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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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The three Heroic Spirits, along with Joseph, raise their guards, in preparation for potential incoming attacks. Lancer can now be seen holding a red-colored Spear, while a pair of twin blades, on black and the other white, form in Archer's hands. Saber is holding the invisible sword once more, while Joseph is wielding a rather unusual choice of weaponry: a pair of clackers.



Seems we're unable to catch a break today.



Alright, who's ready for a challenge?

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Battle #1


BGM: The Angels Foretell Their Demise -GBA Version- (Riviera: The Promised Land)


A gunshot could be heard. A bullet was shot near the monster attacking Hugh.


Agni: Good, we managed to reach on time!


Agni and Magnum were the first ones to arrive from the group. They looked at the monsters surrounding them.



Agni: Ready, Magnum?


Magnum: Ionic Armor charged and ready to attack!


Agni: Let's focus on the support! Let those who attack go at will



Agni: Changing Paradigm to Synergist!!

Magnum: Changing Paradigm to Sentinel!!


Both angels split up and went through different directions. Because many of them were attacking, they decided to stay on the back and attack only if needed. Agni stood near Hugh's team while Magnum rushed to help the ones at the front lines.



Agni: Focus on your surroundings and don't lose hope! Vigilance!


Using his ability, Agni boosted his surrounding allies' readiness, allowing them to evade and attack with more ease.



Magnum: Try to pass against this wall! Steelguard!


Magnum generated a shield and stood there as a bait. He kept himself ready for the incoming attacks.



Agni Artwaltz's Skill List

Final Fantasy XIII: Paradigms (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Final_Fantasy_XIII_abilities)
Commando: Blitz, Launch, Ruin, Ruinga
Ravager: Fire, Fira, Firaga, Army of One
Medic: Cura, Esuna
Synergist: Protect, Shell, Haste, Vigilance

Under Night IN-Birth: Skill List
Reload: Agni reloads the bullets of his guns.
Black Bullet: Agni shoots a quick bullet enveloped in dark fire.
Blazing Fission: Agni shoots a bullet into the ground and a fire pillar emerges.
Shadow Step: Agni evades a hit and moves through the darkness.
Karma Collider: Agni sets a dark fire trap in air. Once the enemy get closes to it, it explodes.
Infinite Worth "Obelisk Fusillade": Agni shoots frantically to all directions. Suddenly, targets appear randomly at space. Targets hit by bullets explode into dark fire.
Infinite Worth EXS "Bahamut Arcfolia": Agni locks his opponent in a magic circle and summons Bahamut. He rides it to the distant space and the dragon begins charging Mega Flare. Agni generates a dark scythe, jumps in front of Bahamut's jaw and the dragon uses his power. Enveloped by Mega Flare, he descends like a meteor, slashes his foe once and swallows him in a giant black fire explosion.


Magnum Alexandria's Skill List

Final Fantasy XIII: Paradigms (http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Final_Fantasy_XIII_abilities)
Commando: Blitz, Launch, Ruin, Sovereign Fist
Sentinel: Steelguard, Entrench, Vendetta
Saboteur: Deprotect, Deshell, Imperil, Dispel

Under Night IN-Birth: Skill List
Charge: Magnum charges himself with electricity, boosting up his powers once. Can only be used one time per battle.
Ionic Discharge: Magnum shoots a sphere of electricity from this gauntlets.
Ionic Surge -20% Engage-: Magnum rams at the foe with the current electricity charged in his armor.
Ionic Punt: Magnum uses a electricity-charged roundhouse kick and sends the enemy away..
Infinite Worth "Ionic Surge: 100% Engage": Magnum charges himself with electricity and rams the enemy. After a while, he punches them and sends them away with a powerful shockwave.
Infinite Worth EXS "Adrammelech Genealogia": Magnum locks his opponent in a magic circle and summons Adrammelech. He charges himself with electricity and attacks his opponents with a barrage of punches and kicks. He then launches the foe to the sky and orders the Esper to use Judgement Bolt. An enormous thunder swallows the foe, dealing massive damage.


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12 minutes ago, Sinjik said:

(Seth threw a shadow like sphere at the creatures, attempting to hit them. The attack would go at random due to the loss of some of his abilities.)

ezgif-4-e180f4c133.png  Houkou no Segment!



