid stare/face, as if it were some kind of internet meme Maybe if it looked more like a frost giant or something that maybe this pokemon wouldn't be that bad.


    Now for a quick analysis for Muk and Grimer. Looking at these two side by side, I can safely say that this pokemon never needed an evolution, or rather they should have just left it as Muk entirely; without grimer.


    Muk obviously looks cooler and really there is so little of a difference between the two that this line should have just been a non evolving pokemon in my opinion.



    Anyway that's all I got for now. I'll post more later after some research in the ol'pokedex. Again feel free to post your own rants in this thread or start your own, whatever, about pokemon stuff. Name your best, worst, etc.

  8. Yep that's right, that pokemon collection of yours is gonna get a lot bigger now :D


    I've got poke-fever ever since Type Wild came out with their game and then recently Ryons been giving me some competition with his game

    so I gotta step up and give them my Ax 1,2, punch!




    I have nearly every attack type to except fighting type, which is ironic since this is a fighting game :P   I also have most of the types of

    pokemon though not all of them and not every pokemon has a single type attack. There is now a mixture among some of them.

    Chariard has been updated with flying attacks such as fly and gust attack.


    The roster is as follows




    Rusty's Beedrill "Dorkly"
























    And for anyone familiar with this project from a long time ago, I've dropped Nidoking and Hitmonlee because I could not come up with good attacks.

    Sorry about that. This game also includes trainers and a story was planned around this game in order with its stages.

    Each setting will have you fight 3 pokemon.


    First you will start off fighting on the beach as if you got off a boat, since most pokemon regions are islands.

       -featuring Lugia, Salamence, Tentacruel



    Next you make your way towards mountain terrain, having to climb up on over to get to the next area.

      -featuring Charizard, Aerodactyl, Steelix

                      fire-type,Ancient Pokemon, Steel-type


    After that you'll find an entrance into a cave and make your way through that.

      -featuring Haunter, Duskull, Regice

                      2 Ghost-types but one using dark-type attacks instead, ice-type


    Coming out of there you'll exit into a forest looking for the main road.

      -featuring Heracross, Beedrill, Bulbasaur

                      2 Bug-Types, Grass-type


    Arriving at the main route you follow it all the way down into a town.

      -featuring Arbok, Donphan, Exploud

                      Poison-Type, Ground-Type, Normal-Type


    At the town you'll enter a gym for your final showdowns.

      -featuring Pikachu,Abra, Rhydon

                      Electric-Type, Psychic-Type,  Rock-Type






    Mewtwo will appear in the cave (In the middle of the Arcade Journey Story mode) as an extra battle in the cave setting. His cutscene was planned as

    him being very sick and violent. At the end of the fight Mewtwo expresses agony as he melts into a pink goo and turns into a Ditto. The explanation for

    this is that Mewtwo is a clone of Mew and that after awhile his cell structure eventually begins to break down like every other clone experiment and thus

    Mewtwo dies. Somehow I wanted the player to capture the Ditto as a momento.


    Mew will be added in some way after the game, maybe as a prize. He may include his own stage, like a space stage from pokemon snap.



    Nidoking was supposed to be a re-occurring battle with Gary, as his trainer, like in the games. Beedrill was added in place of hitmonlee. Duskull was used for

    Dark-Type since every dark-type pokemon looks terrible design-wise and some ghost-type can use dark-type moves so Duskull was used to fill in and fight in place of dark-type.


    There are no fairy-type pokemon in this game though Mew will use a fairy-type attack.

  9. Uh... what happened to my post? Did someone eat it or something? :s


    A dude called Mugen Demo managed to obtain Ax's other Pokémon characters. Yes, the other 10 from his Pokémon full game he supposedly never finished.


    Aside from Charizard which was already released (meaning he made 11 in total), I've added:












    They're the same quality as his Charizard, so take that how you wish.

    Actually that guy is Ax from what I hear :P


    I'll be releasing about 10 more pokemon in a full game with stages, screenpack, and characters.


    Long time no see gang.

    I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I've decided to work on this game again after a long time. The bad news is that I'm almost done with it and that means that some of you might not be featured in this game. My apologies to my team who worked really hard on this.

    I only meant to get like 10 done and then that escalated to like 20-ish. So now I have like only 2-3 characters left and plus any others that anyone else can contribute.

    Though you can all of course continue this project yourselves to like 30-150, etc, etc. ,, if you guys want to do that.

    My contribution is basically done in about 1 more week left.



    This will be a full game release. It includes a screenpack, 6 stages, 20-ish characters. Only Steelix and Rhydon are left and maybe a legendary pokemon ;)

    This game was unfortunately made on winmugen so no zooming feature. My current PC does not run mugen 1.1 for some reason so I had to build this on winmugen. However if anyone can rebuild this on mugen 1.1; that would be awesome! As I intended the Pokemon to work in a larger world this the pokemon themselves are rather large.

