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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


"How many worlds are there? Noone can day to be honest. In fact, it can be said that there are an infinite number of worlds, ranging from minor subtle differences to completely different worlds each with their own set of "rules"."



"And that's without taking into account the ones that have time travel as a possibility, further creating different timelines to add to it. Just as there are infinite worlds, there are infinite possibilities."



"And then we have the cases with divine intervention. Though how often it happens can depend on the deity and the world, in truth on average these are extremely rare and only in very specific conditions."



"Which brings me to the world I often spend observing and even interacting with. With infinite possibilities, it comes to no surprise that there are worlds out there that allow multiple universes to cross over with each other."



"The word infinite truly means something in a world like this. And despite this, it has worked out very well. Of course, there's the occasional conflict, but it's an unfortunate truth among mortals. The struggle between good and evil is an eternal one."



"Ah, I shouldn't be rambling on so much, This tale isn't about me anyway, I am but an audience member and not an actor in this play. And I await the next chapter of this tale..."


Kalos City





She took the time to analyze her surroundings.



"A sense of familiarity, yet it somehow feels different. Perhaps there is some truth to this place being a gathering ground between worlds."

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???: Mmm...


The girl's eyes fluttered open. The bedroom she expected to be around her, however, seemed to have been replaced by shadows and dim lights. She glanced around the area.



???: Wha...


A putrid scent suddenly penetrated her nostrils, a scent that immediately made her recoil.



???: Blergh, what the hell?! How did-


She could hear the telltale sound of countless flies buzzing around the area, and her eyes soon settled upon a trash-filled dumpster that she was waaaay too close to. She instinctively jumped back and away from it.



???: (How did I get here?! And why was I laying next to a stinky dumpster?!) 


She started to panic for a moment, but took a moment to gather her bearings, or what was left of them, at least. She proceeded to dust her clothes off, then looked around, trying to figure out where exactly she was. From out of the alleyway, a single glance was all she needed to determine where she was.



???: (Hmm...it looks like Kalos City, but I dunno about this area...maybe there's someone around here who can help me!)


She proceeded to scan the area for anyone that didn't look like a bad guy before her eyes settled upon a woman nearby.



???: HEY, YOU!


She waved her arms around obnoxiously in an attempt to get her attention, and most likely gained more attention than she originally intended.



???: I'm a lost girl in a bad part of the city and I need some heeeeelp!





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8 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

The woman looked over at the girl.



"Give me a break... Oi girl, you shouldn't attract so much attention if you're in such a bad part. You're better off looking for the local authorities for help."

Right. The authorities were a much better option! 



???: Oh, okay, thank you!


But where were they, and what did they even look like? She had only gone to Kalos City every so often, but she couldn't remember seeing anyone that could possibly be considered as an authority figure.



???: Umm...where...are they? I'm not from around here, so I dunno much about the place...


She tried to weaponize her smile.



???: ...but, if it isn't too much trouble for ya, I'd really like if you could show me around! You seem like you know a lot about the place yourself, and I'd love to learn more about it!

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9 minutes ago, A person said:

She tried to weaponize her smile.



???: ...but, if it isn't too much trouble for ya, I'd really like if you could show me around! You seem like you know a lot about the place yourself, and I'd love to learn more about it!

The woman seemed unamused at the girl's attempts to be cute 



"I'm not from around here either, kid. I heard this place had an arena somewhere. I'm looking for someone who happens to be a fighter."


She couldn't help but feel that no matter what she said, this girl wasn't going to leave her alone so easily.

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4 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

The woman seemed unamused at the girl's attempts to be cute 



"I'm not from around here either, kid. I heard this place had an arena somewhere. I'm looking for someone who happens to be a fighter."


She couldn't help but feel that no matter what she said, this girl wasn't going to leave her alone so easily.


???: I can fight! I learned how to use a sword in school! I just...umm...left it at home, so I'm trying to find my way back!