Hinamori: Huh?


     Seeing the dark projectile almost close to her, Hinamori shielded herself haphardly and took the hit, knocking her on the ground.



Hinamori: Urgh...



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15 minutes ago, A person said:

The creature danced to the right of his thrust and, using the close quarters to its advantage, proceeded to try and throw the lantern at him...


...only for it to explode within its grasp, causing the flames to shroud it. Having no other choice, it proceeded to charge directly at Tommy, its arms out as though it were getting ready to hug him. 

Tommy's blade came back to him; he proceeded to slice at the creatures' arms in an attempt to cut its arms off.



Thanks, ma'am!


@A person cmon bro

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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4 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Hinamori: Huh?


     Seeing the dark projectile almost close to her, Hinamori shielded herself haphardly and took the hit, knocking her on the ground.



Hinamori: Urgh...

ezgif-4-f135aad0ad.png (Tch.  Darn this restraint)  Are you alright?

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10 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:

The three Heroic Spirits, along with Joseph, raise their guards, in preparation for potential incoming attacks. Lancer can now be seen holding a red-colored Spear, while a pair of twin blades, on black and the other white, form in Archer's hands. Saber is holding the invisible sword once more, while Joseph is wielding a rather unusual choice of weaponry: a pair of clackers.



Seems we're unable to catch a break today.



Alright, who's ready for a challenge?

It seemed as though one of the creatures was feeling rather brave as it threw its lantern out at the quartet and charged at them, its knife out in front of itself.


9 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Battle #1


BGM: The Angels Foretell Their Demise -GBA Version- (Riviera: The Promised Land)


A gunshot could be heard. A bullet was shot near the monster attacking Hugh.


Agni: Good, we managed to reach on time!


Agni and Magnum were the first ones to arrive from the group. They looked at the monsters surrounding them.



Agni: Ready, Magnum?


Magnum: Ionic Armor charged and ready to attack!


Agni: Let's focus on the support! Let those who attack go at will



Agni: Changing Paradigm to Synergist!!

Magnum: Changing Paradigm to Sentinel!!


Both angels split up and went through different directions. Because many of them were attacking, they decided to stay on the back and attack only if needed. Agni stood near Hugh's team while Magnum rushed to help the ones at the front lines.



Agni: Focus on your surroundings and don't lose hope! Vigilance!


Using his ability, Agni boosted his surrounding allies' readiness, allowing them to evade and attack with more ease.



Magnum: Try to pass against this wall! Steelguard!


Magnum generated a shield and stood there as a bait. He kept himself ready for the incoming attacks.



The creature was hit hard by the bullet, sending it face-first into the ground, though it still managed to slowly pull itself up, albeit stumbling as it did so. Nemesis' target creature spotted this and proceeded to raise up its lantern, the red flames upon the ground beginning to get pulled into it, causing Nemesis to back off from it. However...


9 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Hinamori: Huh?


     Seeing the dark projectile almost close to her, Hinamori shielded herself haphardly and took the hit, knocking her on the ground.



Hinamori: Urgh...

...her attention was soon brought to Hinamori.



Nemesis: Hina!


She immediately ran to the girl's aid. Her allies' well-being was far more important than ensuring that the creatures were all dealt with.

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LightFlare tenses up a bit...


(This is why I didn't wanna hang around too late...)





LightFlare physically assaulted the slow moving creatures crippling them with pinpoint  strikes... Leaving them immobilised.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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The four back away a small bit so they can avoid being too close to the fire caused by the lantern.



Seeing as we have no safe options for putting this out, our best choice is to try to kill this creature quickly before the fire spreads too much for us move ahead.


Archer throws his two swords out from his sides, hoping for them to home in on the creature, as if they were similar to boomerangs. Meanwhile, Joseph keeps a close eye on the creature as it comes closer, almost as if he's planning an attack on the creature.



Ah, looks like someone was up for it after all!

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54 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:


Yomi: (Starting to get a little crowded in crowded here.) I doubt these monsters can understand you, so I recommend to ask the questions later.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."I know that's going to happen either, I only said that to feel less... bad when I end its life."


