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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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BGM:Instrumental rock a worthy opponent

As Kyo tries to think of a way to defeat the shadow he thinks to himself

Kyo: hmmm why does it have purple flames?...they look just like Yagami's but I doubt he would have anything to do with this....man this is weird

The Shadow pointed his index finger at Kyo, and fired a sphere of purple flames at Kyo. Kyo although surprised dodges to the left with a roll he then gets up and charges at the shadow he wraps his right leg in flames and attempts to kick the shadow in the side of the head. the shadow holds Kyo's leg with his right hand and with his left he places it on Kyo's chest and fires a fiery blast knocking Kyo back.

Kyo: dammnit this bastard counters everything I do  (and that last attack actually hurt a little)
As Kyo was busy being pissed off the shadow starting charging his attack. the stance was similar to Kyo's own super attack the Orochinagi this just made Kyo even more angry.

Kyo: oh come on cant you use any other moves you asshole?
As the Shadow goes to use the attack Kiryy swoops in and hits the shadow with a dropkick making it roll across the ground it then proceeded to get up and stared at Kiryu 

Kiryu: well this is weird....what the hell is that?

Kyo: hell if I know I started looking for the source of that ominous feeling I was sensing and this pitch black asshole is what I found!
The Shadow charges towards Kiryu but is met with a hard right hand into his face that makes it fly backwards Kiryu then assumes his Brawler fighting stance

Kiryu: fighting is all I'm good at and I'm not gonna get defeated by a fake copy (although i think my wound just opened up a bit....ow)

Kyo: heh that was a nice shot hit em straight in the face (I had trouble facing him because he had the exact same fighting style as me. and he knew what to expect but Kiryu has a completely different fighting style so it caught him off guard.)
As Kiryu checks if his back is okay the shadow dashes at Kiryu again. Kyo notices and tries to warn him

Kyo: (crap he's fast!) OI KIRYU BEHIND YOU!!
Before Kiryu had time to react the shadow was behind him he lunged at Kiryu with his right hand preparing to stab into Kiryu with his fingers. however a large shield came out of seemingly thin air and blocked the attack the shield then turned into a group of small bats. and flew over to Morrigan who walked into the room the shadow jumped back.

Morrigan: you boys should be more careful if I wasn't here he would've impaled poor old Kiryu



Kyo: neat trick with the bats and stuff

Kiryu: yeah Morrigan thanks you saved my ass

Morrigan: ah its no big deal Kiryu id hate to see a handsome man like you get killed by such a creature

Kyo: now lets waste this copycat bastard once and for all

 As Kyo gets ready to fight the shadow again the shadow jumps through one of the smashed windows. it then proceeds to use its speed to get away from the groups line of sight Kyo runs to the window and tries to spot it but he was too late it was already gone.

Kyo: damn it the bastard got away I REALLY wanted to punch his lights out!!

Kiryu: it probably fled because it was outnumbered cant blame it though that's what a normal person would do

Morrigan: that's just the thing that....thing was exuding a type of energy that didn't seem human

Kyo: yeah I know what you mean the flames reminded me of a guy I used to fight all the time but only he has purple flames so I don't know whats up with that

Kiryu: well in any case we shouldn't just stay around here we've made too much noise and did too much damage to this place lets get going
Kyo and Morrigan agreed and they both set off walking through the windows and through the alleyway making sure there weren't any guards around






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5 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


Kirimuri approaches Byakuya from behind.



"I don't give two damns or a fuck if your intention to help us is genuine... But if you tried to harm us, you'll most likely get skewered by a purple princes midget, or by a brunette midget wearing baggy clothes..."


"...Or by a pink idol midget, I don't know."


"Mark my words. Step one foot out of the friendly zone and you better be prepared to face the consequences."


"Anyways, I'm looking forward for your cooperation from this point."


Kirimuri pats Byakuya's back strongly to the point he almost pushed him off before returning to the Warriors' Hangout.

(Byakuya almost lost balance, and then regained it)


Byakuya: Hmmm, well, seems like this is going to be a bumpy road. I better get to work.

(Byakuya heads toward the Warrior's Hangout)

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CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

12 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

1 of the cyber Knight's leaps onto the building and closes the distance on him and the card slinger...

Just as he made his way onto the building, he could see the coattails of a tuxedo going off of the building on the other side.


12 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The 2 cyber knights launch the projectile at the black knight and the girl. The other 2 leaped down and ran behind the building in an attempt to flank them.


???: These imbeciles will never learn...


She slowed her pace slightly as she turned and swung her sword at the incoming projectile, it leaving behind a rainbow wave which reflected the projectile back at the knights. After doing so, she picked up the pace once more to keep up with the robot.


10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

BGM: Onward, Yggdra! -PSP Version- (Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone)



Lucina: Haaaah!!


Without any hesitation (or caution), Lucina broke through the knights and reached the group. With Falchion in hand, she decided to fight alongside them and help with any eventual escape, if that were to be the case.



Lucina: Greetings. My name is Lucina. I have seen you were in problems with those guards and I decided to help.

The robot quickly dashed by her, but the commander took a hold of her left arm and started to pull her along.



???: Well...that was much faster than fifteen seconds...



???: Surprised. It appears that they had picked up the pace after the prediction was made.