She then got an idea.



???: Hey...if you're new, and I'm new, then why don't we explore the city together? I bet it'll be really fun!

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15 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"You're going to follow me around, no matter what I answer, are you?"


???: Yep!


She was determined to get her way...and to get out of this presumed hellhole. Seriously, who leaves dumpsters full of smelly garbage and puts girls next to them?

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The woman sighed.



"All right. I suppose some company wouldn't hurt. At least until I find that arena anyway."


She was hoping that the girl's eagerness wouldn't bring them trouble while they were together.

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In the meantime... a small, bright and blue-ish portal appeared from nowhere in a back alley. It throws a man out of it before sucking on itself, shrinking, and vanishing without leaving a trace.


The man, fancily dressed as if he belongs to a military force, tries to recuperate his belongings who are all scattered everywhere on the ground. These include a fake pair of glasses, a black tome with shiny silver textures and a staff with a somewhat odd shape at one of its end. The staff ressembles something that is used by wandering monks, though the attire of the man indicates otherwise.



???: Ugh, so much for jumping into the Bottomless Canyon in order to reach Valla...


He adjusts his glasses and proceeds to look around him. Something doesn't feel right. The environment seems different from where he comes from.



???: ...Wait a second, this isn't Valla?! And now the portal's gone!


He takes off his glasses and looks around him again to make sure his eyes weren't fooling him. They weren't.



???: ...Looks like I've been thrown into a different world or something like that... Oh well, not that it matters anyway. Guess I should look around for information.


The man leaves the small alleyway in order to explore the area.


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Location: Skies of Kalos City


BGM: The Skycity of Bhujerba (Final Fantasy XII)


The airship arrived at the station, bringing tourists from other worlds. Soon, a message played out to all who were on board.


"Destination arrived: Kalos City. Please, leave the perimeters of the skyship. It will go out of function for now as we prepare for the next trip. Enjoy your stay at Kalos City and please come again."


Alongside a lot of passengers, they disembarked from the ship and looked around at the station. Many people came and went from all directions. it seems it was a busy season for receiving tourists.



???: So, here we are. Excited yet?


???: Now that I think about it, yes. This is a Link World as I read on books.


???: Yep. Welcome to Kalos, where we'll enjoy our family trip!


???: Kalos City is actually one of the most visited cities when it comes to Link Worlds. According to the statistics, this city is the 6th most visited of all towns. Not the highest, but almost reaching the top 5.


???: You really did a research of this, didn't you?


???: Of course. Oh, but I wasn't able to download a map at our terminals yet. We might be able to get one here, though.


???: First of all, let's enjoy the view. No need to be such a stickler to details when we're here to relax.


???: Sorry, but I don't enjoy getting lost in a world that I already don't know. If you're not taking the cautions, big brother, than I am.


???: Oh, for the sake of...! C'mere!


The older brother grabbed his younger brother and carried him in one of the arms, at a sitting position.



???: W-What are you doing?! Put me down, I'm not a kid!


???: You're still my kid brother and your excessive worriness will ruin the trip. Now just stay still at my arm and let's go.


???: Ugh... what a way to start things...


Without a map, they followed the rest of the passengers to do the check-in and to begin their trip at Kalos City.


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(In a distance, was a young looking teen that looks like he just gained his senses)


???: (Tch, now where am I?)

(The boy observed his surroundings to see if he was at where he once was)


???: (T-This place is completely different, how did I get here though?)


???:(Alright, I'm sure somebody around here should know what this place is. A map would be nice as well....)

 (The boy starts to walk around the city, in search for anybody who has the information he needs)

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12 hours ago, Darkflare said:

The woman sighed.



"All right. I suppose some company wouldn't hurt. At least until I find that arena anyway."


She was hoping that the girl's eagerness wouldn't bring them trouble while they were together.


???: Yeah, thank you!


