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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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"What a pain..."


Lilith dashed toward Melina and took to the air, her hands holding what appeared to be spheres of dark energy. While she was aiming to land on top of her, allowing Lilith to land anywhere would cause her to slam the spheres into the ground creating an energy pillar around her certainly strong enough to launch Melina into the air.

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On 1/1/2019 at 1:27 AM, Darkflare said:


"What a pain..."


Lilith dashed toward Melina and took to the air, her hands holding what appeared to be spheres of dark energy. While she was aiming to land on top of her, allowing Lilith to land anywhere would cause her to slam the spheres into the ground creating an energy pillar around her certainly strong enough to launch Melina into the air.



What? Fighting other people not as fun as you thought? Heh...


Just as Liltih's attack makes contact with Melina's body...




Melina uses her technique known as...Tenden Renki. During this technique her attacks are significantly stronger as she allows her rage to physically manefest. It has a time limit but can quickly turn the tide when used at the right moment. But it's most unique trait is that during it's activation, Melina is impervious to damage. Because of this, Melina does not flinch when hit with Lilith's attack and grabs the already falling Lilith and slams her to the ground.





The crowd erupts into cheers as Melina scores the final knockdown.



What a move! What a finish! That's the final knockdown! Let's hear it for your winner....





The crowd chants Melina's name cheers.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Though finding it odd that practically detonating a large amount of dark energy was having no effect, she nonetheless kept enough of a grip to deliver one last burst of energy while she was being slammed.


And that's when she realized what just happened.



"Oh... stupid knockdown rule..."


She remained laid down as she crossed her arms.



"You won't be able to use your chi for a while..."

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Anwalt Vermillion

Location: The Arena - Training Room


The match ended with Melina being victorious over Lilith. Anwalt, once seeing the result, was surprised at how she kept up with the maid, as Lilith had a power similar to LightFlare.



Anwalt: Whoa, she won! I seriously thought Lilith had this on the pack!


Anwalt: Heh, this trip's getting more interesting as each second passes. It's only the first day and I'm having a blast!


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Melina is hit by the final blast from Lilth and is visibly upset.



A cheap shot?! Despite all the trash talk I'm a good sport at least. I was bout to help you up. What's the...uh!?


Melina suddenly notices that her Tendan Renki has worn of prematurely. She was hit by the last minute blast and immediately returns to her normal state.



What!? Tendan Renki usually lasts longer than that. What did you...!?


On 1/1/2019 at 8:19 AM, Darkflare said:

Though finding it odd that practically detonating a large amount of dark energy was having no effect, she nonetheless kept enough of a grip to deliver one last burst of energy while she was being slammed.


And that's when she realized what just happened.



"Oh... stupid knockdown rule..."


She remained laid down as she crossed her arms.



"You won't be able to use your chi for a while..."



Well isn't that a kick in the butt?! You lay there, with your arms crossed pouting like an infant! Hit me with an attack after the match that takes away my chi. And YOU get upset?! What a sore loser. If it wasn't for the fact that my chi is gone and you'd kick my tail...I'd kick YOUR tail! How long is..."a while?!"


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"Oi oi, I didn't intend to do a cheap shot like that. I was too focused on my move that I realized what happened too late."



"It's a technique that uses my own ki to block the flow of yours. I would say it clears out by itself in only half a minute, but I was amplifying my dark chi in the moment so the effect will be a but longer than that."



"....well you can still use your own ki to force it out and end it earlier but that could lead to complications mainly that you will suffer excruciating pain, so just let it end normally."


Lilith flipped hersepf back to her feet, listed herself and bowed.



"Thank you for the match."

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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Thank you for the match."



Ok...you're of the hook this time. Come on. Let's talk to Light about introducing you to Darkflare.



Let's here it one more time folks. We hope you enjoyed the show! Thanks for coming out! 


Melina bows in return and heads back to the training room. The crowd cheers for them both as they exit the arena. On the way they see LightFlare waiting to congratulate them both.



Well done. You both put on a great show. I see you've really bean working on your CQC, Melina.



Quit teasing me, Light! You know full well that Close Quarters Combat is all O got. I aint shooting any beams like you and "Miss Priss" over here.


Melina points her thumb at Lilith as makes the last comment.





Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"Now if you could control your anger and didn't get taunted so easily, you could go even farther....maybe actually beat Mr. Hero here."



