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The Hardest Boss that YOU have ever faced.


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Personally I would say Sagat from the first Street Fighter [ARC], Sir Richard Rose from Sunset Riders [ARC] on the Highest difficulty, Mike Tyson from Punch Out! [NES], or Troy from Street Fighter 2010 [NES].

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Overdrive Ostrich(Megaman X2)=Rugal 94(2nd Round)=Eggman(sonic 3)=Parace(Arcana Heart 3)=Gold Palette Justice

No offense, but Overdrive Ostrich was among the easier bosses in Megaman X2, thanks to his AI that tends to throw boomerangs right over your head. He's also a snail compared to his human counterpart: Quickman. ...He's a little smarter in Megaman Xtreme 2 though. That, and he simply looks bad-ass with that "U Mad?" face of his. And lastly, he's still harder than Magne Centipede, who is probably the biggest disappointment in the Megaman series challenge wise for me.

Rugal from the original KoF was a worthy challenge, but far from the hardest fighting game bosses I've faced. Some of the hardest I've faced include Magneto from X-Men: Children of the Atom, Onslaught from Marvel VS Capcom, and Otane from Power Instinct 2. But then again, you do have to give credit to Rugal. Even Onslaught only had to fight two opponents, AND he had two forms. Rugal had to fight THREE opponents all by himself. Also consider Rugal's first form is basically just a warm-up for his brutal second form.

I don't remember the boss from Sonic 3 very well, but I remember there being a lot of parts to it.

The other two I have never faced, so I cannot say for sure.

As I've mentioned before, I would say the toughest boss I've ever faced is Otane from Power Instinct 2. I have it on the easiest difficulty, and so far I have only beaten her once. But 90% of the time fighting her, she hands me on my ass on a silver platter: I don't think I could ever beat her again for the life of me. Then again, I've never beaten Magneto or Onslaught yet. I've gotten close against Magneto, but Onslaught is near impossible. Most of his moves seem un-dodgeable. I mean Thanos? He's hard, but not of the same caliber as Magneto or Onslaught. Cyber Akuma is hard, but again not of the same caliber. Apocalypse is... ... not even close. (I have not played any X-Men/Marvel Fighting game after that.)

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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Philemon from Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PS1) was ultra hard. ???(spoiler)+Seraphic Radiance from Shadow Hearts (PS2), Yunalesca from Final Fantasy X (without the uber-grinding) was hard too but not even close to the other two All SNK bosses are cheap by nature. Just look at Duke from Maximum Impact series! Geese might not be the hardest, but he was surely the coolest. Kintaro (Mortal Kombat 2) was hard back in the day


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mike tyson from pucnhout!! i wanted to throw my psp out the train everytime i fight him lol!! igniz from kof 2k1 his skip it combos and bs prioritty made him a dirtball. i still think snk borrowed alucard from castlevania and made him the boss lol. rugal second round on kof 94. sissy from matrimelee with her damn abobo in the box move!! johann from rage of the dragons, i finally beat him , but man that cat was a dick!!! the last boss on strider for the genesis!! the lobster boss from shinobi the arcade game. he was harder than the last boss wtf?


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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the lobster boss from shinobi the arcade game. he was harder than the last boss wtf?

uhh, you gotta be shittin' me on that 1, right?. Lobster is not harder than tha Devil Ninja, due to 1 main reason: you can use your Ninja Magic & hurt Lobster, not so much for Devil Ninja; he can't really be affected by it til his last form, & even then it won't do much to him, & that's if you haven't used it already before that point, just to save yourself from gettin' merc'd out! i would have to say that the 1st part of Mandarin is harder than Lobster; if you truly feel like a challenge, just try gettin' past that part without usin' Ninja Magic, & let tha headaches ensue.

1 jack'd up boss fight is that monster/beast/demon thing at the end of the arcade joint Temco Knights, Jacquio from the 1st Ninja Gaiden on nes, the Shadow at tha end of Double Dragon II, both arcade & nes versions, every single phukkin' boss on Vigilante for arcade, the last 2 Dragons on Black Tiger for arcade, almost all Capcom of tha 90's action/adventure/Beat'Em Up arcade games' last/next-to-last bosses [AvP, Magic Sword, Armor'd Warriors, Knights of the Round, the D&D series, etc.], Azazel from Tekken 6 [big-ol-bitch-ass glowie phukker.....], & the true last form of Phalanx on Demon's Crest for SNES, just to name a few.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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that lobster boss just trucks you.. beat him without the ninja majic before you claim he's easy. i beat every boss including the last without ninja majic. but i can agree on the boss fight on ninja gaiden was a royal pain.....


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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uhh, DannyBoy, i didn't say Lobster was easy, i just said he's not easier that Devil. & yes, i have beat him without Ninja Magic, tho you're right about him constantly tryin' to trample your ass! you know damn'd well i'm from tha old skool of tha arcade, so i know it's like an unwritten requirement to beat e'ry boss on Shinobi without Ninja Magic to claim to be a true lover of Joe Musashi, lol.

ooooh, i got 1 for y'all: Shredder at tha end of TNMT Arcade. that muthaphukka is a headache!


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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a few:








I find onslaught incredibly easy ._.

magneto & Juggy in CotA were a pain though.

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with Soul, Reality, annnd Mind, Thanos is an assklown like no other. Onslaught is hard as hell, much harder than Abyss, but not as hard as Cyber Akuma. that bitch will phukk your whole world up 3 ways from Sunday mornin' cartoons, especially 1ce you piss him off. *has flashbacks, shudders*

Jinpachi from Tekken 5 was an ass to fight.

also, Speed King from Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero is a bitch & a half to beat as well, especially if you don't have a decent car with some money & miles put into it, & knowin' which roads to try & fight him on IS A MUST. don't, & you're screw'd; he'll dust your ass before you get to 4th gear.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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Megalomania I-no/Boss I-no - [GGXXAC Plus] Justice was much easier than her.

Cyber Akuma -

that bitch will phukk your whole world up 3 ways from Sunday mornin' cartoons, especially 1ce you piss him off. *has flashbacks, shudders*

True Lotus Master - [Martial Masters] cheap always on full power bar and spams special.





"Learn to practice until you practice what you learn" - My Mentor

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