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Posts posted by AxSeeker

  1. Look I had a problem with Brawl including Snake, he was way off of what I would expect from a game like this to be included in. Now you're telling me that a PSX character would be great in a Nintendo brawler?! I just can't feel it working for me. I am sure a lot of fans would love it and appreciate it but I can't see it fitting in as well as the others who were all equally bigger.


    I'm not even sure I fully accept Sonic in there :/ I mean Sega and Nintendo were long time rivals. I never thought it would be possible.



    Maybe I'm just being picky but with it starting out as an all nintendo cast, I just assume I'm getting a Nintendo war, not a console crossover. I suppose Master chief is gonna make an appearance now.... Ha!





    Compare them to Saturnfrost and you'll see what I mean.



    Now that's an update!


    This one did more and made it his own and even though a lot was dropped, he made it special with other great ideas.


    As opposed to...


    The final Smash from super smash bros for Link (Zelda), has to be the worst idea for a hyper, ever. Adding this idea to a character instead of doing something original and creative out of all the sweet stuff Link has - subtracts points in my book. I could get along with improvements and innovation but a downgrade to a lame combo move? What is that?!


    I expect more from others taking up my wips, not less. I want you to make it better than my wips, not less spectacular. Now I expected this of course when sharing and I don't mind that others do whatever they want with it but I think I'm allowed to give my opinion; that's just part of feedback.

  2. Thanks fellas. I actually started out doing stages a long time ago. I do a lot of research and resource gathering for this kind of stuff. I must have watched like 4 different mario castle playthroughs and collected about 50 images from 300 mugen stages to put this together.


    I hope it was worth it.


    That is Awesome AxSeeker!! :awesome  We needed a good Bowser(Koopa) stage.

    Is this all part of your full game project by any chance? :goodmood:


    Yes it is! I am planning on doing DK pirate ship, Star Fox - Star Base, Metroid Escape Cavern, A stage for Link called "Lost Forest" (mix between lost woods versions), a bomberman ice stage cliff (64 based) w/ water?, and a Bust a Move Space BG ball physics theme.



    As well as boss stages and polygon team stage.





    Yes I agree! I was not happy with it at all. I must have changed it like 10 times. What colors would you suggest to change them as and I'll make the change and leave an .sff download to. Please help. If you can do this for me, I'll use the feedback in exchange and put in those updates.

  3. It's my right not to work with others and please don't be offended. I took your feedback quite well; you should be able to take mine.


    What you did was pleasing to others but I am entitled to my own opinion as well as anyone else is entitled to theirs. 

  4. ...I have no idea if you're still being sarcastic but I'll take that chance and answer your question. No I will not do Spyro or Aang. I have thought about Spyro in this kind of game as he could perhaps blend into this smash style series of crossovers but I don't feel like he's quite there yet with the rest. He's somewhere with Conker's bad fur day and Rayman in my opinion. You know, characters that were good but not that great or memorably popular like Dk and Mario or Pikachu. Spyro is in the back with Gex and hardly no one cares about that character. He looks like he might fit in though since he has that cartoonish videogame look to him.


    But someone will have to do it instead. I have no interest in that and it would hinder me from my wip list. As for that animke guy, I'm very picky about my anime and I am not interested in that one at all. Sorry.

  5. I would work with others but in the past coders have taken too long before and they've coded stuff not to my preference. We would often have a conflict of interest in creating and we would disagree a lot about how something should work so I keep changing my mind on getting help. I try and work with others but we're just too different in vision. They try to make the same old stuff and I try and change it to be different.


    Personally,,,, Some of the coders that have re-made my characters have done well to re-make them and function better but in the end they've changed too much about what made it special in the first place. I say only about one of them made my characters even better than they were originally. The rest did nothing to improve the character in general. I do like to see others improve my characters and I love that they want to be apart of it though I can't help but expect them to do better.


    But back on subject about getting a coder to code for me.


    I asked aperson89 for help on mario but then I decided it would just be quicker to do it myself.


    I am really limited on time and I do my best to make stuff while juggling other things.




    As for future wips, I am planning on turning some of my stuff into a project. I am working on a new project called "Sup[er Smash Fighters"


    So far I've made,



    Donkey Kong



    Fox McCloud


    In the future I am gonna make Bomberman, Bubble (Bust a Move), and Kirby. I'm working on a story as well and it will loosely be based on the super smash brothers series. Currently I am doing stages and I plan to follow that up with a screenpack to make it all fit together.


    I have no interest in Ryu, Sonic, Chun-Li, Akuma, Orochi, Len, godzilla, spongebob, and reimu.



  6. I like to use templates that do about 90% of the coding for me. I find it easier to reuse a character that all ready has a charging weapon coded in all ready for characters that are shooter based; hence why Samus, MegaMan X, & Fox McCloud share the same code/template. It saves me time and I can skip all that complicated and difficult work.


