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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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5 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"No need to rush yet. Wait for the others to be ready. I told you I wanted two teams, didn't I? I want you all to discuss how you want to be split once everyone is here. Trust me on this one."



Heh...Roger that. (I wonder what's going on in that calculating mind of his...)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Downstairs, the usual girl that sat at the front counter was instead replaced by an older male dressed in very elegant clothing that seemed to have been maintained very well as not even a piece of stray lint could be seen upon it, and the fabric that it seemed to be made of was smoothed so many times that not a single strand stuck out from it. His face showed years of chiseling from countless hours of work in many high-ranking positions under many lords, and his eyes told the story of a man who had seen events, some of which he had wished he had never seen. His hair had been slicked back and stood out save for two strands of lazy hair which seemed to bend just the right way for them to match his hair. It was as if this man had toiled for hours on his look. 



???: Good morning. I apologize for the interruption last night; this kingdom is victim to ruffians who wander the streets during celebrations that oft occur here. Excessive amounts of mana seem to influence their rampant appearance. However, I do pray you were all able to sleep well despite their inconsiderate behavior. I have already prepared breakfast; please do be certain that you consume a sufficient amount of food as Jack Frost intends on striking our kingdom with a bitter cold unlike any other.


He bowed, and gestured towards a long table covered with trays and plates with lids upon them that allowed one to view the foodstuffs upon them, along with various canisters and jars filled with liquids. It was clear that they were all breakfast dishes: breads, flapjacks, hot cakes, pancakes, waffles, eggs, meats, soups, sliced fruits, juices, teas, coffees, and an assortment of sauces, butters, syrups, and various other condiments. It was clear that other people had also hit the table as many of the containers were rather short on food. In fact, there was already another person helping themselves to a plate of waffles, eggs, and bacon from the table. There were plates, bowls, and utensils that could be used to carry, contain, and consume the food available. Idealis, who had managed to sneak her way downstairs, was already preparing to grab something to eat herself. 



Idealis: Thank you so much, sir! 


She was currently unaware of anyone else nearby.


CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout Entrance


With a new day breaking in, the commander had figured that it was time for them to return to the hangout. With little discussion needed in dragging Penelope and the robot along for the ride, the trio were already fast approaching the entrance into the facility, so Penelope proceeded to take the lead and flag down the robotic maid at the entrance, waving her hands in an attempt to get her attention.



Penelope: Maid ladyyyyy! Can we go in now?! It's importaaaaaaant!


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1 hour ago, A person said:



???: Good morning. I apologize for the interruption last night; this kingdom is victim to ruffians who wander the streets during celebrations that oft occur here. Excessive amounts of mana seem to influence their rampant appearance. However, I do pray you were all able to sleep well despite their inconsiderate behavior. I have already prepared breakfast; please do be certain that you consume a sufficient amount of food as Jack Frost intends on striking our kingdom with a bitter cold unlike any other.


Verve Town - Elysia Inn


    Yomi and Jude arrived during his speech.



Yomi: "Them ruffians" really did a ruckus last night...Also, Doctor, can you confirm that excessive amounts of mana make people crazy?


Jude: It's called drunk with power. It's not really exclusive to mana but it happens.


Yomi: Point taken...Well them, time to serve ourselves with this food.


Jude: (He mentioned Jack Frost right? I only really heard of it after we broke the "schism". It's a lesser spirit of ice. Seems like he has a strong influence for the spirit clime here being way different from Candor.)


    Then, they took their seats.


Warrior's Hangout - Cafeteria


On 20/11/2017 at 7:41 AM, DuckMannnn said:


Kirimuri: Mohral offh duh schtoohry, schtick thoogether orr we'll geht kill'd. Shimple.



Ryuko: I don't know what he said...but I'm kinda irritated by it...


Etomo: Then eat that irritation away...your burger is here!


Ryuko: Oh yeah! I'm so doing that!


    Ryuko started to noisyly chow down her burger while Etomo just patiently ate her sandwhich.



Ludger: ...



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Warrior's Hangout

(While Byakuya was walking, he made it down to the lobby)


Byakuya: Hm? Whats with all the noise?

Verve - Elysia Inn


Seth: That scent. Clearly it must be Breakfast time. I assume the others are already there, perhaps not all of them though.

(Seth starts to make his way to the breakfast area)

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???: I do apologize for the disorder that awoke some late in the night; I shall be certain that such behavior does not occur in or around this inn at any time in the future. Now, please, enjoy your food, and feel free to take as much as you wish.


He proceeded to bow gently, but kept his place at the counter. Idealis soon took notice of them.



Idealis: There you guys are! I thought you were all still asleep, but I guess the smell of food is good enough to wake up anyone, isn't it?

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One of the Mecha maids emerged from the entrance doors.



