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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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It's come down to this! We're ate 2min 50 sec! Both are still tied 1 down a piece! And with only 10 sec left the next 2 moves may decide this match all together! Or...we may go into...SUDDEN DEATH!


The crowd gets even louder as the battle reaches its inevitable climax...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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  • 3 weeks later...

Location: The Arena


He got up and cleaned some of the dust in the clothes. Then, he scratched his head and sighed.



Anwalt: Well... nothing I can do, right? A loss is a loss. Gotta admit, I went cocky because of my training with Lucent, but I should've known it wouldn't be the same thing.


Anwalt: By the way, there's no need for you to attack me. Your first knockdown was on that moment when it looked like nothing happened. I took advantage of the moment just to look as if I wasn't down.


He went towards Raina and extended his hand. He wasn't planning to trick her after revealing the truth... and even if he did, what would it change?



Anwalt: You're pretty strong, I'll give you that. Next time, I won't be an idiot and I'll give you a hell of a fight.

Location: Training Center


Lucent went in and looked at the television there. It seemed the battle was already over, with the result he saw ever since the beginning.



Lucent: (I know someone would say "Shouldn't you have some faith on your brother?" or something like that, but on a fight he'd lose immediately for going cocky... there's just no point.)


Lucent: (Also... while I'm at it, I better discard this form while I'm at it. This isn't how I look anymore, anyway...)


For a normal human, it would look like as if he disappeared and someone else stood at his place. Lucent abandoned his old image, one he used at Anwalt's request before travelling, and took his current form once more.



Lucent: Now then... where should I go to practice first... or rather, which equipments are sturdy enough so I don't have to discharge my anger at Anwalt later and be reported for cruelty or something of the sort?


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The match was over. The crowd erupted in cheers as the winner wws announced...



That's it! The match is over! The winner is...Raina! Everyone! Lets show these two fighters our appreciation!


The crowd cheers for the two fighters as they exchange after battle commentary in the middle of the arena...



Fighters! Thank you for your participation! Please make you way towards the Lobby threw the large doors! Raina! Please speak to the receptionist to claim you prize!


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Penelope sighed after Anwalt had his last knockdown, with all of her anticipation for a comeback draining away in an instant. The guy fought hard, but not even her cheering saved him. Hopefully he wouldn't take the loss too hard.



Penelope: (Poor guy...hopefully his bro didn't see that!)


Despite his loss, though, they both did great to her. The best thing to do now was the congratulate them. They looked like they'd both need some cheering on in order to keep going, especially Raina; who knew what could've possibly waited for her after this! Maybe she'd get a super cool rival that'd challenge her or something!



Penelope: Woo-hoo, you both did really good in that fight! It was so awesome seeing all of that light stuff Raina did, and that one thing where you tore out a chunk of the floor, Anwalt! I wanna learn that stuff, too!

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Meanwhile back in the training facilities, the other fighters watched in amazement from the battle. It was clear to them that these weren't a couple of rookies...



(That was some battle. It came down to the last few seconds. The big fella sure tried his best to close the gap, but never could quite get close enough. Had he managed to he may have knocked that girl out cold. Guess that's why she kept him from doing so. Then again...)


As the young female figher contemplated the abilites of Anwalt and Raina, a fighter who had been meditating during the fight still manage to notice the power of the two combatants.



(Those two were strong. It seems...howerver...that one of them was holding back. One may have hid there power a bit, but the other's...the other's power was rising even till the end...interesting...)


The stoic warrior resets his focus on his meditation...



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 7/15/2018 at 6:37 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

Location: The Arena


He got up and cleaned some of the dust in the clothes. Then, he scratched his head and sighed.



Anwalt: Well... nothing I can do, right? A loss is a loss. Gotta admit, I went cocky because of my training with Lucent, but I should've known it wouldn't be the same thing.


Anwalt: By the way, there's no need for you to attack me. Your first knockdown was on that moment when it looked like nothing happened. I took advantage of the moment just to look as if I wasn't down.


He went towards Raina and extended his hand. He wasn't planning to trick her after revealing the truth... and even if he did, what would it change?



Anwalt: You're pretty strong, I'll give you that. Next time, I won't be an idiot and I'll give you a hell of a fight.




Raina took Anwalt's hand for a firm shake.


"That was pretty exciting. It's been a while since I fought someone who preferred to go up close."