    The only reason Link (Zelda) was coded on Silver surfer template was for the flying mode on his magic bean lead (Silver Surf board).


    To learn more about my creative process read my autobiography called, "Eat, Pray, Sleep"

  7. I love the theme of the project and everything works so well together despite being different origins, it feels like it could of all of been from one classic game and a successful one at that. Everything has a matching look to it in many ways. Excellent project!

  8. once again a 3 page list of arguing ................Why?  does it even matter anymore, Ax can/will release whatever he wants & do it how ever he wants & no amount of "complaining" about it is going to change it , so just don't anymore , its pointless & now all of u are arguing with each other for nothing , nothing at all , its not going to change any of this, news flash opinions are like Assholes , We All have one, ya like what ya like , u don't what u don't, Shits just pointless 

    I can see an upside to it in that mffa getting more attention and interaction between members. Seems good for a mugen community to get posters and more activity. This is what they came for and they're enjoying it XD I think it's good that we're even talking as opposed to being on seperate forums badmouthing each other without ever knowing each other.




    Although your releases appears to be interesting, they have multiple flaws.

    I don't understand why you don't try to make your characters more enjoyable.

    I'm a obscure maker myself, but I do my best to make my chars enjoyable.


    You in other hand doesn't bother about fixing issues and it's the reason that you often get negative feedback.


    I suggest you to work better otherwise it'll be always like this.


    Anyway, what's the point of commiting the same mistakes all over again?

    I do enjoy my characters, if I didn't then I would not make them. They have flaws but this is the best I can do right now with the time I have at the moment and with whatever I know so far. I'm still learning stuff as I go to.


    I don't mind negative feedback,even if it's going to be like this all the time, I don't even think feedback is bad, it's a good thing whether given positively or negatively. Any kind of feedback is good and accomplishes multiple goals at once in informing others what they think about a character, what's good and what's wrong about it, whether they liked it personally or just hated the release, what bugs it has or how it coudl be corrected, what should be added or what should be removed, etc.


    It's all useful info for both creators and downloaders.


    BTW no one has ever told me how to fix an infinte, do you have any idea how to fix that? Also would you mind telling me how to remove the clonign issues with some of my characters. I get reports of the problem and that's good because I can catalogue what will be updated someday but I still can't figure some stuff out. Please help me or send me a pm or take the time to send someone over if you really wanna improve these releases and make your feedback more useful than it all ready is. Thanks.


    How about the other creators that actually put more effort? Oh yeah forgot that. You won't like them because they didn't do your favorite shit.

    Unfortunately this is true. I'm sorry no one likes your manga/anime/game characters that hardly anyone has ever really heard of but that's not anyone's fault; it's just the way it is. People will like some of my characters because they are popular, despite weak coding of copy/paste skill. I'm sure your works are wonderful and worthy of the best quality of gaming and that everyone should have your characters instead but they like Nintendo characters, comicbook related stuff, popularized anime/manga and videogame characters.


    Don't feel bad that hardly no one downloaded top quality characters, it had nothing to do with Ax's characters taking away the attention from good releases. I know for a fact that at least 1 person will download any character. There are videos on youtube as proof as well as download counters on file hosting services and page views on forums w/ occasional comments, though not always.


    What should matter to you more though is that you made a character and released it to the world and that should be enough. Why compare yourself to others? Not everyone wants the same stuff or cares so much for the same things. Just be happy and be satisfied.



    btw why bother comparing great creators to me? If they are better then they don't need to compare to someone beneath their status and skills. If you're great and you know it then clap your hands and enjoy it. I keep reading I'm not worth the time yet all of you have given me hours of concern and some kind of admiration between hate. If I didn't know any better I say you all actually like me and my stuff a whole lot. Even the guys who say horrible things about me in other places often ask for my help, still download my stuff regardless of my track record, and even some of them, to my knowledge, visit my posts and home forum almost everyday. Probably more undercover lol



    Excuse me if I'm wrong about this but so far I think all of you actually like me a whole LOT! :awesome I'm even doubting if all of you have even deleted my characters. Some perhaps because they posted that they have but others based on all the attention tells me otherwise!



    Like a stalker fan LOL


    "If I can't have you then no one will"



  9. Also the forum is made up of various levels of creation. It's not exclusive to perfect releases and we would certainly welcome those creators to post there but so far only a few have posted.


    Also the forum is not about reputation, although it is a concern in some instances regarding how staff handles fairness, the forum is about as it is wriiten at the top, just under our banner, "A place to talk & have fun with Mugen"

  10. People, don't fight over a release. It's just for fun and nothing else.


    As for MMV, people almost always give feedback all the time though it's not always bug reports and critique, though not every release interest everybody on top of that. That forum started out mostly comicbook exclusive though we're slowly but surely expanding our interest. recently the goal has been anime and Nintendo. In the past we've supported other genres to please members and encourage them to share more.


