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ideas for victory quotes

Magical Klara

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"Nothing but ash will remain when i am finished with you" "Look into my eyes and you will see your own death" "Beg me like a dog, for your death" "You are worthy of a darwin award!!" "There is no glory in killing a looser like you...but I will anyway!"

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Kratos "RAWR!!!!!" "You will not stop me" Any random "YeAh! EAt mY PANcAkeS! Or I EaT YoU!" "Thats My purse, I dont know you" " Merry Christmas!!!" "OMG! Look at that shiny quarter!?" "Like my feet huh? Heres a better LooK!"


 "Your so Naive-"

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"A wiener is you!" "What a shamefull display! Have you No Dignity?!" "Thats it, I'm a gonna keep slappin' you till you fight back!" "Thank you for aiding me in ridding this world of the weak and the foolish" "You will die alone and broken"

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"I'd call you a wiener, but that would be an insult to the good name of sausage everywhere" "I am angry at the universe for alowing such a tool as you to exist!" "I grow tired of your idocy!" "Are you from Wisconson? Because THAT was the cheesiest thing EVER" "See! It's loosers like you that make fighting games boring!" "You are only worthy of my contempt"

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Here's some of the ones I use, that I can remember.: "Why don't you pick up some trash while you're down there? There's a big pile of shit.." Batman "Cross me again, never stop looking over your shoulder..." Duke Nukem "Your chop socky isn't gonna work on me..." Superman "Go ahead and cuss, it just proves I'm a better man than you!" "Broke your hands? They don't call me the man of steel for nothing..." Spider-Man "I'll feel sorry for you, as soon as I can stop laughing." Supergirl "Cuss at me again, and I'll throw you into the next country!" Wolverine "Another word, and I'm gonna start cutting things off..." Mai (with the pic I use for her VS screen pic) "HEY! SMART GUY! MY FACE IS UP HERE!" Abe "Did I crush your guts?"

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"What's mine is mine, and what's yours is yours...and this victory is mine, all mine!" "It's too late to apologize. It's too laaaaaate..." "You wanted to be on the Walk of Fame? Well there, your face is now imprinted on it!" "You are old (old)! Always do what you're toooold! You've got no power to know you're quite destructible!" "I'm sure that crater I left in your face will go away...and if not, it does make your face look better." "Go Compaaaaaaaaare! Go Compaaaaaaaaare! If you insure, you must be sure to Go Compaaaaaaaaare!" "FRISBEE! YOU MONSTER!" "Defeating a sandwich...only makes it tastier."

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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"You will suffer much before I finaly send you to hell!" "It's Too late to walk away, in fact you won't be walking any time soon" "Loosers like you don't DESERVE Mercy!" "Sigh, and another waste of meat leaves this world...and leaves a bloody mess!" "I HAVE INFLICTED CRIPPLING MALFUNTIONS ON THE BIOLOGICAL UNIT, CONTENDER ELEMINATED" "Fortunately, there is a hospital nearby... but you'll have to crawl" "Memories of this battle will haunt you for the rest of your life" "For boring me I will charge you an arm and a leg which I will collect now" "Perhaps you,ll be less anoying after I've smashed your head into the ground repeatedly!"

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Thanos "Death is akin to lovemaking. It gets better everytime..." Punisher "You're not really evil. You're just really stupid." "You hated me more than you liked breathing...." Rorschach "Your turn, look at my face. What do you see?" "Violent lives ending violently..." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S NOT 1985???!!!" Duke Nukem "Hey, I know this classy place where you put quarters in the bed..." Johnny Cage "Yes, I do my own stunts!" "You want me to say: I'll be back??!! That wasn't my movie!!!" Lex Luthor "First rule of business: Turn every weakness into a strength!" "Your data will help me deal with that alien problem I have..."

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==Hawk (you folks won't know who he is)== [Vs. Random] - "It appears my creator wasn't aware of your existence when he programmed my winquotes. Sorry." [Vs. Random] - "Dude, only I can have the super-cool visor!" [Vs. Random] - "Once apon a time, some awesome guy called Hawk kicked your arse. The End." [Vs. Random] - "I didn't even need to bust out Berserk mode to take you down...or did I? These winquotes don't always seem to relate to the match just gone..." [Vs. Random] "Dude, cut it out! I'm seriously not a cheap nock-off of Iron Man!" [Vs. Rufus] - "See, if you'd just shut up for a second, you might've actually had a chance to attack." [Vs. Poision, Bridget, etc.] - "So wait...you're a dude?!" [Vs. Sonic the Hedgehog] - "Do you know how many generic recolours there are of you? 'Cause I've given up counting." [Vs. Rotom] - "Pulseman called, he wants his design back...what do you mean you were designed by the same person?!" [Vs. Hawk] - "Hey, whadda you know? I won! Wait...which one of us is talking now?" [Vs. Dee Bee Kaw] - "Too...much...random." [Vs. Dudley] - "Good sir, would it be of a kind gesture to assist in getting you off the ground and to offer you something nice to drink?" [Vs. Zero] - "Blood...in a Nintendo game?! Meh, I've played Metroid. No biggy." [Vs. Kung Fu Man] - "Are you truly and honestly the real Kung Fu Man? 'Cause I fought like, a bunch of other guys who claimed to be him...one even had a gun in his arm; sorta like me, only I have two...and they're more awesome." [Vs. Heavy Weapons Guy] - "You're expecting me to say something generic like 'POOTIS!', aren't you, Mr. Gamer-behind-the-screen?" [Vs. Garchomp] - "Mike Haggar wrestles sharks, eh? I need to meet this guy." [Vs. Missingno.] - "Gyah! Why am I suddenly being pelted by a seemingly endless barrage of candy?!" [Vs. Dr. Robotnik] - "PINGAS! Ha! I'm so freaking hilarious." [Vs. Derp] - "Did...did I just fight the internet or something?"

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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"your ass is terminated" "welp, looks like someone shit in their cereal" "I'm batman" "hey guys, lets play again" "CALL ME FRIED CHICKEN, I DARE YOU!" "Ha! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" "DENANENANENANENANENANENANENA SHITMAN!" "oooyaaaaajiiiii!!!!" "I'M THE PRINCE OF SAYINZ!!!"


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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