"Speaking of...Light, I get the feeling you have your questions about me, as well. I should probably discuss with the group I was with what I'm going to do first."

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Anwalt  Vermillion

Location: The Arena - Training Room


Anwalt's terminal began to ring. He saw it was Lucent and picked up the call.



Anwalt: Speak it up, lil' bro.

Lucent: Why are you taking so long to come? Did you stop at the lounge because some girl decided to hook you up and take your money or what?


Anwalt: What?! No, I was just watching Lilith's fight! And what the hell was that about a girl?!

Lucent: It doesn't matter, not like explaining again would do a difference. Did it finish?


Anwalt: Yep. We're heading over there soon enough.

Lucent: Good. I'm on the room #714, on the hotel's East Wing. I already gave the names, so if you bring more people, make sure to give their names as well.


Anwalt: Sure thing. We'll be there in some minutes.

Lucent: Alright. Tell the others to watch over you before your wallet gets tipped off.


Anwalt: Wha- you little... shut up!!

Lucent: Hehe. See you all soon.


He turned off the call. Anwalt looked at Penelope and Raina.



Anwalt: Lucent found a hotel for us to stay the night. He's already over there and got us rooms.


Anwalt: C'mon, let's go warn Lilith and Hyde.


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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"Now if you could control your anger and didn't get taunted so easily, you could go even farther....maybe actually beat Mr. Hero here."



Heh...now where have I heard that before?



I beat YOU...Miss Priss. So I must be doing SOMETHING right.


1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"Speaking of...Light, I get the feeling you have your questions about me, as well. I should probably discuss with the group I was with what I'm going to do first."



Sounds good. Lead the way, Lilith



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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9 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


I beat YOU...Miss Priss. So I must be doing SOMETHING right.


"You won't always have a 3 knockdown rule to save you..."


13 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Sounds good. Lead the way, Lilith


"They should be back in the training room."


Lilith proceeded to guide them there looking for the others she came with.

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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

He turned off the call. Anwalt looked at Penelope and Raina.



Anwalt: Lucent found a hotel for us to stay the night. He's already over there and got us rooms.


Anwalt: C'mon, let's go warn Lilith and Hyde.





"Alright! I'll go find Hyde and tell him the news."

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5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

He turned off the call. Anwalt looked at Penelope and Raina.



Anwalt: Lucent found a hotel for us to stay the night. He's already over there and got us rooms.


Anwalt: C'mon, let's go warn Lilith and Hyde.

Oooh, a hotel. She wondered how fancy it was. Maybe it was one of those hotels she usually saw celebrities hanging out in, that'd be so nice to be in...just the thought alone made her squeal out loud.



Penelope: Eeeeeee, I can't wait! 


She didn't vocalize her thoughts afterwards though. The mention of Hyde had brought him to mind after she had a moment to fantasize about the luxurious hotel that would treat her like a true queen. Maybe she'd get a chance to talk to him about the fight, since, if he was a beginning, it'd be a great way for her to gain some more beginning tips! Or so she thought. That WAS a pretty ridiculous fight...

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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"You won't always have a 3 knockdown rule to save you..."




Hmph...true. But in a real fight, I'm not gonna just stand there and watch you get up...



But hey! It was just a friendly exhibition. Right?! It was a good match. Let's just leave it at that.


3 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"They should be back in the training room."


Lilith proceeded to guide them there looking for the others she came with.




LightFlare sees Hyde. He checks to see how he's doing.


2 hours ago, Sinjik said:


Hyde: (That "hero" guy  really does live up to his name. But that aside I should regroup with the others)

(Hyde continues to search for any of the members he was with)



How's it going Hyde? These guys your friends?




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 1/1/2019 at 9:35 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


How's it going Hyde? These guys your friends?




Hyde: Heh, I'm doing fine, after all i'm still standing.


Hyde: Yeah, there friends. I was just looking for them, but it looks like they were here.

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Anwalt Vermillion

Location: The Arena - Reception Lobby


When Anwalt looked, Hyde had reunited with LightFlare, Lilith and Melina. Raina was also there. He whistled to signal Penelope and went to the group.



Anwalt: Heheh, that was an intense fight, ladies. Can't wait to try my hand at each of you. Especially you, LightFlare. I'm gonna drag you to the ground at least once in a match.