???: No matter; we have at least prevented a simpleton from getting herself killed. Lucina, was it? I am afraid there is no time for introductions because we all need to escape this area before it is swarmed with these simplistic knights' ilk. I do not wish to spare any more time on fodder, so I ask that you aid me in covering all sides from any sudden attacks.



???: Warning: Knights of the Forsaken are approaching fast. Suggestion: Take an alternate route.


Up ahead, an alleyway leading straight towards the main road heading northwest to southeast could be seen.



???: They are quite persistent as well, it seems...no matter. I suppose we can simply go around.


Without a need for a command, the robot dashed past the alleyway and turned right into another one ahead of it. The commander grasped Lucina's arm tightly and picked up the pace, following the robot into it.



???: For their sake, let us pray that they do not encounter us again. The results will be far more...satisfying, hmhmhm...


MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Barthmont Palace Interior

10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Are you sure you wanna go? Why do we need to look after him, anyway? It was his decision to play the crybaby.


Idealis: Think about his reaction. If we leave him alone, I know he'll do one of two things. One, he leaves us and never comes back because he thinks we all hate his guts, or two, he tries to help Seraph and gets himself killed. I'd prefer if neither of those happened; we kinda need to keep the party together, y'know? Especially after losing a couple of members already.



Idealis: So I'll just have to put aside my issues with his kind for now and deal with them later, and you're going to have to do the same until all of this is over with, got it? Because, at this rate, it's going to be impossible for us to get anything done together.

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Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu, Anna Ametrine, 5T and 13P


BGM: Peaceful Sleep still playing


Agni, Anna and Rokurou reached the entrance, where 5T was waiting for them, alongside someone else they didn't know, but familiar to the android.



Agni: Oh, there you are. I thought you would have lost yourself among the road.


5T: I have a mini-map and the route recorded in my data, don't take me that lightly.


Rokurou: Haha! That's an android for you.


Anna: Oh, now I understood what he meant about protocol. It was strange how I am unable to feel any sort of aura coming out from you.


5T: What's... an aura?


Agni: It's best if you don't know. We don't want you getting up into magical stuff without using it.


13P: Magical schtick and whatnot isn't for us, 5T. Let's do as he says and stop asking about it.


Rokurou: By the way, who's the glasses guy?


13P: YoRHa unit no. 13 Type Punisher. 13P for short. I came here to aid 5T.


Anna: I suppose he is too an android. Well, I suppose we should present each other again.


Rokurou: Right. Well, I'm-


5T: There's no need for that. I'll pass the data I have about them to you. Pod.

5T's Pod: Affirmative. Requesting permission to initiate allied forces data upload to unit 13P's memory data.

13P's Pod: Permission granted. Initiating download of data...


Agni: Being an android seems to make life so much easier...


Rokurou: Wanna have an android of you walking around then?


Agni: No, I don't. I think one of me is already enough.


Anna: I agree with Agni.


Rokurou: Aww, aren't you two the cutest lovebirds.


Agni: Rokurou, don't overstep the boundaries or I'll shoot you!


Rokurou: O-OK, I'm backing off...


After a while, the procedure was complete.


13P's Pod: Download complete. Data of Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine, Rokurou Rangetsu and Kirimuri has been stored as allied forces data. Proposal: a word of appreciation must be said.


13P: ... Alright then. The names are here. Nice to meet you all.


Agni: The pleasure is ours, 13P.


Then, 5T saw that Byakuya was still following them and got annoyed. Seeing his face towards Byakuya, 13P was going to order his Pod to shoot but was held back by 5T.



5T: That guy's still following us.


Agni: There's nothing much you can do about it.


5T and 13P: You could have just said "no".


Agni: Well... there's that, but... I don't think would've listened to me.


5T and 13P: ...


Anna: Hehe... you two look like brothers.


5T and 13P: Huh?!


Agni: Well, considering they're androids, I suppose the synergy between them is better. I can definitely see them as brothers.


5T and 13P: Me? His brother?


5T and 13P looked at each other and looked away at the same instant, each with its thought about Agni and Anna's opinion.



5T: (I don't think it would work...)


13P: (... That wouldn't be so bad, I guess...)


Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Well, it's not like I have something against their kind. You know, there is an exception to me... I don't know why, but he is.


Lize: But... if you think they're somewhat important to us, then I'm not saying anything. Not going after him, though. I might end up skewering him if he takes my patience off.


At the end of her thought, Elizabeth giggled a little and looked at Idealis again.



Lize: Hehe... you're kinda fit to be the boss around us, Nemesis. I mean, I can't say I'll fully follow your orders since my contract is exclusive to him, but you seem diligent enough to make the decisions around here.


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3 hours ago, A person said:

Just as he made his way onto the building, he could see the coattails of a tuxedo going off of the building on the other side.


The Cyber Knight turns  a hard right and leaps of the the side. The other cyber knight, still on the ground has come around in front of the card slinger and lunged upward with his shield and sword in front at the card slinger.


3 hours ago, A person said:

She slowed her pace slightly as she turned and swung her sword at the incoming projectile, it leaving behind a rainbow wave which reflected the projectile back at the knights. After doing so, she picked up the pace once more to keep up with the robot.


