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Neo Geo Pocket Collection


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@Basara-kun My Pocket Kyo has been canceled for a whille now (7 years, to be exact.) At the time, my job was becoming extremely time consuming and I sort of lost the interest to continue the character. If anyone wants to continue the project, they're more than welcomed to, the file is in the topic that you provided. Also, you've got my old site listed as well. This is my new site:  https://cozysquirtlemugen.weebly.com/


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Samurai Shodown! 1/2 and SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium sections seem to have broken images.


also, you should consider using a lighter shade of blue for the color codes, as they're barely readable against the dark theme's background (this is also the very reason why i've abandoned the practice ever since)

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1 hour ago, CozySquirtle said:

@Basara-kun My Pocket Kyo has been canceled for a whille now (7 years, to be exact.) At the time, my job was becoming extremely time consuming and I sort of lost the interest to continue the character. If anyone wants to continue the project, they're more than welcomed to, the file is in the topic that you provided. Also, you've got my old site listed as well. This is my new site:  https://cozysquirtlemugen.weebly.com/

Thanks, changed the link for your new website (also, you should reupload your Kyo to your new website IMO)


48 minutes ago, Ryou said:

Samurai Shodown! 1/2 and SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium sections seem to have broken images.


also, you should consider using a lighter shade of blue for the color codes, as they're barely readable against the dark theme's background (this is also the very reason why i've abandoned the practice ever since)

Fixed the images. Also thinking about the blue, probably I'll user a lighter shade indeed, I'll change that in these days to this and my other collections


Also, added some stuff I found, mostly chars, but I still think there's so much to find and none of them actually in 2020 (NGPC was a trend at the beginnings of 2000s but now seems all offline or in MA)

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  • As Ryou recommended, changed the shade of blue for something lighter... and it worked :D probably I'll change that to my other collections too
  • Added chars by Human and Nobody (both offline sadly)
  • Changed Other SNK games for Metal Slug 1st/2nd Mission
  • Found some chars but they're offline... except Pober22's Kim, which was released in MA only (left offline for obvious reasons)
  • I found a Haohmaru in a video, but I don't know the author (and of course, it's offline)
  • Found various sprite sheets from DeviantArt and Mugen Guild, added to their sections
  • Finally my research is over and added all the chars unmade to the Missing/To do

There're various of the "not made" chars made... but those are for fullgames only and aren't available for normal MUGEN or they're moleboxed (like M.Bison in Pocket Dimensional Clash or Lao in Pocket Slam), so won't be included here (Human's chars were made before his KOP project, so they were included)


Well... this made me wanting to work in some NGPC chars, so much potential here =D

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The Pocket Haohmaru shown in the video is either one of the two Pocket Haohmarus listed in electrocaid's Perfect Select:


;    HAOHMARUP, stages/samsho2m-04.def, music=sound/SVC_MOTM_-_Shuramichi.mp3    ;Haohmaru Pocket by Neofix, (RSFF), (D2W)
;    mini_haohmaru,     ;Haohmaru by LRojas, (10C)


There's also TanicFan22's Pocket Haohmaru, which is available here.

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Thanks a lot Ryou ❤️ added them


Also, who got access to MA, I appreciate you to host some chars from there (released in forums or offline chars hosted) could be reuploaded in some download services (Mega, MediaFire, 4share, etc) and so include them here =)


EDIT: Found some SS chars!! Added some Haohmaru and a Kazuki (which is offline, sadly)... also added a NGPC Sean :D

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New update:

