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Posts posted by AxSeeker

  1. Mugen has been around for a long time now. In fact, Elecbyte came back and updated their engine and released it numerous times with updates because of the fan following that never died.


    However, a lot of the oldest mugen sites and forums and even downloads are offline. Like any website or forum the funding support does run out or it gets shut down for numerous reasons. 


    Still though that doesn't mean mugen has died. Most of these groups migrated to other mugen places and a very small percentage of these guys actually retired. Some are still around though and have made come backs for a while.


    Another thing to keep in mind is that even though some places die out, there are new places that start up. Some of these places are very big now or were depending on their activity as of late.


    Some examples that I'm very familiar are CVG United a.k.a. Crusader Cast. A place that originally was SonicX mugen forums, which died out but was replaced by this far superior forum/mugen webpage. It's very popular and has had a ton of new content and is still in the game making business with some new stuff right now. Then that place split off into another forum called Mugen Multiverse, same deal pretty much but just newer and has a healthy flow of activity still. Then after that more members from crusadercast created another place pretty decent for mugen called Mugen the Atlas; a multiplex of gaming engines, including mugen!


    Then of course there are the old titans that are still around and still kicking and still contributing. Mugen Fighters Guild is the most well known and the strongest out of all forums and known for it's fantastic database and has a lot of nice projects in progress. Then Infinity Mugen Team which has successfully done several full game releases and a great set of character collections created for the website and forum.


    There is also a thread in this forum about currently active mugen communities just to prove that it isn't going anywhere and that it's still around.


    Also keep this in mind, even if something should happen to the hobby in general where everything goes off line; it still wouldn't even be the end because millions of fans have an unhealthy collection of 300+ characters and stages all around the world which they will upload and share again. We'll get mugen from Antarctica if we have to LOL


    RPG maker has been around longer than we have and it's still around and it isn't that different either.


    Also there are still people right now making mugen clones. There was one a few years ago that came with a creator program!


    Also Elecbyte came back after like 10 years or something which is insane and unlikely. So they may do that again and release another update for mugen in the distant future. Not that we aren't good right now with the current mugen updates which are enough for all of us. Mugen 1.0 is stable and fixes the problems of winmugen. Mugen 1.1 Beta is the latest version which includes a lot of new extra stuff to work with.



    How can anyone be unsatisfied right now or yearn for more when we are at the peak of this engine's progress and history as a whole!


    Frankly @Redrandomgamer, mugen is complete and stable as far as I'm concerned and can survive on its own now. If anything I'd like the developers to go back and bring us their original plan on making a first person shooter engine. I'd be interested in a 3D fighter engine and maker to! Heck, a 3D RPG engine similar to Skyrim would be cool to!



  2. Well it's no mystery how any of the DK Crew behaves, they are a bunch of monkeys, so you know they behave like monkeys, jumping around, going crazy if they see a banana, swinging from stuff, etc. I've seen monkeys on TV dress up, it is always possible to see them put on a little act if they are anything like trained monkeys at the Circus or whatever. 


    I wouldn't limit Diddy just to what he did in his past games but give him some new material. Heck all of mario has been doing new stuff out of character. Actually a lot of the old stuff to! Such as mario in a submarine in that one GB game. I know the entire cast has done racing, Tennis, and soccer.


    I would try Diddy Skiing and winning a medal somewhere :P


    Being creative is a wonderful thing in mugen. A lot of people who can't think outside the box will miss out on some fun new ideas. I say experiment a little; if it doesn't work out then just leave it out of the final product or remove it after the alpha and have it absent in the beta. I've seen some new stuff folks did in mugen characters that really fit well and were fun to the character. It pays off sometimes.

  3. You might want to reconsider his cap being backwards. He only did that when rapping. I recommend saving that just for special situations like taunting, win pose, and maybe hyper startups.


    Also when he loses or times out a loser, have him move his hat over his face while looking down in shame like Ash Ketchum from pokemon. Or maybe have him take off his hat and beat his knee with it in self disappointment.


    Just some ideas to liven him up. The Dk monkeys, all of them, were all very expressive, almost like black and white silent film actors who needed to overly express themselves because cinema at the time didn't have audio recordings of voices and sound; hence why they probably did so much body language in DKC, considering that their apes and we can't understand their speech, yet we can still know what they are communicating by their actions.


    I would of did all that for my monkey if I wasn't so lazy :P




    Anyway, looking forward to seeing more! Please keep me updated!

  4. Interesting but do the sprites have to be so big? you should scale them down to normal size, but at least as big as MvC's Megaman.


    Also i don't know if you are aware of this but there is a technique which will allow you to turn 3d images into 2d images. I think it was a thread somewhere in MFG using a program. I recommend trying that to see if maybe you can start making conventional mugen characters that match the traditional stuff; that is if you wanna try that.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

    Damn, I keep forgetting that it's actually Game Freak that made POKéMON.

    They also did PulseMan on the Sega Megadrive...wait a minute! #WhereIsPulseMan2


    Oh gamefreak actually made a pokemon very similar to pulseman so that could be your pulseman 2 right there. I saw it in a youtube video where the pointed out the similarities. I think pulseman's inspired pokemon was a bug type maybe that used electric or something like that? I could be wrong, this video was old so I don't remember too well.