"Please refrain from making so much unnecessary noise."


Shrike took a moment to turn around face the group.



"You wouldn't happen to know something about the incident in the slums would you? Perhaps we share the same interests."




With the group heading down for breakfast, Mycale proceeded to head down as well. Once at the table, she began to serve her breakfast without much of a word.

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On 11/20/2017 at 9:14 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Agni: Anyway, I'm not that hungry either, so I'll just wait here.


Soon after speaking with Darkflare, LightFlare arrives to the lobby. He greets everyone in the room...



Good morning everyone. How's everyone doing? 


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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22 hours ago, Darkflare said:



One of the Mecha maids emerged from the entrance doors.



"Please refrain from making so much unnecessary noise."

Penelope pouted as she came to the door.



Penelope: 'Cause it's importaaaaaaaant! We have to get in right now!


23 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Shrike took a moment to turn around face the group.



"You wouldn't happen to know something about the incident in the slums would you? Perhaps we share the same interests."

The commander proceeded to take the reins in this conversation.



???: That may be so. We happen to know...probably far more than intended from our trek through the slums. The explosion that occurred last night also piqued my interest, but I was not able to discover a possible cause, only a result.


Penelope gasped.



Penelope: You snuck out and didn't say anything about it?! That's mean! I wanted to come along! 



???: I am certain you would not have wanted to ruin your sleeping schedule.



Penelope: Oh...riiiiiight...heheheh...


The commander returned her attention to Shrike.



???: Anyway, it is safe to assume that you, too, have done reconnaissance with the slums, correct? If so, I believe that there are others within which also hold even more valuable info, so I believe that if we can perhaps share our info with one another, we may be able to form a suitable plan for eliminating the threat within. What do you say, Miss?



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On 11/23/2017 at 7:52 AM, A person said:



Penelope: Maid ladyyyyy! Can we go in now?! It's importaaaaaaant!


On 11/24/2017 at 4:18 PM, Darkflare said:

One of the Mecha maids emerged from the entrance doors.



"Please refrain from making so much unnecessary noise."



Kirimuri: What's happening outside? I'm gonna take a quick look.


A mere few seconds later, Kirimuri emerges from behind the Mech-Hisui who was talking to the trio.



Kirimuri: Can I... help you with something?




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6 hours ago, A person said:

The commander returned her attention to Shrike.



???: Anyway, it is safe to assume that you, too, have done reconnaissance with the slums, correct? If so, I believe that there are others within which also hold even more valuable info, so I believe that if we can perhaps share our info with one another, we may be able to form a suitable plan for eliminating the threat within. What do you say, Miss?



"I have, but unfortunately the increasing patrols have made it very hard to acquire intel. Whatever is happening in the slums has caught me by surprise as my original intention was to assassinate and collect the bounty of some dangerous individuals that have holed up here. I must warn you that one of them is a sharpshooter. With that said, it is perhaps within our best interests to join together....as well as whoever runs this place. I saw a recon drone leave the slums and come to this place."

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2 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

A mere few seconds later, Kirimuri emerges from behind the Mech-Hisui who was talking to the trio.



Kirimuri: Can I... help you with something?

Penelope proceeded to wave at him.



Penelope: Heeeeey, are you the big guy for this place? You look the part! Anyway, we need to get in there right now! It's super urgent!


11 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"I have, but unfortunately the increasing patrols have made it very hard to acquire intel. Whatever is happening in the slums has caught me by surprise as my original intention was to assassinate and collect the bounty of some dangerous individuals that have holed up here. I must warn you that one of them is a sharpshooter. With that said, it is perhaps within our best interests to join together....as well as whoever runs this place. I saw a recon drone leave the slums and come to this place."


???: I see...and a sharpshooter, you say? It seems that there is more going on under our noses than I previously thought...



???: ...nevertheless, I concur; I imagine we will require as much aid as we can possibly gather, and if the figurehead of this facility seeks the same goal as us, then his aid will no doubt be necessary.

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12 minutes ago, A person said:

Penelope proceeded to wave at him.



Penelope: Heeeeey, are you the big guy for this place? You look the part! Anyway, we need to get in there right now! It's super urgent!



Kirimuri: Nah, I'm just... an acquaintance of the "big guy". I'll go fetch him.



Kirimuri: (You were correct about the adjective though. He's literally the "big guy". Literally.)


He walked back inside and looked for Darkflare.



Kirimuri: Oi, musclehead! There are 3 chicks outside who are looking for ya.


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"Oi oi, It's Flare, not musclehead."


Flare proceeded to head to the entrance



"Can I help you? We're not open yet."



"Are you the owner of this establishment?"



"Yea. There ain't a problem, right?"



"No problem. But perhaps we have shared interests."