The projectile is sent back at the knights. They leap down as the projectile collides with edge of the roof. Pieces of it crumble down behind the Knight's as they follow the 2 Knight's ahead...


3 hours ago, A person said:

Without a need for a command, the robot dashed past the alleyway and turned right into another one ahead of it. The commander grasped Lucina's arm tightly and picked up the pace, following the robot into it.


... meanwhile the 2 Knights are unavailable to intercept the black knight the game to or the Lucina. The 2 Knight's suddenly dart in the other direction.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"So... What do we do now?"


Kirimuri stretches his back once more and sits on a chair in the lounge. Suddenly, he can hear a very loud stomach growl nearby.



*Stares at everybody...*


He hears the sound again but this time, it's coming from his own stomach.


"...Oh wait. That was me.



"That just reminded me, I haven't eaten anything since I was back at the forest... My sandwich box is probably empty now."


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LightFlare finally arrives back the Hangout. As he's walking up he sees some old friends...some new faces...and some unfamiliar faces...as well. He notices 5T, and that he was telling the truth. Agni is ok...but what else has happened he wondered...


Hello everyone! Agni...it's good to see you are ok. 

@Agni Blackheart


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu, Anna Ametrine, 5T and 13P



Rokurou: Well, guess I'll follow Kiri and head right in!


5T: Don't forget the coin. *flips it towards Rokurou*


Rokurou: *grabs it* Thanks, 5T! Now, to make my signup and drag someone with me to those arenas.


13P: Good luck with that.


Rokurou went inside as well. As they were about to go in, Light and the others from Team A appeared.



Agni: Light! Ryuko! Etomo! Cu!


Anna: Oh my, Mr. LightFlare! It has been such a long time, how have you been?




BGM: Onward, Yggdra! still playing



Lucina: Very well, I shall not disappoint!


Even though she was being dragged, Lucina held Falchion in order to react quickly at any sort of attack towards them.


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2 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Rokurou went inside as well. As they were about to go in, Light and the others from Team A appeared.



Agni: Light! Ryuko! Etomo! Cu!


Anna: Oh my, Mr. LightFlare! It has been such a long time, how have you been?



Anna?! I'd say I'm shocked, but it seems ANYONE can appear as of late. But it's good to see you. I've doing well...until recently at least. I'm sure Agni has briefed you on some of the occurrences. It's too bad we only hang out during troubled times, huh? Heh...



I'm glad you're ok, Agni. The young man who went in...and the "samurai"...who are they?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine, 5T and 13P



Anna: Actually, I have no information on any sort of incident. I was worried because Agni left on his mission without warning me beforehand, so I came after him.


Agni: I'm sorry. We really need to sit and talk about this, just the two of us.


Anna: It is OK. I am not mad.


He gave her a sad smile. Just like with Light, Agni has been hiding things from Anna, someone who trusted him deeply. Even though she wasn't mad at him, he was disappointed in himself for doing such thing. Same could be said about his old friend.



Agni: That samurai is Rokurou Rangetsu, an ex-commander of the Knights of the Forsaken. He helped me escape from the slums, like you previously saw. We worked under the guise of me being a new monster bait for his hunts. The other guy... I don't really know his name. All that I can call him is as Chelicerata, which is the name of his own source of power.


Agni: ... And I know I have so much to explain to you. I never meant to lie, but there are things that can't be just spoken with everyone listening. That's the case of Melina's own story, Light.


Anna: Ah! Now that you mentioned... I felt something too in the flux of souls recently. It was that her soul has disappeared. It was meant to be waiting for judgement, but it is not anymore.

Agni: Someone ressurected her, for reasons unknown. The thing is, knowing how she is, getting her full cooperation in this will be difficult.


As they talked, the androids joined the conversation. 13P was the first to bluntly put about it.



13P: Talk about an edgy teamwork you all have. I don't know how it's standing by the way you talk, since it looks like you're working together, but going at each other's heads at the same time.


5T: If this is how you all normally work, I don't know. But from my point of view, it's a hunter against hunter situation with too many lies, betrayals and such things like that.


13P: Our battle routines are pre-programmed, but even we know about the importance of a team. Aren't you all in the same situation?


Agni: We all are here for different reasons. Some of us came by own volition, some were sent and trapped here, others were from here ever since the beginning... even though we want to, it's hard to mix all of them into one only so that we can fight together.


Anna: Even if union is the most logical conclusion, our hearts are different. In this case, no one has their emotions fully aligned. Because of that, internal conflicts are bound to happen. Until they are aligned, it is impossible for us to achieve anything.


5T: Well, hearts are bound to changes every time. It's not like we understand that very well, but what we can at least comprehend how faulty your teamwork is and how you'll never achieve anything other than each other's deaths if you all don't take it more seriously.


Agni: Yeah, you're right. We have to reverse that, no matter what. I'm giving my 100% and beyond it to make sure everybody returns home.


Anna held Agni's hand and squeezed it. Once he looked at her, she beamed him a smile.



Anna: You already have my trust, support and love. I will always stand by your side, Agni.


5T: (How come they are so different? Anna's so open about it and Agni's too closed...)


13P: Well, we can't do magic, but we'll try our best in what we can do. Ain't that right, 5T?


