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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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6 minutes ago, A person said:

The guard nodded his head slightly.



Burly Guard: See to it that it doesn't happen again, and everything will be fine.


He proceeded to step away from the storefront and towards an intersection.

Tommy smiled.



(cheerfully) Okay, sir! I love you! 

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The next to approach the Warrior's Hideout are the three Heroic Spirits, and Joseph.



Well, it looks like we've finally arrived at our destination.


As they near the building, they spot some familiar faces standing outside the entrance.

@Mister Fael



Waiting for the rest, I presume?



Y'know, that could end up taking quite a while...

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afterwards came Lucina


Normal.png Sorry I'm late...and for Lancer's information, I have my reasons to why I was late (looks at her Falchion) alright...I just re-newed this armor..at a reasonable price...hopefully it won't break, knowing how deals end up turning some times....(looks at Saber) hey, I forgot to introduce myself to you...I am Lucina (stretches hand) hopefully we can be good friends

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LightFlare and SK arive at LightFlare's home...


We're here. Come with me. I've been gone for some time. I gotta check things out and fresh'n up. Have seat and watch some if you want. I be back out I a moment. How ya feeling?




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, OxyontheWolf said:

f9eac2d40a.png?width=273&height=250 Worried about the consequences our acts will bring after attacking guards, of course! (sheathes shovel) although something was...off about those guards


Those weren't city guards. I don't know who they were, but they weren't here when I left. I thought there might be guards here, but not those guys. They were acting on their own accord. There's a bus stop nearby. When we leave we'll use your invisibility to get to it and catch a ride to The Warrior Hangout. I've gotta figure out what's going on but I may have to return when the heat dies down. I've gotta fresh'n up first. I'll be back... @OxyontheWolf


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah


Magnum approached the entrance and the other groups. As he went there, Elizabeth, Mirfah and Lucina have arrived.



Magnum: Oh, so there you all are! You guys took your time.


Lize: ...


Mirfah: ...


Magnum: Eh? What's with the sad moment? Also, where's Agni?

Lize: Still with Tommy...

Mirfah: He's coming back soon...


Both stopped talking, just sulking as they waited for anything to happen. Magnum was confused, since Mirfah and Elizabeth were usually more active than this.



Magnum: Geez, aren't these two dead as hell... what happened back there?


Agni Artwaltz


Seeing how things worked well, Agni gave Tommy a pat in the shoulder.



Agni: Alright, you did it! Now, let's head back to the others.


Agni: And hey, how 'bout some of your guitar? I want to hear it.





Melina: ... Very well then. I must have been really stupid. Lead the way then, sir Kimimuri.


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3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Agni Artwaltz


Seeing how things worked well, Agni gave Tommy a pat in the shoulder.



Agni: Alright, you did it! Now, let's head back to the others.


Agni: And hey, how 'bout some of your guitar? I want to hear it.

Tommy smiled, before pulling out his guitar.



This one's called "1979"... one of my all time favorite songs...


BGM: 1979

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Warrior's Hangout


As the group awaited the arrival of the other party members, a series of footsteps could be heard approaching them, the clicking being more evident as they got closer.They cleared their throat, then spoke up with a loud voice, trying to speak over everyone else in an attempt to get their attention.



???: My, oh my, it seems that it has finally gained the attention that it deserves!

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Another begins to approach the Warrior's Hideout. This time, it's the red man that Mirfah met earlier on. He takes notice of the large group standing at the entrance.



This place seems to be attracting an unusual amount of attention today.


As he says that, he spots a few familiar faces in front of the building.



Huh, it seems they've beat me here.



Man, that's quite the group they're in.

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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:




Melina: ... Very well then. I must have been really stupid. Lead the way then, sir Kimimuri.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Come with me."


Kirimuri leaves the abandoned church and heads to the main street. He can spot a fairly nice café by the intersection, but he decides to go to a bank to convert his money into the currency that this city is using.

He enters the bank, approaches the banker then asks:


portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Excuse me... I come from a distant nation and I don't have any of these Pompadallions that you guys have, is it possible if I can get some by exchanging these?"


He pulls out a pouch of money and proceeds to pour some silver coins on the table. 




e_by_duckmann18-dbk1a0y.png"Heretics... HERETICS! YOU HERETICS SHALL BE SLAUGHTERED!"