52 minutes ago, A person said:

Meanwhile, another one of the creatures proceeded to throw its lantern at the smoke-producing male, the red flames lashing out from the open sides of it.

battle_stance__by_duckmann18-dbjmnv4.png"Nice! You are very straightforward!"

He quickly retaliates by using fire to fight fire; he blows smoke from the other end of his staff at the fire coming out from the lantern, giving the image of a pest control expert exterminating invasive species with chemical weapons. The white phosphorus in the smoke can reach up to 5000°C. The lantern is instantly extinguished then destroyed at the moment of the contact. However, the range of this skill is too short to reach the attacking creature.



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1 hour ago, Tony Redgrave said:

The four back away a small bit so they can avoid being too close to the fire caused by the lantern.



Seeing as we have no safe options for putting this out, our best choice is to try to kill this creature quickly before the fire spreads too much for us move ahead.


Archer throws his two swords out from his sides, hoping for them to home in on the creature, as if they were similar to boomerangs. Meanwhile, Joseph is watching the creature as it nears. Meanwhile, Joseph keeps a close eye on the creature as it comes closer, almost as if he's planning an attack on the creature.



Ah, looks like someone was up for it after all!



The lantern hit the ground, spilling the flames onto it which began to spread out like a liquid trying to fill a non-existent void until they began getting pulled into the sole remaining lantern in the area, leaving a slightly darker spot on the trail where the flames burned for a short while. Meanwhile, the creature used its knife to deflect one of the swords only for the other to sink into its torso and knock it over, though it quickly flipped back onto its feet and yanked the weapon out as though it felt no pain, now wielding it in its previously free hand. It pointed both at Joseph menacingly.

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39 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."I know that's going to happen either, I only said that to feel less... bad when I end its life."


battle_stance__by_duckmann18-dbjmnv4.png"Nice! You are very straightforward!"

He quickly retaliates by using fire to fight fire; he blows smoke from the other end of his staff at the fire coming out from the lantern, giving the image of a pest control expert exterminating invasive species with chemical weapons. The white phosphorus in the smoke can reach up to 5000°C. The lantern is instantly extinguished then destroyed at the moment of the contact. However, the range of this skill is too short to reach the attacking creature.



Upon seeing the lantern vanish within the smoke, the creature proceeded to charge straight at the male, swerving around to the right of the smoke as it saw that it was just a cloud of death and destruction, and attempting to get behind him.

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LightFlare continues his attack but notices his attacks are ineffective...



(What's going on...they seem to...)


Just as LightFlare was I shock of the creature quietly strikes him from behind...






LightFlare crumbles...



The creature attacks again...



(Not this time..)


LightFlare dodges the attack and immediately counters...





The creature is sent flying.... @Darkflare @Agni Blackheart



(That seemed to work...these creatures aren't like anything I've faced. It's as if he absorbed my attacks...and some how dealt the range I return... But how?) Agni?? Hisui?! What do you make of this?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Now with the flames wrapped within the lantern, the creature that pulled them in proceeded to thrust its knife into it before pulling it out, red flames shrouding the blade. It glanced at the injured Hinamori and proceeded to thrust the weapon in her general direction, a stream of red fire being shot at her and anyone around her from the knife.

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16 minutes ago, A person said:

The lantern hit the ground, spilling the flames onto it which began to spread out like a liquid trying to fill a non-existent void until they began getting pulled into the sole remaining lantern in the area, leaving a slightly darker spot on the trail where the flames burned for a short while. Meanwhile, the creature used its knife to deflect one of the swords only for the other to sink into its torso and knock it over, though it quickly flipped back onto its feet and yanked the weapon out as though it felt no pain, now wielding it in its previously free hand. It pointed both at Joseph menacingly.



Well, wasn't expecting you to end up with two blades...



Well, no matters. I also can duel wield!


Joseph pulls out the other pair of clackers he owns. The spheres on both pairs can be seen lighting up; a result of him transmitting Hamon into them so the blows will be deadlier. Meanwhile, while the creature is focused on Joseph, Saber fires a wind-based projectile towards it with a swing from her sword.