5T: Correct. There are many things I want to know and I'm going to do it so.


Agni: Great. That's good to hear.


Agni: Light, I know that I lied twice to you when I should've just been sincere, but I want another chance. Whatever I know, I won't hide it anymore.


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MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Barthmont Palace Interior


9 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: Well, it's not like I have something against their kind. You know, there is an exception to me... I don't know why, but he is.


Lize: But... if you think they're somewhat important to us, then I'm not saying anything. Not going after him, though. I might end up skewering him if he takes my patience off.


At the end of her thought, Elizabeth giggled a little and looked at Idealis again.



Lize: Hehe... you're kinda fit to be the boss around us, Nemesis. I mean, I can't say I'll fully follow your orders since my contract is exclusive to him, but you seem diligent enough to make the decisions around here.

Idealis found herself caught off-guard by the statement.


Idealis: R-really?


She quickly shook her head.



Idealis: I-I mean, of course I am! I led a party of adventurers back in my world, and we were easily the most successful group of them all! We gathered so many relics that no other team was even close to surpassing us and were forced to work with us! If it wasn't for me, I'm certain they would've never gotten things done...



Idealis: ...like now, I bet...they must be worried sick about me...


Up ahead, a slowly creaking door could be heard opening, Hera looked back at them from it. She started to whisper.



Hera: Come, the Oracle is just within, but do keep your voices low; it seems that the royal family is currently sleeping.


Idealis glanced back at Elizabeth.



Idealis: ...but, thank you...for, y'know, the compliment.


Without another word on the matter, Idealis started to quietly walk towards the open door, her guard now up.



CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

9 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The Cyber Knight turns  a hard right and leaps of the the side. The other cyber knight, still on the ground has come around in front of the card slinger and lunged upward with his shield and sword in front at the card slinger.


???: There you are!


The card slinger quickly hopped back from the cyber knight's attempted swing, and threw three cards into the ground between him and the knight. He then proceeded to take off in the other direction, the cards appearing to not have exploded yet. He moved quickly in the hope that he would be able to speed under the falling knight above him and escape them scot-free.


9 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The projectile is sent back at the knights. They leap down as the projectile collides with edge of the roof. Pieces of it crumble down behind the Knight's as they follow the 2 Knight's ahead...

... meanwhile the 2 Knights are unavailable to intercept the black knight the game to or the Lucina. The 2 Knight's suddenly dart in the other direction.


???: Cautious. Keep your guard up; Knights of the Forsaken have gone another route.



???: I believe I know who they are going for, actually...and we should be meeting up with someone right about-


Suddenly, Barrier Girl popped out from behind a dumpster in the alleyway they were in.



???: Now!



???: Yes...now...


Without a moment to waste, the other girl started to follow behind them.



???: So, how come you're running away? I thought you wanted to beat them all up! I was gonna jump in and beat them up and we'd win!



???: One life too many at stake.



???: Ohh...so that new girl had to be saved!



???: Actually, no, she-



???: I knew you were going to find someone new!


She ran alongside Lucina, excitement in her eyes.



???: Hi, I'm-



???: This isn't the time for that!



???: But-



???: Just focus on covering all sides!


The barrier girl sighed and backed off, looking around as she did so. They would soon be out of the hellhole that was the slums.


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23 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Elizabeth Bathory


Lize: Are you sure you wanna go? Why do we need to look after him, anyway? It was his decision to play the crybaby.



He's still our ally. Even if you disapprove of the way he's acting, it still doesn't change the fact that he's still an important part of the team. His well-being is just as important as any of ours.


Artoria then continues on her way out of the castle and into city so she can find Magnum.

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As Flare continues his escort, he takes the time to reflect on what has happened so far. First was the matter of the mass teleportation of the outsiders to this world. This many at once wasn't just a coincidence. Who brought them here and why? This world was rather unusual to begin with. He had heard Ingrid once mention that it had mixtures of various worlds as well as something of a will of its own. Though, whether she was being serious or just screwing with him again was impossible to tell. Regardless, there were too many questions and little to no answers for them. Until more can be found out, they were at a dead end.


And then there's the situation at the slums. The place was pretty bad to begin  with despite the efforts to help improve the place. But things somehow got even worse in a hurry. There was Hakumen's speech. His words meant to rally the people of the slums, only question is why? The whole place was swarming with guards everywhere, far more than just for "keeping the peace". They also wore old royal guard equipment. When he overheard Hina mention things were bad for them as well as the casualties, that's when he was convinced that something was going on there. He thought back to Hakumen's speech as he mentioned the terrorists and showed them on broadcast. His escort mission seemed too easy for a place swarming with guards. Though he couldn't confirm it, he couldn't disregard the possibility that he may be lumped with the "terrorists" for helping Hina and Yui out. As the thought about this, his phone began to ring. He noted was one of his mecha maids contacting him.



"Flare here."


"Flare-Sama, most of the group has returned. They're in the lobby right now."



"They might want a quite place to begin planning their next move. Can you escort them to the meeting room while I get back."


"Understood. Escorting to Meeting room."


He put away his phone. He then realized that they were already at the exit. Though they moved quickly, it didn't feel like that much time passed. He must have been deeper in thought than he realized. He proceeded to climb up and out.