  • First of all, changed "Adapted" to "Recreated" in Edited sections XD
  • Since Sunboy's SNK-Capcom Team are 4 chars in 1 (Kyo, Iori, Ryu and Ken), moved from FG Recreated to their respective chars from SVC: MOTM
  • Found a couple of new Edited chars: Smoke & Claudia (Original) and Reiji Oyama (FG Recreated)
  • Added stuff by Silver: Ryo Sakazaki (online) and MOTM screenpack (offline)
  • Added chars by Zero-Sennin (Yuri and Ken)
  • Since the fullgame is outdated and I can packaged out from it (and seeing they work on normal MUGEN), I was thinking to upload some of the PDC chars to the thread, not sure what do you say (or if I'd to as permission to O Ilusionista)
  • Added some pocket surprises in yellow... you'll see about that soon :P
  • Seeing now the Electrocaid's Perfect Select to search more NGP chars, wish me luck found more chars from there =D most of the red links come from there
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Pocket update:

  • Found more chars from ScruffyDragon's Pocket project: Octagon and Lara Croft (this one offline). Also I found archived links for their DC chars, will be added soon
  • Added chars by Tanicfan22... damn, that guy made almost all MOTM chars but with questionable quality (I got his Morrigan BTW), added to the list anyway, all offline
  • Added other chars by Zero-Sennin I don't have (Leona and Sakura)
  • Thanks to the Google cache view, I could see some of the Pocket chars MA has, so I added a lot of names of that part to be added here (if you can enter to MA and reupload some of their chars here, you're my guest)
  • Finally added chars by O Ilusionista (Alfred and M.Bison), since they were released in the past before his PDC game (saw it in Perfect Select). I got them both, so I'll upload them to here later ;)
  • And last but not least... added a couple of images and a new original char by Gockcoach (it's the only available stuff in his archived site)
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Another update:

  • Added chars by O Ilusionista (Alfred, M.Bison and Haohmaru), all uploaded by me
  • Added the DC Pocket World section, all the downloads in the archived site are active
  • Found another edit of N-Mario's Mario but it's offline (except in MA, which is the same thing), added to the list
  • Also I found the old M8B fullgame in my files... but that isn't uploaded yet, I've to test it, expect some update about that soon
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Hi Basara, I upload all snk pocket chars by Tanicfan22, I had Here


for Sonic: Pocket Adventure

Tails: Here
chars by  Sonichth4: Here


for my bonus car edit https://mugenfreeforall.com/topic/21617-pocket-car-bonus-stage/

I reup it on my post, here the link:


I upload more later 😉


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1 hour ago, Basara-kun said:

Awesome, thank you very much!! ❤️ All have been added to the list. Also, welcome back n_n


you're welcome and thanks ^^


you miss this:

Tails by YochiThMaster333 (MvC): https://www.mediafire.com/file/qc6y2nf4fabu3q4/ngpcMvC_tails-1.zip/file


And now a second wave: (some you requested, others you don't and maybe some wich can be in this collection)


Chipp_Zanuff by Allen or Hayate Ayasaki: http://www.mediafire.com/file/x4rqf7wmhvxcwvj/HChipp_Zanuff.rar/file

pocket_cammy by Chamat & Magus: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ttpbce9bxgnz6ey/pocket_cammy.rar/file

Pocket Captain America by Alejandro Iaccarino: http://www.mediafire.com/file/krhvh3661fsuvjk/PocketCaptainAmerica.rar/file

Pocket-Cloud by Emiliano david palleres: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1ozuok8xblhi98c/Pocket-Cloud.rar/file

PocketDan by [DBZC]Son_Goku: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4gqugjdyj21foz5/PocketDan.zip/file

pocket_drstrange by Scruffydragon: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6qdy7dmii6sx8jb/pocket_drstrange.rar/file

Pocket Guy by Duende Macabro: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hf4j3ny0bwa2akv/Pocket_Guy.zip/file

Pocket Inuyasha by Diogo: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rbyt8aphkw3tunp/Inuyasha_Diogo_.rar/file

pocket Iori by Human: http://www.mediafire.com/file/3aor443sxuqqe65/IoriKOP.rar/file

pocket ken by JozoTheBoogey: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2b9h0rentmhf2fm/Poc-Ken.zip/file

pocketkenshin by INSANOsuke_Sagara: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gcv14q3x2mbqbiq/pocketkenshin.zip/file

pocket-lara by Magus: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2map21iaq6h84uf/pocket_lara.rar/file

pocket-leon by Emiliano David Palleres: http://www.mediafire.com/file/5kr6eijrri4fuvp/pocket-leon.rar/file