    As for ryon's thread, I had no idea he posted that. I must have missed it but I guess it's pointless to post in it now unless he would like me to. :P

  11. I think he frankensprited and arranged a few moves together in a sheet to make it a fighter rather than a side scroller.


    He also sent me sounds though I don't know if they were ripped or custom made?




    This wip took 2 days to assemble according to the thread date which I agreed to code the wip.




    However, I will be updating and correcting this release as this is not my wip but my friend's character so I will be going back and fixing this one with feedback.

  12. That sums it up well though I don't think NaploeanJonomite would appreciate that "stupid" comment, though I could be wrong lol



    Seriously guys, don't bother trying to change Ax's ways. He clearly stated he does not give a damn about anything we have to say. We can all wrap his "point de vue" up in two points :


    - He makes "characters" solely so he can play as  them in M.U.G.E.N., be it because they are not made before, not have a good version of them available or because someone wants him to make a character (which he does which guarantees that it will not have any passion or dedication put into it). Just look at his Doomsday to know what I mean, he literally said that in that thread.


    - He does not give a damn about any kind of feedback, be it positive or negative since he's the kind of guy who rapidly "finishes" something in less than a week so he can play as it, before moving on to his next "creation". And hey, since M.U.G.E.N. is a hobby thing, it should have no quality standards to speak of if we were to believe him. Even though we are here to help him by suggesting things which could make these "characters" so much more greater to play as, he says fuck off to all of that since it clashes with his "way of doing things". I for one can not even grasp how he is able to move on and leave something unfinished, unfinished forever unless someone would be stupid enough to finish his work for him. A good creator should be able to take pride in his creations which Ax, I'm sorry to say it, simply does not have. Even going as far as stating he gives jack shit about his reputation, I don't know how the guy can honestly live with himself. One thing I know for sure is that all this will be the last thing I'll ever have to say about this and all his other creations unless he turns 180° degrees and starts improving (which I know he can if he'd just care to do it) and that's a big unless.


    I guess he's just so used to people at MMV constantly saying "NICE CHAR +1", which has seemingly become the rule rather than the exception there, that he thinks he can get away with that everywhere.


    Now if you guys excuse me, I'll go drink a mug of brain bleach to forget about this whole Axcident (no pun intended) with DK and Fox.


    If anyone doesn't know this yet, NaoleonJonomite has worked on and updated my Link (Zelda) character though I guess he's stupid now according to Winmugen11.




    But anyway, I guess that's all for this thread. I'll see you all again next time I release something again. See ya!

  13. It's nice, I really like simple stages. It really bugs me when you have animated people in the bg distracting from the fight.


    kanbei you should check out my avengers stages at mmv or here if they have them somewhere? I think you'll like my stages. They are also very plain.


    Though they might have coding issues LOL ;)

  14. And they are bad and/or unintentional. One does not simply deliberately put in infinites unless it's a joke character, which I don't think this is on your behalf (could be a joke to someone else). Yes, MUGEN has no set-in-stone restrictions, but balance is a thing. All the great characters are balanced because people like fighting/playing as balanced characters when playing seriously. Who wants to fight some thing that's going to smash your face in before the announcer has had time to breathe?

    Can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.


    It's hard nowadays to get a decent fight. Opponents are too easy so to fight a character with an unblockable move at least gives him a chance against me. Same for incredibly cheap moves and A.I.


    It's a good thing and not all fights are always going to be balanced and that's the thrill of it. What's the point of winning if there isn't a chance you could lose?


    SFII was awesome going up against Dhalsim, a cheap character with really long range punches but man was it satisfying to beat him after 6 tries. You feel like the underdog or hero in some cartoon, or like Goku vs Frieza before he went super.


    Why do you think boss battles were so great?


    I prefer unbalanced fighters; it's more interesting that way. It's especially fun fighting super mystery's characters or Loganir's WonderWoman. Man when I beat those I feel like I won a medal and truly earned my mugen wings. :P

  15. I'm not suggesting everyone not try hard either, if you can do it then go for it if you want to but I'm not an anal enough to be a perfectionist. I liike to enjoy mugen.




    You must realize that chuchoryu, cvs artist, and mazemerald are guys who broke their backs, took months of work, all so they could make your wish come true. There are threads in every mugen forum about a mugen wish list and finally a couple of crazy guys volunteered to spend all that time just to make it happen to make you happy and fufill your desires. I love that they went out of their way for us, the fans who wanted a character for mugen.


    To me, personally, they are the best, flaws or no flaws, they're number 1 in my book. They gave me and you 78 characters total between them. That's a wonderful mugen community that works and thrives together.Talk about generous men to LOL 78 OMG!!! :awesome


    BTW here are more examples









  16. He uses a physical attack on your mental state :troll:


    In regards to that "Also in real life I doubt a guy will pause after every shot so he can be shot back fairly.", I doubt a guy in real life can pull off a hadouken, or survive several gunshots to the chest, but hey.