Emilia yells as she spoke, then ends with a sadistic laugh. She gazes upon the windows with her demonic eyes...



...Then she declares:

imageproxy_by_duckmann18-dbk3y1j.png"My Kami-sama has bestowed this power upon me. Under his name, I will slay all the infidels and make this world a better place!"


She finishes by glowing bright like the sun then shoots a ray of light which hits the pillar and makes it collapse.


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@Tony Redgrave @OxyontheWolf @Agni Blackheart


    While still blaming herself for putting Hugh in a bad mood, she decided to leave him be for now and greet the people who were arriving.



Yui: Oh...Hello again guys.


Hinamori: Welcome back.


Ryuko: That cozy crowded feeling is coming back again.


Etomo: That's a thing you have?


Yui: Just a few more and I guess we'll be ready to enter.





Hugh: ...


Elle: Hey! Blue Guy!


Hugh: What is it?


Elle: What got you so upset all of a sudden?


Hugh: I don't want to talk about it.


Elle: C'mon! You can tell me. I can keep secrets.


Hugh: Grrrr....


     Hugh couldn't bring himself to scream at Elle, so he decided to give him.



Hugh: I don't have fond memories of my father...actually, I don't have much memories of him AT ALL! He's a jerk, that's all you need to know.


Elle: I thought all daddies were supposed to be nice guys.


Hugh: But mine isn't...That's all there is too it.


Elle: I see...Okay then, I won't tell anyone that your daddy is a big doo doo. It looks too embarassing for anyone to know. Must be tough to have a daddy that you can't brag about.


    Hugh smiled wryly. Elle's innocence had lifted his mood a bit. He took a deep breath, thinking of a way to apologize to Yui since knew she mentioned his father by accident, but then...


18 hours ago, A person said:

Warrior's Hangout


As the group awaited the arrival of the other party members, a series of footsteps could be heard approaching them, the clicking being more evident as they got closer.They cleared their throat, then spoke up with a loud voice, trying to speak over everyone else in an attempt to get their attention.



???: My, oh my, it seems that it has finally gained the attention that it deserves!



Hugh: Huh? What do you mean by that?


Elle: Who's that weirdo?



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1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:


Hugh: Huh? What do you mean by that?


Elle: Who's that weirdo?


The mysterious person proceeded to step into the light, making themselves visible to the group. It was a seemingly young girl with sharp red eyes and long blonde hair with two hairpieces that looked to have red gems embedded into them. She was wearing rather revealing clothing for a normal citizen, though the warmth currently filling the air would give reason to wear such clothing. It, too, had red gems upon it, each one giving off a dim red glow, and seemed to be trimmed with gold. Draped around her, or, rather, floating around her, was a celestial robe, something only those of high rank or power were able to earn, alluding to her status. Her sword, which she had planted into the ground, seemed to be made of a mysterious golden material similar to the one her clothing had, though it seemed to have an entirely different luster as it sparkled like it was made of glitter instead of having a flat shine. Mixed in with it was a red metal as well, most likely painted to be that way, though the lack of luster made it difficult to determine what metal it was exactly. She sent a brief, but sharp glare at Elle before clearing her throat.



???: Oh, ho, ho! I see you are both unfamiliar with me! Allow me to properly introduce myself, then. I am...


BGM: Mother Trinity







Goddess of the Celestial Blade





Rosalind: But you may refer to me as "Riva", if you so desire. That is a name I commonly go by, anyhow.


She showed a warm smile to the duo.



Riva: As for what I mean...you see, perhaps I simply came at times that were not very active, but every time I have come here, there was nary a soul in sight! The only company I have had are the maid robots who act as the caretakers for this place, and, allow me to say: they do not make for great sparring partners. So, I decided to come at an earlier time, and it seems I was not at fault in doing so!


She then takes a glance at everyone's faces, a judging "Hmm" escaping her vocal chords.



Riva: However, this also piques my curiosity...few of you look familiar to me to begin with, soooo...you there!


She pointed a finger at Magnum.



Riva: You seem like you are of the leading type...would you care to introduce yourself and your friends to me?


She proceeded to repeat a previous action and show a warm smile to him, trying to ease the pressure she had just placed upon him.


(@Agni Blackheart)

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The doors slide open as someone steps out to take of the commotion. He was known as the owner of the place.



"Huh, finally made the time to come early. Is it impossible for you to not announce your presence every time you come here?"