"Almost there, ladies."

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Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine, 5T and 13P


Byakuya: Oh my, where are my manners? I'm Byakuya.

(Byakuya's aura feels much more intense)


Byakuya: Pleasure to meet the people I've never met before.

(His aura then turns back to the way it was before)

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As the group in the lobby converse, one of the mecha maids approach them.



"Excuse me. Flare-sama has asked me to escort you to his Meeting room."



"I am aware that there are still others who have not arrived yet and will notify them when they do."

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10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Agni: Light, I know that I lied twice to you when I should've just been sincere, but I want another chance. Whatever I know, I won't hide it anymore.



I understand. I didn't initially feel any deception from Melina...I guess I make mistakes from time to time as well. But no one is perfect. Heh...not even an Angel apparently. I'm sure you had good reason to hold back. Possibly to keep the team calm in a situation that is obviously hectic. But don't worry...we're good, lil bro.


LightFlare looks down at Agni and Anna's clinched hands...he smiles...he begins to notice "something" is going on between his old friends...



I'm glad to see you and Anna are getting along so well...


10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Correct. There are many things I want to know and I'm going to do it so.



So...I guess you were telling the truth. Thanks for the warning. The names LightFlare. 



10 hours ago, A person said:


???: There you are!


The card slinger quickly hopped back from the cyber knight's attempted swing, and threw three cards into the ground between him and the knight. He then proceeded to take off in the other direction, the cards appearing to not have exploded yet. He moved quickly in the hope that he would be able to speed under the falling knight above him and escape them scot-free.


The first Knight that took a right lunged at the card slinger with his sword in a diagonal slash in order to slice him from his shoulder to his waist. The Knight who missed pointed his sword and shield downward as he descended aiming for his head. 2 of the Cyber Knights finally caught up the card slinger. 1 charged at the card slinger with his shield in front and his sword slashing at his leg. 1 lunged at the card slinger aiming at his right arm. The 2 Knights that abandoned the their previous targets were closing in on them as well.

10 hours ago, A person said:


???: Just focus on covering all sides!


The barrier girl sighed and backed off, looking around as she did so. They would soon be out of the hellhole that was the slums.


The Commander, black knight, barrier girl and Lucina would make it out of the slum...


9 hours ago, Sinjik said:

Agni Artwaltz, Anna Ametrine, 5T and 13P


Byakuya: Oh my, where are my manners? I'm Byakuya.

(Byakuya's aura feels much more intense)


Byakuya: Pleasure to meet the people I've never met before.

(His aura then turns back to the way it was before)



I'm LightFlare...


LightFlare give him a single head nod...


6 hours ago, Darkflare said:

As the group in the lobby converse, one of the mecha maids approach them.



"Excuse me. Flare-sama has asked me to escort you to his Meeting room."



"I am aware that there are still others who have not arrived yet and will notify them when they do."


That's our cue...


LightFlare follows the maid as he conversed with his comrades....



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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CANDOR CITY: Northwestern Slums

30 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

The first Knight that took a right lunged at the card slinger with his sword in a diagonal slash in order to slice him from his shoulder to his waist. The Knight who missed pointed his sword and shield downward as he descended aiming for his head. 2 of the Cyber Knights finally caught up the card slinger. 1 charged at the card slinger with his shield in front and his sword slashing at his leg. 1 lunged at the card slinger aiming at his right arm. The 2 Knights that abandoned the their previous targets were closing in on them as well.

The card slinger jumped back and towards the edge of the building they were on, seemingly teetering on the edge of his demise. He smiled at them before snapping his fingers, causing the three cards implanted int he ground to explode, causing the roof of the building to cave in where it occurred and for those around to be blown away, including him. Those less fortunate would find themselves falling into the building he just made a hole into.


Main Street


The four would finally escape the hellhole that was the slums, the commander huffing a single time.



???: Oh, how I wish that I had stayed and fought...


She was promptly interrupted by barrier girl walking over to Lucina and tapping her on her right shoulder.



???: Hi, I'm Penelope! I'm the-


The commander interrupted her again.



???: She is not a part of our team.


Her body was shrouded in light, which soon turned into a sudden flash which quickly faded away, revealing her normal self.



???: As far as we are concerned, she is simply someone we are saving from herself.



Penelope: But didn't she help us in a way? It'd be like a way to pay her back!



Penelope: Besides, just look at her! She'd fit right in with us!


The commander gazed at Lucina, then back at Penelope.



???: Somehow...I doubt that.



Penelope: But she's a super knight! 



???: What? Were yo-



Penelope: When she ran in, she was like "Haaaah!" And then swung the sword around like shing shing! And all of the guys got knocked away and stuff, and then she made a pose and was like "I saw that you were having problems so I came to help." It was so cool! She's totally a super knight!


The commander let out a long sigh.



???: Fine...but I can't just force her into the group. It's up to her in the end.


Immediately, Penelope ran over to Lucina, grasping her hand tightly.



Penelope: C'mon, join us! It'll be suuuper fun! We go on all kinds of cool adventures and stuff! You'll never get bored, I promise! But if you do...



Penelope: ...then I have ways of curing that.


She grinned at her. Her mouth may as well have been full of shark teeth with how obvious her plan was.



