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Posts posted by AxSeeker

  1. An idea for a Luke Skywalker wip?




    A mix between comics & movies. I was thinking for my star wars project to ditch luke all together and replace him with Dash from shadows of the empire, though Luke is too cool and he has so much potential to mirror his father's awesome power!


    Perhaps Luke and the Rebels will infiltrate the last remaining empire forces and discover a horrifying secret!

  2. You remind me of a friend named JedDragon. He makes characters from scratch to! By hand he created this character, and he's original to.



    There are so many ideas that could be done. There are 1,000+ ryus but hardly anything new.

    Here's a link if you wanna look at this more



    There are others to

    This one is named bluestreak at Mugen Fighters Guild.



    You could be like these guys, just saying.


    But at the very least, experiment with 1 sprite. What would you wear as a fighter? Would you use a sword, would you have a cape? Maybe a giant hammer? Or glasses? Maybe you're shorter or perhaps a giant! Who are your favorite fighters? perhaps you could use their ideas in yours. Solid snake eye patch with barefoot ryu, maybe you're a Somalian pirate!


    btw you need to copy the whole link to see images and upload them to a file image host site like imgur.com



    Here is a quick poorly edited version of some ideas you could see as a demonstration.




    But im sure you have a better imagination. Give it a shot! See what you can do!



  3. I recommend you do an original character rather than a Ryu knock off.


    Be creative here if you are doing this by hand and scratch then you might as well do something original because anyone can just play Ryu. Maybe even just modify your current sprite. Remove his gloves and shirt and keep the new palette. He could be a whole new character!


    Also sprites of this size are allowed since HD mugen and hi-res stuff exist now but the majority of mugen sprites and mugen characters are made with sprites literally this size.




    I recommend working with this smaller scale to save yourself time and effort. Doing sprites of that size hi-res will really limit you.

  4. Yeah I just went with it. Haven't done this in a while and i had some spare time to kill. plus i threw this game idea around some time ago and with that movie coming out it just felt like it would be good timing. Even better now that I have someone to pick up the slack for me so I can finally start taking it easy. I wish more people would do it for me. Mugen would be great if it wasn't for all that work. 

  5. I can't say but you'll know eventually.


    I hope someone has this stage, please send it to me if you have it. Anyway they go great together!



    Also I have some palette ideas, though they are kinda wonky....



    Maybe my coder can do better?


    Anyway just hypers and sounds left and then I send it to my coder to fix it up.

  6. On 10/24/2015 at 11:56 AM, Galvatron said:

    more likely 3. :-P


    Oh yeah GarchompMatt I dont want to give you bad new but it appears that DMCA is on to me about the some of the Pokemon MUGEN stages I have uploaded on my Mediafire account. so incase some of those links of the stage on your collection goes down you know why. I will try to fix this if I have to reupload them.

    They hit me to!


    BTW can you upload my stages? They still aren't in the collection.

  7. Some news now, I have someone who is gonna code this for me so I'm sure a lot of you will be happy about that. He said also that he'll make more additional attacks out of whatever i have so this wip should be pretty complete for its first release. It may end up being beta instead of alpha and if he's good he may complete it to 100% final.


    After this I may do sprite edits for a small roster in the future but no plans to continue after this unless the feelings in it to do the rest of the work. I'm always interested to do a screenpack, I may draw up some ideas for that to give it the full game feel.


    I just have the last bits to add in today and after that my coworker will take over and fix whatever/add in.

  8. 45 minutes ago, Gladiacloud said:

    I've released a new Bomberman, if you're interested.

    Sounds interesting. You are one of my favorite creators! Perhaps you'd like to finish some of my projects? You seem to have a real talent! I'm so tired of fullgames and trying to make mugen stuff. After 8 years I lose my fuel. I have many 90% sprited & coded characters with no release yet. They could be released if someone could just finish the last bits.



    *Johnny cage

    *super skrull




    *darth Vader


    and at 50%






    *shao kahn

    *the grand kai


    I hope you'll consider.






    Added 2 new basic attacks with lightsaber. I have planned 2 hypers/supers and 1 special grab and one more basic. Currently working on kicks.


  9. Well I hate work lol


    @racer 1,


    I'd like to combine my mario with shinroyas after I saw an edit of a similar idea. Perhaps it can have even more, both smash and snes!!!


    And I just wanted to say that I can't possibly do just one. As much pain as it is, I absolutely had to do so many. I tried just doing one but it wasn't feeling right :p


    Update: Darth Vader has all basics complete. Just basic attacks are left and maybe 2 specials and 1 hyper/super. After that just sounds and release ;)




    feel free to contribute help. Bases are cable and magneto.

  10. Not for this smash. Originally i had my own move list but because i stopped caring i just did a sprite swap. Gladiclouds version is a very solid character however i prefer a smaller version with a very specific movelist. Closer to bomberman 64.


    Not sure if i wanna continue bomberman either or any smash content. I hardly want to do any kind of mugen right now. Its rare that i can get into making something now adays.


    Its just too much work and eventually the hobby starts to lose its charm. Ive been in 3D actually for awhile now. 

  11. I believe the download is offline. The DMCA has taken it offline because of copyright infringement. Besides I'm gonna update it a little more with some fixes.


    Yes he absolutely is something fierce. I tweaked him to be like Frieza saga Goku, big and muscular and totally powerhouse to. This version has the old toonami voice rips and has a lot of moves and attacks inspired by the show as well as some inventions of my own. He resembles the movie versions to with ripped clothing along with wounds.


    He's the goku I always wanted. He's also Extreme Butoden size by coincidence and even uses sprites from Extreme Butoden Goku and Gohan. This Goku uses a lot of ideas from other Gokus as well and even adopts some things to; including extreme butoden stuff like fxs.

    This Goku is packed with a lot of attacks. I tried to give him more to but I was unable to code it in. I would like to enhance his a.i. again and enable air combos like before. He's gonna need a launcher to.


    I have a full game planned for him.



  12. LOL 

    Well the only thing holding me back right now is a lack of resources and my deteiorating health. 

    Truth be told im losing my eyesight and developing backaches and pains after 8 long years of creating mugen. 

    I cant hardly keep up anymore. Ill keep trying as im stubborn like that. :p

    Resources have always held me back in the past. It seems i can never keep a pc for too long. My keyboards lose their keys and my pcs overheat.


    Mugen is a hobby for others but to me , -mugen is and always will be...



    a disease...








    Grandpa Ax is getting old...


    So in case i lose my mind someday i just wanna say....


    Mugen Rocks!!!! XD


                        This was fun!







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