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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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56 minutes ago, A person said:

The arms quickly follow up their attacks after having lost the frost aura from the attack landing and proceeded to swing horizontally at the now slowed guards, attempting to, once again, end them in an instant.


The 2 guards were sliced and fell to the ground dead. The other 2 used the Murieann's distraction to escape. They alert others of their situation.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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4 hours ago, A person said:

Meanwhile, Muireann arrived at the location, and slid into a proper defensive stance with both her shield and swordspear(lance) raised.



Muireann: Threat displays massive power. Employing defensive measures. 15K, I was told to cooperate with you to detain this threat. Neutralization is key; only eliminate if necessary.



15K: Affirmative. Proposal: Lead the hostile beast to a less-to-non populated area to minimize collateral damage. However, 15K demands Murieann to explain the measures that will be taken to apprehend this creature.


4 hours ago, A person said:

The body proceeded to send a spray of icicles at Muireann, now once again ignoring 15K, though she held her ground, the icicles breaking upon contact with her armor. The body backed away by a step, now gaining an electric aura.



15K: Will engage as soon as the threat ceases to attack in its electricity form and shows signs of using a different elemental energy.


15K prepares himself in a battle stance, while analyzing the creature's movements.


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Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory

Location: Magical Northern Kingdom of Verve - Elysia Inn



Magnum: For how long? As far as I remember, it has been... I don't know, 5 millenia?


Lize: Wait wait wait... millenia?! Don't you mean years?


Magnum: Time passes faster back at home. One human year equals a millenium to us.


Lize: Sheesh... talk about being ancient...

Magnum: But let's keep me as a 22-year guy. Was that all?


Lize: No, wait... let's move to another question. What draws you to be so like a brother to Agni?


Magnum: Well... that's pretty easy. It's because he understands me and doesn't judge me like the others.


Lize: Huh?


Magnum leaned over a wall as he began to talk.



Magnum: I'm more know as "The Failure" back at the Multiversal Heaven. My family, the Alexandria, have been known as one of the most powerful demon-slaying aristocrats. The legacy began with my 4x great-grandfather and ended with my dad.


Lize: Eh? But you're alive, so how you're not that part of the legacy your family left?


Magnum: Because I never wanted to. That alone made people begin to speak that our family finally fell. It all started when I accidentally traveled to a world in the future. When I came back, the angels congratulated me for my actions and made of me a commander, but that doesn't mean my fame as a failure ended. I did some slip-ups through my way and was criticized by each one, from the smallest to the big ones.


Magnum: My younger brother, Estro, took my place and I became a normal soldier once again. He then ordered me to kill the fallen angel that has been brought to Heaven by Seraph under the pressure of the other comanding officers and so we could save the family's fame.


Lize: And that's where Agni enters, right?


Magnum: It was so funny at the beginning. He kept speaking to me as if he was my fan and everything. I felt overjoyed to finally meet someone who recognized my actions and never judged me because of them. We quickly became friends after that, going on adventures and missions together. I forgot about all my problems when he was there with me.


Magnum: Then, my brother decided to kill us both. He hated me to my guts, so my life and nothing were the same thing. But Agni stood by my side, even though he knew I was there to end him. We ended up defeating Estro and finishing the legacy of my family.

Lize: ...


Magnum: ... Agni's like the little brother that I wanted to have. He's my support and I'm his. I'm a block-headed idiot who rushes through and he's the brains in most of the times. Not to mention, he's really kind to everyone and tries his very best to make everyone happy. I trust him deeply, because he's the last person that would try to deceive me, judge me... the kinds of stuff people do that I hate.


Lize: So... he's kind, nice and you firmly believe he doesn't deceive you... but what if he did?


Magnum: Nah, that's impossible. He's a horrible liar. Whenever he tries to lie, he does something that makes it obvious. Like, there was a time he tried to lie his way out for getting the last celestial peach we had and then he started to sweat like a fountain and play with his fingers so quickly it was impossible not to notice.


Magnum: You would know better about it. After all, you feel something for him, don't you?


BGM: Stray Cat (Melty Blood: Actress Again)



Lize: Me?! H-Ha, don't be ridiculous! A-As if I could feel something for the fact that he's my Master and when I arrived wanted to know if I was OK... and he gave me a nickname even though we just met...


Lize: N-Not to mention the sweet way he talks... and how adorbs he is when he's near Seraph... his crying face, that makes me want to hug him so badly...


Lize: A-And his sweet smile and voice...! The kind way he is with me...! Not giving me orders all the time and not wanting to leave me alone...! The fact t-that I would miss him without knowing how...!


Elizabeth somehow derived to her own little fantasy while talking. Magnum looked away and laughed through spurts while returning back to look at Nemesis.



Magnum: M-My bad, I couldn't resist it...


Magnum: Well, I guess that you doubt him as well, right? Can I know why?



Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Corridor to the Rooms



Lucina: Oh no, we managed to stop him. With the help of my father, everyone and my master, we slayed Grima. The world returned to its normal state.


Lucina: Right now, I am travelling to find my master. I went on a mission with him, but he ordered me to retreat while the situation was horrible and disappeared.


Lucent Vermillion and Fundor Akaikage

Location: ??? - Mysterious Ruins


The rumbling on the roof happened once again. Whatever was happening in the first floor seemed to be perilous. Fuindor was worried about Lucent, but he needed to go with Yerazig and Darius back to the temple.



