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[WiiU/3DS/NS] Super Smash Bros

~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

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Older players like playing as classic characters like Ice Climbers, Pit, Mario, And Mr. Game & Watch, It would be hard to get rid of the Ice Climbers, They are sorta of a legacy. Also I think the reason why Sakurai is saying "Its Hard!" its because, he has never made a portable Smash Bros before. He can do it, I have faith.


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Older players like playing as classic characters like Ice Climbers, Pit, Mario, And Mr. Game & Watch, It would be hard to get rid of the Ice Climbers, They are sorta of a legacy. Also I think the reason why Sakurai is saying "Its Hard!" its because, he has never made a portable Smash Bros before. He can do it, I have faith.

 i believe in Sakurai as well that he will make both Smash Brothers wii and 3ds versions pretty good with time and patiants the fact that this game is coming out 2014. And besides i see we have a new "fighting Ring stage " . Possibility of somebody from "Punch-Out" series might appear.

Little Mac anyone? :goodmood: 


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Looking at how the character roster is now I am starting to see how some characters from the last SSB might be getting replace with the new challengers:


"Villager" replacing "toon link" (If you think about it the "villager " does remind you of a typical cartoon character.) [Confirmed that "toon link" will not be in it this time anyway]


"Wii-Fit Trainer" replacing "pokemon trainer" ( At least the "Wii-fit trainer" can use her excercise techniques to deal with her foes unlike the "pokemon trainer" that cant do to much or anything to help in battle but command the pokemon to do the fighting.)


"Mega-Man" replacing "Solid-Snake" (Sure "Snake" got some weapons but Mega-Man will always top-notch of having an arsenal of projectiles)


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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If pokemon trainer gets cut... Yipee! Three empty spots to add new characters.


If Pokémon Trainer gets cut...yipee! One less gimmick.

I'm voting on that as well. LOL!! :=D:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I have only seen Wiiu screens for him, I don't see 3DS screens at the moment.


My reaction to him being a returner.

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Danm!! I thought he be cut out! Oh well someone has to represent the Pikmin series any way.


Hopefully we get Zelda ,Peach (I beg you nintendo :bow: )  and Sonic back in.


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Danm!! I thought he be cut out! Oh well someone has to represent the Pikmin series any way.


Hopefully we get Zelda ,Peach (I beg you nintendo :bow: )  and Sonic back in.


They better balance him better this time around maybe make his odds of picking a white or purple pikmin slimmer and making his pikmin pluck maybe a little slower to add a little more risk to him getting pikmin on the same token make his recovery not quite as terrible as before make where even if he has no pikmin he gains a little height from up b like Yoshi does.

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They better balance him better this time around maybe make his odds of picking a white or purple pikmin slimmer and making his pikmin pluck maybe a little slower to add a little more risk to him getting pikmin on the same token make his recovery not quite as terrible as before make where even if he has no pikmin he gains a little height from up b like Yoshi does.

Good point. Though he may still have desavantage against Characters like  Mega-man and villager since they have area ground attacks that easily hurt Olimar and wipe out the pikmin he calls. Hopefully they give new moves to go against those odds.


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Oh God why did they Kill of Wii so many fantastic Games well Im staying with my Wii and buy me some GameCube Games swear I cant deal with Nintendo they might as well be a dead company

As long as their are "Super Mario bro." and "Pokemon" fans (including myself) with the help of SEGA company, Nintendo will Never die. (Even if they become a third-party company in the future.)


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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They have to bring in Captain Falcon... he's sort of a popular character as well. And for those who hope for Sonic'a return... Sonic's a third party character belonging to Sega. It's enough Capcom let Nintendo add Megaman. Nuff said.

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They have to bring in Captain Falcon... he's sort of a popular character as well. And for those who hope for Sonic'a return... Sonic's a third party character belonging to Sega. It's enough Capcom let Nintendo add Megaman. Nuff said.

They more likly will bring Captain Falcon back because he is the only main character that represents the "F-Zero" series. Not saying Sonic will return but they are posibilities since Nintendo and Sega companies have connections.



Would it be weird if a Nintendog got confirmed to be playable? Even though I doubt it would happen, it would be funny if it did.

More likely not since the NintendoDog is part of a stage:


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but yout right it would funny if it was character. XD


The same with toon Link he wont be in as well :


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Why the fuck do people want Sonic? If any 3rd party character deserves to get in, it should be Simon Belmont. Shit would be cash.

For me I Like to see (besides mugen) Sonic go against Mega-Man for the first time in game franchise history. However having Simon Belmont in the game is not a bad idea. With him, Maga-man, Samus,  and Pit that will bring back the Old "The Adventures of Mr. Nintendo" crew back from past memories. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I must say, for the 3DS, the models are quite smooth-looking. Not many straight lines on round objects.

Indeed! The graphics on 3DS is pretty much like GameCube (which I always consider the 3DS as a handheld GameCube/Dreamcast). But I know if im going to play this game for a long period of time I have to keep the battery charged.


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I guess they're a little more refined than the GameCube, seeing as it's been a decade-or-so. The only thing that bothers me is the lack of anti-aliasing on the models. They can do it, as seen in Ocarina of Time 3D, which also proves that it's not a case of hardware limitation.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Oh good, Olimar is in the roster...*hopes Yoshi is announced next*


Of Course Yoshi's in you know how long he was in the Smash bros Series?

since 64 what I know is the 64 and Brawl Cast are in the Roster I know that For Sure



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