    According to some other videos, the new pokemon game is going to have vehicles, but not just any vehicles but public service vehicles like fire trucks and ambulances. It's possible that this will be like Grand Theft Auto's mini games where if you steal a firetruck or police car that you can actually do those jobs in game to earn money! It may be like this or it just might be a mini quest to aid a blastoise to put out a fire, similar to the anime where Ash shared his squirtle to an officer jenny in order to stop a crime mystery.   

    As seen in "here comes the squirtle squad"


    There is also evidence that suggest this game is going to be tropical based. So this might be modeled after South America, where mew is from, or maybe like Brazil? So the whole Sun and Moon thing might be related to a whole tribal worship of these elements rather than it being a game that takes place in outer space on some space colony near a sun and a moon.


    though that's just my speculation based on this new data recently.


    58 minutes ago, GarchompMatt said:

    Nintendo can drop the idea all they want, but Game Freak would have to drop it in order for it to be excluded from future titles ;P


    It's probably gonna stay. If it was popular then it's probably gonna stick around from now on and they'll likely add more, perhaps from the following generations that didn't get the mega treatment. this would also attract their former audience of players so it would be pretty profitable to include them.

  6. Yeah just about every thread it is requested that chuchoryu should not make alphas and betas. I think we all got that message by now :P Especially chuchoryu but the man wants to share alphas and betas so either download and try what he has so far or just don't and hold off for a final when he finally decides to go back and complete something fully.


    also, @Lord M


    he does update them but with so many it would be hard to finish even one. Also there is no problem in having so many wips; people like alphas and betas over nothing at all. At least we are getting alphas and betas. It would be better to get whole and complete characters to no doubt but alphas and betas are okay to though if that's all he's offering right now. I still take them and keep some of them to; even if a little buggy or incomplete in a few areas. It's not a real big deal considering it's alpha or beta. It takes time to figure out what a launcher will be or whether a character needs another high punch. It's a process and sometimes creators release alphas or betas to get opinions/feedback on what should probably change and what should stay. Also how else do you get bug reports unless you release something and have other users who test this stuff against other mugen characters to find these bugs. A creator needs help you know! Also creators aren't flawless either, sometimes we miss stuff. Making mugen has a ton of work and it's easy to lose track of something or to forget something else we needed to do.

  7. 13 hours ago, Captain Papyrus said:

    While I do like some of the Mega Evolution designs, I think those design should have been proper evolutions instead of Mega Evolutions.

    Just the mere idea of what the Mega Evolution is sounds pretty much not-POKéMON.

    Seriously, I finally want to play a new classic POKéMON again.

    Yes! I agree with this. this is my next thought to! It should have just been another evolution stage. Even with fire stones or water stones, at least it was a permanent change. Besides there was all ready a way to temporarily boost stats in the game, weren't there something like Attack X or Special X? I think it was like a drug you feed to your pokemon during battle to boost the stats for that fight.



  8. 4 hours ago, MugoUrth said:

    I'm still not convinced this is gen 7 yet. For all we know, they're just giving us two Gen 6 update games like they did in Gen 5.

    you mean like black 2 and white 2?


    Well I haven't played those but those seem like updates considering the titles are the same basically. This however is Sun and Moon. Totally different i think? It's likely something new and not an update if i had to guess?

  9. Well to be fair this isn't a final release, this is a first release of Link by Chuchoryu. There are always incomplete stuff in alphas and betas. Stuff isn't really done until a final release where everything gets ironed out, changed, and upgraded or completely removed depending if it worked or not.


    Chuchoryu releases a lot of alphas and betas and hardly updates anything but he has gone back and updated a few of his works.


    For an alpha or a beta I don't judge it like a complete final release but rather just on what it is so far. I like it because of the design and how it has working moves.


    Here's a video btw




    It's not bad for an alpha/beta here. It does quite a bit and works enough to be usable. Of course it has some things it could improved but all in all it's okay in my book for an alpha/beta.


    and for the record, I tend to like both quantity and quality :P But I'll let stuff slide if I like it to. :OhYeah:

  10. 2 hours ago, Starmie said:

    Well than what's the point of Zygarde in the xy storyline? 

    Also they revealed other forms of Zygarde so Pokemon Z could still happen before Sun and Moon

    Also the titles sound lazy, first of all we saw 2 Pokemon resembling the sun and moon. They were Solrock and Lunatone so what other legendary Pokemon could represent sun and moon?

    Finally I have to say the colors are getting really repetitive

    Gen 1 Red and Blue

    Gen 2 Gold and Silver

    Gen 3 Ruby and Sapphire (Red and Blue colors)

    Gen 4 Diamond and Pearl (Blue and Purple)

    Gen 5 Black and White

    Gen 6 X and Y (Blue and Red)

    and now 

    Gen 7 Sun and Moon (Red and Blue again)

    Red and Blue has been used  4/7 generations and they're gonna use it. Also Green in Emerald and green in Z so the main color scheme is always red and blue and occasionally green

    So I'm not really hyped up on they're decisions

    Well the color thing is just a version difference of accessible pokemon, souly created for pokemon trading.