Fuindor: I'll guide you two to the temple and to its treasure. But once we're done, I'm rushing after that idiot. I don't know him well and neither I know you two, but I'm not letting him die to whatever's upstairs.


Fuindor ran towards the stairway that went downwards, going to the floor that led to the catacombs and to his shrine.


1st First Upper Floor


BGM: Worldend_dominator still playing


Lucent was handling the stone creatures well. He was faster and managed to evade their slow attacks. However, none of his were doing any effect.



Lucent: (No matter how much I attack, they don't fall... this is a puzzle... I just have to find and fill the hole...)


Soon, one tried to step on him. He held it with a barrier and moved to the side while holding it. When it broke, the creature's stomp generated an impulse that blew him away. He landed near another statue that had an inscription on it.



Lucent: ... "The piece that is missing must be seen. Not all the options need to be felt; a naked eye is simple enough."


Lucent began to observe the creatures moving towards him once again. Soon, he saw that one of them had a red jewel encased on its "right eye".



Lucent: The puppets fall with their master...


Another creature tried to punch him but he jumped on its arm and climbed it quickly. Soon, yet another one tried to fist him, but it ended up hitting the other. Lucent jumped and aimed at the jeweled giant.



Lucent: Fractura.


Five stakes were generated and shot towards the eye of the stone giant. Upon hitting the jewel, they exploded into dark energy, breaking the jewel and consequently, the monster. The other giants all crumbled as well while Lucent landed back on the ground. Soon, a voice began to echo.


You, who cleared the first trial... do you wish to obtain the treasure that belongs to me?

If so, you shall fall! Misunderstand the powers of a god and receive your judgement!

Your death is guaranteed... the second trial shall be the end of your story...



Lucent: ... I killed a god. I don't fear the celestial or the infernal realms. My path keeps the same...


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As the others picked and headed to their rooms, Flare himself headed to another one deeper into the base. While there was some good information obtained from the brief meeting, in the end, he felt they needed more. That's where his next move would come in. He sat down in a chair placed in front of various monitors hitting a few keystrokes to turn one of them on.



"Good to see you not hitting on women for once."






"Fair enough. Regardless, time for you to pull your weight around here. I'm sending you on a recon mission."






"Not a contract. But the situation in the slums has escalated. I need you to head over there and map out the area as well as see if you can note the guards patrol routes. I would also ask to see their combat methods, but I would prefer you stay out of sight. These guys are professionals. If you even suspect that you're spotted, you are to abort and come back immediately."






"Right. I'll be monitoring you and watching your visuals from here. Try to get as much as you can, but don't go in too deep. Avoid engaging them."





His order received, the Robo-Ky unit would proceed to fly over toward the slums.



"Just in case I wasn't clear enough, avoid getting spotted as much as you can. Scout the area with just your head, it'll be harder to spot than your entire body."




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Location: Bluna Walter Mansion



    Hugh had followed Daiane to the underground floor of the mansion, Dean was told to stay back in order to receive possible visits. Two minutes later, they would arrive at a metal door with a panel in it. She started digiting the password.



Daiane: That was quite the walk. Are you sure you don't want to rest?


Hugh: Just shut up and leave me be...


Daiane: Alright then...but you have to wait right there...I'm going to change my trainning gear.


Hugh: What's the matter? Don't you want to get your fancy expensive rich girl clothes ripped apart now don't you?


Daiane: Overconfidence is a flimsy shield.


Hugh: Huh?


Daiane: Partially, you're right. I don't want to ruin these clothes, which is why I'm changing them. You should takes this as a compliment, since this means I'm not underestimating you. When I'm done, I'll let you in.


Hugh: (Who does she think she is anyway? Geez...I kinda miss Yomi now...Wait, what I am thinking? Why would I miss one of the biggest jerks I've ever known? She can shove that "unprofessionalism" word up her nose...)


   After a while, the metal door opens, revealing Daiane in a different outfit.



Daiane: Alright, I'm all ready! I'm glad you didn't run away.


Hugh: I won't step away from your bullshit.


Daiane: That's the spirit! Now, let's go!


   As they entered, the metal door closed with a loud thud. Hugh followed Daiane though the dressing room until they reached another door. Daiane went in first.


Location: Secret Trainning Arena of the Bluna Walter Family


Track: Into the World




   Unlike the Family's Crypt, the large place seemed like it was bathed in an eternal light. Hugh couldn't see the walls nor the ceiling. And when the door closed behind them, it seemed that it had vanished as well.



Daiane: You probably know this...but being able to use Destructive Magic isn't the only thing our family known for....We are also scientist, researchers, historians, teachers, mechanic engineers, martial artist fighters, medics...and even mayors of a capital. This whole place was constructed by my grandfather...so that future generations of our family would use it to preserve the tradition and improve upon our powers.


Hugh: Originally...all the Ancestor Families could use the most basic form of magic...mostly commonly know as Ancient Magic, which was the power to shape magic energy to any form imaginable...and thanks to that, they managed to create their own styles and ways of use...Elemental, Defensive, Enhancement, Spirit Channeling, Illusionary...But, they were all tied to the Destructive Side of things. We can't do fancy things like healing, put people to sleep, hypnotyze them. That is for some reason...an impossibility for us...yet those Rieze Maxian guys make it look so easy with that Spirit Arte of them...as if we're from completely different worlds.


