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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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As Kiryu walks further into the slums he passes many armed troops he walks passed minding his own business but then he thinks to himself


Kiryu: (there are waay to many guards here 2-3 maybe that would be okay but I have seen maybe a dozen and I haven't even left the street yet)

But just as Kiryu went to turn left into the next street. a group of thugs surrounded Kiryu from all sides. there were about 7 all up 4 in front 3 in back


Kiryu: (heh I'm guessing they are friends of those guys I beat up back in the public bathroom...this'll get messy)

 The men stared violently at Kiryu their stares were like knives. seeking to stab Kiryu although Kiryu wasn't affected by it. he then looks to the left and sees an old motorised Scooter then a sudden idea popped into Kiryu's head.


Kiryu: I'm gonna warn you all now if you try to attack at least know that. you might leave here with a few less teeth and broken bones

Group of thugs: oh yeah old man?, id like to see you try you old bastard. you are nothing. we outnumber you jackass!!

Kiryu shrugs his shoulders he then proceeds to walk over towards the scooter. lift it up and swing it at the group of young idiots smashing into 4 of them. the scooter crumbles into pieces only the front wheel is left now. Kiryu turns around and throws it at the 3 charging at him from behind.



Kiryu: I told you all that you were going to get hurt....does no one ever think about the warnings I give?

As Kiryu finishes his sentence however a knife stabs into his lower back. as it turns out there was an 8th guy hiding behind the corner Kiryu punches the guy in the face with his right hand and uses the left to pull the dagger out from his lower back. just as the thugs get and try to finish Kiryu off however a certain person arrived


????: does it really take all of you idiots to take on one man? although from what I've seen he is one badass old man heh


Kyo: if you don't want to end up as Charcoal id suggest you get the hell out of here NOW

As the thugs run away Kyo and Kiryu are left staring at each other in a empty street Kiryu. with a look of confusion on his face as to why he helped him and Kyo with a cocky smirk as always.




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 Kyo proceeds to walk towards Kiryu as he does he asks a couple of questions


Kyo: yo are you alright man? it looks like they got you real good. just who were they anyway?

Kiryu pulls out a bottle of water and proceeds to drink from it he then looks back at Kyo


Kiryu I don't know who they are but I think they might have wanted to get revenge for a couple of guys I beat up anyway thanks for the help and whats with the fire ability thing?

 Kyo ignited his index finger and started waving it as though to show off


Kyo: what you mean this? I guess the short version of the story is that it just runs in the family haha

Kyo then stopped and stared at Kiryu's wound and the blood patch on his suit


Kyo: so we should get that looked at I know you must be one tough bastard and all but we cant just leave it you'll be leaking all over the street

 Kiryu stops and thinks of a certain place


Kiryu: I know a place It shouldn't be too far from here its called the warriors hangout I'm sure they'd have medical staff or at least someone who knows how to bandage a wound


Kyo: well then lets go was looking for somewhere to sit and relax anyway heh

The two head back towards the warriors hangout with Kiryu grasping his wound and Kyo making sure he doesn't collapse in the street


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After a long run, he reached the facility. He took some breathes before going in.



5T: OK, I made it. This was a long run, indeed... Pod, terminate the halting order.

Pod: ... Affirmative.


5T: What's the actual situation of the slums?

Pod: Upon further analysis, the destruction managed to conver only 17% of the entire area, but it is rapidly increasing. The number of people outside dwindled by 96%.


5T: With the 4% remaining being composed by guards... at least those guys might leave soon.

Pod: Negative. Indicating locations on map.


5T: What?!


It was just as the Pod said... they haven't left. Rather, they were doing the inverse: coming this way. His warning was completely ignored as their curiosity seemed to take the best.



5T: Goddamnit, haven't I told those idiots to go back to this Warrior's Hangout that Rokurou and the kid mentioned?! Why the hell are they coming towards the OPPOSITE way?!

Pod: Analysis: it is a composure taken by the ego which is classified as "heroic". The strangers possess a level of curiosity regarding the situation and wish to investigate by themselves. Details inform that this data matches what YoRHa Unit 5T has described as "human ego".


