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Posts posted by AxSeeker

  1. How is playing against an unfair character fun?

    It's a tougher challenge and the reward of defeating something that is cheap is very rewarding because you overcome impossible odds. Kinda like a DBZ episode where someone who didn't stand a chance just wins in the end; or in a mugen example, defeating wonderwoman by loganir.


    But that's just me I guess and no one else. But that's what i like about mugen; you can have it your. ;)

  2. That's an issue of the base I used, Thor by Loganir, I don't know how to fix or edit that out just yet?

    I don't really understand A.I., I just copy/paste stuff and it sorta works sometimes.




    A quick update on this character for some of you who are curious about the final version. This character has received updates all ready but it has not been released yet. Now this character has a few graphic improvements from DBZ 3dS rips, a new hyper/super move, an update on some specials and an intro! I'm working on an outro and a few other things. I have one more super/hyper to do and 2 grab attack specials! Some minor fxs have been added in as well on some of the old stuff.


    This time around I am toning down the Super Saiyan aspect, I enjoyed and was happy with the fast version but now I am tweaking him with slower animations for a closer SFII experience. 


    Also that brazillian user showed me how to align sprites so I am gonna give that a try on this Goku.


    I also have planned a round 2 scene for win and lose. I may do one other extra hyper/super if it looks good enough, an original move based on Pikkon Vs Goku in Other world tournament!


    I never mentioned infinites for a reason, and that's because i like them laharl.  :P


    I might end the infinite of the spirit bomb attack though, but only because I don't like 2 spirit bombs attacking at once.


    I like infinites in many cases because that's the kind of stuff that actually happens all the time, even company games like MvC. Call it broken but I call it fun. XD

  3. That's an issue of the base I used, Thor by Loganir, I don't know how to fix or edit that out just yet?

    I don't really understand A.I., I just copy/paste stuff and it sorta works sometimes.




    A quick update on this character for some of you who are curious about the final version. This character has received updates all ready but it has not been released yet. Now this character has a few graphic improvements from DBZ 3dS rips, a new hyper/super move, an update on some specials and an intro! I'm working on an outro and a few other things. I have one more super/hyper to do and 2 grab attack specials! Some minor fxs have been added in as well on some of the old stuff.


    This time around I am toning down the Super Saiyan aspect, I enjoyed and was happy with the fast version but now I am tweaking him with slower animations for a closer SFII experience. 


    Also that brazillian user showed me how to align sprites so I am gonna give that a try on this Goku.


    I also have planned a round 2 scene for win and lose. I may do one other extra hyper/super if it looks good enough, an original move based on Pikkon Vs Goku in Other world tournament!


  4. I recently saw this movie and like the last one, I don't like the new form, it's gimmick at this point, or rather since, SSJ3.




    I will say this, the wip is very good. Everything is great and feels perfect judging from the video. I believe Ryon has a great reputation for making great mugen characters and this one seems like it's going to be another great one. Good luck with this wip.

  5. I can't wait for this one, please finish him soon and I hope it is in winmugen and not 1.0 sff format.

    Truly these sprites from the official game are superior to anything out there. I'm looking forward to all of these conversions. Finally some true DBZ characters for mugen!

  6. Android 16 - WIP


    Okay this is an early reconstruction of the first model using parts from the new DBZ 2D game, Ultimate Battle 22, and some of my own minor edits using Bathalzarr's bonus game model. Initially I wanted just these two characters to duke it out and I didn't really care much for the rest of the roster or the remaining mugen game roster. It's wonderful now that there is a way to finally have Android 16 now be possible as a WIP! In this WIP I wanna try to remake some special moves or have it used in some alternative way so it doesn't become another generic version of another Android 16. This character was also inspired by the Terminator so I might borrow a lot of stuff from that to make this version more like that, including behavior, fighting, and specials, if any are in the series. Some ideas are but are not official...


    *A flame thrower out of the hand socket

    *A machine gun out of the hand socket (energy based)

    *A shotgun shot out of the hand socket

    *A head tackle using a reverse energy blast out of both hand sockets

    *laser eyes

    *A Dr.Willow Wave attack (movie Version)

    *Energy Sphere (Android 17 version)

    *Mouth Energy Blast or Energy Wave

    *Lightning Electrocution Grab

    *EMP Earthquake Discharge

    *Freezing Gas leak exposure

    *Thermonuclear explosion (burns all targets)

    *liquid metal lance attack (stab)


    I hope to try a lot of this out and I welcome ideas. I hope to post a new animation sometime this month for more progress.

  7. Not at all the updated version from my fullgame release but still a great vid. It's a simple pokebattle with a nice setting and a really great tune. It almost feels like your childhood again when watching this.



    created by Mario11766

  8. Next is a boss battle of my very own original creation, the illuminat....I mean....., "Master", based on Master Hand from Smash Bros.



    created by The MegaBrony


    I wish I made him tougher than this though the fight is as what i expected it to be, a near death but beatable level of difficulty. Zero's health nearly fades out in both matches; only to come out victorious over the evil eye....