    So this month be ready for a whole roster of pokemon coming your way! ;)



  10. Well I started selling everything I owned but I ran into a lot of trouble along the way. I was able to get rid of a lot of stuff but no one would take my computers because they were defective; though luckily they broke down soon after so at least that worked itself out in a way? As for my guns; my family fought me tooth and nail for me to give it to them instead of selling them. They offered me an old car instead for me to sell but that quickly fell through as well. So in a way I accomplished that part at least of selling all I have lol.

    Then my family caught me and had me sent to a pastor where I was lectured about the great commission and was later advised to start locally first.

    So I've been preaching locally and I still live with my family for the time being and they help me out to so that we don't have to split up. They've agreed to help me do this preaching stuff but they insist that if I want to reach more people that I should first prepare by getting transportation, bible handouts, church tent,etc.

    So now we're working on this stuff though I am having second thoughts now if quitting will benefit me in this biblical quest.

    You see years ago in my atheist days around the age of 15, I blasphmed the Lord's name and it is also one of the unpardonable sins...Meaning it's the one thing that can't be forgiven; ever.

    So basically I won't be rewarded after all of this is said and done in the end.

    I don't know why I've ignored this till now but it's absolutely too late for me now.

    I want to continue working for the cause in that it may help others but at the same time my life will only live once so maybe I should try and cherish it as much as possible.

    I guess I was never cut out to be one of GOD's servants and I have only myself to blame for that.

    I'm not sure right now if I should return back to mugen.

    It's really difficult right now as I am at a crossroads again under a terrible circumstance.



    It would have been better if I were never born. Anyway I am expecting to get mocked now so get it over with.






    27And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. 28For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? 29Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, 30Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish. 31Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? 32Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace. 33So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.

    Good Salt

    34Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned? 35It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.


  11. Okay this Tuesday the 20th 2014 I will sell my laptop when I wake up and then after I will go get baptized in a walk in church. This may be the last time you'll see me for sure. I'll pray for you all to find GOD. Goodbye and I love you all my friends and Enemies.

  12. Also, you spelled the name of the jewish god wrong...  :jackiechan:

    I used this instead




    The name is considered very holy and throughout tradition they wrote it like this. I would guess to protect anyone from misusing. It's good we don't know the name exactly for the majority of us around the world. I should have just written LORD now that I think about it? But I wanted to demonstrate that I acknowledge that he is the GOD of the jews above all because I have to show respect to the people I've been defaming/slandering/libel/etc. for years.




    Church is good but they can really only reach a few who are all ready believing. Before Christ left he ordered that his disciples go out into all the nations and preach the gospel.


    Also I was banned at guild because I lost my temper and grew impatient and I did not preach in love. That was my fault. I should have known better. Though I am posting all of this as a testimony that I am really gonna go legit this time and I am absolutely gonna live for GOD.


    I don't seek praise or admiration from any of you but I want you to see that GOD is a big deal if I'm going to actually do all of this in his name. I'm hoping that you will all start thinking about looking into the bible again. I beg you all to please reconsider the GOD of the jews.




    It's very likely that no one will even listen or even convert. In the old testament one man was warning his people for about 40 years and no one listened at all or was affected.


    Though for me and likely others it's not about becoming popular or making a name for yourself but it's abut obeying GOD's will, doing what he wants for you and he's told me through scripture to go out to all the nations and preach the gospel. So even if I am a total failure at converting anyone, it won't matter. I did what he asked and this pleases him.


    If I am a fool in the eyes of men then so be it as long as I am a faithful servant in God's eyes.




    I only tried quitting mugen and converting/preaching to the forum but I was unable to quit at the time. I regret it because I myself didn't rid myself of the practice but now I have. I have no wips whatsoever and all my updated characters have been deleted completely as well as anything else I had that was pleasurable such as video, images, etc. I'm serious this time and I'm gonna go all the way. My full games are gone. I'm deadly serious and I'm gonna sell my PC to just as soon as I finish preaching with it to my family. I like to use youtube video to teach.  It makes it quicker to teach. I have only 1 more of my family members to convert and then I'll leave absolutely.


    I'm gonna get baptized this week to, Lord willing.


    Read my text,


  13. It's not to be holier than thou but to look for people who want to hear it. If I don't go and say something to them then how will they know? There are people out there who don't know or never heard or who have it all wrong and because of these causes they will never know that they could have been saved.


    The book of Job is basically about a guy who was called by God to preach to a city to repent but instead he tried running away from that but God told him if he does not go to warn them then the city would be destroyed. So he goes back and tells them to change or else and because he did many heard his words and they all prayed and were spared God's judgement.