???: I hope you realize that that may be hurting your plan more than helping it...



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As Kyo, Kiryu and Morrigan walk down the street they see the entrance to the warriors hangout in sight


Kiryu: I see it its just up ahead


Kyo: alright the entrance looks pretty cool I guess but have you been to this place before Kiryu?


Kiryu: yeah once before it was nice great interior also


Morrigan: well I hope that's true I'm becoming quite tired of all this running around

As the three walked into the hangout Kyo and Morrigan say what's on their minds


Kyo: man you weren't lying this place looks awesome and there is a lot of maids around


Morrigan: I have to agree what a lovely place

 Upon saying that they head further into the hangout

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5 hours ago, A person said:

The card slinger jumped back and towards the edge of the building they were on, seemingly teetering on the edge of his demise. He smiled at them before snapping his fingers, causing the three cards implanted int he ground to explode, causing the roof of the building to cave in where it occurred and for those around to be blown away, including him. Those less fortunate would find themselves falling into the building he just made a hole into.


The 2 Knight's who lunged missed and fell into the whole created by the explosion. The 2 Knight's recovered and begin scanning the residents to see if anyone had been harmed. The 2 guards missed as the card slinger is flung ahead of them and landed on a car. They tuck and roll as they hit the ground. They slash their swords as particle slashes fly towards the card slinger. The remaining 2 guards arrive and head in the direction the card slinger landed. They head around the building in order to come back towards the card slinger.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Another Lost Knight

Track: Enemy Attack

Location: Catamar Heights - Road to Lake Epsilla

    A lone girl was running as fast as she could, have received a distress call from her partners as they've found out a wanted criminal...A traitor of their ranks. Suddenly, her communicator started ringing.


Girl: Yes?
Caller: Joyce! Where are you right now?

Girl: I'm almost there, what's up?
Caller: Then hurry up...our bullets aren't working against him. He took down most of the unit...

Joyce Jacks Vilude: No...
Caller: Come here in your Knight Mode at ready...Over and Out!

Joyce: Roger! (Commander...why are you doing this?)

   With a fierce look on her face, Joyce extended both her hands foward, an incantation.

Ethereal Flames, Heed my call and burn my soul! Forge me to be stronger than anyone!



   Suddenly, her whole form was covered into a tower of flame. Then, the tower dissapeared. She was wearing an entirely different uniform and was carrying a pair of swords.


Joyce: This is it... 

Location: Lake Epsilla


   As she arrived at the place though, she was already too late.

Track: Betting on the last guide


Joyce: No way...they are down already?
???: So the one they were calling was you.

Joyce: Commander!!!

   She readied herself, looking at the man wearing a dark armor with red markings. He was ready to stab one the last one he defeated, but decided to focus on Joyce.


Commander: Now that you've found me...I have no choice but to eliminate you as well.
Joyce: Do you have any idea of what you're doing? You of all people! The kind and caring commander that teached us a lot of things.


Commander: No matter what kind of feelings you have for another member, you have to cooperate with them no matter what.

Joyce: I see...so you've never cared about us from the beginning...

Commander: There's only one person that I care about...and I'm doing it for her sake.

Joyce: (Her?)

Commander: Enough talk...Come at me and I shall end you!

Joyce: Urgh...COMMANDER!!!


   She gripped tighly her swords, then charged at her former commander, dodging the Azure Edge's he fired at her. 


Joyce: You're mine! BLAZING TEMPEST!!!

    She did a foward jump while spinning, creating an wheel of flames. he in turn, countered by summoning a multitude of dark energy pillars around him.

Commander: Hexentia!!!

Joyce: Argh!!!

    Joyce managed to fall on her feet, trying to endure the pain of having collided with his attack.

Commander: You've certainly improved...
Joyce: All thanks to you...HYAAAAAAAA!!!!

    They started to exchange attack after attack. Her Commander having the advantage on the fight.

Joyce: Urgh...
Commander: It's all over for you!

Joyce: Not...Yet!!!

    Suddenly, she held her swords in reverse grip.


Commander: (T-That stance.)

    He was seemly distracted by it, seeing a familiar mirage behind the girl as she took the stance, giving Joyce the opening she needed, lunging at her Commander with a triple slash, getting behind him after the attacks connected.

Joyce: This is...My Resolve!!!

Commander: Tch!

    Then, she landed another lunge strike, switching back to a normal grip.

Joyce: Ritual of Annihilation!

    With an Cross Slash, she fired a multitude of energy slashes at her Commander. But all of a sudden, she felt herself being stabbed by something.

Joyce: ARGH!!! (This is...his spear?)

Commander: Don't ever...show that stance in front of me again!!!

   Then, he summoned a multitude of spears and started throwing them at her energy blades.




     As her attack was nullified, She was hit by the last strike and fell to the ground.


Track: Nothing can be explained

     She tried her best to get up, but the pain was too intense. She felt her head being stomped on. From her angle, she couldn't see her Commander's face, but she could tell that his transformation had reverted after he spent energy on his Form Destroyer.

Commander: This is the end.

Joyce: Co...mmander...
Commander: I'm surprised that you still call me by my rank.

Joyce: Maybe...It didn't...sink in yet...I'm just a fool...
Commander: That you are. Now then...It's time to...