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Just now, Darkflare said:


"Oi oi, It's Flare, not musclehead."


Flare proceeded to head to the entrance



"Can I help you? We're not open yet."



"Are you the owner of this establishment?"



"Yea. There ain't a problem, right?"



"No problem. But perhaps we have shared interests."

Penelope proceeded to wave at him, but the commander clasped a hand over her mouth before she could talk.



???: We heard that you may be interested in the occurrences at the slums, and we just so happen to also be interested. May we come in to discuss this in a...more private location?

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Just now, Darkflare said:


"So another one involved in the slum Incident, huh. Just one thing, how do I know you ain't one of them?"


???: I imagine they would have no need for a drone to observe the actions of their own. If their own soldiers were so incompetent and untrustworthy, their organization would have crashed and burned by now.

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"You would be surprised. Spying on your own isn't a bad idea if you suspect a mole or traitor in your ranks."


He proceeds to signal the nearby mecha maid to let them in.




"The others are eating right now, you can join them. Stay close to the maid and don't wander off under any circumstances. Don't bother trying anything funny, we can deal with quite a variety of situations here."

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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"You would be surprised. Spying on your own isn't a bad idea if you suspect a mole or traitor in your ranks."


He proceeds to signal the nearby mecha maid to let them in.




"The others are eating right now, you can join them. Stay close to the maid and don't wander off under any circumstances. Don't bother trying anything funny, we can deal with quite a variety of situations here."


???: Your hospitality is greatly appreciated. I will ensure that none of us overstep our boundaries. 


The commander removed her hand from Penelope's mouth and began to make her way to the maid, followed quietly by the robotic knight. 



Penelope: Thanks, big guy! 


Penelope proceeded to follow behind the commander, eager to see what was within.

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Agni Artwaltz, 5T, 13P and Anna Ametrine

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby



Agni: Oh, good morning! I'm well rested, ready for another day.


Anna: Good morning. I am well rested too, so I shall help in all that I can do.


5T: Recharged and fully ready to receive orders.


13P: He meant to say he's ready too. Consider it as his way of saying "good morning".


Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Seraph Artwaltz

Location: Magical Kingdom of Verve - Elysia Inn


After going downstairs, Elizabeth saw everyone there eating.



Lize: No fair! You guys are already eating without me?! How horrible!


Magnum: Shouldn't you say "good morning" before questioning something like this?


Lize: Ack!! Where did you come from?


Seraph: ... Good morning.


Lize: I-I mean, good morning! I haven't obviously forgotten manners, haha...


Magnum let out a small laugh and went towards an empty seat. Seraph also went into one close to him, while Elizabeth sat three seats away from Magnum.



Magnum: Good morning, everyone. Are you all well rested?


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Kyo and Morrigan walked into the lobby where people were gathering. Kyo strolled over to Kiryu who was leaning against the wall seemingly thinking about something.


-Yo man so this is where you were! so did you like the pancakes?


-yeah they were great, very tasty....where is Morrigan?

Morrigan appears behind Kyo seemingly out of nowhere 


-Right here! hehe so Kyo i meant to ask you who was that person you were talking to back there?


-Oh that was Lightflare i've known him for a while...dude is strong. one of the best fighters i've seen 


-Oh really........how interesting....

as Morrigan gave a mischievous grin. and the trio sat down on a couch and continued their conversation.

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43 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


13P: He meant to say he's ready too. Consider it as his way of saying "good morning".



Heh...it's perfectly fine. We all have our own morning routine, right? I wonder when this big meeting will start. Darkflare has a plan to work on our teamwork. I think it's a good idea. No need to rush back into the slums just yet. It helps to know your comrades in arms, so I think a bit of team building would be great. Although I know Agni and Anna, I'd really like to see the "Androids" in action. And the samurai...he has a fierce fighting spirit. And an appetite to match I guess. He's still in the cafeteria right?


LightFlare hears a familiar voice...


35 minutes ago, Infinite Kyo said:


-Oh that was Lightflare i've known him for a while...dude is strong. one of the best fighters i've seen 


-Oh really........how interesting....

as Morrigan gave a mischievous grin. and the trio sat down on a couch and continued their conversation.



Kyo, you made it. And your friends too. You guys full?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Warrior's Hangout - Approaching The Entrance


Track: Gothic Doll Technology



Yui: Hey look! We're getting there!


Hinamori: Back in this place at last.


Hugh: You sound oddly excited about this Hina.


Hinamori: Well...to tell you the truth...there aren't many spirits in there...Probably because of all those robots.


Joyce: Is that so?


Hinamori: Yeah..One of the factors that influences the presence of spirits is human presence or influence in a place.


Joyce: By influence you mean like the family's crypt?


Hinamori: Exactly.


Hugh: So you're saying that the place is a bit more silent right now?


