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Variety of Chars / Stages Smoothed Out (growing list)

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Well, that satellite move never hits anyone, and his projectiles can be spammed, (please leave that in) and the Kenny Spin hyper can be blocked middway through, and his Shun Goku Satsu is rather glitchy as well. There's also a move named Anime Cartman in his .cmd, but I don't think it can be done by player.

The satellite move is meant as an air counter I think, a play on a satellite shooting something out of flight?  The Shun Goku Satsu is actually the Anime Cartman.  As for the glitches in it, what exactly do you mean?

If you don't want me to fix the spamming projectiles (which I'm kinda ok with), the only thing left is making it so the Kenny Spin can't be blocked once it hits.  That alone isn't worth it to me to bother with it.  If there's a major glitch in the Anime Cartman, the 2 fixes might be enough but you'll have to be specific about that glitch.

That being said, here's a copy of the moves list I whipped up to see what you were talking about it.  Anyone who want's it can copy and paste it into a text file and add it to his folder if they want.

___/ Eric Cartman

by AndrewColonico

Edited by Josh Geary

___/ Specials

Cartman Uppercut:     F,F a + b

Dodgeball:            F,F a

Kung Fu Uppercut:     F,D,DF y

Kenny Spin:           QCF x

Pirate Sword:         QCF y

Towlie:               QCF z

Hitler:               QCB x

Flying Asian:         QCB y

Jennifer Lopez:       QCB z

___/ Hypers

Satellite        (1/3 super bar): QCF x + y

Retarded Cartman (1/3 super bar): QCB x + y

Cartman Anime    ( 1  super bar): QCF, QCF x or y



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Oh, I didn't know that... Well, Anime Cartman causes him to go into that cowboy winpose immediately on success, which takes a while to complete. Plus, the Hitler move is rather worthless...

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Yea that cowboy winpose thing is a pain in the ass.  I didn't realize that was a result of the Anime Cartman.  Ok, I'll fix that stuff up.  As long as I'm doing that I'm going to make the supers Actually use up the special bar, which at this point they don't and I'm going to make that Anime Cartman thing do a lot less damage.  Maybe 50% rather than 100%, not sure.  Do you Y Man or anyone else have a suggestion for an amount of damage the Anime Cartman should do?



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Edit finished.  I set it to do 50%.  Also got rid of that annoying clone of the opponent that it produced.  Uploading...

Cartman edit added to first post.  Enjoy!

Hey RMH, would it be possible to get a re-up of your fix of OmegaPsycho's Somulo? I tried to get it from the link you provided, but apparently Mediafire pulled it claiming it was some sort of violation. (Oh Mediafire, when will you learn)

Fixed the links to all of Omegapsycho's stuff. It's pretty much obsolete now because he updated all of it to 1.1 himself, but if you want the 1.0 versions, there they are.  Yea Mediafire's got a lot more 'fires' to put out than I think they're prepared for :)



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Hey Staubhold, thanks man it's good to see you, and to be back on a forum again. 

I really only stopped working on my mugen stuff for about a 6 month period where I was doing some "health cooking" for a friend of the family.  It's just that the 2 projects I've been working on are really large and have taken an enormous amount of time, so I really haven't had anything to release, but I've been lurking.  They're both nearing completion tho, so I'll be around for a little bit, maybe doing a few edits here and there.  Good to see you.

EDIT: Drawing wip added. 




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Thank you for adding preview sprites for the characters. Hope to see stages links with images too.


Me too !


No prob fellas, I've started getting the stage screenies together and I sort of got sucked into updating them all to 1.1 which is definately going to happen at this point.  I ran into something I can't figure out in the process tho, and I was wondering if anyone could help me out.

The thing is I can get the stage to zoom out all the way, so the top of the stage is the top of the screen, but when it's zoomed in, the camera won't scroll up to follow the characters when they jump.  I got the floortension and vertical follow set right, but the problem seems to be the boundhigh.  If it's set to zero, you get the situation I just described.  If it's set to about -120 or so, it will follow the characters up when they jumo, but when it zooms out, all the way, it will still follow them up when they super jump, exposing the purplse background.

Does anyone know how I can get this stage to zoom out all the way, so the top of the stage is the top of the screen, but when it's zoomed in, still have the camera follow the characters up to the top of the stage when they jump? 