She tried to pull the woman into a tight embrace with both arms to truly show her gratitude. Or perhaps to try and soften her apparent hard shell.

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22 minutes ago, Darkflare said:




The embrace had caught her off guard.



"You are way too trusting of people. You could get in trouble for that."

The girl proceeded to release the woman from the hug. It actually felt nice being able to do it to someone after being dropped off here by who she presumed was a certain someone.


???: Well, it's not like I get a chance like this everyday, hehe! Anyway, where to? I wanna check out every way, but you wanna find this arena place first, right? So I'll follow you!

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8 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"The best way to look for it would be to ask anyone that looks like he or she could be a fighter. Places like that tend to attract strong fighters or at least anyone that believes themselves to be one."


???: Then we just look for some really mean-looking person and then we have our person! Should be a piece of cake for the two of us!


She started to scan the area for anyone that could apply for the category of "mean-looking person". And since this was a bad part of the city probably, it would only be a matter of time!

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The man explores the city of Kalos. The infrastructures, the atmosphere and the people seem unfamiliar from where he comes from, yet they're making him feel comfortable right off the bat. It's as if there was this feeling of unity between the people. No signs of discord were present, not even a single hint. 


He picks up a small informative paper from a nearby tourist information office and learns a bit about the city, ranging from its history, certain cultural places and activities, restaurants and hotels. It seems like he has been transported into a world which unites people from different universes. One thing is bugging his mind however... how did he get here instead of arriving at his preferred destination?


Though interested in discovering the city a bit more, he decides to focus on his main objective instead. Getting money. Yes, money. No matter how important the difference between the worlds is, certain things will always be the same.



???: (Hmm... I need to find a temporary source of income in order to find a place to stay and keep my belly full.)


Scrolling again past the papers, he notices that there is an arena in the city, which offers rewards to the participants. This would unexpectedly be a chance to hone his fighting and magic skills.



???: (It's better to get your glasses busted than to starve to death, I guess.)


He checked the address one more time, then starts reading the map which came with the papers. Then, he starts walking to the destination, accompanied with intrigue and also a bit of nervousness.


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Location: Kalos City - Outside of the Airship Station


BGM: The Skycity of Bhujerba still playing


After picking their bags, both left from the airport. They looked at the rest of the city.



???: This is very different from our home...


???: Well, we're in another world. Of course it'd be different.


???: Can you please let me be mesmerized with the scenery without breaking it up?


???: Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to...


???: Honestly, you're so realistic sometimes that it kills the fun. Know how to enjoy the moment without being so stern, Lucent.




Mixed-Blood Vestal who Defends Dreams

Lucent Vermillion

The younger child of the Vermillion family and a halfling who has demon blood running through his veins. Though he's a child of dream-eating demons, Lucent is the Vestal of Dreams, an otherwordly being with the mission of guiding and protecting dreams. With the balance of both powers, he's able to live without needing to eat dreams anymore and swore to protect what was once his food. He left his home for a trip with his older brother, planning to enjoy it while remembering that his responsibilities as the Vestal of Dreams remain the same, no matter the world he is.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Half-human half-demon

Personality: While not being anti-social, Lucent is very stern and reserved, not indulging too much onto unnecessary banters. He's very intelligent, yet doesn't share much of what he knows to others. He also tends to be really blunt, talking what he feels and thinks without thinking on the consequences. Sometimes, he tends to speak in a sarcastic tone, while not meaning to actually offend someone. He loves reading books, especially if they include strategy or something of the sort. Lucent is really kind and has a big sense of responsibility, being sometimes very rigid when others fail their tasks, even though menial. He tends to be forceful sometimes, as he comes around to intimidate people to drown them in nightmares and traumas if they do something that includes him and it's against his will or has been denied by him.

Element: Darkness/Light

Weapon: Grimoire (Darkness/Light)



Lucent: Well, sorry if I bothered your dreaming, but you should wake up and take us to somewhere we can get a map, Anwalt.