5T: *sigh* Why humans must be so stupid and unreasonable to work with sometimes... now I have to defect earlier than planned and it'll have to become public...


5T: And don't call me as YoRHa!! I'm not with them, I'm against them!!

Pod: Affirmative. This Pod gives to Unit 5T its sincerest apologies.


5T: Whatever... I'll just go inside and present myself to our magnanimous leader.


5T went further the facility, walking towards the command room where Hakumen would supposedly be. He was seriously worried about the "heroic" actions coming from the groups, but demonstrating that would put him into a bad spot.




It's as she foretold. Her attack put her into a tight spot. In the instant they got close, he disappeared in the smoke and left her blind.



Melina: (Tch... I saw this coming... why did I take the risk...)


She wasn't able to see anything, the fog being too thick for her to even see the ground clearly. In the moment she could see something, two blinking lights appeared next to her. However, this was far from being a good sign.



Melina: B-Bombs?! No... his batons...!!


She tried to run, but bullets came towards her directions. She managed to evade them, but that stopped her from doing anything to escape the batons, which exploded in the next moment. Melina was sent back to the debris, the force making her go inside it.


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15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



Jude: Alright, NOW!!!



    Jude used his Snap Pivot in order to quickly get behind the monster.



Jude: My fists will open the heavens! Final Fury!!!


    Then, he unleashes a barrage of punches and kicks, with the last attack being a charged punch that would send the opponent away.


15 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team


Magnum and Elizabeth had their attacks fully evaded. Seraph, seeing that it was the right moment, went back to attack. Unsure if Jude's attack would work, he used the light he left floating.



Seraph: Type 2: Acceptance.


He slashed the light in an upwards motion. It went up, transforming in a white sword. After fixing itself in the air, it flew towards the enemy, with Seraph following it.

Fortunately, the slew of attacks would land without incident, the finishing blow being landed by Jude, which caused the creature to let out something sounded like it was supposed to be a yell, but it came out low and sounded more like machinery inside of it coming to an abrupt halt at the end of it. It fell backwards, then its whole body collapsed into a puddle of purple liquid. Idealis let out a sigh of relief.



Idealis: It's finally dead...what was with that thing?!


And she finally spoke about something else bothering her.



Idealis: And why do you guys announce your moves like that? Isn't that...I dunno...kinda counter intuitive? Can't the enemy figure out what to do when you do that?


It was apparent that she had forgotten all about Edward. Ignoring Idealis' commentary, Hera approached the puddle of liquid, and examined it, kneeling down by it to get a closer look. She did not touch it, however.



Hera: ...so this was the result of their experiments...


She stood up and looked towards the group.



Hera: I believe we should continue, before another of those abominations shows up.


She approached Edward's body and pointed her runeblade at it, an arcane orb forming around it and lifting it up into the air.



Hera: I also believe we can find somewhere to bury Master Thompson once we arrive, unless you would prefer for the burial to be here.


Being reminded of Edward's death, Idealis let out a sigh, her mood visibly slipping into darkness.

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17 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



Yui: Pleased to meet you...


    Even though she knew that Muireann's true self couldn't hear her, Yui decided to say it anyway. Then, she decided to run away from the area. Her new resolve being to find this "witch" who put a seemly kind woman into a emtionless machine of destruction.

As she ran off, the knight would throw her spear straight at her back, aiming to pick her off from a distance as opposed to pursuing.

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5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Whatever... I'll just go inside and present myself to our magnanimous leader.


5T went further the facility, walking towards the command room where Hakumen would supposedly be. He was seriously worried about the "heroic" actions coming from the groups, but demonstrating that would put him into a bad spot.


As 5T approached Hakumen's room, two guards stood at the door. They both saluted and opened the door. Inside Hakumen and Ocelot were discussing the current situation.



Well...what a pleasant surprise. YoRHa No. 5 Type T. To what do I owe the pleasure?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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He never liked them. He knew they never liked him either. 5T never obeyed them, not even once. He was useful, but not trustworthy. The android never trusted them. It's hard to believe they work together...



5T: Pleasure? Keep it to yourself. I'm just here to make myself present, nothing more.


Audience Team


They listened to the complaints. While Seraph remained quiet, Magnum explained awkwardly.