Hinamori: Not completely silent. I still hear some voices here and there, but the difference is big and kind of a relief for my mind.


Hugh: I see...Guess you must miss not having your head overwhelmed by ghosts all the time.


Hinamori: ...Despite that, I'll still follow my duty. It's the path I've chosen.


Joyce: Hina is such a strong person...It reminds me of those early days when I trained with Setsuna...


Yui: Hm?


Joyce: Oh...Nothing...Just remembered something, I'll tell you later.


Yui: I see. Did we perhaps reminded you of your friend?


Joyce: Oh? Well...Kinda... (Those times when I was still a rookie...)


Joyce: (Which makes me I really wonder...if these three have what it takes...What kind experiences they had...Maybe I'll give them a little push on how things works...As I have the feeling I might be the most experienced in the area around here.)


    Meanwhile, inside the guild, Ludger left Elle in Ryuko's care and went to the main lobby with Etomo.



Etomo: Getting a little crowded over here.


Ludger: Yep...


Etomo: To tell you the truth...I was a bit restless yesterday.


Ludger: With what happened recently...I can imagine...


Etomo: I was even hoping to wake up back home...but I guess it's really true that I'm in another world.


Ludger: ...


Etomo: So I want to assure to all of you that I'm going to work hard. No matter how hard the next challenges will be, I swear that my fists won't waver, they'll strive to be stronger than anything, and ensure our victory! No one will die on my watch anymore!


Ludger: And me and my friends will do what they can to help find a way back to your world.


Etomo: Thanks! I'm really glad I met such nice people like you guys right away.


Verve Town - Elysia Inn



On 23/11/2017 at 11:11 AM, A person said:



Idealis: There you guys are! I thought you were all still asleep, but I guess the smell of food is good enough to wake up anyone, isn't it?



Yomi: That's right! Nothing like a cup of coffee to get you pumped up for the morning.


Yomi: Only to remember this day will probably suck...


Jude: (Seems like she can't force optimism for long.)


4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Magnum: Good morning, everyone. Are you all well rested?



Jude: Yes, I had a good sleep at least.



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14 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Seraph Artwaltz

Location: Magical Kingdom of Verve - Elysia Inn


After going downstairs, Elizabeth saw everyone there eating.



Lize: No fair! You guys are already eating without me?! How horrible!


Magnum: Shouldn't you say "good morning" before questioning something like this?


Lize: Ack!! Where did you come from?


Seraph: ... Good morning.


Lize: I-I mean, good morning! I haven't obviously forgotten manners, haha...


Magnum let out a small laugh and went towards an empty seat. Seraph also went into one close to him, while Elizabeth sat three seats away from Magnum.



Magnum: Good morning, everyone. Are you all well rested?

Idealis chuckled at Elizabeth's response.



Idealis: Sorry about that, Lizzy! I didn't wanna wake you up since you looked like you were enjoying yourself!



Idealis: But, anyway, good morning, you three! I managed to get a nice rest; what about you?

10 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Yomi: That's right! Nothing like a cup of coffee to get you pumped up for the morning.


Yomi: Only to remember this day will probably suck...


Jude: (Seems like she can't force optimism for long.)


Idealis: Heh, I understand. The only thing I can say is to at least try to go into it with a smile for as long as you can.


She was no good at the optimism thing, but it was at least worth a try. After all, there was food, and she was always happy when there was food.



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A large number of people is regrouped in the Warriors' Hangout. Concerned, Kirimuri thought about it for a moment.


Kirimuri: (There sure is a lot of people. Sooner or later, somebody will spark a conflict between the members due to the diversity of thoughts and opinions, which might alter the teamwork, positively, and/or negatively. In fact, it has already happened between the Angels and Melina...)


When he thought about the former Bariuran princess, he slowly looked around and noticed her absence.



Kirimuri: Hmm... this only crossed my mind just now, but has anybody seen Melina?


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"I see you're all done eating. Good, then we can move on to the next step. Even with a good plan, going to the slums now will most likely get you killed due to a lack of trust among yourselves as well as overall not knowing what everyone is capable of. I have something in mind to help remedy this problem. As I told some of you already, I need two teams. I would have preferred everyone to be here but I'll work around it. When you're ready, meet me in the underground arena



(Of course, they'll most likely end up picking the ones most familiar to them. That defeats the purpose of this exercise, so I'll have to scramble them in the end.)





"If this is your day to day mentality, then quite frankly it's a wonder you haven't ended your own life already, fraulein. You are still breathing and in relative good health, ja? That is a good enough excuse for me to remain optimistic. If today will be a bad day then ensure that tommorow isn't. Now remove such foolish thoughts from your minds. As long as I'm here I will not allow my tro-...escort to have such a low morale."

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