    But yeah i get that they could choose different colors but in the end of the day it's going to be the same game pretty much.

  11. Once again Chuchoryu out does himself. Great WIP! Makes me nervous about my Link not measuring up now LOL


    Man he's a mugen making machine. I don't know how he keeps up this ridiculous pace. These are the numbers I drew up on releases and wips and chuchoryu is like a lion compared to the rest of us. He's in a league of his own!


    chuchoryu        104
    Ax                83
    O Ilusionista     55+
    zvitor            36
    Seanality         28
    acey              27
    warner            26
    wlanaiax          21
    gladicloud        19
    jetgoshi          18
    jessicasmoke      16
    ddr               14
    arkday            13
    Buyog             12
    dcat              11
    magus             11+
    Andrés Borghi     11
    Binho             10



  12. On 2/22/2016 at 2:49 PM, W' XI UM said:

    A depressing amount of IMT and MMV characters.

    We were surprisingly similar for different reasons. I can see that. I respect your honesty.


    They were great for new stuff but at the same time most stuff just didn't really stick around for too long. It's a hiccup in a lot of Mugen Forums/websites. That's probably 90% of Mugen in general though. A lot of nice ideas but hardly long lasting unless it's a staple character rip conversion.


    Some good stuff is typically rare and only comes once in a great while regardless if you are a fan or not. It's tough to find this stuff sometimes to. Mugen is a lot of work in general, both for the creator and the player.


  13. Yeah I heard about this title on one of the youtube channels out there. I've lost interest in the newer stuff many years ago. I occasionally just check out the new pokemon designs but I'm hardly interested in their new 3d stuff and random features that just over-saturate the game with stuff it doesn't need. Pokemon breeding is just terrible IMO.


    I might be interested in this if it was maybe in the old style of games again like fire red or emerald green or whatever. To me that was pokemon perfected!


    it be great if somehow they combined the traditional stuff with what Alexi and ryon did in terms of combat, but just when performing an attack. That would be a nice touch. Little improvements like that.


    though I'm expecting the same 3d junk as before which i'm not at all fond of.


    Also; DAMN! How many more are they gonna add now?! what are we at? 700 pokemon now? Where are we going with this? 1,000+ ?!


    They outta reduce some stuff that didn't work and keep the stuff that does and people wanna play as well as mixing in some new good ideas.


    Also they should do a create your own character feature, just simple stuff like choosing your shirt color, mustahce, skin color, just a little bs to make it more immersive where not everyone has to play as trainer Red or whatever the generic guy and chick are.






    Also the regions were designed after real world places so I wonder what the new region is going to be? It be cool if they did Australia or African Congo or something like that where it would be very pokemon wild for sure.


    Oh wait this is called moon and sun? I guess we're getting a space station..... :P

  14. This is a fan game? I must say it's really good. it reminds me of the Gameboy version with all its updated bits. i like the green gem thing from OoT 64. I never played the original but I can tell that this game uses a similar graphic style.


    The sun boss felt a little weird but overall this level was entertaining to watch. Normally i stay away from unrelated mugen stuff but this was entertaining! thank you for sharing. I just may watch your other parts to kill some time; out of chronological order of course.


    I like the concept in that you are rebuilding the triforce with pieces. Honestly I like this and prefer more this style and game over the newer zelda titles that just feel blew compared to ALTTP. These type of zelda games are for sure superior to the 3d junk we get now a days; except maybe that one game that was basically ALTTP remade into 3d but still using the top down view of the classic games.


    I look forward to your final videos in the future! Thanks for sharing!



  15. 10 minutes ago, superkingkong65 said:

    But isn't that sprite-swapping?

    Well no, it depends how much work you do to make it its own character. Look smash bros characters all have the same jump buttons, the same shield/block button, etc. You just use the template character for that, but you're not going to make a Mario clone, you're going to do a Dixie kong. You change the voice, then create your own attacks with original ideas. You have to redo the collision boxes to and everything to fit Dixie Kong.


    It's only a sprite swap if you only change the sprites but leave everything exactly the same. That's why sprite swaps aren't that great.


    But it's not a sprite swap if you actually do enough work to make it completely different from the source. A template is just a style layout to work from with sound fxs from a game where many characters share the same thing, such as the hit sounds, announcer, and bg splash fxs. That's a how a template works. It's just so you have all the same features that the characters from those games have so people will see and say, "oh yeah, this is just like smash bros because of the same controls, announcer, fxs, and hitsounds"

  16. Great news!


    And if i could recommend, use a Super Smash bros mugen character as a template to help you organize and code most of the stuff all ready for you. I mean it's going to be basically the same format so just use a short cut.


    Anyway, great to see progress. Now this feels like a real wip.

  17. 1 minute ago, Zio said:

    homer simpson and peter griffin. i raised my standards since then

    I never liked their gameplay either. It was awesome that they were the famous characters for mugen but they could have had better moves and specials. The ones they have right now are hardly memorable or even useful as specials can go.


    I hope warner can remix them or someone else with alternate specials.

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