Magnum: Uh... well, that's normal for me. I always spoke up like that and I never minded. If it bothers you, I'll stay quiet...


Lize: I'll stay speaking them. It's part of me as an Idol.


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28 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



He never liked them. He knew they never liked him either. 5T never obeyed them, not even once. He was useful, but not trustworthy. The android never trusted them. It's hard to believe they work together...


5T: Pleasure? Keep it to yourself. I'm just here to make myself present, nothing more.



Indeed. If seems that our soldiers are not fairing as well against the terrorists. But I'm told one has been...disposed of. A few have even fled but the bulk of them are still at large. Any reports?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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39 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Audience Team


They listened to the complaints. While Seraph remained quiet, Magnum explained awkwardly.



Magnum: Uh... well, that's normal for me. I always spoke up like that and I never minded. If it bothers you, I'll stay quiet...


Lize: I'll stay speaking them. It's part of me as an Idol.

Idealis shook her head quickly.



Idealis: You don't have to stop if it's like a second nature to you! I was just curious about it, since we never did it in our world. Although, there were chants for spells...

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6 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



It's as she foretold. Her attack put her into a tight spot. In the instant they got close, he disappeared in the smoke and left her blind.



Melina: (Tch... I saw this coming... why did I take the risk...)


She wasn't able to see anything, the fog being too thick for her to even see the ground clearly. In the moment she could see something, two blinking lights appeared next to her. However, this was far from being a good sign.



Melina: B-Bombs?! No... his batons...!!


She tried to run, but bullets came towards her directions. She managed to evade them, but that stopped her from doing anything to escape the batons, which exploded in the next moment. Melina was sent back to the debris, the force making her go inside it.



"Did I got her? ...Nice. Hehehe."


Kirimuri approaches the debris where Melina is sent flying to and pulls her out from the carcasses of the collapsed house. He holds her back-to-belly, lifts her carefully... then does a back-crushing suplex on her.



"Take that, you spoiled brat. That's for gazing knives past my face multiple times and poking my cheek with a sharp knife while I was asleep. Pss."


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4 hours ago, A person said:

She approached Edward's body and pointed her runeblade at it, an arcane orb forming around it and lifting it up into the air.



Hera: I also believe we can find somewhere to bury Master Thompson once we arrive, unless you would prefer for the burial to be here.



Jude: Let's bury him elsewhere...He deserves better...


19 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



I'm not leaving. These guys are hunting us down and getting away with it. They don't operate like the Royal Guards at all. If they truly are a division of the Royal Knights, then why do they hunt us down like animals? That guy may be telling the truth about Agni, but he could also be just protecting the other guy. At least Agni has a chance. There's no telling how many soldiers the rest of the teams may be up against. I can't just leave. Even if it means getting to the bottom of this myself...I have to keep going. I want to....


Before LightFlare could finish his sentence, he caught a glimpse at a tv the window of a department store. It was showing images of the Carnage, as well as highlight's of the speech. It gave the location of where the broadcast was comming from. He decided he knew his next move.



I'm heading north. There's a facility that seems to be the base of all this. I had heard of it but never stuck around long enough to know what it was for. They must have been planning this for a long time. If you're comming now's the Time...



Ryuko: It's settled then...Those guys will pay for messing with the dragon.


Etomo: We're following you there.


19 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



5T: If you don't want to face the same fate as him, leave and go back to the Warrior's Hangout. I'll give you all the necessary information there, so just go.


5T dashed right ahead back to the facility to the north. Despite Hakumen never knew about his intentions and his cooperation wasn't truly presentable at any moment, he had to make sure that the concerns about him wouldn't extend too much.



Hugh: Wait...who was that kook?


Ludger: I don't know...but what he said worries me.


Hugh: I see...What do we do now?


Ludger: Let's try gathering everyone first.


Hugh: Alright...I have Hina's number so I'll call her.


20 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Let's just hope these guards aren't suicidal enough to try and fight me. Do you remember where you were before? It's our best chance."



Hinamori: Seeing how they ignored Yui's warning, I'm pretty sure they are quite suici-




      Suddenly, Hinamori's phone started ringing. She quickly picked it up.



Hinamori: H-Hello?