Joyce: Who said anything...about...me...losing?
Commander: What?



   Since she couldn't use her body, she would use her magic instead to move. Joyce created an explosive flame that blew her commander away, then, she did what she could to be able to "fly" away from him, but she ended up falling in the water of the lake.

Joyce: (No...)

   She tried to swin up, but the pain was making it hard for her to move, only sinking deeper and deeper.

Commander: Hmph...Defiant until the end I see...You've never gave up no matter how many times you've failed. But...It's all over now. You won't have another chance.

   Then, he turned his back, ready to leave before the reinforcements arrived.

Oh yeah...I almost forgot.

    He pulled out a gun, and started shooting the soldier that he didn't finish off.

Commander: Everything...is for her sake...

   Meanwhile, Joyce realized that it was futile to keep trying to swim, if she tried to "fly" again, the pain would only interrupt her focus again. Accepting her fate, she closed her eyes in lament.

Joyce: (I guess....this is my end...Guess I shouldn't have decided to live a life like this...)

Joyce: (But...I don't regret it...I knew something like this could've happened...Yet I've choosen this path anyway...)

Joyce: (Sorry everyone...Guess we won't be together anymore...)

I never got confess to you huh? Seems that's one regret I'll be carrying with me...

   She closed her eyes, letting herself sink. Suddenly, Joyce felt like she was sinking way faster than normal, as if a strong force was pulling her. She turned her body in order to look below, only to some kind of dark sphere.

Joyce: (What is...)


     And then, her vision was taken over by darkness.



Location: House near the exit of the Slums


    A soothing hymm was being hummed, being lured by it's calming nature, the girl woke up from her deep slumber. She saw a man sitting by the window, looking at the road. She didn't say anything, just listening to the tranquil melody. It gave her a warm feeling, as if all of her worries were vanishing and only the good thought remained. Suddenly, he stopped humming and looked at her.



???: It's an old family tune. A real blast from the past. It's called the Hymm of Proof. It's supposed to be about longing to see someone. What do you think of it...Miss Joyce?


Joyce: Oh! Um...It's...rather soothing. I could listen to it all day sir.


???: You'd had to record it then, cause last time I sung this for too long, my throat was too sore.


Joyce: I see. I'll keep that in mind then...


Julius Will Kresnik: Oh yeah, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Julius Will Kresnik.


Joyce: Kres...nik? The name sounds familiar.


Julius: I see...If you don't reconize it right away, then Unitia City is doing a good job of forgetting that my clan ever existed.


Joyce: OH! THAT'S RIGHT!!!


     She finally woke up to reality, remembering the event of her fight against her Commander.



Joyce: Mister Julius, thank you for saving me, but I have to go.


Julius: Save? All I did was pick you up in the forest. Were you perhaps in danger?


    She was confused by his statement. She was sure that she was deep in a lake and not in a forest.



Julius: Why don't we calm down first? There's no need to panic. Do some breathing exercises. It will calm you down. Breath in! Breath out! In! Out! In! In! In! In! 


Joyce: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Julius: And exhale.


Joyce: Haaa! Cough...This sensation of not being able to breath brings me bad memories.


Julius: Something like this happened before? I'm sorry...


Joyce: D-Don't be...Well...I'll listen to what you have to say.


    Julius then, told Joyce that she's in Candor instead of Unitia. In exchange, she explained about her fighting with her Commander and how it ended with her almost drowning.



Julius: I see...Maybe someone else saved you, but couldn't take you to a shelter. When I met you, you were still soaking wet.


Joyce: Oh...


     She looked at herself, seeing that she was wearing a different set of clothes.



Julius: I'm sure no alibi will save me, so I'll apologize now.


Joyce: It's too late to complain since you've already done it...Besides, you carried me all the way to this place and treated my wounds, so I guess I should thank you.


Julius: Think nothing of it...Anyway, before you get too comfortable, you'll get in trouble if you're seen with me by the wrong people, so it's better that you leave now.


Joyce: Why is that?


    Instead of answering her question, he handled her a moderate quantity of Candor's currency, then pointed her to a bag with her belongings.



Julius: It would be better if you left without asking questions. Go back to your city and you'll have your answers.


       She judged his tone, knowing she wouldn't get an answer she would like if she insisted on the topic.



Julius: If we meet again...No hard feelings, okay?


Joyce: Sure...


    Suddenly, they heard loud footsteps, They both looked through the window out of reflex and saw Hugh carrying Ludger and Dante running with them.



Julius: It sure is loud today. A few moments ago I heard the scream of a girl...I'm surprised you didn't wake up from that. Anyway, Those two are from the same city as yours.


Joyce: R-Really?


Julius: Yes, I'm sure they'll reconize you.


Joyce: That's...Wait a second...How do you know they're...


Julius: Lady Joyce, what I told you about the questions? You will know when you meet them.


Joyce: Ooookay...


Julius: Anyway, I hope you have a nice trip.


    Julius showed her the door after she picked up the bag. She bowed in gratitude, then started following the group who was running away.



Julius: (Well...Seems like things will get pretty chaotic from now on...)


Julius: (Still...Vilude Family huh? If I remember correctly, they disbanded way before I was born and that they've erased every trace of their existence, including abandoning their traditions...I wasn't expecting someone to be still using that name when there are active Ancestors Families in the open.)