The other problem is that when player 2 is all the way to the left, and still trying to walk backwards, then player 1 walks away from them toward the other edge of the screen you get this weird jittering effect.  Messing around with the bounds helped in one instance, but I can't seem to get a reliable setting for it.

Here's a download link and some screenshots for the stage so you can see what I mean.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  







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Oh, hey again. I'm hoping that zoom edit comes out nicely. Also, while I'm here, can you edit Ax and Flambleking's Wario so that his super pauses are a bit more consistent, and that his hypers are a bit harder to block, because due to the length of the super pauses currently, they don't align with the animation, so enemies get a good chance to block his hypers. Here's a link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/hozmas

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I'll deffinintely take a look at it.  The Wario I have in my roster right now is Warner's, so I'll play test this one against it and if I like this one better I'll fix it up. 




Ok, after a quick test I like the way he plays, but the graphical issues are too much for me.  The sprites are blurry and there's a lot of palette issues. 

So I dumped one of the standing sprites into gimp and messed with it a bit to see if I could get it looking good enough to justify batch processing all the sprites but with all the weird floating pixles around the border I couldn't really do much with it. 
AfZpuzP.png   s8rnpHI.png

Basically it would take too much work to get this to a point where I prefered it over Warner's, so no, sorry.

I just figured out a way to batch process the sprites that might actually be easy enough to make this worth doing.  I'm going to give it a shot, but no promises at this point.



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Ok, so after messing around with this Wario a bit I wound up liking him a lot better than Warners version, so I did some work on him. 

As it turns out, the sprites weren't "blury" per say, they were the original sprites ripped directly from "Wario Land Shake It!".  None the less, I batch processed all of them to make them look a little more suiting for mugen (that took me about 16 hours), and then cleaned off a lot of the stray pixels.  After that I essentially rebuilt all the basic (stand, crouch, jump) attacks animations and clsns, as well as his basic movement, fully implemented a hunter chain combo system for standing, crouching and jumping basics, (wanted to make him super combo friendly because of his short range), and removed the easy infintes in the corner.  Tweaked some of his special moves, completed the moves list, added new intro, a new large, small and hyper portraits and am now just rounding off a couple edges before I release him into the wild to roam free.


Spri Yar Zon, I'm sorry ma man, I compared his hyper start up time to a lot of other characters and his seems to be pretty much normal.  I'll take one last look at it before I call him finished, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to leave it.  Are there any certain hypers you notice it on more than others?  It would be kinda funny if I put in like 3 solid days of work and didn't even end up doing the thing you asked me too.



Here's a copy of the change log so far (more to come!).

___/ 5-13-15
*Batch filtered and hand cleaned all sprites.
*Deleted extra Ryu sprites from sprite file.
*Added extra frame to standing animation.
*Added a couple extra frames to crouch turn animation.
*Adjusted placements and timing of stand, crouch to stand,
 stand to crouch, turn and crouch turn.
*Touched up clsns on stand, crouch to stand,
 stand to crouch, turn and crouch turn.

___/ 5-14-15
*Realigned walk sprites and tweaked walk and walk back animations.
*Added a turn animation in before walking backwards.
*Repositioned all jump frames.
*Added a jump take off and landing animation.
*Fixed up taunt, by adding turn frames and adjusting positions.
*Duplicated fixed version of taunt for intro.
*Added truffle shuffle intro.
*Completely overhauled all standing crouching and jumping basics
  Repositioned frames, added / dropped frames, changed clsns / timings
  Reworked a couple hits entirely.
*Repositioned spin throw and 1000 slap so foot position holds
*Labeled animations for s,c,j basics, stand, turn, crouch, walk, dash etc.

___/ 5-15-15
*Started labeling states for "cleaning" purposes.
*Renamed a few specials.
*Fixed head.pos and mid.pos
*Organize cmd file a bit
*Added step sounds to dash
*Added landing sound
*Added new motorcycle sound
*Deleted all empty sounds
*Add new big portrait, small portrait and hyper portrait.
*Changed weird super jump flailing animation, and added clsns to it.
*Completed hunter chain combo system (standing, crouching and jumping)
*Added crouching hits canceling into standing equivalents (not visa versa).
*(trying to make him as combo friendly as possible because of short range)
*Aerial hunter chain can now be done while jumping in as well.

Edit: As for those stages, if anyone knows how to do what I was asking, I'll be able to get those all done in a day with screen shots.