Hugh: Hey...How's things going over there?


Hinamori: Bad...


Hugh: Same here. Let's gather at the rendezvous point.


Hinamori: When I find Yui and the others, I'll go there.


Hugh: (What does she mean by that? Did she get separated?) Okay, good luck.


     Then, the phone call ended.


3 hours ago, A person said:

As she ran off, the knight would throw her spear straight at her back, aiming to pick her off from a distance as opposed to pursuing.



Yui: (Another attack from behind...This is really becoming a trend...)


Track: Golden Covenant


Awaken! The sword of my heart...


    She stops in her tracks then turns around, her spear gone and her hands holding a bright light.





       With a swing ((link is mostly for sound effect sake)), the light forms into a sword-shaped form, repelling the lance away almost with ease.



       The light disperses, revealing a golden-colored blade, The Inherited Holy Sword of the Celest Family. While Yui is at her strongest when she's using Light Magic, she's still not completely used to it and tends to get tired fast despite her high capacity of mana.



Yui: (I'm glad I didn't use this before I knew she was being mind-controlled...) Sorry...I can't die here...I still have a lot of things left to be done..Including bringing you back.


     Then, she proceeded to run away once again.



Yui: (Tommy...Mirfah...Goodbye...)



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11 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Jude: Let's bury him elsewhere...He deserves better...

Idealis nodded in agreement.



Idealis: He was the most reasonable one of his group, so it'd fit...


Hera smiled, trying to brighten the mood.



Hera: Do not fret; I am certain he was returned to the world which he belongs to, and has most certainly been greeted with joy! Now, let us move on.


Hera turned away, carrying the body in the orb in front of herself and started to move on.



Hera: (Unless the Oracle used another spell...if he is the one responsible for these events; I doubt he would be so willing to steal from the populations of other realms, even in a seemingly hopeless situation...)


Idealis suddenly spoke up, a serious look upon her face.



Idealis: Wait...where's Percival? 


She looked around, growling.



Idealis: How could he run off at a time like this...dammit!


She was tempted to yell for him, but seeing as how the fighting might've done enough to give their position away already, it wasn't a very good idea at this point. She started to follow behind Hera, looking around on occasion to see if she could spot Shovel Knight as they made their way to Verve. Hopefully he would turn up soon, otherwise, it was safe to assume that he was dead as well.

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52 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: (What does she mean by that? Did she get separated?) Okay, good luck.


     Then, the phone call ended.


As soon as the call ended a single shot went through the air hitting Frank in the head. He fell to the floor without a sound...



(Kill confirmed...relocating...)


The unknown sniper quickly moves to another location...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Investigation Team 1



Alright, then. I'm right behind you guys.


Investigation Team 2






Great, things just went from bad to worse...


Audience Team



I think it'd be best to bury him elsewhere. I think we should focus on getting to our destination above anything else right now.


After hearing Idealis point out Percival is missing, Artoria briefly checks around.



What? Where could he have went to?



Great, we just lost one member, and now another is missing.


Artoria and Emiya follow Hera along with the others, and keep a look out for Shovel Knight, hoping to find him while continuing along their path.

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Agni Artwaltz and Rokurou Rangetsu


They kept walking towards the streets, asking directions to where the Warrior's Hangout is. They managed to get to a familiar area, where Agni could begin to remember the way.



Agni: Alright, we're close to the Hangout now.


Rokurou: ... Now that I think about it, I think someone saw us.


Agni: Really?! And you just decided to say it now?!


Rokurou: Don't worry. The kid's not so much on their side. He's practically like me, joined for his own reason.


Agni: But what if he throws us away? They might come after you when the whole thing begins...


Rokurou: Even if he does, I think he has an idea of defecting as well. The kid never liked all of this to begin with. If he's doing anything, it's just playing along so he can reach his goal.


Agni: What's his name?


Rokurou: Uh... what was he called? YoRHa No. 5... Type T?


Agni: A YoRHa android?!


Rokurou: Wait, android? Are you saying that he isn't human?

Agni: No, he isn't. He's a model of an android project crated by humans in another world... but 5T? I never heard or read about that model before...


