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Most annoying MUGEN character you have ever fought?

Super Nicholas

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i have to say, crazy catastrophe. Really, no one has beaten this guy. hmm what else... Any of warusaki3's cvs2 chars that have broken Ai Zeori(crap.....) Shadow lady by jmorphman(just does sentinel's neutralize the entire time and doesn't stop, plus it doesn't even kill you.) Ginew Ubb 2 Symbiote onslaught(just bullsh*t) Heck. some of my own chars are annoying. well at least just the ones with overpowered ai that spam the same unguardable hyper.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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i have to say, crazy catastrophe.

Really, no one has beaten this guy.

You know My Rostor Has Hint They can Destory him Within Seconds With A Kill Effect Code That Drains His HP It doesnt Matter His HP Is Gonna get drained Either Way........yes I Beat him

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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-Both versions of Walpurgisnacht (they both have far too much HP and have overpowered attacks that cannot be dodged) -Elque (enough said) -Bane84's Mike Tyson (This one can only be damaged with normal attacks and can uppercut you for an instant kill. fhqwhgads7's version is far superior.) -Ahuron's Infinity Mijinion (he's EXACTLY like he was in Mega Man X6; a spammy boss who constantly clones himself, and he blabbers so much that not even Arnold Schwarzenegger[Kindergarten Cop] could shut him up.) -kozeni's Creeper (blockwhores and spams so much that you can just forget about close combat) -Dark Ruler's Neff (again, forget close combat) -N64Mario's Omega Zero (thankfully, Jojozerox's version doesn't have mercy invincibility) -Anslasax (Apocalypse edit) -Dark Ruler's Aracloso (So much for a first impression of his characters) -Shikkoku's Iris (she's just like she is in Mega Man X4) -PerfectAkiShimai (very overpowered and spams a lot) -Suwako's Hat (small, keeps teleporting, and the way it attacks provides a small window of vulnerability) -Shikkoku's Colonel (same as Iris above) -Googoo64's Wiggler (I couldn't wait to smash him into the moon) -Mugenfan6's characters (Not only was his Sandy too much for me, but I couldn't wait to Goldion Hammer his Arthur into oblivion [HIKARI NI NARE!]) -Giant Nugol (has an unblockable needle storm, annoying strikers, and too much HP) -Kisaragi from idolm@ster -And MASS's characters.

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Shooting star (some marisa) : This marisa is a wierd edit. she spams projectiles, along with not being able to be space bar'd (this is good, which means Player 1 and 2's health can be raised but not shooting star's.) although she does regain full health but goes back to the health that it originally was 2 second later.

I am the MeeM

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Many characters I originally thought were annoying, I have gotten used to (or to some extent).

Yes, Placemario's Oshawott is annoying, because that water gun can hit you while you're BEHIND Oshawott, not to mention he's invincible during those attacks - still, he's easily beatable.

Here we go...

Toa f***ing Mata - (Tahu) constantly breaks your sheild and spams that damn fire sword of his. (The whole character) 6 against 1...6. As per tradition with Kozeni's characters, pal 12 is unbeatable - full meter at the beginning of round (and constantly refills itself), all of the Toa Mata are summoned...you know what that means? TOA KAITA SPAM!!!

Zero (the Kirby variant) - heavy sheild damage, nearly unavoidable attacks, two flippin' forms you have to take down (although, if you beat Zero, the next round will automatically KO Zero), and that goddamn broken winpose that you have to sit through.

Bowser (the giant version that TAKES UP HALF THE DAMN SCREEN) - Super Mario-esque lockdown AI + giant screen coverage + high Defence + powerful attacks = scrapped from roster.

Captain Falcon (YESH! HYES!) - you'll lose half your Life stat through 2-3 combos! If you're up against the wall, you might as well stop mashing buttons, 'cause you're not going to be fighting back until the next round.

I've probably encountered others, but yeah...

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Ronald McDonald (In MUGEN named Donald McDonald) =

Sometimes rapidly regens health.

Ugh... The dreaded Dark Donald palette... That thing is impossible to beat.

Even worse, he has a completely red palette which I have dubbed "Blood Donald" for a good reason. If you attack, you are instantly KO'd.

muteki's characters are pure evil.

Also, I HATE Bugs Bunny! He is one of the cheapest MUGEN characters ever.

Also, both versions of Chowder are crap. One spams machine guns and the other spams projectiles.

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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  • 5 weeks later...

Got another one:

Popon (Fou): If you make even the slightest bit of contact with him, you take damage. It makes it practically impossible to attack him without projectiles! I almost always have to F1 him for that very reason!

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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Got another one:

Popon (Fou): If you make even the slightest bit of contact with him, you take damage. It makes it practically impossible to attack him without projectiles! I almost always have to F1 him for that very reason!


I can take him with Galacta Knight, but I see your point.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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