  9. What are some of your releases?


    Where are you from?




    Two trains leave the station at the same time, one heading west and the other east. The westbound train travels 20 miles per hour slower than the eastbound train. If the two trains are 900 miles apart after 5 hours, what is the rate of the westbound train?

  10. I would change all of his attacks because this Peter G. is pretty much only season 1-2. In later episodes he did way more so I would start there and come up with new stuff from the other episodes.


    I say continue this wip and be creative, there are so many resources out there that you probably don't even have to draw anything. Just look for a chair sprite, a ball, frying pan, and you can pretty much just code that in together into something funny.


    here's an idea, for a hyper, have peter put on a helmet and someone throw a red ball from behind him and then have him go after it while looking down for a multiple head tackle attack.


  11. Not as funny as the previous vid but it was alright :P


    I like more videos though with a kind of theme or rivalry of some sort. Take this next one for instance!



    created by DizzyTheConquer


    This is a match up I would have not seen coming. Props to Dizzy for the idea!

  12. A good fight for the first half of the video (obvious reason...) though personally I don't like the vids with clones having a match. Too much Cap and then the rest just becomes repetitive of itself. Shield this and shield that. But good try anyway though.




    Next is one that brings a smile to my face. :)


    Pure nostalgia for me with the stage and even the opponent resembling a sentai villain, perhaps by coincidence?



    created by BrawlTheMan

  13. Next video is of Shredder, a recent release. I like this video just because it shows shredder in action though at the same time it's kinda like a roast to me. You'll know what I mean when you see the ending of this video.



    created by Dumanios


    *A lot of laughs, thanks. ;)

  14. The fight was cool because he (the Goku with super saiyan speed and abilities) was trying to land an attack but couldn't because she was always teleporting from 0:40-0:47. It was remarkable.


    I thought this was cool but I guess nobody noticed :P




    I think you missed the point of the thread. The subject is fan made vids of my characters, not my coding ability. I'm fully aware of what I released and what needs to be improved or changed. Thanks for your concern but I can't change or update those videos...


    Anyway, moving on...




    created by WiCloud735 .


    I like this video of DK, not necessarily intense or anything but just a nice display. To me this fight seems like what someone might fantasize about while visiting a Zoo - if they were Napoleon Dynamite XD

  15. Hello mugen community, I, axseeker,axkeeper,axking,arellonx,ax, am just overjoyed at the mugen content online these days but more especially of the ones that the fans of my characters make and upload all the time!


    Here is one of my favorites and it is quite possibly the best mugen fight ever online!



    created by Xspongex55


    It's absolutely spectacular, every 1/10 of a second has action in it. It's a remarkable A.I. fight like no other. It almost looks professionally choreographed but without a doubt it's just the crazy capability of Elecbyte's Mugen at work! Don't blink or you'll miss out on the best action ever recorded! ;)

  16. Cool. Thanks for your interest in this. I appreciate the hundreds of mugen downloaders who play and collect my mugen characters. I really enjoy watching the fan (of the characters, not me) uploads on youtube as well as the non-fan videos(seriously!). I just like to watch my characters online whether it's frustrating a gamer or giving him a challenging fight. I do this every few weeks, it's like a tv series for me.


    I bet there are others (creators) out there who enjoy that to. I wish the fans themselves could experience my joy, it's really a unique feeling; like getting your book report read in class because the teacher thinks it's awesome. Just to see Goku or Link kicking butt is fun and exhilarating.


    Anyway, back to the character...


    A late heads up,


    Don't expect much because I just didn't do enough this time around, much like a lot of my previous wips and releases. This release does have more than green ranger but not enough for 6 button playthrough.....enjoy :P


    I was really into this wip when I started out but I kinda just ended up not caring anymore to be perfectly honest. I don't know, maybe I'm growing out of this hobby? I would like to still complete my wish list of the remaining 30-ish characters left but I really just can't force it.


    I might take a long break but if not that then maybe I'll just hang around until something inspires me again.










    No matter what forum I am on, I just want all of you to know that I enjoyed our time together on these various forums, all of them, sonicx/team spoiler, cvgunited/crusadercast, infinity mugen team, mugen fighters guild, mugen infantry, the hidden elect, scruffy dragon, the unlimited, mugen multiverse, electbyte, infinite fighting forum, mugen free for all, mortal kombat mugen projects, mortal kombat mugen kings arena, mortal kombat mugen armageddon, new age mugen, and mugen china and some others I forget.


    I hope I get to continue with you all for another 8 years.


    It is an honor to be a part of the mugen community, whether it was bad or good,....you guys are alright.




  17. Sweet! The original Z2 game!!! XD


    This is a piece of history right here!


    I dig that Tien and I love the proportions on this, very similar to the new upcoming 2D DBZ game. The faces could have used a little more work and some colors but other than that, they are fantastic!


    I'm adding these to a folder for safekeeping, they may come in handy one day.



    Thank you so much for recovering these.

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