Daiane: Well...you certainly do know your stuff. (Rieze Maxia huh? That's that name that did pop up in recent times...something about using their land as fuel...Otherworld Reactor Plan was it? I'm glad they didn't go through it in the end.)


Hugh: I happen to be friends with a girl that still uses Defensive Ancient Magic...Although, thanks to her parents whishes, she decided to abandon that. We still talk to each other at school though...Man, I miss those times when it was me, Ralf and her walking together...now I'm stuck with a girl who is too nice for her own good, a girl who is a bit socially akward...And a girl who is as annoying as you.




Daiane: I see....Then, I guess I'm going to annoy you a bit more...


Track: Ocean of Determination



Daiane: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hugh: !!!


    Hugh felt herself being slighty pushed back from the sudden release of magic energy, doing a single step back.



Hugh: Heh...not bad at all! 


Daiane: I'll let you strike first!


Hugh: What about that talk about overconfidence? I'll make you regret letting me attack first! HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!  T-BURST KNUCKLE!!!


Daiane: !!!


    He ran foward at high speeds, with his fist charged with eletricity. Daiane kept her stance while he approached. She side-stepped the attack much to Hugh's surprise.



Hugh: Grr!!! Come back here!


    He seemely vanished from sight, not wanting for Daiane to take opportunity of the opening. She noticed an incoming attack jumped away, avoid an strike aimed at the ground.



Hugh: Scatter Bolt!


    With his free hand, he fired a electric projectile while she was still in mid-air.



Daiane: Bubble Blast!


     Predicting his reaction time, she formed a bubble that shielded her from Hugh's shot. When she landed on the ground, he started to assault her with a barrage of fast punches, which she proceeded to dodge.



Hugh: Wyrm Rush!


Daiane: (He's getting more frustrated as his attacks keep missing...They do have a great attack power, but it won't do anything if it doesn't hit.)


Hugh: Haaaaaaaa!!!!


Daiane: Alright, guess it's time to counter.


    She rises her right arm in order to throw a punch. Hugh immidietaly reacted with an uppercut motion.



Daiane: (I knew it!)




     However, Hugh's attack was blocked by Daiane's elbow, then countered with her own uppercut strike, sending him flying away, but he managed to land on his feet, however, pain was felt through his body.



Daiane: Don't hastily take any free opening.


Hugh: Urgh... (How the hell...)


Daiane: Simple...My master is way, way stronger than us.


Hugh: What?


Daiane: Let's just say that I had a really rough trainning and leave it at that. You see, the Bluna Walter Family has two styles: The Sea Serpent, which is the one that my sister uses. It focuses on Large Scale Magic attacks, but sacrifices mobility and strenght, which forces the user to rely on stealth and deception tactics. And mine is the Waterfall Dragon, which sacrifices range for increased strenght, while still allowing to use spells...just that.


Hugh: What do you mean just?


Daiane: A great man once said: "Power exists not to defeat one's foes, but to control oneself." What good is strenght when you don't know how to apply it?


Hugh: I know exactly where to...


Daiane: No, you don't. You may be able to win against people that doesn't know the extent of your abilities until it's too late, but against experienced people, you're really not a match.


Daiane: And I'll say it again, My master is way stronger than us. With no help from Enhancement Magic or anything, one can do wonders when they take their time to watch their opponent.


Hugh: JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! I never needed that martial arts discipline bullshit! I've always and always will defeat my enemies into submission with my strenght alone.


Daiane: A little bit of advice won't hurt...


Hugh: Then I've got another advice for you...Don't just assume what you saw is all I can do.


Daiane: !!!


   Suddenly, he vanishes from sight, then reappears behind Daiane. She reacts by turning around and blocking the punch.



Daiane: (He managed to reach me....Is it because of his anger?)


Hugh: See? I've managed to touch you this time!


Daiane: (Ah...So he actually knows about the things I've said...but he absolutely refuses to stay calm, filling his mind with many things at once.)


   He took some distance, then stare angrily at Daiane, who took her stance, waiting for the next attack.



Daiane: (I'm supposed to prove to him that he's injured...So I need to attack him as less as possible and try to make a fool out of him...Or else he won't last long.)



Location: Streets of Candor



Lorence: (Hm? A message call from the base? What do they want with us spy agents?)


Lorence: (A mysterious monster have appeared in the slums and started attacking. Come back immidietaly.)


Lorence: Hmph...Looks like its finally time for that field test.


   Lorence dissmissed his clone, then headed for the inn he and Reeta were staying. He needed to change uniforms first before heading to the slums.




17 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Fuindor: I'll guide you two to the temple and to its treasure. But once we're done, I'm rushing after that idiot. I don't know him well and neither I know you two, but I'm not letting him die to whatever's upstairs.


Fuindor ran towards the stairway that went downwards, going to the floor that led to the catacombs and to his shrine.



Darius: You do you man. I'm not exactly as kind as you are, so I'm not following him. (At least not for now, it's inevitable that if we're going to get any treasure of this place, I might have to fight him.)