Rokurou: He's really uncooperative so I don't know anything either... he's a total mystery...


Rokurou: I guess the only thing I can say is that I heard he managed to actually stay in par with the guy who's leading that...


Agni: You mean... that guy appearing everywhere and decreeing war against the country?


Rokurou: Him alright. But damn... if that's true, this 5T guy is a force to be reckoned with.


Agni: I just hope he gets on our side and not against it...





5T: Give me a break... two of them are already dead and I don't know what the rest are doing. By the way, I only saw one person leaving and he had Rokurou's help to do it so.


5T: Is that all you wanted to know? Good. Can I head back now? Standing in the same space you two do disgusts me in levels that my Pod can't comprehend.




The suplex did damaged her... yet she decided to take advantage of the advantage she gave him.



Melina: ... Spoiled? No, no... and let me tell you another thing...


She separated herself into many butterflies and reformed herself back in air, holding her scarlet knife while the other ones floated in the air. Some of the butterflies transformed into knives. She had one in her hand, 14 around her..



Melina: This fight is far from over! I will not lose so easily to a perverted, peanut-brained, worthless assassin like you! And just to account, if you do not wish knives near you, do not examinate my bust as if you have the free right to do it so!


Melina descended quickly, ready to attack him. His cocky attitude has gone for too long, even though she was enjoying eveything.


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As the audience team made their way through the forest, the air around them grew colder, and spotty patches of snow were visible upon the ground. The lighting was also beginning to get brighter as the trees started to slowly become sparse. Wanting to carry out her duty as a maid, Hera proceeded to speak up.



Hera: We are about to enter the Regalis Snow Plains; are you able to handle to cold, Mistress Bathory? If required, I may be able to use my flames to give you warmth. I also extend the offer to you, Mistress Furtivus.


Idealis shook her head quickly.



Idealis: N-no, I'll be fine, I promise! I've done this a million times!



Hera: Mmm? You must imagine that I will do something...uncouth, judging from your reaction. Have you, per-



Idealis: I'll be fine, dammit! 


Hera let out a hearty chuckle.



Hera: Very well, Mistress Furtivus; I shall no longer press the matter.


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3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Ryuko: It's settled then...Those guys will pay for messing with the dragon.


3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Etomo: We're following you there.


2 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:


Alright, then. I'm right behind you guys.



Good. I don't exactly trust the man from before. But we definitely have to be alert. The ground is gonna be crawling with guards. However, the person that took Kyosuke out is most likely on high ground. Given all the obstacles, it might be difficult for a sniper to strike from ground level, but not impossible. Still, since we will be already watching things on the ground we might as well cover all our bases. Keep your eyes peeled and your head on a swivel. Where heading North...


LightFlare and the others head north. Meanwhile at the Knight's Facility...


44 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Is that all you wanted to know? Good. Can I head back now? Standing in the same space you two do disgusts me in levels that my Pod can't comprehend.




Watch your mouth you arrogant little brat of an Android!



That's enough Ocelot!






That is all Type T. You are dismissed.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Melina: ...worthless...





Kirimuri panics as soon as Melina appears on top of him, but that word echoed in his ear. It reminded of his tragic past...


???: "You worthless piece of shit! You can't even protect your family. Now they're all dead... Hahaha!"


???: "Worthless animal. You have no right to stay on the same land like us! If you're willing to lick my shoes then smash your head with this rock, I might be considerate enough to give you a few pennies..."


???: "I might find some use for you worthless trash. Perhaps your fine physique and your decent face can be valuable... in the brothel."


Those harsh sentences were a part of his emotional scars...



"Say that again."


Being already tired and dizzy, that single word completely enraged him. Kirimuri took off his coat, mask and hat and prepares for his ultimate attack...



"This is the final straw..."


The assassin is prepared to bring Melina down with him; he didn't care whether she had 15 knives or a million knives flying straight at him. The only thing in his mind right now is to bring her down.





His rational, reasonable and logical self is still there... But the anger has pushed him off his limits, and he's going to take risks...


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5T: Finally... you can't say how happy I get when I don't need to look at your face.


He turned and left the room, going back to the entrance. He had to meet them again and warn them about what lies behind the doors at least.


