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Everything posted by Ryon

  1. I don't care about your past actions. Get over it. Your not that person anymore.
  2. ok I don't use photoshop, but open the image in photoshop. then google how to index image in photoshop. do what it says, make sure your alpha color is pink. save ????? profit.
  3. it's your portrait. its the same portrait with 2 pictures on it. it just so happens that they are in different positions. I strongly believe it's working, but because the image for goku is not the same size as what its suppose to be, your getting blank on the end.
  4. There is no right way, It's however you feel. Please post your work in the [Resources] Section. In terms of sprites, I strongly recommend PNG format, NO JPG. upload to a website such as Photobucket, or imageshack. That's all there really is.
  5. Ryon


    I like it! very nice! DId you make this stage? cause if you took the sprites from another stage, then that would mean your remaking the stage that was already made?
  6. if you press "Print Screen / Break" , OR "PrtScr Sys Rq" Button on your keyboard, you can take a snapshot of your screen. then open paint and paste it. then save and upload it. ok so what programs do you have that can edit or alter images? (paintshop, photoshop, gimp, paint.net, etc,etc)
  7. I can't read the sarcasm in PB's post. As a master and lover of Pixels. I think the edges could have been done a bit better.
  8. I would love to do ALOT more tutorials, I want to cover all of my knowledge in mugen but with my son I can't. 1 of several things happens. 1. While recording he yells, screams, talks, babbles in the background. 2. When he sleeps, I can't talk loud and he sometimes has night terrors. 3. If Baby isnt around I have limited time to make a video which I require alot of time to make, Recording, Editing, Producing, Uploading. 4. I never have quiet time. TV or Music is always one. I made these videos before I got married and majorly before my son was born.
  9. Welcome to you...... well I can't say welcome since you've been around here for 2 years. WELCOME BACK TO YOUR DOOOM!!!
  10. I don't really care if you advertise stuff, no harm no foul, as long as there is no maleware or virus' and PORN! (send that to me directly) So you cool. I'll check it out now.
  11. your welcome! I hope you make great things from this!
  12. PM me when you plan to do something.
  13. press enter after you post a youtube link
  14. I agree Corrin LOOKS cool, but I don't want it. I don't think anyone wanted it. I thought the ballot was for 3 remaining characters not 1. Bayonetta looks cool but... I didnt want her in it, I wanted someone from different series. Cloud is fun.
  15. To be fair Zone Of The Enders had a HD Collection, which upgraded the graphics to 1080p.
  16. I've always considered Dragonclaw the omnipotent boss from Mugen. mainly because he is an original character, not edited from anyone else, and hard as NAILS. DIAMOND NAILS.
  17. That's Alexei's Department. It's not completely gone. At the top there is a Activity tab, click that and from there you can get new content and stuff you asked about. Hmmmmmm Nope! There is no limit (other than me) But I decided not to put those in, way to much emotion. Working on that Blowjob thing, when I get it working I'll let you know, I gotta get back to testing that feature.
  18. So this update has happened. As you all know the forum template broke, but our lovable Alexei fixed it. (I would use your forum name but the damn russian letters prohibit me from doing so... ya jerk!) I've added several new Onion Emotes, as well as separated Onion from Meme emotes. I've also spruced up the post editor box which you may all notice when posting. I added the new Forum Icon (favicon) New forum Logo as well (I know some of you have issues with it not being long enough but honestly... why do you have such a big display huh??? HUH!?!? why not be like us regular people who can't afford the fancy monitor and be happy The awesome logo is back.) OH and the last thing I did was (I just noticed it now, maybe its new) I added the option so when you press ENTER, it goes to the next line, instead of next 2 lines. Apparently there was a setting so when you press ENTER, it would go to NEXT PARAGRAPH, but now its set to NEXT LINE.
  19. Well for your lurking-ness, Im grateful you decided to join us. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  20. Heya buddy, What have you done as a GTA Modder? Im curious to know since I play GTA.
  21. o0o0o0o0o0 Howdy bro. So you've been playing huh? well here is a word of warning. Once you become a creator you can never go back to being a player. I tell this to everyone who wants to make characters. I hope you enjoy mugen for many years to come, cause I have (15 Year's and counting)
  22. When you finish these idea's I will gladly help you think of more.
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