On 7/15/2018 at 8:14 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The match was over. The crowd erupted in cheers as the winner wws announced...



That's it! The match is over! The winner is...Raina! Everyone! Lets show these two fighters our appreciation!


The crowd cheers for the two fighters as they exchange after battle commentary in the middle of the arena...



Fighters! Thank you for your participation! Please make you way towards the Lobby threw the large doors! Raina! Please speak to the receptionist to claim you prize!



Once Raina left the arena, she proceeded towards the receptionist.


"I heard there was a prize, right?"

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10 minutes ago, Dumanios said:

Once Raina left the arena, she proceeded towards the receptionist.


"I heard there was a prize, right?"



Yes! A little surprise for first time participants. You guys provide entertainment as well as train. So for that, you are compensated. Well, at least the winner is! Ha! Here's your prize!


The receptionist hands Raina a gift card worth 1000 gil.





She smiles and returns to her duties.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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(Hyde sits quietly as the fight came to an end)


Hyde: (That was a very intense fight, who knew a person like him could stand so long against that many projectiles)

(As Hyde continued with his thoughts, the person with the hood had his own thoughts as well)


???: (...At least they weren't weaklings, but they definitely won't "suffice." Heh, I am making faster progress than expected though) 

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The sounds of the crowd cheering clued Lilith in that the match ended.



("I better pay attention just in case it's my turn.")


She took note of the meditating fighter.



("To remain meditating like that despite all this noise, he must be quite deep into it.")

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On 7/18/2018 at 2:24 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Anwalt and Raina have left the arena....



Alright! Now lets get down to business! Fighter number 4! Report to the middle of the arena!



Hyde: (Alright, here it goes)

(Hyde moves to the arena)

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Alright! Fighter number 4 has entered the arena! Now! Fighter number 3! Report to the arena! 


The announcer called for fighter number 3. After some time the announcer repeatedly called for Kirimuru. But he didn't show up in the arena. The crowd begin to boo as it seemed that Kirimuru would not show. Meanwhile inside the training facility.



(Whoever fighter number 3 is they aren't showing up. Did they get scared? What's the deal...?)


The young lady glances over at the fighter meditating in the corner. She casually walks over to him. With a playful grin she thumps him in the forehead.


So...you gonna sit on you butt all day or are you gonna show us those legendary fighting skills?


The fighter came out of his meditation. His face looked as if he was expecting the "sneak attack" before hand. His eyes were serious...but he had a slight smile...



Young lady. What have I said about interrupting the meditation of others?



Lots of things...but mostly "not to." But you're not gonna sit there and pretend that you don't wanna step in for this mystery fighter number 3. And speaking of mystery fighters...


On 7/17/2018 at 10:01 PM, Darkflare said:

She took note of the meditating fighter.




Before she could finish, the warrior begin to sense a familiar chi. He quickly looked in the direction of the energy source but did not see the person he expected. In fact the aura seemed to be emanating from a young girl who was staring from across the room...



Oh...you noticed her. Her name is Lilith. And what's even more interesting is that she uses the same moves...as you. I saw her training and it's no mistaking it. It's Ansetsuken Karate.


Just then the announcer could be heard...



This is the final call! Fighter 3 come to the arena now!



Better hurry...hero.


The young lady smirked as she goated the warrior. He smiled back and slowly got up. He glanced at Lilith one last time as he walked over to the receptionist. After he was done, he headed towards the arena...



(...this outta be good)


Inside the arena, the crowd had become restless. Just as the annoncer seemed to give up the victory to fighter number 4...



Wait! I've just received word that we have a replacement. And it's a good one folks. So! The match is set! 


As the announcer is talking the warrior walks out into the arena and the crowd begins to cheer once they realize who the replacment is..



Ok! It will be Fighter number 4...Hyde...versus...an arena favorite! The Hero of Kalos City!






The crowd explodes chanting LightFlare's name as he stops in front of Hyde and takes his fighting stance.



Ok! This is an exhibition match using the 3 falls rule, so 3 knockdowns and you're out. Also if you cannot answer a 10 count you are out! Fighters do you understand the rules.


LightFlare motions to the annoncer to signify he understands. The annoncer waits for Hyde to respond before starting the match.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Although, no words were spoken the glances between the hero of Kalos and her it told her plenty. He was familiar with her abilities, so it was likely that he knew the Darkflare of this world. It seems there was something between the two after all.



"He was called the Hero of Kalos? That's quite a reputation he must have built up."


