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Posts posted by AxSeeker

  1. Zombies ate my neighbors totally should have had the 3d treatment. I was even expecting it on the n64 but it never made it. The game is awesome because it was every popular monstrosedy ever all in one game. You could shoot dracula or a werewulf or a mummy or frankensteins monster. 

    I know the snes had a sequel but it wasnt as good and too similar to the old with none of its strengths. I think it was called ghoul patrol. It wasnt good.

    This series needs a 3d sequel with pvz and zombie tv shows and twilight being all the rave right now.

  2. Hadeox gives hi

    Dbz games are all basically the same. I never played xenoverse but i cant imagine it being any different from extreme butoden or any of the other 3d games. Im not sure what more he was expecting from this game. I dont get his review....its another dbz title like the rest. 

    The only thing i would agree with on this review would be the a.i. but thats all. 

  3. There isnt much to work with and my animation skills are poor but i have an idea for an experiment method of shrinking and enlarging to create the illusion of upper body motion. Just a slight modification. It could possibly work....

    The arms do need work. The parasite base isnt perfect in some areas. I thought about modifying it but i didnt want to disturb the original too much but i guess i should at least try and see if its possible for me to improve those edits. Im not very confident about editing that far but sometimes i have no other choice...

    Ill probably have re edit everying after i finish the sprites before coding. Similar to how i had to improve libks overall look. Its gonna be a pain. 

    My aim is alpha or early beta. My goal is to have a semi roster first for a full game. I have a lot of ideas and stuff i wanna try. 


  4. Gast WIP


    A new wip to go with my Goku and Grand Kai. I decided to push this wip up to the front because the bases are just so solid. If you havent read the free fan-made webcomic then go ahead and check it out!

    Gast is the Fusion of Nail, Guru, and nearly every other Namekian that survived Friezas assault in an alternate universe. Easily defeating Frieza; Gast seeks only one thing and that is to restore his race back to normal using the multiverse Tournament's Dragon Balls.

    I may put up a new animation every day. Hopefully!.

    Bases are db eb....venom mvc...parasite scruffy...

    I may add more bases down the line depending on what the character needs.

  5. Here are the samples, let me know if you like what you see or if you need something changed. I can pretty much animate everything to. I was thinking of adding lava fxs, steam/mist, the sky would scroll across showing clouds moving. The options menu monsters would change like in Rampage 2 select screen, continually. We can add roar sounds for menu selections, put a classic bgm from one of the fighters, then a different one in select menu.





    I highly advise against me doing the fonts. My fonts come out funny every time so you should have someone else do that; that is if you like what you see here.

  6. @ Amidweiz,

    Okay, I cleaned up the clsn based on Gokuz2. I removed all the blue boxes over the attacks. The aerial C projectile has been fixed, it shouldn't debug flood anymore though my ctrl+c doesn't work so I cant check it out exactly. I fixed the super/hyper that had no damage, it now does damage. I don't know how i missed that one :P

    The opponent no longer glitches when grabbed in that fast fight thing. I removed a lot of the opponents fighting back so it's not as exciting but at least it should work better. I haven't tested against too many so it might fail...

    As for the rest, you're gonna have to explain to me how to fix this stuff because I have no idea how to do it and some stuff I never even heard of. What do you mean by head? Did you mean fall recover rather than air recover because I set that to 0 but i doubt that's what you meant?

     re-uploaded and ready!

  7. Heh. I cant talk that but i will agree with all your points. Its hard to accept a different voice and no one wants to wait that long for an attack. I focused on that point because i noticed this issue in many other dbz characters to. Seems only mugendream dbz noticed this issue for some of their stuff.

    I caught onto this to in dbz budokai in that the attacks took too long as well. To be fair though the attacks took long in the anime but this is an issue when creating a fighter. 

    I wouldnt say suck but just different and for another preference. Again i owe a lot to those guys as well as others. I couldnt do mine if it wasnt for theirs and others. Any way their goal was for capcom.

    For the record i have nothing against any of them. I just disagree with some of their principles. Thats all.

    As for this goku s sprites...no offense non taken and the problem is im terrible at making stuff fluid. Im no good at it. I dont have it in me to replace everything either because goku has exhausted me at this point unfortunately and i also prefer goku more torn to. But for anyone interested in swapping him out there then please do. This goku is all yours.




  8. I'm looking at something Green for my next wip XD

    I prefer no credit at all as it takes away attention from the work but if you have to, credit the inventor of Goku's manga and character, Akira Toriyama.

    Good luck with DBZ, it's a real workout considering everything that goes into a Z fighter. DBZ is remarkably complex as fighters go. You'll definitely learn a lot though and I didn't get proficient until I decided to work on Mortal Kombat, which according to others is much harder for some reason? Tougher challenges tend to teach you some amazing things. Good luck!

  9. Thats what i love about it to in that its free. Best part as well. Its whatever and its free. 

    Im glad gokus release was nostalgic. That was the first goal i stated in other threads that this would be the 90s toonami goku from way back when. 