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CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

16 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The 2 guards were sliced and fell to the ground dead. The other 2 used the Murieann's distraction to escape. They alert others of their situation.

The two arms began to fly back to the body after having successfully snuffed out their life flames.


12 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:




15K: Affirmative. Proposal: Lead the hostile beast to a less-to-non populated area to minimize collateral damage. However, 15K demands Murieann to explain the measures that will be taken to apprehend this creature.




15K: Will engage as soon as the threat ceases to attack in its electricity form and shows signs of using a different elemental energy.


15K prepares himself in a battle stance, while analyzing the creature's movements.

Muireann approached the creature, causing it to unleash a lightning bolt at her, though it would be deflected into a random direction by her armor. The creature backed away again, a fiery aura forming around it.



Muireann: I shall corral the threat into a secluded alleyway as it attempts to use magic and both I and 15K shall trap it within the alleyway, leaving it no way to escape. It will continue to use magic upon me and will only focus upon me, so 15K is safe when following through with this plan.



She steeled herself in preparation for the next attack.



Muireann: 15K may attack freely, given the current circumstances.


She then charged directly at the creature with her shield in front of her.


CANDOR CITY: Warriors' Hangout


23 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Corridor to the Rooms



Lucina: Oh no, we managed to stop him. With the help of my father, everyone and my master, we slayed Grima. The world returned to its normal state.


Lucina: Right now, I am travelling to find my master. I went on a mission with him, but he ordered me to retreat while the situation was horrible and disappeared.


Penelope: Wooow, that's awesome!


She then caught the "master" remark.



Penelope: Erm..."master"? Are you into that servant thing people like to do? Do you make him food and stuff when he asks for it?


The commander interrupted her.



???: Allow me to stop you right there. By "master", I believe she is referring to a mentor highly skilled in a specific art she wishes to learn, not something to do with a fetish, Penelope. 



Penelope: Oh, right! Heh heh...silly me...


The commander sighed.



???: Well, since we are on the topic right now, would you mind if I were to ask which art he is...or was, I suppose...teaching you, Lucina? I am quite interested in learning more myself.



Penelope: Annnnnd, we'll gladly help to find him!




23 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Magnum Alexandria and Elizabeth Bathory

Location: Magical Northern Kingdom of Verve - Elysia Inn



Magnum: For how long? As far as I remember, it has been... I don't know, 5 millenia?


Lize: Wait wait wait... millenia?! Don't you mean years?


Magnum: Time passes faster back at home. One human year equals a millenium to us.


Lize: Sheesh... talk about being ancient...

Magnum: But let's keep me as a 22-year guy. Was that all?


Lize: No, wait... let's move to another question. What draws you to be so like a brother to Agni?


Magnum: Well... that's pretty easy. It's because he understands me and doesn't judge me like the others.


Lize: Huh?


Magnum leaned over a wall as he began to talk.



Magnum: I'm more know as "The Failure" back at the Multiversal Heaven. My family, the Alexandria, have been known as one of the most powerful demon-slaying aristocrats. The legacy began with my 4x great-grandfather and ended with my dad.


Lize: Eh? But you're alive, so how you're not that part of the legacy your family left?


Magnum: Because I never wanted to. That alone made people begin to speak that our family finally fell. It all started when I accidentally traveled to a world in the future. When I came back, the angels congratulated me for my actions and made of me a commander, but that doesn't mean my fame as a failure ended. I did some slip-ups through my way and was criticized by each one, from the smallest to the big ones.


Magnum: My younger brother, Estro, took my place and I became a normal soldier once again. He then ordered me to kill the fallen angel that has been brought to Heaven by Seraph under the pressure of the other comanding officers and so we could save the family's fame.


Lize: And that's where Agni enters, right?


Magnum: It was so funny at the beginning. He kept speaking to me as if he was my fan and everything. I felt overjoyed to finally meet someone who recognized my actions and never judged me because of them. We quickly became friends after that, going on adventures and missions together. I forgot about all my problems when he was there with me.


Magnum: Then, my brother decided to kill us both. He hated me to my guts, so my life and nothing were the same thing. But Agni stood by my side, even though he knew I was there to end him. We ended up defeating Estro and finishing the legacy of my family.

Lize: ...


Magnum: ... Agni's like the little brother that I wanted to have. He's my support and I'm his. I'm a block-headed idiot who rushes through and he's the brains in most of the times. Not to mention, he's really kind to everyone and tries his very best to make everyone happy. I trust him deeply, because he's the last person that would try to deceive me, judge me... the kinds of stuff people do that I hate.


Lize: So... he's kind, nice and you firmly believe he doesn't deceive you... but what if he did?


Magnum: Nah, that's impossible. He's a horrible liar. Whenever he tries to lie, he does something that makes it obvious. Like, there was a time he tried to lie his way out for getting the last celestial peach we had and then he started to sweat like a fountain and play with his fingers so quickly it was impossible not to notice.


Magnum: You would know better about it. After all, you feel something for him, don't you?


BGM: Stray Cat (Melty Blood: Actress Again)



Lize: Me?! H-Ha, don't be ridiculous! A-As if I could feel something for the fact that he's my Master and when I arrived wanted to know if I was OK... and he gave me a nickname even though we just met...


Lize: N-Not to mention the sweet way he talks... and how adorbs he is when he's near Seraph... his crying face, that makes me want to hug him so badly...