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Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah


The sudden appearance of Riva has surprised them somehow. They haven't fully noticed her in the shadows and when she approached, the first one to think about her was...



Lize: (What's with this girl? She's so weird... Oh god, I'm sounding like Magnum...!)


Lize: (Hold on... is this the way how he sees me?!)


Mirfah: (She's been staring at this Riva person for a while... is something wrong?)


Once Riva introduced herself and explained somethings they couldn't make heads or tails at the moment, she pointed towards Magnum, requesting him to introduce all of them.



Magnum: Me? Uhh... OK? Angel Commander Magnum Alexandria of the Multiversal Heaven at your service. As for the others they are...


*inserts a long introduction of all names*



Magnum: And that's about everyone.

Agni: Don't forget us.


When Magnum looked back, there were Agni and Tommy right behind him.



Magnum: AGH!! Agni?!


Magnum: What are you trying to do, kill me with a jumpscare?! Make yourself noticeable!


Agni: No. That aside, why did I have some sort of deja vu moment?


Soon, someone else came from inside the place towards Riva. He seemed like the owner of the place.



Agni: (Is that the owner of this place? He seems rather powerful.)


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48 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Magnum: AGH!! Agni?!


Magnum: What are you trying to do, kill me with a jumpscare?! Make yourself noticeable!


Agni: No. That aside, why did I have some sort of deja vu moment?


Hey, guys! I'm back! Did you miss m -





You fucking idiot! Don't just run away like that!



B - but I -



Do you have any idea how worried I was!? I thought someone had killed you!



B - but I was just helping -



I don't care! Don't run off like that ever again!

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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LightFlare finishes changing clothes and comes out ready to go...



Well, SK. You ready to head out? The bus stop is down the street, but we'll need to get there. I may be able to get by, but they'll get immediately recognize you. So we need to get there first. Let's activate the invisibility now and head out the door...


LightFlare puts his and out to SK...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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23 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

f9eac2d40a.png?width=273&height=250 I would do that, but I'm out of magic! fear not, the Troupple King taught me how to distillate water to obtain essence, but it's a long process, give it one or two hours


If all you need is distilled water, I've got some in the fridge.


LightFlare shows SK the distilled water in his fridge..



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Just now, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


If all you need is distilled water, I've got some in the fridge.


LightFlare shows SK the distilled water in his fridge..




f9eac2d40a.png?width=273&height=250 That's not how it works, Light! I need the water in its purest state, I bought some with me...I'm almost done...almost...there, enough magic for the Phase Locket to work properly (opens the Relic, and pours the magic inside it) you ready?

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21 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

f9eac2d40a.png?width=273&height=250 That's not how it works, Light! I need the water in its purest state, I bought some with me...I'm almost done...almost...there, enough magic for the Phase Locket to work properly (opens the Relic, and pours the magic inside it) you ready?



LightFlare grabs the artifact and becomes invisible.



Ok! Quickly follow me! 


LightFlare leads SK out the door...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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14 hours ago, A person said:




Riva: As for what I mean...you see, perhaps I simply came at times that were not very active, but every time I have come here, there was nary a soul in sight! The only company I have had are the maid robots who act as the caretakers for this place, and, allow me to say: they do not make for great sparring partners. So, I decided to come at an earlier time, and it seems I was not at fault in doing so!



Hugn: Sparring partners? Are you here to pick up a fight with us or something?


14 hours ago, Darkflare said:

The doors slide open as someone steps out to take of the commotion. He was known as the owner of the place.



"Huh, finally made the time to come early. Is it impossible for you to not announce your presence every time you come here?"



         Yui noticed something slightly familiar about him.



Yui: Eh? You're...


       But after a closer look, she noticed the hair color was different.



Hinamori: What's wrong?


Yui: No...for a moment, I thought he was Mister Genjuro.


Ryuko: That guy from your story huh? Do they really look alike?


Yui: Well...I guess they do. Maybe he's strong as well.


Etomo: He does look tough. I can tell you that much.


14 hours ago, A person said:

She pointed a finger at Magnum.



Riva: You seem like you are of the leading type...would you care to introduce yourself and your friends to me?


7 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Magnum: Me? Uhh... OK? Angel Commander Magnum Alexandria of the Multiversal Heaven at your service. As for the others they are...


*inserts a long introduction of all names*




Yui: Hi there Riva. Nice to meet you!



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