Audience Team



Lize: Well, about the cold...


Magnum: If you can't handle it, maybe you should head back and-


Lize: What?! Are you making fun of me again?!


Magnum: N-No, I was just being-


Lize: I retract what I said! I don't mind it, let's go!




Melina's Theme: Necrologic Rise (Liz Triangle)


When she saw his enrage, Melina became a cluster of butterflies and returned back to the debris, sitting on a rock as if everything have ended.



Melina: I see... so the word "worthless" triggers a bad memory in you and rage takes over...


She had an idea the world sees her as nothing but a cruel girl that takes all as her playthings. However, somehow, Melina managed to sympathize with Kirimuri. She let out a sigh and looked at him.



Melina: ... Enough. I am tired of this. Victory is yours. I may not be the best person ever, but I know the moments when I have to stop.


Melina: I liked to play with you because I find intriguing how you derived from your usual calm, lacklusting demeanor to someone who raised an inner desire to kill. Besides, when a girl has her body stared by a man, is it not normal for her to act in self-defense?


Melina: ... Jokes aside, I know the feeling of being worthless. I abandoned Bariura for that very reason. You may have received love from your parents when you were younger, but I never did. All the king wanted was to dominate demonic power and I was just one of his "little" tools to do it so. When I stopped being useful to him, he tossed me away. And then I left.


She giggled a little, and returned to smile.



Melina: Hehe... I do not know why, but losing seems satisfying today. If I had won, maybe things would have been worse.


Melina: Now, as your prize, what would you like me to do? Seeing if I can get you a back massage or do you wish for me to hunt a beautiful maiden so you can date with her?


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2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Melina's Theme: Necrologic Rise (Liz Triangle)


When she saw his enrage, Melina became a cluster of butterflies and returned back to the debris, sitting on a rock as if everything have ended.



Melina: I see... so the word "worthless" triggers a bad memory in you and rage takes over...


She had an idea the world sees her as nothing but a cruel girl that takes all as her playthings. However, somehow, Melina managed to sympathize with Kirimuri. She let out a sigh and looked at him.



Melina: ... Enough. I am tired of this. Victory is yours. I may not be the best person ever, but I know the moments when I have to stop.


Melina: I liked to play with you because I find intriguing how you derived from your usual calm, lacklusting demeanor to someone who raised an inner desire to kill. Besides, when a girl has her body stared by a man, is it not normal for her to act in self-defense?


Melina: ... Jokes aside, I know the feeling of being worthless. I abandoned Bariura for that very reason. You may have received love from your parents when you were younger, but I never did. All the king wanted was to dominate demonic power and I was just one of his "little" tools to do it so. When I stopped being useful to him, he tossed me away. And then I left.


She giggled a little, and returned to smile.



Melina: Hehe... I do not know why, but losing seems satisfying today. If I had won, maybe things would have been worse.


Melina: Now, as your prize, what would you like me to do? Seeing if I can get you a back massage or do you wish for me to hunt a beautiful maiden so you can date with her?


Kirimuri snaps out of his rage and becomes calm again.





He sits down on a pile of debris nearby and lets out a sigh.



"Listen... When people calls me worthless, they aren't completely wrong. Since I was a kid, I was extremely dependant on my parents... I never really excelled nor failed at anything. When my family was killed, I just simply ran away without looking back."



"Sometimes I thought to myself... What would have happened if I never got this power? What would I have become today? If luck never smiled at me, I would have never become what I am right now. Maybe I wouldn't be alive at this point."



"The only way I coped with the past is to ignore it. I didn't forget it and I never will. I just simply ignore it and move on. What's happened has happened. Time is indifferent but it can be ultimately generous as well."



"When you told me of your past, I didn't give two damns or a fuck. I prefer judging people by their present actions rather than judging them by what they did in the past."


Kirimuri stands up and stretches his back for a bit.



"Anyways, we should be heading back now. I'd love to have a nice back massage after this."


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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


5T: Finally... you can't say how happy I get when I don't need to look at your face.


He turned and left the room, going back to the entrance. He had to meet them again and warn them about what lies behind the doors at least.



(I gave you one last chance...and you failed)


Before 5T could leave a group of guards swarmed him, surrounding him and blocking the exit. They aim at 5T. Hakumen and Ocelot enter the area...