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18 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:



Well, wasn't expecting you to end up with two blades...



Well, no matters. I also can duel wield!


Joseph pulls out the other pair of clackers he owns. The spheres on both pairs can be seen lighting up; a result of him transmitting Hamon into them so the blows will be deadlier. Meanwhile, while the creature is focused on Joseph, Saber fires a wind-based projectile towards it with a swing from her sword.

Unaware of the location of the third, the creature found itself being blown over by the projectile, landing upon its right side and laying there for a moment as it was wounded still.


25 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

Before the Mecha maid could respond to Light's question, she activated her thrusters to head in front of Hinamori trying to get there in time to put up a barrier to protect her.

Nemesis noticed the flame blast coming and quickly tried tackling Hinamori out of the way of it, taking herself along. Fortunately, the mecha maid would be able to put up a barrier in time to block the blast, the flames fanning off into random directions and landing upon the ground. Seeing that it failed to target the injured, the creature proceeded to shove the dagger into the lantern once more and thrust it at Hugh, sending another red flame blast in his direction. Nemesis looked over at Hisui and nodded.



Nemesis: You're a lifesaver, Hisui! We probably would've gotten cooked if you hadn't protected us!


She looked over at Hinamori, a silent way of asking if she was okay.

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22 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

Before the Mecha maid could respond to Light's question, she activated her thrusters to head in front of Hinamori trying to get there in time to put up a barrier to protect her.


(Dang...no time for talk...) 


Another creature comes at LightFlare...








LightFlare fires a blast directly at the creature lunging at him...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Kiryu and Morrigan watch the chaotic fight from the side

8FL0fu0.png-well this is pure chaos there is fire everywhere and we are getting attacked by little green creatures? good grief

yKv0cc3.png-don't you think we should help out somehow you seem to be able to handle yourself in a fight kiryu


ODWi1vy.png-well I can fight quite well but regardless of that we cant just jump in any reckless actions could have dire consequences and besides unlike you I'm a human I burn easily and I know better than to just jump into a LITERAL burning ring of fire



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8 minutes ago, A person said:

Unaware of the location of the third, the creature found itself being blown over by the projectile, landing upon its right side and laying there for a moment as it was wounded still.


Nemesis noticed the flame blast coming and quickly tried tackling Hinamori out of the way of it, taking herself along. Fortunately, the mecha maid would be able to put up a barrier in time to block the blast, the flames fanning off into random directions and landing upon the ground. Seeing that it failed to target the injured, the creature proceeded to shove the dagger into the lantern once more and thrust it at Hugh, sending another red flame blast in his direction. Nemesis looked over at Hisui and nodded.



Nemesis: You're a lifesaver, Hisui! We probably would've gotten cooked if you hadn't protected us!


"Move the injured away from them."


The mecha maid proceeded to target the creature's lantern as she shot an eye beam at it.

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6 minutes ago, A person said:

Unaware of the location of the third, the creature found itself being blown over by the projectile, landing upon its right side and laying there for a moment as it was wounded still.



Nice! That certainly makes my job easier.


Joseph gets near the now grounded enemy, and is prepared to unleash a barrage of swings from his Hamon-infused clackers.

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Just now, Darkflare said:


"Move the injured away from them."


The mecha maid proceeded to target the creature's lantern as she shot an eye beam at it.

Without a word, Nemesis proceeded to carry Hinamori away from danger, following the maid's orders to a T. The lantern was hit by the eye beam, causing the extreme flames within to shroud the creature and turn it into what was essentially a living fireball. It began to charge towards the party, intent on setting the others ablaze, a trail of red flames being left behind by it.

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7 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(Dang...no time for talk...) 


Another creature comes at LightFlare...








LightFlare fires a blast directly at the creature lunging at him...

The creature proceeded to dash to the right of the blast coming directly at it, and charged straight for him, its knife in front of itself.

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2 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy's blade came back to him; he proceeded to slice at the creatures' arms in an attempt to cut its arms off.



Thanks, ma'am!


@A person cmon bro



He would only manage to cut off one of its arms before it tried to wrap the other around him, the red flames beginning to soak into his clothing and begin burning them quite quickly if it managed to succeed.

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