Lilith approached the monitor to watch the fight, it was no secret that she was interested in what this so called hero was capable of.



"Lightflare.....it might be in my interest to have a word with you."

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On 7/17/2018 at 8:02 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Yes! A little surprise for first time participants. You guys provide entertainment as well as train. So for that, you are compensated. Well, at least the winner is! Ha! Here's your prize!


The receptionist hands Raina a gift card worth 1000 gil.





She smiles and returns to her duties.





"Thanks!" Raina exclaimed.


'I guess 1000 gil is a big deal, huh? Come to think of it...


Raina heard the calling sounds for the next fight. Fighter 4 had shown up, but not Fighter 3... hadn't it been that guy with the beard earlier? She heard cheering once again and saw a viewscreen of the arena. Facing Hyde was a different bearded man, older and more experienced.


He almost reminded her of Sophos, the Havenray God, at least in appearance. And even through the screen, Raina could tell he was calm. And powerful.


It may be best to view this directly.

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3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Alright then! Begin!





LightFlare does a short dash closing the gap as he focused on Hyde's head...


Hyde: (This is too close)

(Hyde does an upward diagonal slash) 

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7 hours ago, Sinjik said:


Hyde: (This is too close)

(Hyde does an upward diagonal slash) 



(Slow down, kid...)


The diagonal slash sends Hyde into the air just in front of LightFlare who stops just short of the range of the attack.




As Hyde lands, LightFlare excutes a low sweeping roundhouse aimed at Hydes legs with the intent to sweep Hyde's feet causing knockdown.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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8 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



(Slow down, kid...)


The diagonal slash sends Hyde into the air just in front of LightFlare who stops just short of the range of the attack.




As Hyde lands, LightFlare excutes a low sweeping roundhouse aimed at Hydes legs with the intent to sweep Hyde's feet causing knockdown.

(Hyde gets hit and falls down)


Hyde: Urgh! 

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Location: The Arena - Lobby


Anwalt looked at the TV at the lobby and looked at both fighters.



Anwalt: "The Hero", eh? Seems like a tough wall to take down.


Location: Training Center


Lucent looked around the training center, trying to find the right equipment, when he heard the cheers coming from the TV. He gave it a glance to see Hyde against an unknown person, seemingly more experient when it comes to a fight.



Lucent: That's definitely an uncommon combination. I wonder if Hyde will manage to win... the other person seems ridiculously strong...


After giving the glance, he stumbled on a strange panel, in front of a room that seemed new there. He examined the whole structure and then looked at the panel once more.



Lucent: (Wait, what is this...? Virtual reality?)


Lucent: (Guess I found the equipment I'm using. I just need to configure the AI.)


It didn't took too long for him to understand how to operate the machine. With some presses and he managed to finish configuring the settings.



Lucent: OK, let's revise the situation. 6 foes in the field, weapons enabled, magic power enabled... location set to arena. Now to press start and to go in.


After pressing the start button, he went inside the room.


Location: Virtual Reality Training




Once he went in, the place seemed to fit a colosseum. If that wasn't sufficient, the AI chose to look like soldiers instead of thugs or something less royal-looking. They went into position, ready to battle him.



Lucent: At least I won't need to worry if they're hurt. Code of Illusions: Lukroar!


BGM: Rain Tear Cage



From thin air, light began to radiate as a grimoire materialized in front of him. Lucent took it and immediately entered into fencing stance as the AI foes moved towards him.



Lucent: I'll make sure not to let any of you remain standing, AI or not. Judgement!


Lucent called upon a powerful light beam rain to attack all the soldiers. He then beagn to float and charged at them..


Lucent Vermillion's Battle Properties (Dream Type)

In contrast to his brother, Lucent has little proficiency on close combat, but his magical proficiency is high. In his Dream Type, Lucent is a illusionist with a large consistence on long-range fighting and support. He can fly as his main mobility manuever. He possess a variety of spells, but most of them include healing and buffing. Although his magic may mimic the elements, they will always deal non-elemental damage except all of his Light spells. Also, Lucent suffers from a lack of single-target skills, since all of them include AoE-esque skills.


Special System: Illusion Shards

Each time Lucent conjures an offensive spell, he will generate one crystal that floats around him. Those crystals are necessary for him to unleash the Draconic Illusions, which are considerably his Supers. His Super spells consume 10 crystals, so Lucent is unable to conjure all Draconic Illusions at once.


