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Posts posted by AxSeeker

  1. This is gonna be a bit weird for me but I have to say Marvel and DC comic characters.


    Keep in mind that these comic genre's for mugen are what brought me into mugen creating. So this is really ironic for me since now I absolutely hate Marvel/DC comics in mugen. I don't know I guess it just wore off for me or maybe it's that now it just looks like Mexican wrestler costumes (no offense to mexican wrestlers) with super powers. It's odd but I guess i grew out of it; which is weird considering I prefer more childish things like Pokemon mugen and Nintendo mugen :P


    I don't like Batman or the Avengers like I used to, maybe it has to do with Hollywood messing with that? I don't know but in mugen, i don't feel it anymore and I hardly care about it...


    What are some character mugen types you used to like but don't anymore?

  2. Neocide's Goku.


    This is what it was originally and what it was suppose to look like.




    But this is what we got instead...



    That hair is huge and unpleasant to the eye. I had high hopes for this. I'm sure the ultimate battle 22 sprites were the most superior form of DBZ and to have them retouched to higher quality and size would be tops; however I'm dissapointed now with dragonball's mascot getting a makeover treatment where he loses his original perfect design.



  3. 7 hours ago, YochiIsC00lest333 said:

    I need this game because it's offline.

    Sorry man, the DMCA took it offline because of copyright infringement. I have my copy still but it's a lot of stuff to upload again and i need to find a way to do it legally. Maybe mugen archive can host it for me? They got like an upload server service thing so they'll ahve to deal with copyright instead of me.


    btw I was playing it last week and it's AWESOME!!!! XD




    Sorry about that :P 


    I'll try and make time to get it to you. I've gotten a few request lately for a few of my stuff thats been offline for awhile now.


    I'm crossing my fingers that my PC doesn't explode and i lose all my mugen stuff permanently. O.O


    I've been thinking about tuning up the game, removing the ryu stuff, adding a few more attacks in some characters and I'd still like to maybe add 2-3 new characters such as mew and nidoking!


    Until then you'll have to watch dissidia's playthrough :P




    Chill baby, it's all gooooood. The past can't haunt you, why just look at me for an example






  4. Welcome and don't feel bad because that's 99% of the community in that it just downloads and doesn't even bother to post.
    The rest of this stuff is optional really and believe me you will have far less fun if you get involved in making this stuff. It's really hard time consuming work. Even harder if you like to post on forums because that takes away time to!!!!


    Anyway, here's a tutorial on how to put them in once you download them. You might need to download a program called winzip or 7zip.



  5. LOL


    dude i was joking. I was making fun of the new gen stuff. I'm from the first gen of pokemon; you know the good ones.




    Some of the new gen stuff is cool but a ton is terrible. Not saying gen 1 didn't have bad ideas to but not as bad as the others. Sheesh!!!


    Though I don't recall mewtwo from gen 1 being much of a brawler. I'm sure he relies on his psychic powers for the most part and i'm certain he's no martial-artist like ryu.



    15 minutes ago, jenngra505 said:

    Oh right, I forgot there's two branches of Mewtwo evos.

    For something on topic with the character, the sprites are good but the gameplay not so much.

    I'll agree there. This needs an update but so far it's damn impressive for what it has working.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dylanius the Kirby said:

    So just remove the japanese quotes and replace it with the grunts, then?

    I mean that I like any mewtwo to use the U.S. movie voice work over the traditional japanese lines and grunts. I don't know, it's just weird to me. Whenever i hear japanese mewtwo I for some reason think of Shin Gouki. It bugs the hell out of me XC Why does Mewtwo sound like an old samurai kung fu guy? I mean Mewtwo doesn't use karate, it doesn't fit at all! :P

  7. 54 minutes ago, Galvatron said:

    Hmm. another mewtwo eh!. let try this one out...


    ..However i don't think its going to compete with 100MegaShock's version of it...


    This one is way better than megashock's 3d mewtwo. megashock's version for some reason had a bird beak face? Also it has funny proportions (extra wide hips, wide shoulders) that aren't anything like Mewtwo's appearances. It's weird like a giant dwarf. :S Plus megashock's version has street fighter and King of fighter attacks for some weird reason?


    This new one feels like Gladicloud's Charizard, which is a fantastic Pokemon. I get a smash bros impression to which is a plus and he has some nice fitting moves, many of them signature moves from smash bros. Beautiful effects to! He also has a lot of moves!


    The only thing I would like improved would be a little more shading of colors. Either that or just a sharper palette. The lie dead sprite could be redone to; the tail looks funny.