Dream-Devouring Beast of Blazing Spirits

Anwalt Vermillion

The eldest child of the Vermillion family and a halfling who has demon blood running through his veins. Known as the Tyrant of the Nightmare World, Anwalt was heavily trained to be evil and a massive devourer of dreams. However, he ignored that part of the training, since he wanted to reconcile with the brother he couldn't protect when he was younger. He swore to aid Lucent at his task, even though he knews that he can't ignore the hunger and needs to eat dreams to survive. To strengthen the new bond he formed with his younger brother, he took them to a trip.

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Half-human half-demon

Personality: Brash and spontaneous, Anwalt has always been the most friendly out of the two. Like Lucent, he's very blunt, though he sounds less condescending. He treats everyone equally at the same level of respect unless someone shows him they don't deserve it. He prefers a good fighting, though he has little knowledge of control. Whenever pushed to his limits, he becomes a beast in battle. Anwalt tends to tease a lot of people, most of the times to motivate them or to cheer them up. Unlike most older brothers, he knows that Lucent's not a kid anymore and doesn't tend to be overprotective. Even so, he'll stand by his brother side.

Element: Darkness

Weapon: Fists



Anwalt: Haah... what am I going to do with you, little stickler to details which is my brother?


Lucent: Oh, I don't know. I guess you could put me down, since I can walk!


Anwalt: OK, OK, fine! Geez, I was just trying to be nice!


Upon Lucent's complaint, Anwalt put him back on the ground.



Lucent: There are other ways for you to be fine without pampering me and treat me like a kid.


Anwalt: Well, you're a kid just for me.


Lucent: ... I'm going to ignore what you just said and go pick a map.


Anwalt: Hahahaha!


Lucent: *sigh* Which of us is the actual kid here, I wonder...


He picked a free map of the town that was availble in a stand close to them. As he opened, both started looking for interesting places in town.



Lucent: Let's see... where are the hotels here...


Anwalt; Oh, look! There's an underground arena! And they're holding exhibition matches with prizes!


Lucent: We can go there later. We need to find a place to rest first and also a money exchanger.


Anwalt: Hell no. We're going there and have fun with the fights. *takes map and pulls Lucent with him*


Lucent: W-Wait, I never said I wanted to fight! Anwalt, are you listening to me?!


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As the woman and her companion  continue their walk in the city they would come across a flyer.



"The Bottom. That's the place. For an underground arena, the way this is advertised makes it seem like it's become quite a popular area. Underneath...I believe this is a dance club, of sorts."


She looked over at her companion.



"Hey kid, places like these also tend to attract meatheads. Keep it in mind if you're going to stick with me."

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5 hours ago, Darkflare said:

As the woman and her companion  continue their walk in the city they would come across a flyer.



"The Bottom. That's the place. For an underground arena, the way this is advertised makes it seem like it's become quite a popular area. Underneath...I believe this is a dance club, of sorts."


She looked over at her companion.



"Hey kid, places like these also tend to attract meatheads. Keep it in mind if you're going to stick with me."

She had no idea what a "meathead" was, but a dance club sounded like it'd be pretty fun. Why on earth would something so innocent have something so dark underneath it, though? And with a name like that...just thinking about it gave her the creeps.



???: Umm...okay! I'll try to stay really close!


Seeing as how they were apparently going to be sticking together for a while, she decided that this would be the best time to introduce herself. That would definitely ease her mind.



???: By the way...if we're gonna be together for a while, then maybe we should introduce ourselves! So, I'm Penelope! What's your name, miss?