Julius: (There's also the fact that I've never heard of this girl before back at Unitia...did she join after I defected? And who is this new Commander who is also betraying the ranks? She talked about him as if they knew each other for quite some time even...just...)


     Suddenly, he sees Seila, who was also running, but in a different direction than Hugh's group.



Julius: Well...That can wait...I've got other chaotic stuff to deal with.


     He pulled out a pair of swords and held them in reverse grip. He had some business to treat with Seila.



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19 hours ago, Darkflare said:

As the group in the lobby converse, one of the mecha maids approach them.



"Excuse me. Flare-sama has asked me to escort you to his Meeting room."



"I am aware that there are still others who have not arrived yet and will notify them when they do."


Byakuya: Heheh, well that's progress.

(Byakuya follows Mech-Hisui)

23 hours ago, A person said:

MAGICAL KINGDOM OF VERVE: Barthmont Palace Interior

Up ahead, a slowly creaking door could be heard opening, Hera looked back at them from it. She started to whisper.



Hera: Come, the Oracle is just within, but do keep your voices low; it seems that the royal family is currently sleeping.


Seth: (The time has finally come, Oracle...)


Seth: (.....Something still feels off, and its hard to put aside.)


Seth: (But this feeling is about to come to an end. Either your with or against us. Only the road ahead has the answer that I seek)

(Seth has his fingers curled up, as if he was holding his weapons)

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Agni Artwaltz, Rokurou Rangetsu, 5T, 13P, Melina and Anna Ametrine



Agni: About us two, we're-


5T: Tell the details later. Let's head to this meeting room.


Agni: A-Alright.

Melina: Welcome back.


When Agni looked at the seats to his right, Melina waved unsincerely at them.



Melina: Have you taken a nice trip, Artwaltz?


Agni: Melina.


Anna: So she is the Sixth Bariura Princess, Melina...


5T: ...


Melina: What a beautiful conglomeration you have managed to reunite. Perhaps your words have brought them to your side as well.


Agni: I did nothing of the sort. Everyone came here by their own free will.


Melina: Say whatever you want. Your words and nothing are the same to me.


Anna: Your Highness, please, there is no need for anything of the sort. We wish to help you with this endeavor, so-

Melina: I have no trust for angels or anything that is related to the gods.


13P: And I don't trust a brat who can't get her head straight.


Upon hearing the words coming from 13P, she looked directly at the androids.



Melina: Excuse me?!


5T: Just because you are a princess doesn't mean you have to be judgemental of others. Who are you to say anything about them when you're the uncooperative kid here?


Anna: H-Hold on a moment... there is no need to mistreat her like this


Melina: Well, we have new sharp-tongued additions to this cast. The kind of people like you can clearly accuse others while doing something wrong yourselves. Maybe a mirror would help you watch better your twisted behavior.


13P: What is she, a sheltered little prick?


Melina: L-Little prick?!


5T: Agni, I clearly suggest for her to stay out of this. We don't need a backstabber around us.


Agni: H-Hey, don't go overboard with this. She's with us too.


13P: She doesn't seem like cooperating with us anyway, so why bother? After all, like 5T said, she's a real double-crosser that could easily leave us to die.


5T: That's only an presumption, but I'm certain that's close to what she really is. Our "Highness" might sell us to the enemy in a fingersnap if the situation is convenient for her.


Anna: P-Please, enough... we do not mind her distrust...

5T: But we do. If she's not going to be useful, then she should just leave.


13P: It won't make a difference. We don't need to watch a weakling like her, who's absolutely a stone in our shoes.


This was enough for Melina. Even though she never had pride as a princess of Bariura, her own self was being dirtied with words. Bearing her casual smile, she looked back at 5T and 13P.



Melina: ... You wish for me to be cooperative? Fine. I shall do it so. I heard enough coming from you two...


Melina: But as a friendly warning... sleep with your eyes open. Who knows what could happen in the night?


5T: Well then, humor me. It's a pleasure to think on how things will go, Princess Melina.


13P: And about sleeping with our eyes open... that's a cheap and dull way to threaten someone. So let's be a little more direct.


5T and 13P: Backstab us all and we'll kill you.


Melina: ...!!


5T and 13P left to follow the others that went ahead to the room.



Agni: Great, they hate each other. Wonderful way to start on making the team work together.


Anna: Your Highness, I am very sorry, we never meant to have things happening like this...


Agni: We actually don't mind if you're doubting us or not. You have reasons to, anyway.

Melina: ... Please, stop. Let us just go to this meeting room...


They followed the others who already went ahead. Rokurou just stood silent, while watching all the scene.


Elizabeth Bathory



Lize: (Finally. I was starting to think that my dress was going to fill with mana dust...)


Lize: (But I wonder why they're so concerned about this...)


Elizabeth followed Hera, Idealis and Seth to the Oracle's sanctum.





Lucina: Oh! W-Well, it is my pleasure, Miss Penelope.


Lucina: Well, I am glad I could help at some point. However, I must depart back to somewhere and warn my allies about a serious situation.


Lucina: ... On a thought, would it be better for you to come with me? I believe we can help each other and they will not refuse to do it so.


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