    Also, and this is just for personal preference, I would prefer an english soundpack as opposed to the japanese smash bros. version.

  8. The Silver Surfer by TOPS aka TeamOmegaPwnage


    A perfect fighter that felt like it belonged officially as a Marvel Super Heroes character. By far the most fun out of all the Marvel/DC comic characters for mugen.


    The only other one like this is Poison Ivy by bradern666, another solid and very fun character.


    That's all. Everything else released by anyone ever doesn't measure up or compare at all.

  9. 7 hours ago, O Ilusionista said:

    So it was him? I remember that someone tried to make an "alternative" version of MB-01 (and from other characters) while I was away from Mugen.

    While I face this as an homage - because people likes my works - I do prefer to make it myself :)


    And there will be another Spec Ops character soon...



    That Person was me; AxSeeker or as I was known at the time at TheHiddenElect.com, Boris.


    DarkMario666 asked me to finish this dead wip like 7 or 8 years ago. I was a new creator at the time and DarkMario666 asked me to do this for him.


    I remember you even talked to me about this WIP and you said something like..."don't do this wip, I'm going to finish it one day..."


    I really had no interest in it and I was just doing this for a friend. I sent him an un-coded alpha with a bunch of made up attacks and winposes in .gif form. The alpha that I sent was a palette edited charlie with some edited sprite animations.


    Unfortunately I lost these sprites long ago but I didn't mind since it was just practice for me.




    Anyway, I can't believe this one finally got done. I never thought I would see it again. I had thought that MB-02 replaced this WIP officially; and that the charlie version was officially replaced by Sagat. I didn't know they were separate projects that were to co-exist? DarkMario666 told me just a few things about this project and he didn't tell me too much. A lot of it was just guesswork. He told me to make it work like The Terminator from the 90s movie. I think i did a shiny animation, some kind of Glacius liquid teleportation and some other stuff with a chainsaw?


    Perhaps our friend DarkMario666 will finally now be satisfied by this long awaited release; assuming he's still online and interested in mugen.


    You kept him waiting a long time O Illusionista!



  10. On 1/26/2016 at 3:18 PM, IDGCaptainRussia said:

    sorry, but I need money where I live, I'll keep my stuff youtube only if you won't allow adfly...


    That's a brand-ish mark I, I did that on purpose so people would know this stewie's apart from others more eaily (and BTW, it's Gryphon, not  Gryfon )


    Thanks for all the feedback, I do plan to update him and fix those problems, add more moves, and improve AI in areas!

    The mugne license forbids anyone from selling it and in most countries it is illegal to sell a copyrighted creation without first getting permission and paying to use it to.


    I understand your situation however and your money troubles. If someone needs to feed their family of course they'll try anything to help.


    Though might I suggest you ask your local church for help. That's their responsibility to help the poor in the name of God. I encourage you to visit any of them and request financial help. If they do not help you then God will curse them, but if they do, God will bless them. God cares about the poor and teaches in the Bible that we are to help you.


    Also jesus teaches to ask, knock, seek. That is if you need money or food, ask the strangers, your neighbors, family, friends, the church, the government, and all of the above. Those that truly serve God will help you!





  11. I like palette choices that don't deviate from the character's colors; such as a character having a sfIII palette. It's same colors, but in a variety that alters the style a bit.


    That's a good palette right there! +1



  12. 1 hour ago, WolfBoots22 said:

    How do i add characters i keep putting them in blank and they won't show up?

    I think you are supposed to leave the word "blank alone, don't touch that. Instead add your characters after those words that say blank.


    If I remember correctly, the word blank in mugen just leaves a blank space in your game. If you add a character's name, it's going to skip over the blank spot that it is occupying.


    perhaps your characters are in the screenpack, but maybe you messed up in where you put them by removing blank and adding them in that place. The characters are likely there, just not in view or accessible because of the altering of the blank space that pushes stuff in and out of view.


    Mugen has an option that allows you to skip over characters in selection. I think it's called wrap, as in wrap around? Something like that, you can disable it or activate it depending on how you want your select screen to function.


    If you are clever about it, you can add in a boss character while also making it impossible to select him if you set it up in a certain way in the system.def file.


    I recommend a tool called MWC Mugen. Google it, it allows you to edit a screenpack with visual real time aids. It's like stage maker, probably? It also comes with presets and can allow you add all your characters in automatically in a neat and visible order. You can also do quick matches without having to use mugen's interface. You can also save matches and stages and even music so it's ready to play whenever you want to.

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