    Balance is balance. NEVER use "real life" logic to justify something in MUGEN (or any fighting game). It doesn't work.



    My point was that the rules are silly in video games and it isn't a strict or linear thing for fighters to follow.


    The gaming examples throughout the years have proven that. Will you call it heresy if someone decides to make a 4 button character isntead of a 6 button character? Or what about a 2 button character?


    You see, the argument is futile when games have been so different from each other in the past, even fighters as well, and especially mugen which makes it possible to bend the kfm rules to, if any rules at all, which I doubt there are any because gaming history has shown otherwise.


    @Neo Fire Sonic,


    Yes he does, at close range instead of a blaster he does a barrel roll. In starfox 64 it wasn't used as an attack but again I didn't want to give Fox any punches or kicks because I intended him to play like an arwing to give some resemblance to starfox 64 so I custom edited his barrel roll into a close range attack which kinda make sense in its own way.


    In Starfox 64 the arwing was able to crash into enemies so I don't think it's impossible to cause damage if the spaceship generated a barrol roll maneuver from starfox 64.


    I wanted to get away from super smash bros and instead go into starfox 64.







    I agree. I have to accept your feedback whether good or bad but I'm not forced to use it or even agree with it. That is just insane and asinine that you think you could dictate what I should do after I see and read your feedback. What right or authority do you have to do that? Am I your slave?


    Do you tell other people what friends they could have or what drink they could drink?


    Who are you to tell me or anyone else what I have to do next with what I gave to all for free? Am i on your payroll? Do I work to please you exclsuviely and no one else?


    Should I destroy my vision to satisfy yours? What about the other guy who wanted a different Fox McCloud? Or the other guy who wanted a different fox McCloud from the other guy's idea.


    I can't please everyone and I certainly can't do everything you guys ask me to do without dissapointing someone else.


    All i can do is make something and share it and be glad that some of you liked it. Which has happened and I am glad and happy that many gamers out there have another fox mccloud to play with. They could have had 1 only or none and that would be sad if they didn't get more options in my opinion.


    Again you are free to give your feedback and I don't care how mean spirited it is if it's towards me or my work but you are crazy if you think I owe you something.




    keep your NICE CHAR +1, I don't want it or need it from anybody. Again you don't seem to understand that i don't do it to be shallow and popular or to be known like you. I do it just to share and enjoy seeing others play with it on youtube and seeing them happy and joyful with another mugen character to play with.


    Can't you just be happy for them? Take your eyes off of yourself for a change man and see the beauty of mugen for what it is. A fighting game engine that lets you do whatever and anything you want. *nerdgasm* What a gem! And how lucky are we to know about it and have something like this all year long.


    Also chuchoryu and mazermerald are good guys who love to share mugen and the only reason they choose to hang around with me and my buddies also in addition to many places to is because we don't harass them to do anything and they can still get feedback to.


    MFG, IMT, MFFA, and so forth are all good places. I hope they stick around for a long time because mugen forums liek these are just so few and we need to support each other but this attitude that can be found in every mugen forum is unhealthy and detrimenal to the forum communities where a user thinks a contributor has to do what they say. Ouch! You know we're members to like you so be fair.

  17. So you admit it then? Cool..

    I don't think this is the publicity you want....

    And for anyone that days the AI is "tough", I laugh at you. I've found out a foolproof way to beat this....AI and it only took me less than 10 seconds to find.



    My friend this is exactly what I want. I don't do it to be famous and get respected which is the point I've been trying to make for years.


    You do it for praise and attention and because it makes you feel like a somebody but I do it to play a mugen character. That's all.




    I don't care about my reputation as a creator. This is just a username I use, nobody really cares about Axseeker anymore than they do about darkflare or kenbei, etc.


    I don't make characters for reputation, I make them to play and share.




    good for you. it's good to have a hobby. :)

  18. Darkflare your once again inability to converse & TREAT PEOPLE WITH EVEN AN OUNCE OF RESPECT has been hidden  & will be reviewed  by the administration  


    don't know why u just cant give feedback  like a normal person,ryon said everything  u "attempted " to say about that exact  same thing over at Mmv & wasn't disrespectful 


    If it was towards me I just wanna say I don't mind it at all and go easy on the guy if it was towards me. He's probably just a child of no more than 12 and I've said some terrible stuff before in the past that i should have never said to.


    Anyway  I am used to reading insults towards me. It doesn't bother me either because I probably deserve it in some way or form for doing something?  :P


    Why don't we just play good characters right now like pots ryu and forget about this mess? :D


    Mugen isn't worth fussing over I think?

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