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Mostly Burning Wario, (Has rather long startup for a move that's really unsafe on block, and does self damage upon completion) the Odd Swoosh Attack, and the head ram hyper. Awesome sounding work, so far.

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Here's an update on my progress so far.   I made a config file for him that allows you to change this stuff:
1) whether or not you control horizontal jump movement by holding the directional

2) whether or not you control vertical jump movement by holding up

3) whether or not wario uses his custom hit sparks

4) all victory quotes

5) I marked all the damages (and other nifty variables) in the code with hash tags so you can find them and change them easily, and I put the hash tag list in the config file.  I'm surprised I haven't seen this done before (tho I'm sure it has been).

Here's the up to date change log:


___/ 5-13-2015
*Batch filtered and hand cleaned all sprites.
*Deleted extra Ryu sprites from sprite file.
*Added extra frame to standing animation.
*Added a couple extra frames to crouch turn animation.
*Adjusted placements and timing of stand, crouch to stand,
 stand to crouch, turn and crouch turn.
*Touched up clsns on stand, crouch to stand,
 stand to crouch, turn and crouch turn.

___/ 5-14-2015
*Realigned walk sprites and tweaked walk and walk back animations.
*Added a turn animation in before walking backwards.
*Repositioned all jump frames.
*Added a jump take off and landing animation.
*Fixed up taunt, by adding turn frames and adjusting positions.
*Duplicated fixed version of taunt for intro.
*Added truffle shuffle intro.
*Completely overhauled all standing crouching and jumping basics
  Repositioned frames, added / dropped frames, changed clsns / timings
  Reworked a couple hits entirely.
*Repositioned spin throw and 1000 hand witch slap slap so foot position holds
*Labeled animations for s,c,j basics, stand, turn, crouch, walk, dash etc.
*Lowered fireball height

___/ 5-15-2015
*Started labeling states for "cleaning" purposes.
*Renamed a few specials.
*Fixed head.pos and mid.pos
*Organize cmd file a bit
*Added step sounds to dash
*Added landing sound
*Added new motorcycle sound
*Deleted all empty sounds
*Add new big portrait, small portrait and hyper portrait.
*Changed weird super jump flailing animation, and added clsns to it.
*Completed hunter chain combo system (standing, crouching and jumping)
*Added crouching hits canceling into standing equivalents (not visa versa).
*(trying to make him as combo friendly as possible because of short range)
*Aerial hunter chain can now be done while jumping in as well.
*Added control over the dash.  Let go of directional to stop dashing
*Added turn around animation at end of walk or dash back
*Added start jump backwards animation
*Added land backwards and turn around animation

___/ 5-15-2015
*Added configuration file.
*Added control over jump by holding up or directionals (configurable).
*Created jump turning animation.
*Made super jump easier to do.
*Added in running jump.
*Changed throw command to either both quicks or both mediums.
*Rebuilt throw animation, sounds and code.

___/ 5-16-2015
*Broke code into separate files for states, commons, specials and hypers.
*Re-labeled a lot of stuff to make any future edits easier.
*Added victory quotes into config file.
*Started documenting every anim, state and explod used for cleaning purposes.
*Remade Cannonball animation and added 3 strengths depending on punch.
*Shortened charge time on cannonball and motorcycle specials by 1/4.
*Added "use custom hit sparks" option to config.
*Implemented custom hit sparks config on basics, cannonball.
 and motorcycle so far.
*Frankensprited new frame into wind up punch and rebuilt all it's animations,
 clsns, started in on the code.

___/ 5-17-2015
*Redid most of the code for wind up punch.
*Remade the Sonic Knuckles animation, clsns, and code.
*Redid sound waves animation and clsns.
*Had an interesting idea... created a hash tag system of notes in the config file,
 with corresponding hash tags in the code.  For example #fireball damage would take
 the user to the line in the code where they could change that if they wanted to.
 A whole new level of customization just opened up for Wario.
*Realigned fireball and fireball impact sprites
*Rotated fireball stuff 45 degrees to get angle fireball and fireball impact sprites
*Redid fireball animation clsns and code.

___/ 5-18-2015
*Added air fireball with variable speeds per punch button, which cancels into
 quick jumping attacks.



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Awesome, and I forgot to ask this earlier, but what is the Truffle Shuffle? It sounds funny. It's like you completely redid the character.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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