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Do any of you guys feel the sameway about this?


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I swear this kid is constantly asking me where to find the things I use in my MUGEN videos... This is the latest one...

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I mean seriously, he's constantly doing this. If its not this, he's criticizing my playing style...

I finally had it and pretty much told him off/told him the truth

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Is it that HARD to use GOOGLE?

It'd be like me asking for Shin Akuma by P.O.T.S and getting both laughed at + banned for asking something so easy to find. He can't tell me he uses google, otherwise he wouldn't be asking me this.

Don't get me wrong, I Love helping people... But, this shit right here makes me think twice...

If this topic is inappropriate, I apologize and feel free to remove it.


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In my honest opinion, you shouldn't feel sorry at all. With a person constantly stalking and asking you for things that are easily attainable nacking you every moment, it's no surprise that you would get upset. I remember first starting in the Mugen community, sure, finding stuff at first is tough, but Google or any other search engine would immediately help you find what your looking for if you put enough effort into actually locating them instead of leeching off other members of said community. I understand that they could need help from time to time, but the way this guy is doing it would drive anyone insane. There is a fine line between needing help and being absolutely lazy, but, then again, that's just my personal belief.


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well since u say KY that he ask's u constantly without saying like man ive looked all over & have had no luck , then i dont see any problem at all with what u said to him, i mean if he seemed genuine in his want & having no luck in searching and u were like Fuck off, then yeah that would be wrong to say what u said ,but i agree with your response ,


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Thanks guys. I'm just hoping Acey doesn't ban me for saying something like that. IMT has been my first MUGEN home since 2010... Tho, he's been pretty mello lately... Here's the thing tho, this kid also has an account here. Now you can't tell me that you don't check the releases of others...


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Butt-Buddy power?

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I told him straight up how this may go

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You no what? FUCK IMT... I'm making MFFA my new home forever... That place is turning into the new Guild... People have their ego's stuck so far up their @$$'s that it ain't funny...

I'm not referring to you, Brock... Your a pretty chill dude


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I'm not referring to you, Brock... Your a pretty chill dude

HAHAHAHAHA ah that made me giggle & thanks, i just really use IMT the same as the guild, Downloads. i may have a spark of wanting to post, but thats were its stops, this is the only Community i care to be a part of


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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if thats what u wish Ky ill lock, feel free to contact me if u want it re opened, or obviously any of the other Mods/Admins


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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