Pocket-Link by MGMNZX/Dragolink: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0pw73z855rifnak/Pocket-Link.zip/file

Pocket-Lucia by Chamat, Lumina & Magus: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zb7pijsubrnnwmr/pocket_lucia.rar/file

Pocket Ryu by MGMNZX, Nakels: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4qwula5zgk7zoy4/Pocket-Ryu.rar/file

Pocket ryu by Sublimado: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ja4im5ysmyqsnsh/Ryu_P.rar/file

Pocket Ryu by Duende Macabro: http://www.mediafire.com/file/umy3698kq15zb8q/Pocket_Ryu.zip/file

pocket ryo by Duende Macabro: http://www.mediafire.com/file/14jzy9w5rt1nglw/PocketRyo.zip/file

Pocket Sol Badguy by Ixnaydk: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zalrx3a3njh8dk6/Pocket_Sol_Badguy.zip/file

PocketSonGoku by [DBZC]Son_Goku: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gpl68emzrnb5mp7/PocketSonGoku.zip/file

pocket-sub-zero by emiliano david palleres & relampago: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qm6mb2r89h18tgo/pocket-sub-zero.rar/file

pocket-terry by UG & Emiliano David Palleres: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7i6sr0teo785umi/pocket-terry.rar/file

pocket-terry by Meta Goukihttp://www.mediafire.com/file/hlc5050vq1pyrvh/pocket-terry_%2528meta%2529.zip/file 

Pocket Vixen by Magus & Lumina: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2jdbbxnq6f6fo29/pocket_vixen.rar/file

Pocket-Wolverine Alpha by dragolink1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/lw633v1rqxocjv8/PocketWolverineAlph.rar/file

Pocket-X by MGMNZX & Emiliano David Palleres: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rz8pkig05fw9vw9/Pocket-X.rar/file

Pocket-Zero by MGMNZX & Emiliano David Palleres: http://www.mediafire.com/file/27csiyw7ikkjfag/Pocket-Zero.rar/file


More to come...


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Thanks a lot!! =D added all of the last post, except Ryo since Junior Chillage = Silver (unless it's a previous version, idk)


About the previous one, yeah, they were a lot from other pocket games not from NGP but I added all from NGP already. Thanks for both posts, very appreciated =D

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No prob. I send others when I refound them on my collection. 






OK, I take a look on older folders [2004 to 2013] on my own collection and... Here you go!


pokechunli by BlackJack: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vem0a690dbsdhh0/pokechunli.zip/file

Kyo Kusanagi by Seath: http://www.mediafire.com/file/j2db8zt9k3s2i3s/pokekyo.zip/file

Iori Yagami by SodonHID: http://www.mediafire.com/file/z4i6b2iadc90wkv/pokeiori.zip/file

Shingo Yabuki by CuecaX: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jw5sfo9bjgihorq/pokeshingo.zip/file

Evil Ryu by {Neto-ssj4}: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8mev62o1u7eegr2/pokeevilryu.zip/file

Guile by DGS: http://www.mediafire.com/file/f9ahpe3ssecrwuh/PGUILE.zip/file

Felicia by Julio C. Campos: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8cf88kh629thf68/feliciapocket.zip/file


maybe this???:


Evil Ryu by "MJ": http://www.mediafire.com/file/ru3dj9xehy9ncia/eRYU-SvsC.zip/file

Evil Ken by "Freezell": http://www.mediafire.com/file/blt3rwzf33ihpfu/evilkenpocket.zip/file

Sakura Kasugano by "MJ": http://www.mediafire.com/file/mrst053wt6qylu2/SAKURA-SvsC.zip/file


see U later XD


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