  14. That's right, I've put this off long enough. I'm quitting mugen forever. I've deleted all my wips and characters on my PC and I' m no longer working on anymore wips from now on and I won't be coming back either to do this stuff.

    I'm going to devote my time to following the GOD of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and the GOD of Israel - formally known as Jacob or a.k.a. LORD YHWH and his only begotten SON, Yashua the anointed meshia, a.k.a. Jesus Christ. I'm gonna sell everything I own, including my computer/Laptop and I may also be leaving my family to go out and preaching the gospel from town to town and state to state and hopefully country to country if I am able to communicate.

    It was fun and I am bumbd out that I didn't get to finish all my full game projects but nevertheless I gave you all around 30-35 or something like that?

    But I'm happy to rid myself of this idolatry finally and once and for all. I highly recommend that you all do the same to.

    My reasons for this is the following

    (Luke 10).

    (Luke 14: 33).

    (Matthew 10: 34-36).

    (Mark 6).

    (Mark 10:29-30).

  15. Somehow with all of this, it just feels like I'm restricted to give this Goku some feedback. I'm not even trying to be another Darkflare, I just want to help out. But with all of this (plus the fact that I got a rep down by Ax himself).. should I?

    Sorry I got your reply mixed up with

    Shiro Yukaimura


    he also used a spoiler in his post but his post had a dirty word in it.


    You may proceed.

  16. Some feedback

    Medium Kick Pushback should be increased. It's currently shorter than the light kick and the crouching light or medium kicks.

    Heavy Kick seems like it'd be better as a special.

    Medium and Heavy Punch have no push-back. As least with the Medium Punch there's enough time between blows to block...

    Matter of fact, Crouching Heavy has no push-back either.

    I'd recommend changing the hitboxes on the Raging Blast, since it currently can hit a downed opponent.

    I'd shorten the "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" that is his KO cry.

    And now for some possible special intros.

    vs. Ginyu: "You can still choose to admit you're wrong and leave this place. Alright, one or the other, lets settle this right now."

    vs. Frieza: " I am the hope of the universe! Ally to good! Nightmare to you!"

    vs. Cell: "There's no way you can beat me with your stolen fighting techniques. Now, give up."

    vs. Fat Buu: "This is a Super Saiyan."

    vs. Super Saiyan Vegeta: "Alright Vegeta, let's settle this."

    Some other ideas (for later)

    Bring in the Kamehameha. (EDIT: Just saw the above post)

    Solar Flare could work as a stunning move to set up for a Raging Blast or Kamehameha.

    Kaio-ken, I'm not so sure about. After becoming a Super Saiyan, Goku never used the Kaio-ken again, at least in the manga. He did in DBZ, but that was exclusive to filler. It's your call, I suppose.

    Perhaps instead of the Spirit bomb toss, he does what he did at the end of the Android 13 movie, where he ends up absorbing the Spirit Bomb's power and defeats Super Android 13 with just his aura.

    I will fix the pushback errors you listed. Thank you. I agree, they are off.


    The heavy kick will remain as a basic attack. It's an easy 3-hit combo for younger gamers who don't know how to play I guess :P


    I may do more of these extra hit attacks that chain but no more than 1 extra hit from now on. The heavy kick is enjoyable to me as is. I must insist it stay.



    @raging blast,


    You mean crouching or the opponent on the floor having fallen? Either way I don't think it's an issue? What's the problem? Please explain.


    @K.O. sound,


    I purposely focused on making this Goku dramatic. Only a few of the Goku's out there for mugen had time put into this aspect where Goku would speak but would also have a memorable soundtrack in the background play during his scenario and I wanna do the same. I am not focusing on making Goku clean and scrisp but rather directly out of his Freiza saga where everything for that 1 week was constantly epic. Goku was super buff, bloody, ripped, yelled all the time, and attacked with heavy attacks only against Maximum Frieza's 100% power level on an exploding Namek for 20 episodes straight while a lot of his friends died.


    I'm making that Goku.


    The raging blast is huge for a regular special and heavy in detail. I plan to add dust and rocks to.


    I'm also going to add music when Goku does hypers, real quotes from the show (instead of clean and dry audio recordings from Budokai, etc.) and a lot of other details.


    Basically I am working hard to make it epic like the show. I want dirty, power, and emotion.



    So yeah I need Goku to really yell Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! when he dies.







    @special intros,


    I want to generalize his intros to where anything he says will be epic. Not everything he said to his foes was epic so I may not do that idea. Unless he yelled at Vegeta and really said something memorable for years like Vegeta's 9000 quote. I'll check out your ideas and see if they tickle my DBZ senses.


