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What do you hate/don't like in a Mugen Char?

Mister Fael

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- Bloated stats for no reason, like having twice the attack/defense/HP of a normal character. Actarus Peter Griffin is an example of this. (Or anything made by Actarus really)

- Characters with 1 hit KO attacks for no reason other than to "balance" them because they're really weak otherwise. Bloo by Hyper-Beaner and WlanmaniaX's Zim are examples of this.

- Bad hitboxes which make it impossible to figure out how to hurt the character

-  AI that spams that same attack or guards all the time and does nothing else.

- Spriteswaps. Who doesn't hate em?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh, and I can't stand King of Fighters-styled gameplay!

Found out the gameplay style I was thinking of was SNK, not King of Fighters.


Again, it is so hard to pull off combos with it and it is unbelievably hard to pull off hypers, and I also don't know what's with the Groove System.


(Homer Simpson and Santa Claus have this type of gameplay and their attacks are hard to pull off.)


I thought it was King of Fighters, because MadOldCrow1105's Kirby has hard to pull off commands and his site says it's "KOF-Styled".

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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Found out the gameplay style I was thinking of was SNK, not King of Fighters.


Again, it is so hard to pull off combos with it and it is unbelievably hard to pull off hypers, and I also don't know what's with the Groove System.


(Homer Simpson and Santa Claus have this type of gameplay and their attacks are hard to pull off.)


I thought it was King of Fighters, because MadOldCrow1105's Kirby has hard to pull off commands and his site says it's "KOF-Styled".

Said characters were probably made with gamepad users in mind.

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Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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cheap chars. cheap in anyway (damage-wise, AI-wise, power cost-wise, etc)


no AI coded


basically unfinished chars that are not even enough to be released to public


too complex buttons


no combos (just a personal preference to have at least a single combo in a char)


I might have forgotten some stuff to say, but those are it for now

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Melty Blood or any char that can chain 12 light punches together


Auto Combos- a,a,a,a,a,a 

jab,backhand,roundhouse, back roundhouse, flip kick,fucking Bruce Lee dragon kick


Extreme Hitstun chars. *cough*Kamekaze's Sagat*cough*


SF4 online AI. Focus attack....Projectile 10-12 times ,focus cancel, Focus attack, super


Most Kula/K' clones


Button activated ai. Aka the only thing that I hate about Jet(Cafe). Pal 7-12 any attack = swaps to Ai


Hidden Move Commands. Sooo many Japanese/Oriental Creators do this. Ai pulls of wacky ass insane moves. & I'm fighting like a retarded 3 year old


Over-the-top fx-Looking nice is one thing, freezing my Mugen with a shit ton of stupid fx is too far


Rare Akuma wannabes





Unique Combos- Chain Combos are all fine & dandy but Target combos like Dudley's are a great perk


Super Count-Meaning more than one super. 3+ is preferred. But chars like MKT's K' & Awakened Terry have too much for me to handle. I cant use em, but they're fun to watch.


Adaptable AI- It gives me a great challenge & helps me get better. Sankaku's Abobo is a good example. Go too hard/nonstop attack, He'll guard cancel & Abobo Stunner your ass


Surprising Conversions-Chars like Bugya's Dante/Vergil are a welcome surprise




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Extreme Hitstun chars. *cough*Kamekaze's Sagat*cough*

I believe most (if not all) of Kamekaze's creations have stupidly high hitsuns. Captain Falcon is a poorly balanced character for many reasons, including this. In about 3-4 hits, you've lost nearly half of your health, he can kick you back into the air from liedown to proceed in kicking your arse, he turtles a lot when you try to attack him, and then the overkill AI just puts the cherry on the grotesque, deformed cake.

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Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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lol I have a couple of those ummm explain why i mean sure its a few seconds but again why?

Because they can position themselves to execute dastardly combos before you can do anything.

I just don't like it. Only a few of the characters in my roster do that, and two can attack before the round starts.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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-Air guard. <<<<<<<Ill remove it on every char i keep.

-Endless Power Charge. <<<<<When th char keep charging even after the power bar is full.


Don´t like both thing because when the char have no AI or a low level AI. it will keep using that over and ove.

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Because they can position themselves to execute dastardly combos before you can do anything.

I just don't like it. Only a few of the characters in my roster do that, and two can attack before the round starts.

Thats a perfect example of being cheap then

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Thats a perfect example of being cheap then

MvC EoH template -_-

Though I don't believe Nui Rama and Toa Mata use this template, neither do they use the same method. I can't locate it, but it's in there somewhere, and it allows them to move and attack before the round starts.

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Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Are you serious wow..... do they chain combo you too?

Nui Rama can't combo - I think he's meant to be a boss character, what with the super armor and all that. I find him a bit weak to be a boss though. Toa Mata (or just Tahu) kills you with shield breaking properties rather than combos, but damn does Tahu spam his fire sword over and over and over...

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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-Air guard. <<<<<<<I remove it on every char i keep.

-Endless Power Charge. <<<<<When th char keep charging even after the power bar is full.


Don´t like both thing because when the char have no AI or a low level AI. it will keep using that over and ove.

Why? I beg for chars to have air guard




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Thats easy! Charachters with Ridiculous AIs The kind of characher where you can't get a move in edgewise they just wail on you without stopping the whole match, The worst in my opinoin are Infinite's edits of E Honda, Guy and Sakura and T.O.P.s Venom, I have nightmares about venom, seriously, Charachters that start attacking before the round starts, and Charachtes with one hit kills

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Welll People Clones themselves........When you Hit them they create ANOTHER CLONE BUT THEY DONT MOVE there just in their Stance Animation WTF thats stupid EX Silent Shiki 12p MODE when you hit him he creates another one of him self BUT THEY ALL DONT MOVE GW MARISA Same thing her super move can create Another clone of herself why idk........

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Welll People Clones themselves........When you Hit them they create ANOTHER CLONE BUT THEY DONT MOVE there just in their Stance Animation WTF thats stupid EX Silent Shiki 12p MODE when you hit him he creates another one of him self BUT THEY ALL DONT MOVE GW MARISA Same thing her super move can create Another clone of herself why idk........

WlanFanX112's characters in a nutshell.

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Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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mmmm Im Assuming His do the same thing Correct?

The name's a joke. It's a mix between WlanmaniaX and BeanFan112, as practically everyone thinks they're the same person.

But yeah, characters from both ends have that error - helpers turn into the character when hit, but they just stay there, idling.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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