Lize: A-And his sweet smile and voice...! The kind way he is with me...! Not giving me orders all the time and not wanting to leave me alone...! The fact t-that I would miss him without knowing how...!


Elizabeth somehow derived to her own little fantasy while talking. Magnum looked away and laughed through spurts while returning back to look at Nemesis.



Magnum: M-My bad, I couldn't resist it...


Magnum: Well, I guess that you doubt him as well, right? Can I know why?

Idealis looked completely horrified for a moment, then her horror turned into anger. She ignored Elizabeth's current downward spiral and glared sharply at Magnum.



Idealis: He...supported you...in killing your own brother? 


She was an only child, but the mere thought of killing her own sibling, if she even had one, was enough to cause her to clench a fist, it beginning to shake. She sent it down at the bed.



Idealis: I'm sorry, but I have nothing more to say on the matter. Anything else has to be directed towards Agni at this point, and I would prefer if it were done in private. Let's just move onto something else...


She took a deep breath, calming herself down, then faced Magnum again.



Idealis: I guess I should ask about your relationship to Seraph as well. He seems like a complete opposite to you, so...I'm really curious about that as well.



???: Mysterious Ruins

23 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Lucent Vermillion and Fundor Akaikage

Location: ??? - Mysterious Ruins


The rumbling on the roof happened once again. Whatever was happening in the first floor seemed to be perilous. Fuindor was worried about Lucent, but he needed to go with Yerazig and Darius back to the temple.



Fuindor: I'll guide you two to the temple and to its treasure. But once we're done, I'm rushing after that idiot. I don't know him well and neither I know you two, but I'm not letting him die to whatever's upstairs.


Fuindor ran towards the stairway that went downwards, going to the floor that led to the catacombs and to his shrine.



Yerazig: As long as we get what we came here for, I don't have a problem with that.


She followed behind the kitsune, anticipating the possible adversity that might lay in wait for them ahead. With her senses dulled, they were essentially going into the unknown...which excited her.

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6 hours ago, A person said:

CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

The two arms began to fly back to the body after having successfully snuffed out their life flames.


Muireann approached the creature, causing it to unleash a lightning bolt at her, though it would be deflected into a random direction by her armor. The creature backed away again, a fiery aura forming around it.



Muireann: I shall corral the threat into a secluded alleyway as it attempts to use magic and both I and 15K shall trap it within the alleyway, leaving it no way to escape. It will continue to use magic upon me and will only focus upon me, so 15K is safe when following through with this plan.



She steeled herself in preparation for the next attack.



Muireann: 15K may attack freely, given the current circumstances.


She then charged directly at the creature with her shield in front of her.



15K: Affirmative. Will proceed according to plan.


15K prepares his knives, standing behind Murieann to her left.


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Magical City of Verve

(Enkidu was near were the monster appeared and died)


Enkidu: (Hmm, more disturbances. To think that this place would have monsters appearing inside of the city.)


Enkidu: (Just as I thought, somethings wrong. The shadow figures I saw in that vision, they looked familiar. Then again they were hard to make out. The only thing that was clear was "their" eye color)


Enkidu: (... I know what I must do. This may not be my home world, but I still need to play my role of getting it back to normal. And those shadow figures... I think I know were just to find "them.")

(Enkidu starts walking towards the Inn)

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7 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


15K: COMMAND; Sanction.


15K charges towards the beast's right side, with both of his knives in his hand prepared for action.

The body proceeded to lob a large fireball into the air, it beginning to quickly come down in an arc from the air. Muireann's shield slamed into the body, causing the same whooo sound to be heard again and for the body to reel back. The two arms could be seen flying to it rather quickly, both approaching from left and right, respectively.

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1 hour ago, A person said:

The body proceeded to lob a large fireball into the air, it beginning to quickly come down in an arc from the air. Muireann's shield slamed into the body, causing the same whooo sound to be heard again and for the body to reel back. The two arms could be seen flying to it rather quickly, both approaching from left and right, respectively.


15K quickly crouches down before one of the arms grazes his back as he is charging towards the beast.


While the body of the creature is moving back, the android throws both of his knives at it then attempts to kick its leg in order to trip it and cause it to fall down. 


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On 10/8/2017 at 7:37 AM, A person said:

The body proceeded to lob a large fireball into the air, it beginning to quickly come down in an arc from the air. Muireann's shield slamed into the body, causing the same whooo sound to be heard again and for the body to reel back. The two arms could be seen flying to it rather quickly, both approaching from left and right, respectively.


Ocelot contacts Shadow Wolf...



Shadow Wolf. I need you to get to these coordinates. 15k is assisting Murieann in an effort to take down a mysterious creature. It uses Lighting, Fire and Ice elemental powers. I suspect your skill will be beneficial in this battle. 


Understood. I'm already near the location. I tailed 15k from a distance stance. I've been observing the beast. I think I have a technique that will work. But only if my calculations are correct. If not, I may need to enlist the aid of a fellow "shadow"...



Sounds like "fun." Heh...do what is necessary. Hakumen. Please inform Murieann of the mission update. 


Indeed I will. Murieann! If you can hear me, there has been a change of plan. Shadow Wolf is position. He's hidden, but he has the creature in his sight. Create an opening and Shadow Wolf will do what he does best.