    @Solar flare,


    The move is just weak for Goku and if he fights Tien or Krillin it's going to be awkward to have them both shooting each other with that. I put in the KaMeHa wave because I had to; but the solar flare is optional and I just don't see it working for this particular wip. I need every attack to hit and hit hard right away. This Goku was super serious in his final battle against Frieza, he had everything to lose. In other fights he took the Cell thing lightly, even as a super saiyan and he didn't train again in the time chamber. The fight again Buu, if he was serious he would have fused again but he didn't.




    To me it's nothing really unique, it helps but it doesn't change the attacks, though they are stronger, they are still the same. It's basically a palette code with a little extra damage for your attacks. It's nothing unique. It's boring unless he shoots something from the Kaio-ken.


    @absorbing the Spirit Bomb,


    This is a great idea if it wasn't so long and complicated of an attack. It could work but it will have to exclude the absorption part, in which case it's probably better as a different attack under its own name.


    For the spirit bomb I have an idea all ready of how it's going to work. I'm gonna make it a small ball instead of the giant one but it will do multiple damage like dr.doom's hyper on contact and it will be hard to dodge because it will have a little tracking on the opponent and it's going to come fast to. None of that charging stuff. We'll say he all ready charged it and has it handy in his hand and ready to fire.


    The damage logic will not apply well for stronger enemies but it will be a great and fun attack this way. The previous Goku's for mugen that use giant spirit bombs based on the last animes aren't as excitingly quick as the early sagas and movies. The weaker version was definitely cool back in the old days and it was a perfect compliment to the giant KaMeHa Wave in that it was the opposite. It was small and round whereas the wave was huge and long.


    For an attack as big as the giant spirit bomb, I rather just give Goku an aura explosion and have it do pretty much the same thing with the exception of the giant ball since it'll hit the same in a sense.




    Thanks for the ideas and feedback though. I got a lot of ideas out of this.

  17. Research?!


    This is goku were talking about this should be second nature to you.


    I can't really memorize all of his fighting moves so I take my time to pause dbz video and sketch something down to remake in frankenspriting for Goku.


    Some moves are easy to memorize such as that common axe kick into the air or that super chop attack commonly used behind opponent's neck. That stuff is easy to find but everything else is subtle. Not every punch or kick can work. This stuff required research.





    The specials are going to give me a lot of trouble because they are few and in most games they are made up into punches or kicks not in the series.


    Goku's special attacks are very plain and few and often borrowed from his friends which kinda take away their uniqueness.


    Goku does kai blast and kai waves like everyone else (not impressive and anyone can do it to...) and the KaMeHa technique (standard attack and used by many characters to). He has the kaio-kan technique which isn't anything special, and Tien's technique the solar flare which is only good for stunning and makes for a terrible special. The afterimage is useless in a fighter unless it can somehow attack back? I don't think it does. Instant transmission is useless to because it has to be followed up with an attack.


    You can see my dilemma


    I'm gonna have to dig deep and look for something that Goku did which looks and works great for specials. I might have to rewatch all of dbz and db. I only have the move ideas above confirmed in the first post which will work well.


    Though I would really like 6-8 specials total with 3-4 hypers so I have to study Goku :P

  18. The previous version was alpha so yeah it was very incomplete but now the wip is at beta.


    I'm watching dbz for more ideas right now because I wanna do a lot more specials. Like 6-8 specials total with 3-4 hypers. I'm playing goku hr and goku by sanskiti for ideas also. I hope to finish this before 2015.

  19. He inspired me to do a capcom sized fighter but not a Z2 character. As usual I have to do my own custom version with new attacks.


    I'm hoping to make him cheap like broly by necromancer. I hate easy a.i. fights, they end too quick and are not challenging at all.

  20. I usually don't care about intros and outros but for Goku I may very well make him some since he has such memorable lines and moments in the anime. I may even add in a special round 2 intro after losing round 1 to show Goku's renouwned comebacks.


    I've always wanted to make Frieza saga Goku into mugen and seeing Bathazarr's capcom version really motivated me to do one. I must admit that I am passonate about this one. I've put a lot of research and time into this and I am doing a lot of detail work.


    The next update I plan to make it the final release and I have nothing but overpowered attacks in progress.

  21. Goku - Beta Release




    2nd release so far of this wip. All basic attacks are done and he has 1 special now, the mighty blast of rage, the same blast that beat frieza! A lot of sprites are still incomplete and there are still some specials that need to be done. This release has no hypers. The character is now palette compatible and a few things got fixed.

    Some stuff will come up in the final release

    Specials Planned
      -head tackle
      -instant gut punch

    Hypers Planned
      -Super Saiyan 2 Ascended Ka-Me-Ha Wave
      -Spirit Bomb shot

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