    Thats probably why hes in your top. When i was working on this though i realized there were some really awesome goku s out there. They are all awesome in their own ways and many of these including z2 motivated my work and even contributed.

    They all set the bar too high so i kinda had to keep up especially against goku hr which wasnt easy. Anyway i think in the end ultimate battle 22 still beats us all lol because nothing beats the anime graphics.

    Though it was fun to try.

    Also loving the game is the first step to becoming a creator so i think you are on your way. No matter what just get your feet wet and try and youll get there quick. Believe me.


  10. Thanks. I wish he was tougher like before but with the new stuff goku moves too slow now. Especially when flying... Though im happy now that i finally got my own personal and custom goku. Its just so awesome to have a dream come true like this. Mugen rocks.

    My personal collection of custom mugen games is way closer now. This has been a long hobby. All and all im very pleased and i look forward to finishing the rest of my projects and full games. As well as sharing it for better or worse lol. 

    I cant speak for others but i will say personally that i truly enjoy my games. Aside from all that hard work and time i end up losing...it is worth it in the end at least for me to finally have my favorite franchise come to life. 

    I wish everyone could experience the same thing but i know thats very difficult since we all have different preferrences. 

    Though i gotta say once again that i love my mugen games. I love to just watch sometimes and other times i love to play. Especially if i havent worked on it or played it in a long time. It feels like a new arcade fighter game release each time. Ive never been this happy before and im always usually happy but this just adds more.

    We are all really lucky to have mugen. Its one of the best gamer tools ever and i cant wait to see whats next.






  11. I don't usually post on here (MFG is were I mostly hang out) but I feel that I need to post some feedback on this character.

    • Standing X, Y, A, B, and C have no priority (The blue CLSN covers all of the red CLSN which causes trades more often)
    • Standing Z, has infinite priority (No blue frame to go with the red frame)
    • Why doesn't this character have a power charge (for being a DBZ character that is)
    • His turn around anim has red frames for what reason



    My main questions are about these; I'll address the others soon to.

    What should be over the other? Should the red be in the inside or the outside of the blue?  No one has corrected me on this so far on this issue. :P

    What do you mean by power charge? Like filling up the super/hyper bar under the lifebars? Because that is X+Y+Z. Or do you mean before shooting some kind of signature attack how everyone glows?

    Also the turning frame with a red clsn box is a nod to the Goku VS Frieza fight where Goku turns and elbows Frieza's face. I wanted to add a hitdef on that but I couldn't find the state #? @17:33 - 17:40.



  12. Well i like the feedback so far. I think i just may use it all to improve this. As soon as i can get my hands on a working laptop again ill check this out again. I am currently using cellphone internet. Long story. Thanks again everyone.


  13.                Goku



    DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6h5h19jh6bj7rc5/Goku.zip

    Space Required ~100 MB.

    This is a Custom Goku and is non-canon to the show, however it is loosely based on a lot of DBZ, including, manga, games, and TV Show/Movies. Many other mugen Gokus were used in the making of this Goku; these resources are not mine. For more info visit old wip/release threads. Enjoy this compilation/Edit of The Legendary Saiyan Warrior! ;)

    Feel free to host and upload anywhere. Do not credit me. Everything I edit is open source to the public. This is absolutely non-profit and is strictly fan art. No commissions were accepted for this fan art. Do not pay for this in any way or give any kind of donation to me or anyone else. This is absolutely free and absolutely non-profit. Do not sell mugen or any of this please. It is illegal to do so. For best results, use a long distance stage. This character has infinites and many unblockable attacks. Expect bugs and errors. This is not a clean edit in any way nor is it properly coded. This character is overpowered....just like the TV series Goku. Enjoy. XD

    Support a Free Mugen Community!


                     *Mugen Fighters Guild


                     *Mugen Archive

                     *Mugen Characters


                            *Goku Final 4th Release/Update 2015*


                            Goku movelist

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Z Specials;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


    ;Vanishing Speed

    ;Power up

    ;Super Jump/Fly Mode
    a+b+c  or  D,U

    ;Stop Fly Mode


    ;Mighty Blast of Rage
     ~D, DF, F, y or x

    ;Spirit Bomb
     ~D, DB, B, y or x

    ;Aura Energy Pulse
     ~D, DF, F, b or a

    ;Flying Charge Attack
     ~D, DB, B, b or a


    ;KaMeHa Beam
     ~D, DF, F, x+y

    ;KaMeHa Wave
     ~D, DB, B, x+y

    ;Super Saiyan Attack
     ~D, DB, B, a+b

    ;Super Spirit Bomb Attack
     ~D, DF, F, a+b

    ;Saiyan Transformation
     ~D, DF, F, y+b

    ;Super Kaiokan
     ~D, DB, B, y+b

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Grab Attacks;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    A or B or X or Y at close distance

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;The End;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

    Updated. 11/4/15

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