The Innocent(?) Airhead

Penelope Nerthus

The human daughter of two parents unknown to the multiverse, she is an outgoing, easily excited, and curious girl with a strong desire to find her place in the multiverse and its contents. Despite being born with no unique powers, the words of her supposed parents, teachers and friends have motivated her to seek out those of great power in the hopes of possibly learning from them. She has dabbled in the art of swordplay thanks to extracurricular activities at her school, and has begun to develop her own style, though it is still quite unrefined. Despite her innocence, she has still managed to develop enemies, and has found herself in a part of Kalos City that was unknown to her previously. Believing this to be the work of one of her jealous enemies, she decides to make the best of her situation and tries to strike it out on her own at last. However, now in a world that no longer cares about her well-being nor her life, she knows that only great difficulties lie ahead, but she feels that she can overcome them, no matter what form they come in. 


Age: 15


Gender: Female


Race: Human


Personality: Naive, slow to anger, easily amused, and prone to occasional fits of swearing when flustered or enraged


Elemental Affinity: Unknown


Weapon(s): None


Preferred Weapon: One-Handed or Two-Handed Swords, Shields





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12 hours ago, A person said:

She had no idea what a "meathead" was, but a dance club sounded like it'd be pretty fun. Why on earth would something so innocent have something so dark underneath it, though? And with a name like that...just thinking about it gave her the creeps.



???: Umm...okay! I'll try to stay really close!


Seeing as how they were apparently going to be sticking together for a while, she decided that this would be the best time to introduce herself. That would definitely ease her mind.



???: By the way...if we're gonna be together for a while, then maybe we should introduce ourselves! So, I'm Penelope! What's your name, miss?


  Reveal hidden contents


The Innocent(?) Airhead

Penelope Nerthus

The human daughter of two parents unknown to the multiverse, she is an outgoing, easily excited, and curious girl with a strong desire to find her place in the multiverse and its contents. Despite being born with no unique powers, the words of her supposed parents, teachers and friends have motivated her to seek out those of great power in the hopes of possibly learning from them. She has dabbled in the art of swordplay thanks to extracurricular activities at her school, and has begun to develop her own style, though it is still quite unrefined. Despite her innocence, she has still managed to develop enemies, and has found herself in a part of Kalos City that was unknown to her previously. Believing this to be the work of one of her jealous enemies, she decides to make the best of her situation and tries to strike it out on her own at last. However, now in a world that no longer cares about her well-being nor her life, she knows that only great difficulties lie ahead, but she feels that she can overcome them, no matter what form they come in. 


Age: 15


Gender: Female


Race: Human


Personality: Naive, slow to anger, easily amused, and prone to occasional fits of swearing when flustered or enraged


Elemental Affinity: Unknown


Weapon(s): None


Preferred Weapon: One-Handed or Two-Handed Swords, Shields






"My name? ....just call me Lilith."

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A dozen of minutes pass by, and the man arrives in front of the place. A danceclub? He doesn't seem interested by it. He wants to fight instead. With a bit of excitement, the man proceeds to enter the building.



???: (I wonder what kinds of fighters are there?)


He asks a man who seems to work at the place, judging by his attire.



???: 'Scuse me... where does the fighting takes place? I'm interested in participating in it.


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The Bottom...a large and popular night club. Full of people dancing, drinking and doing whetever else they were wild enough to do. The party was jumping and the music was thumping. There where 2 lines. One really long line...and another that didn't seem to have anyone in it just a bouncer waiting just beyond the entrance to the building lobby. The long line was for the people who came to party. The other...was for the ones who came to fight. The bouncer sees the gentlemen in glasses approach him...


9 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


???: 'Scuse me... where does the fighting takes place? I'm interested in participating in it.


He speaks into his communication devise. He then responds to the man in glasses...


Go inside. Follow the signs to the back. Talk to the man with "tall" blonde hair. He knows you're coming. He'll be in front of a large elevator door. There are cameras that will follow your movements. If you deviate too much or appear to be using this line only to cut and get in the club faster, you will be "ejected." Understand?


The bouncer awaits the man's answer. If he understands, the bouncer will step aside and allow him to go past the lobby, into the main room of the club.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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