Anwalt: In any case, Lucent found us a place to stay so I came here to pick you guys. You two are invited to come, Melina and Light, though I don't know if you guys have other plans.


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18 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: In any case, Lucent found us a place to stay so I came here to pick you guys. You two are invited to come, Melina and Light, though I don't know if you guys have other plans.



Wow...that's really kind of you, Anwalt. I'll take you up on that offer.



Sounds great, Anwalt. I take it you and I are sharing a room?


Melina teases Anwalt as she happily excepts his offer. LightFlare can be seem chuckling on the side.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"I've been meaning to talk to you all about that. I was able to find information about the one I seeked. He runs a training center in a place called Candor City. I of course will be heading there as soon as possible."


She then heard Light accept the offer



"Is that really all right though? I mean we did just meet..."

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29 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"I've been meaning to talk to you all about that. I was able to find information about the one I seeked. He runs a training center in a place called Candor City. I of course will be heading there as soon as possible."


She then heard Light accept the offer



"Is that really all right though? I mean we did just meet..."



Young Lady. You've obviously had some good upbringing. And your manners are evidence of the fact. And humility is a part of that too. But I've leanred that the best way to show your appreciation for others is to fully enjoy the blessings you are given.



In short...say thank you for the place to crash and hit the road in the morning, Miss Priss. Lol!


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Anwalt Vermillion

Location: The Arena - Reception Lobby



Anwalt: Nah, each of us get a particular room. He got 10 rooms in case more people would come.


Anwalt: Also, I'm fine about your plan, Lilith. Might as well go along and help you. We don't know each other that much, but I suppose any aid is welcome, right?


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Lilith wasn't sure how to feel about the situation. Even so, everyone seemed to be quite insistent, so she might as well take advantage if they were so willing.



"I'm still not completely comfortable with this, but if you all are so insistent then I suppose I don't have much choice."

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Penelope proceeded to slooowly make her way to the group, trying her best to make herself look as inconspicuous as possible. She didn't want to interrupt their super important chat, but she knew they knew she was coming along. She hoped, anyway. She wondered what the heck Canned Door City was, though. It wouldn't hurt to ask, she thought.



Penelope: Umm...what's a "Canned Door City", and how far away from here is it? Can I take a nap during the ride?

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On 1/4/2019 at 6:55 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: Nah, each of us get a particular room. He got 10 rooms in case more people would come



Heh...your loss. Thanks for the invite, tho.


On 1/4/2019 at 6:55 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: Also, I'm fine about your plan, Lilith. Might as well go along and help you. We don't know each other that much, but I suppose any aid is welcome, right?






On 1/4/2019 at 8:11 PM, Darkflare said:

Lilith wasn't sure how to feel about the situation. Even so, everyone seemed to be quite insistent, so she might as well take advantage if they were so willing.



"I'm still not completely comfortable with this, but if you all are so insistent then I suppose I don't have much choice."



Sounds like a plan. We'll rest up and head out tomorrow...


On 1/4/2019 at 10:20 PM, A person said:

Penelope proceeded to slooowly make her way to the group, trying her best to make herself look as inconspicuous as possible. She didn't want to interrupt their super important chat, but she knew they knew she was coming along. She hoped, anyway. She wondered what the heck Canned Door City was, though. It wouldn't hurt to ask, she thought.



Penelope: Umm...what's a "Canned Door City", and how far away from here is it? Can I take a nap during the ride?



It's a couple hours. Well need transportation that will accommodate all of us. We could just catch the shuttle. It's pretty inexpensive but I'll help anyway I can. That reminds me! I have to go pick up my winnings...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


It's a couple hours. Well need transportation that will accommodate all of us. We could just catch the shuttle. It's pretty inexpensive but I'll help anyway I can. That reminds me! I have to go pick up my winnings...


Penelope: Ah, enough time for a nap! Buuut, if we're resting before the trip, then I can see everything on the way there!


She dug around in her pockets for one of the most important things she had: her phone! But it looked like it was...MISSING! Oh God, it was missing! Whoever did this must've really wanted her to vanish...and had to be really sadistic! Her phone was her lifeline in times like this; if she didn't get lucky, she'd have probably curled up into a ball and died on the spot! But she had to act like she didn't care! Anything to keep her worry visibly down after that little scene earlier..



Penelope: Urgh, but my phone's gone...*sigh* This is gonna be such a boring trip...maybe taking a nap would be a better idea.

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