Shadow Wolf takes aim at the creature. If Murieann stuns the creature again, Shadow Wolf will use "Seal Evil". 


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 10/8/2017 at 7:51 AM, DuckMannnn said:


15K quickly crouches down before one of the arms grazes his back as he is charging towards the beast.


While the body of the creature is moving back, the android throws both of his knives at it then attempts to kick its leg in order to trip it and cause it to fall down. 

The knives bounce off of the creature's body, leaving small marks behind where they struck it. The arms were now attached to the body once again, causing the creature to let out another gasping sound. The fireball behind them hit the ground and exploded, most likely blowing 15K away, but only pushing Muireann towards the creature slightly.


9 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Indeed I will. Murieann! If you can hear me, there has been a change of plan. Shadow Wolf is position. He's hidden, but he has the creature in his sight. Create an opening and Shadow Wolf will do what he does best.


Shadow Wolf takes aim at the creature. If Murieann stuns the creature again, Shadow Wolf will use "Seal Evil". 


Muireann: Understood. 


Taking note of the creature's arms, Muireann kept her shield up, but also kept her distance. If she was to create an opening, it would require both her and 15K to ensure it at this point. Meanwhile, the creature began its approach towards Muireann, marching beyond two cars that had been flipped onto their sides from a previous fireball exploding. 

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The explosion knocks 15K off balance, but he manages to roll forward and regain his stance.



15K: Analyzing... Complete. Knife-based attacks does little damage. Suggestion: Cripple the creature and use blunt weapon-based attacks in order neutralize.


Now at the right side of the creature, the android charges straight at it again and lunges at its leg, seeking to wrestle it and knock the monster off balance.


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Location: Bluna Walter Mansion - Underground Secret Trainning Arena



Track: A Scattered Moment


    The battle continued, Daiane kept dodging Hugh's attacks, who were getting increasingly slower. Most of her counter-attacks involved tripping him and throwing Hugh away after he missed an attack. She could always see him wicing in pain trying to keep his balance.



Hugh: Huff....Huff...Huff...


Daiane: Isn't it enough already? It's clear that If we keep this up, you'll just get even more hurt...Someone else would've finished you off already...


Hugh: Grrr....


    Suddenly, he joins his hands together, concentrating a large amount of thunder magic.



Hugh: I decide when it's enough...


Daiane: What are you trying to prove?




   She side-stepped in order to avoid the thunder beam, but still felt some of the eletricity course through her body.



Daiane: (He's not controlling it well...)


   When the move ended, she could see him struggling to stand up.



Daiane: You should've have controlled the recoil of the attack...now you got crushed by it.


Hugh: Quiet!!!


Daiane: Please...stop...


   He lunged at Daiane, finally connecting a punch, but it barely phased her. He dealt another one, hitting her forehead, but she didn't even budge. He tryed to apply force using the weight of his body, but it was a worthless effort. She could see that his spirit was in shambles.



Daiane: I see...So those aren't your only wounds.


   He went for another punch, but it missed without Daiane having to move. His left arm going over her right shoulder.



Daiane: It's okay to cry...I'm not going to judge you for that. We are all alone in here...I assure you.


     Finally adimiting defeat, Hugh's falls on his knees and starts sobbing. Daiane sits on the ground and looks at him.



Hugh: Joseph....I'm sorry...


Daiane: ...


Location: Bluna Walter Family's Crypt


Track: Yatagarasu's Messenger


     The group arrived in a dark place. The Butler pulled a flashlight and turned it on, telling the group to wait. Then, he went to lit up the torches. Slowly, they could see a large space with many tombstones and a

altar at the end of it. The group was called to approach it.



Yui: Oh hey, it's similar to the altar that you have back in your home.


Hinamori: Yes. They serve as "bridges" to summon a spirit to this realm, and each one of them is tied to a different family. (But, unlike Joyce's family, we were actually entrusted with that altar after "that" family disbanded too.)


Hinamori: Now then...Be quiet...Don't say anything or the process will run the risk of being interrupted.


Yui: Right, I know the drill.

Butler: Very well...I'll stay quiet myself.


   Then, Hinamori joined her hand in prayer while standing in front of the altar. A few seconds later, they could see her body glowing and could see the transparent silhouete of her Onmyouji's clothing. Suddenly, they could feel a serene wind and the glow getting brighter.


Butler: (Oh dear...Is that...)


   They could see the faint image of person floating in front of Hinamori. They couldn't exactly make it out of the spirit's appearence due to it looked blurred to them, but the aparent red hair made the butler assume it was someone he used to know.


Spirit: Scion of the Seimei Family...You who came here to make a pact with me..Do you swear that you'll use this power to keep this realm at peace?


Hinamori: Yes...Even if it costs my life, I'll do what it takes to fullfill my duty. I shall never deviate from my choosen path. So please...Noble ancestor of the Bluna Walter Family...Give me your name to complete the contract!

Spirit: Very well...With this new bond we are forging,I grant you the right to use the powers of my family...I, Marianne Bluna Walter, pledge my alliance to you, Scion of the Seimei Family. Now, receive the blassings of the spirit realm!


Hinamori: Thank you...


