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New Job Openings


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With the way I've been acting lately I don't think my chances are very good. But, I can be a very fair and understanding person and I've always wanted the chance to show I'm mod-material:

--Has been doing MUGEN since 2008 (and knows a good deal of coding)

--22 years old.

--Has social connections on steam

--Knows a good deal about trading

--Has earned friends through mutual understanding.

Not sure if these help, but this feels like a real job application and I'm treating it like one. I hope you guys find what your looking for.


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@RobotMonkeyHæd If I might throw in my 2 cents here, I can understand the two social media positions & collections curator, but I don't feel that the global moderator position is something we should be handing out freely. Imo, it should be an internal position amongst existing staff, as not only do they have moderator experience from being a local mod first, but that they've shown themselves capable of handling the position of global moderator. Global mods are a pretty high position with a lot of power and responsibility associated with it, and not something I would just hand out unless I knew the person I was giving it to proven themselves to be capable of the position. I'd suggest opening a position for local mod first and then promote to global mod as needed, it would be more effective in the long run.

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1 hour ago, Ricepigeon said:

@RobotMonkeyHæd If I might throw in my 2 cents here, I can understand the two social media positions & collections curator, but I don't feel that the global moderator position is something we should be handing out freely. Imo, it should be an internal position amongst existing staff, as not only do they have moderator experience from being a local mod first, but that they've shown themselves capable of handling the position of global moderator. Global mods are a pretty high position with a lot of power and responsibility associated with it, and not something I would just hand out unless I knew the person I was giving it to proven themselves to be capable of the position. I'd suggest opening a position for local mod first and then promote to global mod as needed, it would be more effective in the long run.

That's what i was thinking, if you had a Local/low level position open I would like to apply for that.

If not, you should favor already experienced mods to give a promotion! (And then maybe look for local mods)

That's just my opinion, and again good luck with the search!


EDIT: Maybe I don't have a say on who I feel is fit for a position but, I honestly feel CoolAnimeHustler would fill the collections position really well, this guy IMO needs some kind of title because I've seen only good things coming from him.


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@Ricepigeon I would prefer to promote a board moderator to global mod, and if any of the board mods express interest in the position, they're far more likely to get it.  I did ask staff about 2 weeks ago if anybody had suggestions for the g-mod position, and nobody said anything.  But if any of you, gui0007, Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ, Big Green would like the g-mod position, please do say so.  Or even if you'd like to move to a different board mod title, that works too.  Now would be a good time too, if that's something you want.  It's going to be about a week before we make any final decisions anyway, so you have some time to think, and staff will have some time to talk over all of the decisions before anything is finalized.

And to everyone, in the mean time, please don't take any lack of a response from staff as a no.  We're just going to let everyone express their interests before we choose.  
Partially to maximize our options, and make the choice that will most help the forum, and partially so that going forward we have a sense of who's interested in what positions. 



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3 hours ago, RobotMonkeyHæd said:

@Ricepigeon But if any of you, gui0007, Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ, Big Green would like the g-mod position, please do say so.


I would if I wasn't already a gmod :P.


But on a more serious note, I'm happy to hear that that was your preference. This is something that needs to be carefully considered, after all.

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Yes, absolutely.  It'll be thoroughly discussed and decided on collectively by everyone on staff.
And if it winds up taking us longer than a week to come to a group decision, that's fine.
It's just a projected time frame, not like a deadline of any sort.

I have to say too, it's been really great to see so much interest so far. 



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