Spell List

1. Offensive

  • Cragfall (Earth/Illusion): Lucent conjures boulders to fall upon a an enemy and the area around it.
  • Tornado (Wind/Illusion): Lucent conjures a tornado to attack an enemy and the area surrounding it.
  • Thunderflare (Thunder/Illusion): Lucent conjures four thunders to attack an enemy and the area surrounding it.
  • Acid Rain (Water/Illusion): Lucent conjures a rainfall to attack an enemy and the area surrounding it.
  • Firestorm (Fire/Illusion): Lucent conjures a pillar of flames to attack an enemy and the area surrounding it.
  • Avalanche (Ice/Illusion): Lucent conjures a snowstorm to attack an enemy and the area surrounding it.
  • Judgement (Light): Lucent conjures a light beam rain to attack an enemy and the area surrounding it. It deals higher damage against Dark-elemental users.


2. Healing

  • Heal (Light): Lucent greatly heals a single ally's health.
  • Clearance (Light): Lucent removes all status ailments from a single ally.
  • Gift of Renewal (Light):  Lucent buffs an ally with a healing aura that moderately heals wounds for 3 turns.
  • Mercy Rain (Water/Illusion): Lucent creates a field that slightly heals allies positioned inside it for three turns.
  • Dispel (Light): Lucent removes all debuffs from a single ally.


3. Buffing

  • Protect (Earth/Illusion): Lucent raises an ally's physical resistance for 3 turns.
  • Whirlwind (Wind/Illusion): Lucent grants a buff that slightly raises an ally's evasion for 3 turns.
  • Galvanize (Thunder/Illusion): Lucent buffs an ally with a certain hit (100%) effect for the next normal attack.
  • Chill Focus (Ice/Illusion): Lucent buffs an ally with a certain hit (100%) effect for the next skill attack.
  • Flame Fusion (Fire/Illusion): Lucent raises an ally's physical attack power for the next 3 turns.
  • Boon of Swiftness (Light): Lucent raises an ally's movement and attack speed for 3 turns.


4. Draconic Illusions

  • Cyclone (Wind/Illusion): Lucent conjures a violent tempest to attack all foes present in the battle.
  • Gaia Strike (Eath/Illusion): Lucent conjures an energy sphere that raises an earthquake to attack all foes present in battle.
  • Vortex (Thunder/Illusion): Lucent summons a violent thunderstorm to attack all foes present in battle.
  • Deluge (Water/Illusion): Lucent summons a giant wave to attack all foes present in battle.
  • Annihilation (Fire/Illusion) Lucent calls upon three flames that raise a giant firestorm to attack all foes present in battle.
  • Iceover (Ice/Illusion): Lucent freezes space and then breaks it, damaging all foes present in battle.
  • Starfall (Light): Lucent summons a multitude of shooting stars to attack all foes present in battle.



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14 hours ago, Sinjik said:

(Hyde gets hit and falls down)


Hyde: Urgh! 



What a move! LightFlare is here and he's wasting no time! 10 sec in and Lightflare scores the first knockdown!




The crowd chants LightFlare's name again as LightFlare takes his stance awaiting the 10 count from the announcer.






(That was a bit careless...but I know he's got more.)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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8 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



What a move! LightFlare is here and he's wasting no time! 10 sec in and Lightflare scores the first knockdown!




The crowd chants LightFlare's name again as LightFlare takes his stance awaiting the 10 count from the announcer.






(That was a bit careless...but I know he's got more.)

(Hyde immediately jump backwards and landed on his feet)


Hyde: (I'm not going down, not yet)


Hyde: Black Orbiter!

(Hyde slashes a circling red projectile towards LightFlare)


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19 hours ago, Sinjik said:

(Hyde immediately jump backwards and landed on his feet)


Hyde: (I'm not going down, not yet)


Hyde: Black Orbiter!

(Hyde slashes a circling red projectile towards LightFlare)




And Hyde rolls back and attacks with a fierce projectile! Can LightFlare counter in time?!



(Now he's fighting...)



LightFlare unleashes his signature move...The LightFlare Cannon! Although this move is rather large and powerful, many years of training has allowed LightFlare to unleash it with very little charge time, while maintaining substantial power. And with little distance between him and Hyde, it would be very hard for Hyde to counter. Hydes projectile is engulfed in the large beam attack as it continues toward Hyde. 


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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