   Then, she opens her arms, the spirit turning into a blue flame that engulfed her body for a few seconds before it's absorbed. Both Yui and Joyce could feel that her power had increased.


New Abilities:


       Water Element: Hinamori is now able to cast water spells of the Sea Serpetn Variant.

       Increased Magic Power: She's now able to use stronger Dark and Earth spells, as well gaining a boost on her older ones. Them being named Demon's Lance LV1 and Stone Wall

       Elemental Switch: Hinamori can only have two elements at ready, so she has to switch between them in battle.

       Full-Element: In order hand, she can fully focus on a single element in order to empower it. Being able to use High-Tier Spells: Demon's Lance LV2 when in Full Darkness, Ground Dasher while in Full Earth and Tidal Wave when in Full Water.



Hinamori: ...It is done... (Lady Marianne...I'll make sure that we have an journey to remember.)


Joyce: C-can we talk now?


Hinamori: Yes, you may.


Joyce: Whew...I gotta say, that's something you don't see everyday. It's kinda hard to believe ghosts exists even when you know how to use magic... (But I guess after being dragged from another world, knowing such things doesn't sound so absurd.)


Hinamori: I see.

Butler: Miss Hinamori...may I ask you a question regarding this ritual you just performed.


Hinamori: Yes?

Butler: The spirit you contracted right now...was that perhaps...Lady Marianne?


Hinamori: ...I see...so she's Dean and Daiane's mother if that's your first guess.

Butler: So it was her...


Hinamori: Sorry...But she can't talk with the world of living...

Butler: It's okay...Just knowing that it is Lady Marianne is helping your cause from the other side makes me happy. We all miss her so much...She was such a good and caring person when she was still alive...


Hinamori: I see...Now then...Shall we go back up?

Butler: Yes, let's...



Location: Candor - Random Inn


    Reeta was nearing the door to her room, but then, Lorence showed up. Then, both entered in the room and locked the door.



Reeta: You're back faster than I thought.


Lorence: We received a distress signal and have to return to the slums this instant.


Reeta: Sounds urgent...


Lorence: Yes...and we better hurry. We need to prove our worth or else we'll get kicked out of here.


Reeta: So our recon job isn't enough?


Lorence: It's only really worth it when you find something useful to report about.


Reeta: I see...Well then...I'll be heading for the rooftop.


Lorence: Making sure nobody is seeing you when you activate the Prototype Glaive.


Reeta: I know...


    She leaves the room while Lorence starts changing outfits. Moments later, both meet in the rooftop.



Lorence: I'm ready.


Reeta: Same here. I'm A-Ok to go!


Lorence: Are you sure nobody saw you?


Reeta: There would be a commotion if they saw,, so nope.


Lorence: Alright. Let's keep going.


Reeta: Lead the way...


    Then, the duo started to jump from rooftop to rooftop, heading for the slums.



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While Kiryu was sleeping peacefully he was suddenly woken up by something


Kiryu: what the hell.......why does my chest feel so heavy?

Kiryu then looks up at his chest and sees Morrigan laying on his chest giving him a playful and curious. look Kiryu got up quickly as he was startled at the succubus' sudden appearance.


Morrigan: oh sorry did i wake you? i came to see what you were doing 


Kiryu: you need to keep your voice down.......and how did you get in here anyway?


Morrigan: oh thats a secret......so i went and took a look at your dreams out of boredom.....you have been through many hardships it seems Kiryu 

Kiryu gave Morrigan a surprised look and leaned in towards her speaking in a much softer tone 


Kiryu: look i dont know if i mind a succubus doing weird stuff like that leave my dreams alone


Morrigan: well its not like i had a choice i needed energy from somewhere! 


Kiryu: *sigh* Just keep your voice down Kirimuri is asleep over there too y'know 


Morrigan: oh maybe i should go play with him too!


Kiryu: i dont think thats such a good idea.....he'd probably enjoy that a little too much.....can you leave so i can get some sleep? not to be rude but i was sorta enjoying that sleep


Morrigan: oh alright...but i wont give up just yet mr kiryu 

Morrigan gave out a chuckle and then seemingly dissapeared into thin air. Kiryu then layed back down in bed and started thinking about things untill he fell asleep

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On 10/10/2017 at 12:39 AM, DuckMannnn said:

The explosion knocks 15K off balance, but he manages to roll forward and regain his stance.



15K: Analyzing... Complete. Knife-based attacks does little damage. Suggestion: Cripple the creature and use blunt weapon-based attacks in order neutralize.


Now at the right side of the creature, the android charges straight at it again and lunges at its leg, seeking to wrestle it and knock the monster off balance.

Muireann saw what the android was doing, and the arms were definitely a cause for concern.



Muireann: 15K must keep its distance at this point in time; the arms of the creature seem to share the same traits as the weapons of the royal guards.


And the creature's right arm was coming right down at 15K's head and upper body, threatening to cleave into it and turn it into slag. Wanting to prevent this from happening, Muireann proceeded to charge right at the creature with her shield, the shield slamming into its torso and knocking it back, though the left arm managed to cut into her shield, leaving behind a slag-layered hole and narrowly missing her torso.

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Seeing that his plan backfired and it severely damaged Murieann's shield, 15K pulls back and maintains a short distance between him and the beast.


15K: 15K would like to sincerely apologize for the miscalculation.