"5T" is it? When I asked was there anything else to report...you seem to have conveniently left out the part where you called of the guards and conversed with the enemy...TWICE! I know because the man who killed the two "terrorists" witnessed the whole thing. He has been watching you all for me. I have given you too many chances...but that ends here. FIRE!


The guards all fired at 5T...







Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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5T was surrounded. It was like a shooting gallery, with him being only target left for the big prize. With many acrobatic movements, he managed to evade the bullets. Then, he removed his sword.



5T: You think that your human guards will stop me?!


BGM: Bipolar Nightmare -FalKKonE Remix- (NieR: Automata)


Suddenly, 5T crouched and disappeared. Soon, a multitude of slashes began to attack the guards all at once. After that happened, he reappeared quickly on the same position he was before.


Battle Properties: YoRHa Unit No. 5 Type T


5T fights with a variety of close-ranged weapons. Due to being an android built to fight, he has faster reflexes and is stronger than a normal human. The Pod covers the long-range fighting, having weapons installed as Pod Programs. Also, he has other supportive skills equipped on him as Plug-In Chips. The Type T models are expert in hacking, so 5T can hack into machinery and even on himself. He has a special mode called Restoration Mode which heals his own systems and raises his defense, but greatly reduces his attack.



  • Terrible Destiny (Small Sword): 5T's default weapon. Increases defense and evade range.
  • Fang of the Twins (Great Sword): Has a higher AoE, but it's slower than Terrible Destiny. Increases attack and destroys enemy bullets.
  • Dragoon Lance (Spear): Has a higher reach, but less AoE than Terrible Destiny. Increases defense and raises aerial damage.
  • Demon's Cry (Combat Bracers): They are faster, but are limited in AoE and reach than Terrible Destiny. Increases attack speed and adds additional attack at the combo's end.

Plug-in Chips

  • OS Chip (Main): The main program for 5T to work. Removal means death.
  • Ranged Attack Up (Attack): increases the power of Pod's bullets.
  • Melee Defense (Defense): slightly reduces melee damage taken.
  • Ranged Defense (Defense): slightly reduces projectile damage taken.
  • Evade Range Up (Support): increases rage of attack evasion.
  • Bullet Detonation (Support): once they collide, both Pod's and enemy's bullets explode

Pod Programs

  • R010: Laser: shoots a powerful laser at the direction the Pod is aiming.
  • R020: Mirage: allows 5T to vanish and deliver a series of deadly slashes at surrounding enemies.
  • A090: Wire: launches a laser wire at a foe or location. If it hits, 5T is sent immediately towards that direction.
  • A120: Repair: emits a beam that heals self or allies in its radius. Only one usage per battle.
  • A140: Gravity: unleashes a blast that draws enemies near its radius.

5T: Pod!!


The small flying robot opened himself, revealing its weapons. He charged energy and shot a laser and the facility entrance's door, opening a hole into it. 5T dashed towards the hole and gave a single glance back at Hakumen and Ocelot.



5T: You'll never attain victory. Because since you decided to attack me, this means our alliance is over. Those "terrorists" you're so fond to destroy are stronger. They will learn the whole truth behind your little scheme, unless you eliminate me.

Pod: Analysis: Victory has an unacceptable levels of risk. Proposal: cancel all operations.


5T: Heh. Even my Pod knows you're going to fail. That's to show how unprepared you are, Forsaken "Hero".


5T returned to run away. He had to leave the slums immediately. Even if the others were still inside, he had to make sure he would live. After all, he has the information of the whole war they are planning so the guards will have all focus on him.





Melina: Very well then. Let us see if the Mech-Hisui will do such thing... if not, unfortunately, it will have to be me.





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3 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


"Anyways, we should be heading back now. I'd love to have a nice back massage after this."


12 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Melina: Very well then. Let us see if the Mech-Hisui will do such thing... if not, unfortunately, it will have to be me.

As if on cue, the Mech Hisui that lead them to the arena would suddenly appear.



"Are you done with your duel? If so, I will have to ask you to exit the arena. The infirmary is in the top floor if you require medical assistance."

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