He looked around the area, at Murieann then at the beast. He prepared himself in a boxing stance, seeking to smash and incapacitate the creature using his strength instead. But before that, he contacts Ocelot and Shadow Wolf...



15K: Requesting permission to activate "Termination Mode" in case of a prolonged combat with potential fatalities from the friendly side.


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17 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

Seeing that his plan backfired and it severely damaged Murieann's shield, 15K pulls back and maintains a short distance between him and the beast.


15K: 15K would like to sincerely apologize for the miscalculation.


He looked around the area, at Murieann then at the beast. He prepared himself in a boxing stance, seeking to smash and incapacitate the creature using his strength instead. But before that, he contacts Ocelot and Shadow Wolf...



15K: Requesting permission to activate "Termination Mode" in case of a prolonged combat with potential fatalities from the friendly side.


Shadow Wolf communicates with Type K....



(That was a close one...) Type K! You'll need to really think before you act. The arms on that thing will turn your body into "robot pudding" if you're not careful! Get ready!


17 hours ago, A person said:

Muireann saw what the android was doing, and the arms were definitely a cause for concern.



Muireann: 15K must keep its distance at this point in time; the arms of the creature seem to share the same traits as the weapons of the royal guards.


And the creature's right arm was coming right down at 15K's head and upper body, threatening to cleave into it and turn it into slag. Wanting to prevent this from happening, Muireann proceeded to charge right at the creature with her shield, the shield slamming into its torso and knocking it back, though the left arm managed to cut into her shield, leaving behind a slag-layered hole and narrowly missing her torso.



(It's distracted now's my chance...) Seal...Evil...


While the creature was focused on Murieann and Type K, Shadow Wolf channels his energy into his gun and fires a single shot at the beast. If the shot connects it has 2 results. One, if the creature is "Undead", has a base element that is "Dark" or has significant "Evil" in it's intentions then the shot will "Petrify" the creature turning it to stone. Two, if none of the above applies it will cause critical damage to the target.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"Repeat your mission objectives to me."


Robo-Ky continued flying toward his destinations.






"State your mission conditions and restrictions."






"I know you hate following orders, but stick to the plan. You get blown into pieces because you wanted to get creative with it and I can't guarantee I can pick up your pieces and rebuild you."






"Given what you were originally built for, I imagine you have a way to detect magic, right?"






"I would like to keep it in mind. Start lowering your altitude, the mission is a bust if you get spotted before you arrive."

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Verve Inn

(Enkidu stands in front of the Inn door before stepping in)


Enkidu: (I feel a bit hesitant about this, but I can't ignore a threat such as this)

(Enkidu then walks in the Inn)


Enkidu: Excuse me, was there, by any chance, a group that came here?

@A person


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CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

On 10/14/2017 at 11:26 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Shadow Wolf communicates with Type K....



(That was a close one...) Type K! You'll need to really think before you act. The arms on that thing will turn your body into "robot pudding" if you're not careful! Get ready!




(It's distracted now's my chance...) Seal...Evil...


While the creature was focused on Murieann and Type K, Shadow Wolf channels his energy into his gun and fires a single shot at the beast. If the shot connects it has 2 results. One, if the creature is "Undead", has a base element that is "Dark" or has significant "Evil" in it's intentions then the shot will "Petrify" the creature turning it to stone. Two, if none of the above applies it will cause critical damage to the target.

The creature swiped at Muireann once again, though she was able to hop back and away from the attack, causing it to be hit by the bullet and for its body to quickly become petrified, its movements halting, though the arms were still floating in place despite the fact that they were stone. Muireann glanced at 15K.



Muireann: Threat neutralized. 


She then proceeded to contact Hakumen.



Muireann: Threat has been neutralized by Shadow Wolf. Awaiting further orders...


Her voice could be heard gaining inflection for a moment.




15 hours ago, Sinjik said:

Verve Inn

(Enkidu stands in front of the Inn door before stepping in)


Enkidu: (I feel a bit hesitant about this, but I can't ignore a threat such as this)

(Enkidu then walks in the Inn)


Enkidu: Excuse me, was there, by any chance, a group that came here?

@A person



The girl at the front counter smiled at the big man despite his rather menacing appearance.



???: There sure was! You wouldn't happen to be with them, would you?

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23 minutes ago, A person said:

CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

The creature swiped at Muireann once again, though she was able to hop back and away from the attack, causing it to be hit by the bullet and for its body to quickly become petrified, its movements halting, though the arms were still floating in place despite the fact that they were stone. Muireann glanced at 15K.



Muireann: Threat neutralized. 


She then proceeded to contact Hakumen.



Muireann: Threat has been neutralized by Shadow Wolf. Awaiting further orders...


Her voice could be heard gaining inflection for a moment.


15K stands still for a brief moment, then contacts Shadow Wolf.


15K: Threat has been neutraliz- ...Detecting abnormal activities in 15K's OS chip. This one will enter maintenance mode when this one returns to the headquarters.


Then, he noticed a slight difference in Murieann's tone. He glared at her in order to analyze her vitals.



15K: Detecting unusual wavelengths in Murieann's voice. Fatigue is presumably the cause. 15K recommends Murieann to repair the equipments then abstain from working and rest for approximately 24 hours in order to reach peak physical, mental and spiritual condition.


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